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Test Coverage
<% if @is_owning_user || @old_unclassified %>
  <%= form_for(:classification,
               url: classifications_url(url_title: @info_request.url_title),
               method: :post,
               html: { id: "describe_form_#{id_suffix}" }) do |f| %>

    <% if @is_owning_user %>
      <h2><%= _('What best describes the status of this request now?') %></h2>
    <% else %>
        <%= _("Hi! We need your help. The person who made the following " \
              "request hasn't told us whether or not it was successful. " \
              "Would you mind taking a moment to read it and help us keep " \
              "the place tidy for everyone? Thanks.") %>
    <% end %>


    <h3><%= _('This request is still in progress:') %></h3>

    <%= render partial: 'request/state_transition',
               collection: @state_transitions[:pending],
               locals: { id_suffix: id_suffix } %>

    <%= render partial: 'general/custom_state_transitions_pending',
               locals: { id_suffix: id_suffix } %>


    <h3><%= _('This particular request is finished:') %></h3>

    <% if @info_request.described_state == 'internal_review' %>
      <p><%= _('The <strong>review has finished</strong> and overall:') %></p>
    <% end %>

    <%= render partial: 'request/state_transition',
               collection: @state_transitions[:complete],
               locals: { id_suffix: id_suffix } %>

    <%= render partial: 'general/custom_state_transitions_complete',
               locals: { id_suffix: id_suffix } %>

    <% if @is_owning_user %>

      <h3><%= _('Other:') %></h3>

      <%= render partial: 'request/state_transition',
                 collection: @state_transitions[:other],
                 locals: { id_suffix: id_suffix } %>
    <% end %>


      <%= hidden_field_tag 'last_info_request_event_id',
                           id: "last_info_request_event_id#{ id_suffix }" %>

      <%= submit_tag _('Submit status') %>

      (<%= _("and we'll suggest <strong>what to do next</strong>") %>)
  <% end %>
<% else %>
  <% if !@info_request.is_external? && !@old_unclassified %>
    <%=  _("We don't know whether the most recent response to this request " \
           "contains information or not &ndash; if you are {{user_link}} " \
           "please <a href=\"{{url}}\">sign in</a> and let everyone know.",
           user_link: user_link(@info_request.user),
           url: signin_url(r: request.fullpath)) %>
  <% end %>
<% end %>