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This document has notes on switching your Alaveteli theme to use
the Rails asset pipeline.

Firstly, add the following to your `lib/alavetelitheme.rb`, in
order to add the subdirectories of your theme's `assets`
directory to `config.assets.path`:

    # Prepend the asset directories in this theme to the asset path:
    ['stylesheets', 'images', 'javascripts'].each do |asset_type|
        theme_asset_path = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),
        Rails.application.config.assets.paths.unshift theme_asset_path

In the root of your theme, create these directories:

     \ images
     \ stylesheets
     \ javascripts

i.e. `assets` is at the same level as `lib` and `locale-theme`.

Move any image files from `public/images` to `assets/images`.
Now change any references to those images with a literal `<img>`
tag to use `image_tag` instead.  For example, instead of:

    <img src="/images/helpmeinvestigate.png" alt="" class="rss">

... you should have:

    image_tag('helpmeinvestigate.png', :alt => "", :class => "rss")

If you have a favicon.ico file in your theme's `public` directory, you should move it to `assets/images` as well.

You should similarly move your stylesheets into
`assets/stylesheets`.  If a stylesheet refers to images, you
should rename the `.css` file to `.css.scss`, and change `url`
to the sass-rails `image-url` helper.  e.g. instead of:

    background-image: url(../images/mysociety.png);

... you should have:

    background-image: image-url('mysociety.png');

If your only stylesheet is called `custom.css`, as in the
example theme, you shouldn't need to make any other changes to
the CSS.  If you have added additional stylesheets
(e.g. `extra.css`), then you'll need to both:

1. add them to
`lib/views/general/_stylesheet_includes.html.erb`, for example

    <%= stylesheet_link_tag "extra" %>

2. add the following in `lib/alavetelitheme.rb`:

    config.assets.precompile.push 'extra.css'

Any custom Javascript should be moved to `assets/javascripts` in
your theme directory, and, simlarly to the additional CSS, it
should be mentioned in `lib/alavetelitheme.rb` with:

    config.assets.precompile.push 'fancy-effects.js'

You should be left with nothing in the `public` directory after
making these changes, except possibly custom error pages.

Remove the code that symlinks the theme 'public' directory to a
subdirectory of the main application's 'public' directory from
install.rb. Also remove the code from uninstall.rb that removes that
symlink. The asset pipeline will handle making assets available.