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Test Coverage
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# Translators:
# 1bb8f5eb4bc72723d4109decfd20c765, 2019
# claude transparencia <>, 2020
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: alaveteli\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-10-17 16:36+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-04-03 11:57+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: claude transparencia <>, 2020"
"Language-Team: Dutch (Belgium) ("
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Language: nl_BE\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"

msgid " <strong>Summarising</strong> the content of any information returned. "
msgstr "De inhoud van teruggestuurde informatie <strong>Samenvatten</strong>"

msgid " Say how you've <strong>used the information</strong>, with links if possible."
msgstr "Vertel hoe u <strong>de informatie heeft gebruikt</strong>, met links indien mogelijk. "

msgid "'Crime statistics by ward level for Wales'"
msgstr "' misdaadstatistieken op levelafdelingsniveau voor Wales’"

msgid "(includes {{count}} returning subscriber)"
msgid_plural "(includes {{count}} returning subscribers)"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""

msgid "(no title)"
msgstr "(geen titel)"

msgid "(with <b>{{discount_name}}</b> discount applied)"
msgstr "(met <b>{{discount_name}}</b>korting toegepast)"

msgid "12 Months"
msgstr "12 maanden"

msgid "29 April 2019"
msgstr ""

msgid "3 July 2017"
msgstr ""

msgid "3 Months"
msgstr "3 maanden"

msgid "6 Months"
msgstr "6 maanden"

msgid "<a href=\"{{story_url}}\">Sold From Under You</a> — the Bureau of investigative Journalism used Pro to send requests to councils up and down the county to build a nationwide picture of the public properties being sold off by councils in the face of austerity."
msgstr ""

msgid "<span class=\"current-page\">{{current_page}}</span> of <span class=\"total-pages\">{{total_pages}}</span>"
msgstr "<span class=\"current-page\">{{current_page}}</span>van <span class=\"total-pages\">{{total_pages}}</span>"

msgid "<span class=\"price-label__amount\">{{monthly_price}}</span> per user, per month"
msgstr ""

msgid "<span class=\"price-label__amount\">{{yearly_price}}</span> per user, per year"
msgstr ""

msgid "<strong class=\"marketing-highlight\">Action alerts</strong>: know when it’s time to take the next step"
msgstr ""

msgid "<strong class=\"marketing-highlight\">Daily summary emails</strong> to keep your inbox clean"
msgstr ""

msgid "<strong class=\"marketing-highlight\">Delivery verification</strong> for proof of receipt"
msgstr ""

msgid "<strong class=\"marketing-highlight\">Delivery verification</strong> for proof of receipt</strong>"
msgstr ""

msgid "<strong class=\"marketing-highlight\">Get regular updates</strong> as the responses come in — without overwhelming your inbox"
msgstr ""

msgid "<strong class=\"marketing-highlight\">Make a request to multiple authorities</strong>: select authorities at the click of a button"
msgstr ""

msgid "<strong class=\"marketing-highlight\">Manage large volumes of responses</strong>: easily keep track of the status of each request"
msgstr ""

msgid "<strong class=\"marketing-highlight\">Save as draft</strong> to get back to it later"
msgstr ""

msgid "<strong class=\"marketing-highlight\">Streamlined process</strong> for requesting internal reviews"
msgstr ""

msgid "<strong>Can I request information about myself?</strong> <a href=\"{{url}}\">No!</a>"
msgstr "<strong>Kan ik informatie over mezelf vragen?</strong><a href=\"{{url}}\">Nee!</a>"

msgid "<strong>Easy</strong> One fee covers all Pro features, with no complex tiers or options to worry about."
msgstr ""

msgid "<strong>Flexible</strong> You can cancel at any time, with no lengthy tie-ins and no notice required."
msgstr ""

msgid "<strong>Reasonable</strong> We know that campaigners are likely to be on a limited budget, so we’ve kept the subscription affordable."
msgstr ""

msgid "<strong>Reasonable</strong> We know that journalists can be on a limited budget, so we’ve kept the subscription affordable."
msgstr ""

msgid "<strong>Reasonable</strong> We know that researchers can be on a limited budget, so we’ve kept the subscription affordable."
msgstr ""

msgid "<strong>Thank</strong> the public authority."
msgstr "<strong>Dank</strong> de overheid."

msgid "<strong>You have already sent this request</strong> to some authorities in this batch on {{date}}."
msgstr ""

msgid "<strong>{{brand}}</strong> ending in {{last4}}, expiry {{exp_month}}/{{exp_year}}"
msgstr "<strong>{{brand}}</strong>eindigt in  {{last4}}, verstrijkt op {{exp_month}}/{{exp_year}}"

msgid "<strong>{{filter_description}}</strong> sorted by <strong>{{order_description}}</strong> <a href=\"{{reset_url}}\" class=\"clear-icon\">clear</a>"
msgstr "<strong>{{filter_description}}</strong> gesorteerd op <strong>{{order_description}}</strong> <a href=\"{{reset_url}}\" class=\"clear-icon\">wis</a>"

msgid "<strong>{{pro_site_name}}</strong> runs on the UK’s best-known FOI service"
msgstr ""

msgid "A  powerful, fully-featured toolset that solves problems for campaigners managing multiple requests or in-depth FOI investigations"
msgstr ""

msgid "A <strong class=\"marketing-highlight\">searchable archive</strong> of Freedom of Information requests"
msgstr ""

msgid "A <strong>summary</strong> of the response if you have received it by postal mail. "
msgstr "Een <strong>samenvatting</strong> van de antwoorden als uw deze per post hebt ontvangen "

msgid "A one line summary of the information you are requesting, e.g."
msgstr "Een één-regel-overzicht  van de informatie waar u om vroeg bvb."

msgid "A permanent, searchable, <strong class=\"marketing-highlight\">public record</strong> of your request and the responses"
msgstr ""

msgid "A powerful <strong class=\"marketing-highlight\">private dashboard</strong>: track and manage your FOI projects"
msgstr ""

msgid "A powerful, fully-featured toolset that solves problems for journalists managing multiple requests or in-depth FOI investigations"
msgstr ""

msgid "A powerful, fully-featured toolset that solves problems for researchers and academics managing multiple requests or in-depth FOI investigations"
msgstr ""

msgid "A super-smart <strong class=\"marketing-highlight\">to-do list</strong>: follow the progress of your requests"
msgstr ""

msgid "About {{public_body_name}}"
msgstr "Over {{public_body_name}}"

msgid "Account"
msgstr "Account"

msgid "Activist Doug Paulley uncovered councils across the UK who, through inaction, are allowing legal discrimination against wheelchair users. <a href=\"{{story_url}}\">See the whole story</a>"
msgstr ""

msgid "Activity"
msgstr "activiteit"

msgid "Add"
msgstr "Toevoegen"

msgid "Add Card Details"
msgstr ""

msgid "Add all"
msgstr "Alles toevoegen"

msgid "Add an annotation"
msgstr "Voeg een aantekening toe "

msgid "Add annotation"
msgstr "voeg een aantekening toe"

msgid "Add authorities to your batch"
msgstr "Voeg overheiden aan je batch toe"

msgid "Add credibility"
msgstr ""

msgid "Added"
msgstr "Toegevoegd"

msgid "Adding your payment card requires your browser to have JavaScript enabled."
msgstr ""

msgid "All requests"
msgstr "Alle aanvragen"

msgid "All requests within this batch will remain private for the same duration. When an individual request is made public all other requests in this batch will also be published on {{site_name}}."
msgstr "Alle aanvragen in deze batch zullen privé blijven voor dezelfde duurtijd. Wanneer een individuele aanvraag publiek gemaakt wordt zullen alle andere aanvragen van deze batch ook gepubliceerd worden op {{site_name}}."

