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This file contains some notes on changing your Alaveteli theme for the
upgrade to Rails 3, in version 0.11 of Alaveteli.  These were written
by Henare Degan, with some additions by Mark Longair.

# Alaveteli Theme Upgrade Checks



Check your theme for instances of:

* `RAILS_ROOT` and replace it with `Rails.root`
* `RAILS_ENV` and replace it with `Rails.env`

Note that `Rails.root` is a `Pathname`, so you can replace, for

    File.join(RAILS_ROOT, 'public', 'alavetelitheme')

... with:

    Rails.root.join('public', 'alavetelitheme')

## Dispatcher



require 'dispatcher'
Dispatcher.to_prepare do

should be replaced with this...

Rails.configuration.to_prepare do

## Routes


You need to upgrade your custom routes to the new Rails syntax.

## list_public_bodies_default removed


The list_public_bodies_default helper has been removed from Alaveteli

## Patching mailer templates has changed


In `lib/patch_mailer_paths.rb` change `ActionMailer::Base.view_paths.unshift File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "views")` to `ActionMailer::Base.prepend_view_path File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "views")`

There's also `ActionMailer::Base.append_view_path` for replacing `ActionMailer::Base.view_paths <<`.

## Rename view templates


Rename view templates from `filename.rhtml` to `filename.html.erb`.

Run this in the root of your theme directory:

    for r in $(find lib/views -name '*.rhtml'); do echo git mv $r ${r%.rhtml}.html.erb; done

One exception is mailer templates, these should be renamed to
`filename.text.erb` as we only use text emails.

## The Configuration class has been renamed


Due to a naming conflict, `Configuration` has been renamed to `AlaveteliConfiguration`.

You may have this in your theme for things like `Configuration::site_name`, just change it to `AlaveteliConfiguration::site_name`

## request.request_uri is deprecated


Replace instances of `request.request_uri` with `request.fullpath`

## content-inserting <% %> block helpers are deprecated


The Rails 3 releases notes are [irritatingly
about which such helpers have changed.  You can find some candidates
with this `git grep` command:

    git grep -E '<%[^=].*(_for|_tag|link_to)\b'

(Ignore `content_for` in those results.)