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  <%= _("Annotations are so anyone, including you, can help the requester " \
          "with their request. For example:")%>

  <% if [ 'waiting_clarification' ].include?(@info_request.described_state) %>
    <li><%= _(' Advise on how to <strong>best clarify</strong> the request.')%></li>
  <% end %>

  <% if not [ 'successful', 'partially_successful' ].include?(@info_request.described_state) %>
    <li><%= _(" Link to the information requested, if it is <strong>already " \
                "available</strong> on the Internet. ")%></li>
    <li><%= _(" Suggest <strong>where else</strong> the requester might find " \
                "the information. ")%></li>
    <li><%= _(" Offer better ways of <strong>wording the request</strong> " \
                "to get the information. ")%></li>
  <% end %>

  <% if [ 'successful', 'partially_successful' ].include?(@info_request.described_state) %>
    <li><%= _(' <strong>Summarise</strong> the content of any information returned. ')%></li>
    <li><%= _(" Say how you've <strong>used the information</strong>, with " \
                "links if possible.")%> </li>
      <%= @info_request.user_name ?
        _("<strong>Thank</strong> the public authority or {{user_name}}.",
              :user_name => h(@info_request.user_name)) :
        _("<strong>Thank</strong> the public authority or the requester.")
  <% end %>

  <% if [ 'partially_successful' ].include?(@info_request.described_state) %>
    <li> <%= _("Suggest how the requester can find the <strong>rest of the " \
  <% end %>

  <% if [ 'successful', 'partially_successful' ].include?(@info_request.described_state) %>
    <li> <%= _("Point to <strong>related information</strong>, campaigns or " \
                 "forums which may be useful.")%></li>
  <% end %>

  <% if [ 'gone_postal' ].include?(@info_request.described_state) %>
    <li> <%= _("A <strong>summary</strong> of the response if you have " \
                  "received it by postal mail. ")%></li>
  <% end %>

  <% if [ 'not_held' ].include?(@info_request.described_state) %>
    <li><%= _(" Ideas on what <strong>other documents to request</strong> " \
                "which the authority may hold. ")%></li>
  <% end %>

  <% if [ 'rejected' ].include?(@info_request.described_state) %>
    <li> <%= _("Advise on whether the <strong>refusal is legal</strong>, " \
                  "and how to complain about it if not.") %> </li>
  <% end %>

  <% if [ 'internal_review' ].include?(@info_request.described_state) %>
    <li> <%= _("<strong>Advice</strong> on how to get a response that will " \
                  "satisfy the requester. </li>") %>
  <% end %>

  <% if [ 'error_message' ].include?(@info_request.described_state) %>
    <li> <%= _("You know what caused the error, and can <strong>suggest a " \
                  "solution</strong>, such as a working email address.")%> </li>
  <% end %>

  <% if [ 'requires_admin' ].include?(@info_request.described_state) %>
    <li> <%= _("Your thoughts on what the {{site_name}} " \
                  "<strong>administrators</strong> should do about the request.",
               :site_name=>site_name) %> </li>
  <% end %>
<% content_for :public_warning do %>
  <%= _('Annotations will be posted publicly here, and are ' \
              '<strong>not</strong> sent to {{public_body_name}}.',
              :public_body_name => h( %>
<% end %>