msgid "Also called {{other_name}}."
msgstr "Ook genaamd {{other_name}}"

msgid "An all-in-one FOI toolkit for journalists, activists and campaigners"
msgstr "Een één-in-alles WOB-toolkit voor journalisten, activisten en campagnevoerders"

msgid "Annotations allow you to add extra notes on a request, which will eventually be made public. For example:"
msgstr "Aantekeningen geven u de mogelijkheid om wat extra toe te voegen aan uw vraag en zullen eventueel openbaar zullen gemaakt worden. Bv.:"

msgid "Are you interested in free training, seminars and workshops about {{pro_site_name}}?"
msgstr ""

msgid "Are you sure the information you’re after isn’t available elsewhere?"
msgstr "Bent u er zeker van dat de informatie waar u om vraagt niet elders te verkrijgen is?"

msgid "Are you sure you want to publish this request?"
msgstr "Bent u zeker dat u deze vraag openbaar wil maken?"

msgid "Are you sure?"
msgstr "Ben je er zeker van ?"

msgid "Automate FOI request management"
msgstr ""

msgid "Batch"
msgstr "Batch"

msgid "Batch FOI requests"
msgstr ""

msgid "Batch request"
msgstr "Batch-aanvraag"

msgid "Batch requests"
msgstr ""

msgid "Batch requests allow multiple recipients of a single request"
msgstr "Batch-aanvragen laten toe om meerdere ontvangers te bereiken met één enkele aanvraag"

msgid "Batch requests are part of a new workflow"
msgstr "Batch-aanvragen maken deel uit van een nieuwe workflow"

msgid "Because we’ve streamlined the request-writing process, Pro saves you a lot of back and forth. Search our database of authorities, pick which one — or many — you want to contact, and compose your request right there."
msgstr ""

msgid "Billed: Annually"
msgstr "Betaling: Jaarlijks"

msgid "Billed: Daily"
msgstr "Betaling: Dagelijks"

msgid "Billed: Monthly"
msgstr "Betaling: Maandelijks"

msgid "Billed: Weekly"
msgstr "Betaling: Wekelijks"

msgid "Billing"
msgstr "Facturatie"

msgid "Bringing facts about campagin overspending to light with the privacy features"
msgstr ""

msgid "Browse by category"
msgstr "Blader door categorie "

msgid "Browse public requests"
msgstr "Doorzoek de openbare aanvragen"

msgid "CSV"
msgstr ""

msgid "Campaigners"
msgstr ""

msgid "Campaigning for better wheelchair accessibility"
msgstr ""

msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Annuleren"

msgid "Cancel subscription"
msgstr "Abonnement annuleren"

msgid "Cancel your subscription"
msgstr "Annuleer uw abonnement "

msgid "Cancelled subscriptions:"
msgstr ""

msgid "Card details"
msgstr ""

msgid "Change privacy"
msgstr "Verander het privacyniveau "

msgid "Change privacy or <strong>publish now</strong>"
msgstr ""

msgid "Change status"
msgstr "Verander de status"

msgid "Check the authority’s responses on {{site_name}} or conduct a quick Internet search."
msgstr "Bekijk het antwoord van de overheid op {{site_name}} of voer een snelle internetopzoeking uit. "

msgid "Check you haven't included any <strong>personal information</strong>."
msgstr "Kijk na of u geen <strong>persoonlijke informatie</strong> invoerde."

msgid "Choose a duration"
msgstr "Kies een periode"

msgid "Collapse all correspondence"
msgstr "Alle correspondentie samenvouwen"

msgid "Confirm your account on {{site_name}}"
msgstr "Bevestigd jouw account op  {{site_name}}"

msgid "Continuing with checkout requires your browser to have JavaScript enabled."
msgstr "Doordoen met checkout noodzaakt dat uw browser JavaScript toelaat"

msgid "Coupon code has expired."
msgstr "Uw code is vervallen"

msgid "Coupon code is invalid."
msgstr "Uw code is niet geldig"

msgid "Created"
msgstr "Gecreëerd"

msgid "Dashboard"
msgstr "Dashboard"

msgid "Dashboard and workflow features"
msgstr ""

msgid "Dear {{user_name}},"
msgstr "Gehachte {{user_name}},"

msgid "Debt Resistance UK uncovered <a href=\"{{story_url}}\">which councils are paying exorbitant LOBO loans</a>, in some cases meaning that a large proportion of council tax income is being channelled directly into interest payments."
msgstr ""

msgid "Debt Resistance UK uncovered which councils are paying exorbitant LOBO loans, in some cases meaning that a large proportion of council tax income is being channelled directly into interest payments."
msgstr ""

msgid "Details"
msgstr "Details"

msgid "Disabled while sending remaining requests."
msgstr "Niet actief tijdens het verzonden van blijvende verzoeken"

msgid "Dismiss"
msgstr "Annuleer"

msgid "Do you have a coupon code?"
msgstr "Heeft u een kortingbon met code?"

msgid "Don’t worry – <a href=\"{{signup_link}}\">our free accounts</a> are still available and always will be."
msgstr ""

msgid "Download a zip file of all correspondence"
msgstr "Download een zip file van alle briefwisseling "

msgid "Draft"
msgstr "Klad-ontwerp"

msgid "Drafts"
msgstr "Klad-ontwerpen"

msgid "Edit your request"
msgstr "Schrijf je vraag"

msgid "Email address"
msgstr "E-mailadres"

msgid "Email doesn't look like a valid address"
msgstr "Het e-mailadres blijkt niet geldig."

msgid "Estimated total number of Pro requests:"
msgstr ""

msgid "Everything you need to keep on top of complex FOI-driven stories."
msgstr "Alles wat u nodig heeft om de baas te blijven van complexe WOB-gedreven dossiers"

msgid "Expand all correspondence"
msgstr "Alle boodschappen tonen"

msgid "Expires soon"
msgstr "Vervalt binnenkort"

msgid "FOI Management Tools for journalists, campaigners and researchers"
msgstr ""

msgid "FOI Management for Campaigners"
msgstr ""

msgid "FOI Management for Journalists"
msgstr ""

msgid "FOI Management for Researchers"
msgstr ""

msgid "FOI address book"
msgstr ""

msgid "FOI for campaigners"
msgstr ""

msgid "FOI for journalists"
msgstr ""

msgid "FOI for researchers"
msgstr ""

msgid "FOI is an invaluable tool for researchers, helping you collect information that hasn’t previously been available as a single dataset, and understand the wider picture. Pro takes the slog out of sending multiple requests with the Batch feature: easily pick the authorities you want, then send one request to all of them."
msgstr ""

msgid "FOI is an invaluable tool in campaigns, helping you collect information that hasn’t previously been available as a single dataset so that you and your supporters can understand the wider picture. Pro takes the slog out of sending multiple requests with the Batch feature: easily pick the authorities you want, then send one request to all of them."
msgstr ""

