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<% @title = _('Too many annotations') %>

<h1><%= @title %></h1>

  <%= _('You have hit the rate limit on annotations. Users are ordinarily ' \
        'limited to {{comment_limit}} annotations per day.',
        comment_limit: User.content_limits[:comments]) %>

  <%= _("There is a limit on the number of annotations you can make in a day " \
        "because we don’t want the site to be bombarded with " \
        "large numbers of inappropriate annotations. If you feel you have a " \
        "good reason to ask for the limit to be lifted in your case, " \
        "please <a href='{{help_contact_path}}'>get in touch</a>.",
        help_contact_path: help_contact_path) %>

  <%= _('There is also a limit on the speed at which you are able to create ' \
        'annotations. Please try again later if you have not hit your daily ' \
        'limit.') %>

<% if @comment %>
    <%= _('Here is the message you wrote, in case you would like to copy ' \
          'the text and save it for later.') %>

  <div class="comment_in_request box">
    <div class="comment_content"><%= @comment.get_body_for_html_display %></div>
<% end %>