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<% @title = _("FOI email address for {{public_body}}", :public_body => h( %>

<h1><%= _('FOI email address for {{public_body}}',:public_body=> public_body_link(@public_body))%></h1>

  <% if @public_body.is_requestable? %>
    <%= _('{{site_name}} sends new requests to <strong>{{request_email}}</strong> ' \
             'for this authority.',
          :site_name => site_name,
          :request_email => h(@public_body.request_email))%>
  <% else %>
    <% if @public_body.not_requestable_reason == 'not_apply' %>
      <p><%= _('Freedom of Information law no longer applies to this ' \
                  'authority. Follow up messages to existing requests are ' \
                  'sent to <strong>{{authority_email}}</strong>.',
               :authority_email => h(@public_body.request_email)) %>
    <% elsif @public_body.not_requestable_reason == 'defunct' %>
      <p><%=h %> no longer exists.
        <%= _('Follow up messages to existing requests are sent to ' \
              :authority_email => h(@public_body.request_email)) %>
    <% elsif @public_body.not_requestable_reason == 'bad_contact' %>
      <p><%= _('We do not have a working request email address for this ' \
    <% else %>
      <% raise _("unknown reason" + @reason) %>
    <% end %>
  <% end %>

  <% if @public_body.has_request_email? %>
    <%= raw(_('If the address is wrong, or you know a better address, ' \
              'please <a href="{{url}}">contact us</a>.',
              url: new_change_request_body_path(body: @public_body.url_name).
                html_safe)) %>
  <% else %>
    <%= raw(_('If you know the address to use, then please <a href="{{url}}">' \
              'send it to us</a>. You may be able to find the address on ' \
              'their website, or by phoning them up and asking.',
              url: new_change_request_body_path(body: @public_body.url_name).
                html_safe)) %>
  <% end %>

<div id="stepwise_make_request_view_email" class="stepwise_make_request_view_email">
    <% if @public_body.eir_only? %>
      <%= _("<a href=\"{{new_request_link}}\">Make a new EIR request</a>" \
            " to {{public_body_name}}",
            :new_request_link => new_request_to_body_path(:url_name => @public_body.url_name),
            :public_body_name => h( %>
    <% else %>
      <%= _("<a href=\"{{new_request_link}}\">Make a new FOI request</a>" \
            " to {{public_body_name}}",
            :new_request_link => new_request_to_body_path(:url_name => @public_body.url_name),
            :public_body_name => h( %>
    <% end %>