msgid "FOI is an invaluable tool in investigations, helping you collect information that hasn’t previously been available as a single dataset so that you and your readers can understand the wider picture. Pro takes the slog out of sending multiple requests with the Batch feature: easily pick the authorities you want, then send one request to all of them."
msgstr ""

msgid "Featuring"
msgstr ""

msgid "Find out how {{pro_site_name}} can take the hard work out of FOI investigations"
msgstr ""

msgid "Finding it hard to keep on top of your FOI requests?"
msgstr ""

msgid "First created"
msgstr "Eerst gecreëerd"

msgid "For journalists, academics and power users"
msgstr ""

msgid "Friendly support"
msgstr ""

msgid "From"
msgstr ""

msgid "From this screen you can get a helpful overview of your requests, and use quick actions to keep them up to date. Why not start your first one now?"
msgstr "Via dit scherm kan u een handig overzicht van uw vragen krijgen, en heeft u de mogelijkheid om snel deze up te daten. Waarom er nu geen eerste aanmaken?"

msgid "From this screen you can see what you need to do next to keep your requests moving forward. Why not start a new request now?"
msgstr "Via dit scherm kan u zien wat verder te doen om uw vragen vooruit te laten gaan. Waarom nu geen nieuwe aanvraag maken?"

msgid "Gavin Chait surveyed 350 local authorities to find out <a href=\"{{story_url}}\">which commercial premises were empty</a>, in order to give a helping hand to start-up businesses."
msgstr ""

msgid "Get email updates about {{pro_site_name}}?"
msgstr ""

msgid "Get in touch"
msgstr ""

msgid "Get started with your first request"
msgstr "Begin aan uw eerste aanvraag"

msgid "Got questions?"
msgstr ""

msgid "Hard to keep track of your many requests?"
msgstr ""

msgid "Help"
msgstr "Hulp"

msgid "Helping startups find the best location for their business"
msgstr ""

msgid "How campaigners are using Pro"
msgstr ""

msgid "How it works"
msgstr ""

msgid "How journalists are using Pro"
msgstr ""

msgid "How researchers are using Pro"
msgstr ""

msgid "I have read and accepted these terms and conditions"
msgstr "Ik heb de voorwaarden gelezen en goedgekeurd"

msgid "I understand and still want to cancel"
msgstr "Ik begrijp het maar wil nog steeds annuleren"

msgid "If payment continues to fail, unfortunately your account will revert back to a free account, and you’ll no longer have access to {{pro_site_name}}."
msgstr "Als de betaling blijft mislukken, keert uw account helaas terug naar een gratis account en hebt u geen toegang meer tot {{pro_site_name}}."

msgid "If you wish to preserve your access to {{pro_site_name}}, please could you check that your card has sufficient funds, and that the card details are correct on your subscriptions page: {{subscriptions_page_url}}"
msgstr ""
"Als u uw toegang tot {{pro_site_name}} wilt behouden, kunt u controleren of uw kaart voldoende saldo heeft,\n"
"  en dat de kaartgegevens correct zijn op uw abonnementenpagina: {{subscriptions_page_url}}"

msgid "If your request bounces back, we source the new address for that authority."
msgstr ""

msgid "Image credits:"
msgstr ""

msgid "Important info about requests to this authority"
msgstr "Belangrijk info betreffende verzoeken naar deze overheid"

msgid "Investigating asbestos use in schools"
msgstr ""

msgid "Investigative journalist Jenna Corderoy has made good use of Pro’s privacy features, keeping her extensive Brexit-related investigations private until her stories broke, bringing facts about <a href=\"{{story_url_1}}\">campaign overspending</a> and <a href=\"{{story_url_2}}\">ERG</a> research to the public, among several other important stories."
msgstr ""

msgid "Invoice {{invoice_number}} for {{invoice_amount}}"
msgstr ""

msgid "Invoices"
msgstr ""

msgid "I’m a campaigner"
msgstr ""

msgid "I’m a journalist"
msgstr ""

msgid "I’m a researcher"
msgstr ""

msgid "Join {{pro_site_name}}"
msgstr ""

msgid "Journalists"
msgstr ""

msgid "Keep <strong class=\"marketing-highlight\">requests and responses private</strong> while you work on your story"
msgstr ""

msgid "Keep private for a further:"
msgstr "Hou dit privé voor nog:"

msgid "Keep private for:"
msgstr "Houd privé voor"

msgid "Keep track of FOI requests"
msgstr ""

msgid "Last updated"
msgstr "Laatste update"

msgid "Learn more about {{pro_site_name}} for campaigners"
msgstr ""

msgid "Learn more about {{pro_site_name}} for journalists"
msgstr ""

msgid "Learn more about {{pro_site_name}} for researchers"
msgstr ""

msgid "Lucie Stephens, prompted by the death of someone she cared about, requested information about asbestos in schools from more than 200 LEAs. <a href=\"{{story_url}}\">Read about her campaign</a>"
msgstr ""

msgid "Make a batch request"
msgstr "Maak een batch-aanvraag"

msgid "Make a request"
msgstr "Maak een aanvraag"

msgid "Make a request to multiple authorities and manage the responses."
msgstr ""

msgid "Make an {{law_used_short}} request"
msgstr "Doe een {{law_used_short}} aanvraag"

msgid "My profile"
msgstr "Mijn profiel"

msgid "My subscription"
msgstr "Mijn abonnement"

msgid "My wall"
msgstr "Mijn muur"

msgid "Need a helping hand with your FOI requests?"
msgstr ""

msgid "Need to keep things under wraps?"
msgstr ""

msgid "Need to keep your requests private?"
msgstr ""

msgid "Need to protect your research?"
msgstr ""

msgid "Need to protect your scoop?"
msgstr ""

msgid "New Pro accounts this week:"
msgstr ""

msgid "New Pro requests this week:"
msgstr ""

msgid "New Pro subscriptions this week:"
msgstr ""

msgid "New batches made this week:"
msgstr ""

msgid "New to Professional – Batch"
msgstr ""

msgid "Next payment"
msgstr "Volgende betaling"

msgid "No"
msgstr "Nee"

msgid "No bodies selected"
msgstr "Geen overheid geselecteerd "

msgid "No more authorities can be added to this batch request."
msgstr "Geen overheid mag in deze batch worden toegevoegd"

msgid "No more copy and paste emails: our Batch Request tool helps you create one request and send it to many authorities at once."
msgstr ""

msgid "No need to check: we’ll send an email alert telling you when you need to take action."
msgstr ""

msgid "No results found"
msgstr "Geen resultaten gevonden"

msgid "No title"
msgstr "Geen titel"

msgid "Not enough hours in the day?"
msgstr ""

msgid "Note: When this request is made public on {{site_name}}, this message will also be made public."
msgstr "NB: als deze vraag gepubliceerd wordt op {{site_name}}, zal deze boodschap ook openbaar worden."

msgid "Note: When this request is made public on {{site_name}}, your name and annotation will appear in <strong>search engines</strong>."
msgstr "NB: als deze vraag gepubliceerd wordt op {{site_name}}, zullen uw naam en de aantekeningen te vinden zijn via <strong>zoekmachines</strong>."

msgid "Number of Pro accounts active this week:"
msgstr ""

msgid "Number of discounted users:"
msgstr ""

msgid "Number of expired embargoes this week:"
msgstr ""

msgid "Number of free trial users:"
msgstr ""

msgid "Number of paying users:"
msgstr ""

msgid "Once the privacy period ends, everything that you enter on this page, including <strong>your name</strong>, will be <strong><a href=\"{{url}}\">displayed publicly</a></strong> on this website."
msgstr "Eens de privé-periode eindigt, zal alles wat u hier op deze bladzijde inbrengt, inclusief <strong>uw naam</strong>, <strong><a href=\"{{url}}\">publiek gemaakt worden</a></strong>op deze website"

msgid "Once you launch your campaign, there’s every reason to put your requests and responses into the public domain. They’ll lend credence to your campaign, and make the data available for others who might want to research a different angle."
msgstr ""

msgid "Once your research is out there, it’s a great idea to put your requests and responses into the public domain. They’ll lend credence to your work, and make the data available for others who might want to research a different angle."
msgstr ""

msgid "Once your story’s been published, there’s every reason to put your requests and responses into the public domain. They’ll lend credence to your investigation, and make the data available for others who might want to research a different angle."
msgstr ""

msgid "Once you’re happy with your request, click preview and send."
msgstr "Wanneer u tevreden bent met uw vraag, klik dan preview en verzend."

msgid "Once you’re ready, publishing the data behind your investigation lends it extra credibility, and opens it to a wider community."
msgstr ""

msgid "Once you’re ready, publishing the data behind your investigation lends it extra credibility."
msgstr ""

msgid "Open"
msgstr ""

msgid "Overflowing inbox?"
msgstr ""

msgid "Paid"
msgstr ""

msgid "Payments past due:"
msgstr ""

msgid "Pending"
msgstr "In wachtmodus..."

msgid "Pending cancellations:"
msgstr ""

msgid "Plans and pricing"
msgstr "Formules en prijslijst"

msgid "Please enter the reason why you want access"
msgstr "Gelieve de reden voor toegangsaanvraag te geven"

msgid "Please enter your email address"
msgstr "Gelieve hier uw e-mailadres in te vullen"

msgid "Please include links to some examples of your journalism or blogging if you can."
msgstr "Gelieve, zo mogelijk, enkele links naar voorbeelden van uw journalistiek of blogwerk te geven."

msgid "Please remember that our <a href=\"{{terms_url}}\">terms and conditions</a> include <strong>making responsible requests</strong>."
msgstr ""

msgid "Please tell us if you want to get updates"
msgstr "Wil u updates krijgen?"

msgid "Please tell us if you're interested in training and seminars"
msgstr "Bent u geïnteresseerd in opleidingen en seminaries"

msgid "Plus, all the power of {{site_name}}"
msgstr "Bovendien, met al de macht van {{site_name}}"

msgid "Point to <strong>related information</strong>, campaigns or forums which may be useful."
msgstr "Verwijs naar <strong>gerelateerde informatie</strong>, campagnes of fora die mogelijks relevant zijn ter ondersteuning."

msgid "Preview and send request"
msgstr "Preview en verzend uw aanvraag"

msgid "Preview new batch request"
msgstr "Preview uw nieuwe batch-aanvraag"

msgid "Preview new {{law_used_short}} request to '{{public_body_name}}'"
msgstr "Preview uw nieuwe {{law_used_short}} vraag aan '{{public_body_name}}'"

msgid "Pricing"
msgstr ""

msgid "Privacy"
msgstr "Privacy"

msgid "Private"
msgstr "Privé"

msgid "Private FOI requests"
msgstr ""

msgid "Private Requests"
msgstr ""

msgid "Private requests for information"
msgstr ""

msgid "Private until {{date}}"
msgstr "Privé tot {{date}}"

msgid "Pro brings a new dashboard view"
msgstr "Pro brengt een nieuw dashboard"

msgid "Pro features a new request list view"
msgstr "Pro toont een nieuwe aanvraaglijst "

msgid "Pro gives you all of the ease of {{site_name}}, without the worry of others snatching your scoop before it’s ready."
msgstr ""

msgid "Pro gives you all of the ease of {{site_name}}, without the worry of releasing all your work before you’re ready for the world to see it."
msgstr ""

msgid "Professional"
msgstr ""

msgid "Profile"
msgstr "Profiel"

msgid "Provide extra context on the request and your reasons for making it."
msgstr "Geef ons extra context over uw vraag en de redenen om die te stellen."

msgid "Public requests for information"
msgstr ""

msgid "Publish immediately"
msgstr "Publiceer onmiddellijk. "

msgid "Publish request"
msgstr "Publiceer aanvraag"

msgid "Publish requests"
msgstr "Publiceer aanvragen"

msgid "Publish this request or keep it private for longer."
msgid_plural "Publish these requests or keep them private for longer."
msgstr[0] "Publiceer deze aanvraag of hou deze langer privé."
msgstr[1] "Publiceer deze aanvragen of hou ze langer privé."

msgid "Read blog"
msgstr "Lees blog"

msgid "Ready to go public"
msgstr ""

msgid "Refer a friend"
msgstr "Verwijs een vriend"

msgid "Remember, public authorities have {{late_number_of_days}} calendar days to respond to FOI requests."
msgstr "Hou er rekening mee dat overheden {{late_number_of_days}} kalenderdagen de tijd hebben om zo’n WOB-aanvragen te beantwoorden."

msgid "Remember, public authorities have {{late_number_of_days}} working days to respond to FOI requests."
msgstr "Hou er rekening mee dat overheden {{late_number_of_days}} werkdagen de tijd hebben om zo’n WOB-aanvragen te beantwoorden. "

msgid "Reminders"
msgstr ""

msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Verwijderen"

msgid "Replies"
msgstr "Antwoorden"

msgid "Request access to {{pro_site_name}}"
msgstr ""

msgid "Request an internal review"
msgstr "Verzoek tot een interne herziening"

msgid "Request an internal review (or send another followup)."
msgid_plural "Request internal reviews (or send other followups)."
msgstr[0] "Verzoek een herziening (of verzend een nieuwe follow-up)."
msgstr[1] "Verzoek tot heroverweging aan de bevraagde overheid (of verzend nieuwe follow-ups)."

msgid "Request an internal review from {{person_or_body}}"
msgstr "Verzoek tot een heroverweging aan {{person_or_body}}"

msgid "Request to"
msgstr "Aanvraag aan"

msgid "Requests"
msgstr "Aanvragen"

msgid "Requests can stay completely private until you’re ready to go public with your story."
msgstr ""

msgid "Requests can stay completely private until you’re ready to go public."
msgstr ""

msgid "Requests can stay completely private until you’re ready to publish your research."
msgstr ""

msgid "Requests in this batch are private until <strong class=\"js-embargo-expiry\">{{embargo_publish_at}}</strong>"
msgstr "Verzoeken binnen dit batch blijven confidentieel tot <strong class=\"js-embargo-expiry\">{{embargo_publish_at}}</strong>"

msgid "Requests in this batch are public"
msgstr "Aanvragen binnen deze batch worden openbaar gepubliceerd"

msgid "Requests in this batch will be private until <strong class=\"js-embargo-expiry\">{{embargo_publish_at}}</strong>"
msgstr "Verzoeken binnen dit batch zullen tot <strong class=\"js-embargo-expiry\">{{embargo_publish_at}}</strong> confidentieel blijven"

msgid "Requests that will be made public soon"
msgstr "Aanvragen worden binnenkort openbaar"

msgid "Researchers"
msgstr ""

msgid "Response due"
msgstr "Antwoord verschuldigd"

msgid "Save draft"
msgstr "Kladontwerp bewaren"

msgid "Save time managing FOI requests"
msgstr ""

msgid "Search"
msgstr "Zoek"

msgid "Search by name"
msgstr "per naam zoeken"

msgid "Search for an authority"
msgstr "Zoek een overheid"

msgid "Search for an authority by name"
msgstr "Zoek een overheid per naam"

msgid "Searching for <strong>{{search_term}}</strong> in <strong>{{filter_description}}</strong> sorted by <strong>{{order_description}}</strong> <a href=\"{{reset_url}}\" class=\"clear-icon\">clear</a>"
msgstr "Zoek naar<strong>{{search_term}} </strong> in <strong>{{filter_description}} </strong> gesorteerd op <strong>{{order_description}}</strong> <a href=\"{{reset_url}}\" class=\"clear-icon\">wis</a>"

msgid "Searching for the right email address for every FOI contact?"
msgstr ""

msgid "Selected plan"
msgstr ""

msgid "Send a follow up"
msgstr "Verzend een opvolgingsbericht"

msgid "Send a follow up (or request an internal review)."
msgid_plural "Send follow ups (or request internal reviews)."
msgstr[0] "Verzend een opvolging bericht (of vraag een herziening)"
msgstr[1] "Verzend opvolgingsberichten (of vraag heroverwegingen)"

msgid "Send a follow up message to {{person_or_body}}"
msgstr "Verzend een opvolgingsbericht naar {{person_or_body}}"

msgid "Send a followup"
msgstr "Verzend een opvolging"

msgid "Send a reply to {{person_or_body}}"
msgstr "Verzend een antwoord naar {{person_or_body}}"

msgid "Send message"
msgstr "Verzend een boodschap"

msgid "Send request"
msgstr "Verzend een aanvraag"

msgid "Send this batch anyway?"
msgstr ""

msgid "Send {{count}} requests"
msgid_plural "Send {{count}} requests"
msgstr[0] "Verzend {{count}} aanvraag"
msgstr[1] "Verzend {{count}} aanvragen"

msgid "Sending to multiple authorities at once?"
msgstr ""

msgid "Sending..."
msgstr "Wordt verzonden ..."

msgid "Sent"
msgstr "Verzonden"

msgid "Settings"
msgstr "Instellingen"

msgid "Share the code {{discount_code}} with a friend to give them {{discount_terms}} on signup."
msgstr "Deel de code {{discount_code}} met een vriend om hem {{discount_terms}} te geven bij het aanmelden."

msgid "Show {{count}} request in detail</span>"
msgid_plural "Show {{count}} requests in detail</span>"
msgstr[0] "toon {{count}} verzoek in detail"
msgstr[1] "Toon {{count}} aanvragen in detail</span>"

msgid "Sign up"
msgstr "Teken in"

msgid "Simple, affordable pricing"
msgstr ""

msgid "Sorry, no authorities matched that search"
msgstr "Jammer, maar geen overheden beantwoorden aan uw zoekcriteria"

msgid "Sorry, something went wrong getting your results, please try searching again."
msgstr "Tot onze spijt ging iets fout bij het ophalen van uw resultaten. Probeer  opnieuw aub."

msgid "Sorry, something went wrong publishing your request, please try again."
msgstr "Tot onze spijt ging iets fout bij het publiceren van uw aanvraag. Probeer  opnieuw aub"

msgid "Sorry, something went wrong publishing your requests, please try again."
msgstr "Tot onze spijt ging iets fout bij het publiceren van uw aanvragen. Probeer  opnieuw aub"

msgid "Sorry, something went wrong updating your batch request, please try again."
msgstr " Tot onze spijt ging iets fout bij het updaten van uw batch-aanvraag. Probeer opnieuw aub"

msgid "Sorry, something went wrong updating your request's privacy settings, please try again."
msgstr "Tot onze spijt ging iets fout bij het updaten van de privacy-instellingen van uw aanvraag. Probeer opnieuw aub"

msgid "Sorry, something went wrong updating your requests' privacy settings, please try again."
msgstr " Tot onze spijt ging iets fout bij het updaten van de privacy settings van uw aanvraag. Probeer opnieuw aub"

msgid "Sorry, you can't sign up to {{pro_site_name}} at this time."
msgstr ""

msgid "Sort by"
msgstr "Sorteer volgens"

msgid "Sorted by <strong>{{order_description}}</strong> <a href=\"{{reset_url}}\" class=\"clear-icon\">clear</a>"
msgstr "Gesorteerd volgens <strong>{{order_description}}</strong><a href=\"{{reset_url}}\" class=\"clear-icon\">wis</a>"

msgid "Start new request"
msgstr "Start een nieuwe aanvraag"

msgid "Status"
msgstr "Status"

msgid "Subject"
msgstr "Onderwerp"

msgid "Submit Search"
msgstr "Start zoeken"

msgid "Subscribe"
msgstr ""

msgid "Subscription began"
msgstr "De inschrijving loopt"

msgid "Subscription cancellations are applied at the end of the current billing period (<strong>{{date}}</strong>)."
msgstr "Annulaties van inschrijvingen worden op het einde van de lopende betaalperiode toegepast (<strong>{{date}}</strong>)."

msgid "Subscription ends"
msgstr "De inschrijving stopt "

msgid "Terms and conditions"
msgstr ""

msgid "Thank you for your interest in {{pro_site_name}}."
msgstr "Bedankt voor uw interesse in {{pro_site_name}}."

msgid "Thanks for logging in. We've saved your request as a draft, in case you wanted to add an embargo before sending it. You can set that (or just send it straight away) using the form below."
msgstr "Bedankt om in te loggen. We hebben uw aanvraag als kladontwerp bewaard, voor het geval u een tijdsembargo wou instellen vooraleer hem te verzenden. U kan die instellen (of onmiddellijk zo verzenden) via het formulier hieronder"

msgid "Thanks for your interest in {{pro_site_name}}, we'll get back to you soon!"
msgstr "Bedankt voor uw interesse voor {{pro_site_name}}, we zullen weldra contact met u opnemen!"

msgid "The Bureau of investigative Journalism used Pro to send requests to councils up and down the county, and build a nationwide picture of the public properties being sold off by councils in the face of austerity."
msgstr ""

msgid "The Wales Governance Centre sent FOI requests through Pro to discover the prison populations across Wales and England for their report ‘<a href=\"{{story_url}}\">Sentencing and Imprisonment in Wales</a>’."
msgstr ""

msgid "The Wales Governance Centre sent FOI requests through Pro to discover the prison populations across Wales and England for their report ‘Sentencing and Imprisonment in Wales’."
msgstr ""

msgid "The following request has been made public on {{site_name}} this week."
msgid_plural "The following requests have been made public on {{site_name}} this week."
msgstr[0] "De volgende aanvraag is deze week op {{site_name}} gepubliceerd."
msgstr[1] "De volgende aanvragen zijn deze week op {{site_name}} gepubliceerd."

msgid "The following request will be made public on {{site_name}} in the next week. If you do not wish this request to go public at that time, please click on the link below to keep it private for longer."
msgid_plural "The following requests will be made public on {{site_name}} in the next week. If you do not wish for any of these requests to go public, please click on the links below to extend them."
msgstr[0] "Deze aanvraag wordt volgende week openbaar gemaakt op {{site_name}} . Indien uw die aanvraag nog niet wil publiek maken , kan u op onderstaande link klikken om dat uit te stellen."
msgstr[1] "Deze aanvragen worden volgende week openbaar gemaakt op {{site_name}} . Indien u voor sommige van die vragen niet wil dat ze openbaar gemaakt worden, kan u op onderstaande link klikken om dat uit te stellen."

msgid "The ‘Data Scores as Governance’ project used Pro to help examine the <a href=\"{{story_url}}\">use of data-driven scores in categorising citizens</a>, allocating services, and predicting behaviour."
msgstr ""

msgid "Then you can access {{pro_site_name}}"
msgstr "Dan kan u toegang krijgen tot {{pro_site_name}}"

msgid "Then you can activate your {{site_name}} account"
msgstr "Dan kunt uw uw {{site_name}} account activeren"

msgid "Then you can update your payment details"
msgstr "Dan kan je uw betalingsdetails updaten. "

msgid "Then you can upgrade your account"
msgstr "Dan kan u uw account upgraden"

msgid "There was a problem authorising your payment. You have not been charged. Please try again."
msgstr ""

msgid "There was a problem cancelling your account. Please try again later."
msgstr "Er was een probleem bij het annuleren van uw account. Dank om later opnieuw te proberen."

msgid "There was a problem submitting your payment. You have not been charged. Please try again later."
msgstr "Er was een probleem met uw betaling. U werd niets aangerekend. Dank om later opnieuw te proberen. "

msgid "There was a problem updating your payment details. Please try again later."
msgstr "Er was een probleem met het updaten van uw betalingsdetails. Dank om later opnieuw te proberen."

msgid "There's nothing to do right now. Great job!"
msgstr "Er moet nu niets gedaan worden. Great job !"

msgid "Things to do today"
msgstr "Taken van vandaag"

msgid "This page is only accessible to {{pro_site_name}} users"
msgstr "Deze bladzijde is enkel toegankelijk voor  gebruikers van {{pro_site_name}}"

msgid "This request is part of <a href=\"{{url}}\">a batch sent to {{count}} authorities</a>"
msgstr "Dit verzoek behoort tot <a href=\"{{url}}\">een batch naar {{count}} overheden </a>"

msgid "This request is private until <strong class=\"js-embargo-expiry\">{{embargo_publish_at}}</strong>"
msgstr "Dit verzoek blijft privé tot<strong class=\"js-embargo-expiry\">{{embargo_publish_at}}</strong>"

msgid "This request is public"
msgstr "Deze aanvraag is publiek"

msgid "This request will be private until <strong class=\"js-embargo-expiry\">{{embargo_publish_at}}</strong>"
msgstr "Deze aanvraag zal privé blijven tot  <strong class=\"js-embargo-expiry\">{{embargo_publish_at}}</strong>"

msgid "This will publish all of the requests in this batch. Are you sure?"
msgstr "Hiermee worden alle aanvragen van deze batch gepubliceerd. Bent u zeker? "

msgid "This will update the privacy for all of the requests in this batch. Are you sure?"
msgstr "Hiermee wordt de privacy van alle aanvragen van deze batch geupdated. Bent u zeker?"

msgid "Time is precious in newsrooms, so your dashboard just presents the information you need to know: which requests have received responses; which haven’t and need chasing up; and which require input from you. Search, filter or sort by status to quickly find the request you’re looking for."
msgstr ""

msgid "Time is precious, so your dashboard just presents the information you need to know: which requests have received responses; which haven’t and need chasing up; and which require input from you. Search, filter or sort by status to quickly find the request you’re looking for."
msgstr ""

msgid "Tired of the fiddly details that add time to your investigation?"
msgstr ""

msgid "Title (A-Z)"
msgstr "Titel (A-Z)"

msgid "To"
msgstr "Naar"

msgid "To access {{pro_site_name}}"
msgstr "Toegang tot {{pro_site_name}}"

msgid "To signup to {{site_name}}"
msgstr "Om zich op {{site_name}} inschrijven"

msgid "To update your payment details"
msgstr "Om je betaaldetails up te daten. "

msgid "To upgrade your account"
msgstr "Om uw account up te graden"

msgid "Total number of Pro accounts:"
msgstr ""

msgid "Uncovering which UK councils are paying exorbitant LOBO loans"
msgstr ""

msgid "Unless you choose a privacy option, requests in this batch will be public on {{site_name}} immediately."
msgstr "Behalve als u kiest voor de privé-optie, gaan aanvragen in deze batch onmiddelijk openbaar gemaakt worden op {{site_name}}"

msgid "Unless you choose a privacy option, your request will be public on {{site_name}} immediately."
msgstr "Behalve als u kiest voor de privé-optie, wordt uw aanvraag onmiddelijk gepubliceerd op {{site_name}}"

msgid "Until that date you will continue to have full access to {{pro_site_name}}."
msgstr "Tot dit datum blijf je met een compleet toegang tot {{pro_site_name}}."

msgid "Up-to-date database of <strong class=\"marketing-highlight\">contact details</strong> for {{authority_count}} authorities"
msgstr ""

msgid "Update"
msgstr "Update"

msgid "Update Card Details"
msgstr "Update betaalkaartgegevens"

msgid "Update its status."
msgid_plural "Update statuses."
msgstr[0] "update het status"
msgstr[1] "update statussen"

msgid "Updated"
msgstr "geüpdatet"

msgid "Updating your payment card requires your browser to have JavaScript enabled."
msgstr "Het updaten van uw betaalkaart noodzaakt dat uw browser JavaScript toelaat."

msgid "Upgrade account"
msgstr "Upgrade account "

msgid "Using Pro to build a nationwide picture of the public properties being sold off by councils"
msgstr ""

msgid "View"
msgstr "Kijk "

msgid "View Invoice and Pay"
msgstr ""

msgid "View Receipt"
msgstr ""

msgid "View authorities"
msgstr "Zie de overheden"

msgid "Wall"
msgstr "Muur"

msgid "Want to add weight to your campaign?"
msgstr ""

msgid "Want to add weight to your research?"
msgstr ""

msgid "Want to add weight to your story?"
msgstr ""

msgid "Want to add weight to your work?"
msgstr ""

msgid "We are processing your payment. You can access your subscription settings and account information from the \"My subscription\" link in your user menu (accessed from the dropdown next to your name, above)."
msgstr "We behandelen uw betaling. U kan toegang krijgen tot uw instellingen en account informatie via de \"My subscription\" link in uw gebruikersmenu (dat u te zien krijgt via de dropdown naast uw naam, hierboven)"

msgid "We will remind you by email and on the site when the request is going be made public, and you'll have the option to keep it private for longer if you want to. You can extend this time indefinitely, or make the request public at any time."
msgstr "We zullen je per mail en op de site eraan herinneren wanneer de aanvraag openbaar zal gemaakt worden en je zal de mogelijkheid hebben om ze langer privé te houden zo je dat wil. Je kan die termijn onbeperkt instellen of de aanvraag op eender welk moment openbaar maken."

msgid "Weekly Pro Metrics report for {{start_date}} - {{end_date}}"
msgstr ""

msgid "Welcome to {{pro_site_name}}!"
msgstr "Welkom op {{pro_site_name}}!"

msgid "We’ll attempt to bill your card again over the coming days."
msgstr "We zullen proberen uw kaart de komende dagen opnieuw te factureren."

msgid "We’ve tried to bill your card but the charge was unsuccessful."
msgstr "We hebben geprobeerd uw kaart te factureren, maar de afschrijving is mislukt."

msgid "When a request is private we guarantee that it will only be publicly viewable on {{site_name}} after the period you select. {{pro_site_name}} administrators will also be able to view your request, but will only do so in the event that they need to fix a problem with it (e.g. failed delivery to the authority). They will not reveal the contents of your request or any response you get to anyone else. The authority may still publish it in a disclosure log as usual."
msgstr ""

msgid "When the current billing period ends:"
msgstr "Einde van de lopende betaalperiode: "

msgid "When you cancel your account:"
msgstr "Wanneer u uw account annuleert: "

msgid "When your request is made public on {{site_name}}, any annotations you add will also be public. However, they are <strong>not</strong> sent to {{public_body_name}}."
msgstr "Wanneer je aanvraag openbaar gemaakt is op {{site_name}}, zullen alle wijzigingen die je aanbrengt ook openbaar zijn. Zij worden echter <strong>niet</strong> verstuurd aan {{public_body_name}}."

msgid "Why do you want access?"
msgstr "Waarom wenst u toegang?"

msgid "Write a reply"
msgstr "Schrijf een antwoord"

msgid "Write request"
msgstr "Schrijf een aanvraag"

msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Ja"

msgid "You added a new annotation on your request to {{public_body_name}} \"{{info_request_title}}.\""
msgstr "U voegde een nieuwe aantekening toe aan {{public_body_name}} \"{{info_request_title}}.\""

msgid "You are already subscribed to this plan"
msgstr "U bent reeds ingeschreven voor deze formule "

msgid "You can choose to keep your requests private for up to a year, not visible to anyone but you. We’ll make sure you know when that time’s about to run out, and you can always extend it further if your campaign’s not live yet."
msgstr ""

msgid "You can choose to keep your requests private on the site for up to a year, not visible to anyone but you. We’ll make sure you know when that time’s about to run out, and you can always extend it further if your research hasn’t been published yet."
msgstr ""

msgid "You can choose to keep your requests private on the site for up to a year, not visible to anyone but you. We’ll make sure you know when that time’s about to run out, and you can always extend it further if your story’s not published yet."
msgstr ""

msgid "You can re-subscribe at any time and full access to these features will be restored."
msgstr "U kan herinschrijven op elk ogenblik; en de volledige toegang tot deze features zal hersteld worden."

msgid "You can view the <a href=\"{{existing_batch_url}}\">existing batch</a>, <a href=\"{{edit_batch_url}}\">edit your request</a>, or ignore this warning by confirming you want to proceed anyway."
msgstr ""

msgid "You don't currently have a Pro subscription"
msgstr ""

msgid "You have successfully cancelled your subscription to {{pro_site_name}}"
msgstr "U heeft uw inschrijving op {{pro_site_name}} succesvol geannuleerd"

msgid "You haven't added any authorities to your batch yet"
msgstr "U heeft nog geen overheid toegevoegd aan uw batch"

msgid "You know what caused the error, and can <strong>suggest a solution</strong>, such as a working email address."
msgstr "U kent de oorzaak van de fout, en u kan <strong>een oplossing voorstellen</strong>, zoals een functioneel e-mail adres."

msgid "You sent a clarification to {{public_body_name}} for \"{{info_request_title}}\"."
msgstr "U zond een verduidelijking naar {{ public_body_name}} omtrent  \"{{info_request_title}}\"."

msgid "You sent a follow up to {{public_body_name}} on \"{{info_request_title}}\"."
msgstr "U zond een opvolgingsbericht naar {{public_body_name}} over \"{{info_request_title}}\"."

msgid "You sent a request \"{{info_request_title}}\" to {{public_body_name}}."
msgstr "U zond een aanvraag \"{{info_request_title}}\" naar {{public_body_name}}."

msgid "You sent an internal review request to {{public_body_name}} for \"{{info_request_title}}\"."
msgstr "U zond een verzoek van heroverweging naar {{public_body_name}} over\"{{info_request_title}}\"."

msgid "You will be able to extend this privacy period from {{embargo_extend_from}}."
msgstr "U kan de privacy-periode uitbreiden vanaf {{embargo_extend_from}}."

msgid "You will still be able to see any requests which are currently private, but you won't be able to make new private requests or extend privacy durations. These requests will be published when the current privacy period ends."
msgstr "U zal nog steeds elke aanvraag die thans privé is kunnen zien, maar u zal niet opnieuw privé-aanvragen kunnen doen of privacyduur kunnen uitbreiden. Deze aanvragen zullen gepubliceerd worden wanneer de huidige privacy-periode eindigt. "

msgid "You won't be able to access {{pro_site_name}} tools, including the dashboard and pro request management."
msgstr "U zal niet in staat zijn om toegang te krijgen tot de {{pro_site_name}} tools, inclusief het dashboard en het pro aanvraagbeheer."

msgid "You'll lose access to any requests you still have in draft."
msgstr "U zal toegang verliezen tot elke aanvraag die nog in ontwerpfase is."

msgid "Your Batch Request has been saved!"
msgstr "Uw reeks aanvragen werd opgeslagen."

msgid "Your clarification to {{public_body_name}} for \"{{info_request_title}}\" was resent."
msgstr "Uw uitleg over {{public_body_name}} omtrent \"{{info_request_title}}\" werd teruggestuurd."

msgid "Your current subscription"
msgstr "Uw huidige inschrijving"

msgid "Your dashboard"
msgstr "Uw dashbooard"

msgid "Your draft has been saved!"
msgstr "Uw ontwerp is opgeslagen!"

msgid "Your follow up to {{public_body_name}} on \"{{info_request_title}}\" was resent."
msgstr ""
"Uw follow-up naar {{public_body_name}} omtrent \n"
"{{info_request_title}} werd teruggestuurd."

msgid "Your internal review request to {{public_body_name}} for \"{{info_request_title}}\" was resent."
msgstr "Uw verzoek tot heroverweging bij {{public_body_name}} voor \"{{info_request_title}}\" werd opnieuw verzonden."

msgid "Your message will be displayed publicly on this website once you publish your request."
msgstr "Uw boodschap zal zichtbaar worden op de website eens je je aanvraag gepubliceerd hebt. "

msgid "Your payment details"
msgstr "Uw betalingsdetails"

msgid "Your payment details have been updated"
msgstr "Uw betalingsgegevens zijn bijgewerkt"

msgid "Your request"
msgstr "Uw aanvraag"

msgid "Your request \"{{info_request_title}}\" to {{public_body_name}} was resent."
msgstr "Uw aanvraag \"{{info_request_title}}\" aan {{public_body_name}} werd opnieuw verzonden."

msgid "Your request has been updated!"
msgstr "Uw aanvraag werd geupdatet! "

msgid "Your request is now public!"
msgstr "Uw aanvraag is nu publiek ! "

msgid "Your request to {{public_body_name}} \"{{info_request_title}}\" is now public."
msgstr "Uw aanvraag aan {{public_body_name}} betreffende \"{{info_request_title}}\" is nu publiek."

msgid "Your request to {{public_body_name}} \"{{info_request_title}}\" received a new response."
msgstr "Uw aanvraag aan {{public_body_name}} betreffende \"{{info_request_title}}\" heeft een nieuw antwoord gekregen."

msgid "Your request will now be private on {{site_name}} until {{expiry_date}}."
msgstr "Uw aanvraag zal nu privé zijn op {{site_name}} tot {{expiry_date}}."

msgid "Your request will now be private until {{expiry_date}}."
msgstr "Nu,  blijft uw verzoek privé tot {{expiry_date}}."

msgid "Your requests are now public!"
msgstr "Uw aanvragen zijn nu publiek ! "

msgid "Your requests will now be private until {{expiry_date}}."
msgstr "Nu, blijven uw verzoeken privé tot {{expiry_date}}."

msgid "Your subscription has been cancelled, your access to {{pro_site_name}} will end on <strong>{{date}}</strong>."
msgstr "Uw inschrijving werd geannuleerd, uw toegang tot {{pro_site_name}} zal eindigen op <strong>{{date}}</strong>."

msgid "Your thoughts on what the {{site_name}} <strong>administrators</strong> should do about the request."
msgstr "Dank voor uw mening omtrent hetgeen de  {{site_name}}<strong>beheerders</strong>zouden moeten doen met de aanvraag. "

msgid "You’ll have access to our address book of {{authority_count}} authorities that are subject to FOI."
msgstr ""

msgid "You’re busy fixing the world. Let us take care of your FOI requests."
msgstr ""

msgid "You’ve got plenty of other things to think about, so you don’t want to be checking up on every single one of your requests to see if it needs attention. Instead, Pro keeps an eye on them for you, sending you a daily email digest."
msgstr ""

msgid "ZIP"
msgstr ""

msgid "all requests"
msgstr "Alle aanvragen"

msgid "drafts"
msgstr "Ontwerpen"

msgid "eg. Cabinet Office"
msgstr "bv. Kabinet "

msgid "first created"
msgstr "eerst opgemaakt"

msgid "last updated"
msgstr "laatste update "

msgid "or start a batch request"
msgstr "ofwel begin met een batchverzoek"

msgid "requests that will be made public soon"
msgstr "aanvragen die binnenkort zullen publiek gemaakt worden"

msgid "the {{pro_site_name}} team"
msgstr "De {{pro_site_name}} ploeg"

msgid "the {{site_name}} team"
msgstr "het {{site_name}} team"

msgid "title (A-Z)"
msgstr "titel (A-Z)"

msgid "{{commenter_name}} added a new annotation on your request to {{public_body_name}} \"{{info_request_title}}.\""
msgstr "{{commenter_name}} deed een nieuwe aantekening bij uw aanvraag  {{public_body_name}}\" betreffende {{info_request_title}}.\""

msgid "{{count}} Pending"
msgstr "{{count}} Hangende"

msgid "{{count}} of {{limit}} authorities"
msgid_plural "{{count}} of {{limit}} authorities"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""

msgid "{{count}} recipient, <a href=\"{{url}}\">show</a>"
msgid_plural "{{count}} recipients, <a href=\"{{url}}\">show all</a>"
msgstr[0] "{{count}} ontvanger <a href=\"{{url}}\">toon alles </a>"
msgstr[1] "{{count}} ontvangers <a href=\"{{url}}\">toon alles </a>"

msgid "{{count}} recipient, {{first_public_body}}"
msgid_plural "{{count}} recipients, including {{first_public_body}} and {{second_public_body}}"
msgstr[0] "{{count}} ontvanger,  {{first_public_body}} "
msgstr[1] "{{count}} ontvangers, inclusief {{first_public_body}} en {{second_public_body}} "

msgid "{{count}} reply"
msgid_plural "{{count}} replies"
msgstr[0] "{{count}} antwoord"
msgstr[1] "{{count}} antwoorden"

msgid "{{count}} request has received a response."
msgid_plural "{{count}} requests have received a response."
msgstr[0] "{{count}} aanvraag heeft een antwoord gekregen "
msgstr[1] "{{count}} aanvragen hebben een antwoord gekregen "

msgid "{{count}} request is delayed."
msgid_plural "{{count}} requests are delayed."
msgstr[0] "{{count}} aanvraag heeft vertraging "
msgstr[1] "{{count}} aanvragen hebben vertraging."

msgid "{{count}} request is long overdue."
msgid_plural "{{count}} requests are long overdue."
msgstr[0] "{{count}} aanvraag is lang overtijd"
msgstr[1] "{{count}} aanvragen zijn lang overtijd."

msgid "{{count}} request made"
msgid_plural "{{count}} requests made"
msgstr[0] "{{count}} aanvraag gedaan"
msgstr[1] "{{count}}  aanvragen gedaan"

msgid "{{count}} request will be made public this week."
msgid_plural "{{count}} requests will be made public this week."
msgstr[0] "{{count}} aanvraag zal  deze week gepubliceerd worden "
msgstr[1] "{{count}} aanvragen zullen deze week gepubliceerd worden "

msgid "{{count}} {{phase}}"
msgstr "{{count}} {{phase}}"

msgid "{{date}}"
msgstr "{{date}}"

msgid "{{length_of_time}} ago"
msgstr "{{length_of_time}} geleden"

msgid "{{pro_site_name}} does all the heavy lifting, leaving you with more time to focus on your campaigning."
msgstr ""

msgid "{{pro_site_name}} does all the heavy lifting, leaving you with more time to focus on your investigation."
msgstr ""

msgid "{{pro_site_name}} does all the heavy lifting, leaving you with more time to focus on your research."
msgstr ""

msgid "{{pro_site_name}} does all the heavy lifting, leaving you with more time to focus on your story."
msgstr ""

msgid "{{pro_site_name}} does the hard work for you"
msgstr ""

msgid "{{pro_site_name}} is a powerful, fully-featured <strong class=\"marketing-highlight\">FOI toolkit</strong> for journalists, campaigners and researchers"
msgstr ""

msgid "{{pro_site_name}} is here to help"
msgstr ""

msgid "{{pro_site_name}} moves request handling out of your email and onto a dedicated dashboard, keeping everything organised."
msgstr ""

msgid "{{public_body_name}} are delayed in responding to your request \"{{info_request_title}}\"."
msgstr "{{public_body_name}} is te laat met antwoord op uw aanvraag \"{{info_request_title}}\". "

msgid "{{public_body_name}} became long overdue in responding to your request \"{{info_request_title}}\"."
msgstr "{{public_body_name}} is veel te laat om uw aanvraag \"{{info_request_title}}\" te beantwoorden."