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## Retryable 3.0.5 ##

Instead of :infinite magic constant from now on you can just use Ruby's native infinity data type e.g. Float::INFINITY.
This version is backwards compatible with older versions, no changes needed in your code.

## Retryable 3.0.4 ##

Fixed typo in exception message given invalid :matching argument type
Thanks @msroz

## Retryable 3.0.3 ##

No changes to the source code, only added direct Changelog link on for ease of use.

## Retryable 3.0.2 ##

*   :log_method param has been added for flexible logging of your retries. It is silent by default.

## Retryable 3.0.1 ##

*   :matching param from now on could be called in form of array with multiple matching conditions. This version is backwards compatible with 3.0.0

## Retryable 3.0.0 ##
NOTE: this version is backwards compatible with 2.0.4 version unless you're running it against Ruby 1.8 version.

*   retryable can now also be configured via stored contexts.
*   Ruby 1.8 support has been dropped.

    Thanks @chubchenko for refactoring and various improvements.

## Retryable 2.0.4 ##

*   :infinite value is now available as :tries paramater.  Use it for retrying your blocks infinitely until it stops failing.
*   :sleep_method parameter has been added. This can be very useful when you are working with Celluloid which implements its own version of the method sleep.
    Use `:sleep_method: Celluloid.method(:sleep)` in such cases.

    Thanks @alexcastano

## Retryable 2.0.3 ##

*   gemspec contains explicit licence option from now on(MIT)

## Retryable 2.0.2 ##

*   :not configuration option has been added for specifying exceptions
    when a retry should not be performed. Thanks @drunkel

## Retryable 2.0.1 ##

*   Retryable can now be configured globally via Retryable.configure block.

## Retryable 2.0.0 ##

*   Retryable can now be used without monkey patching Kernel module(use `Retryable.retryable` instead). Thanks @oppegard

## Retryable 1.3.6 ##

*   Fixed warning: assigned but unused variable - tries. Thanks @amatsuda

## Retryable 1.3.5 ##

*   New callback option(:exception_cb) to run after an rescued exception is introduced. Thanks @jondruse

## Retryable 1.3.4 ##

*   Namespace issue has been fixed. Thanks @darkhelmet

## Retryable 1.3.3 ##

*   Retryable::Version constant typo has been fixed

## Retryable 1.3.2 ##

*   Retryable.disable method has been added
*   Retryable.enabled method has been added

## Retryable 1.3.1 ##

*   :ensure retryable option add added

*   ArgumentError is raised instead of InvalidRetryableOptions in case of invalid option param for retryable block

## Retryable 1.3.0 ##

*   StandardError is now default exception for rescuing.

## Retryable 1.2.5 ##

*   became friendly to any rubygems version installed

## Retryable 1.2.4 ##

*   added :matching option + better options validation

## Retryable 1.2.3 ##

*   fixed dependencies

## Retryable 1.2.2 ##

*   added :sleep option

## Retryable 1.2.1 ##

*   stability -- Thoroughly unit-tested

## Retryable 1.2.0 ##

*   FIX -- block would run twice when `:tries` was set to `0`. (Thanks for the heads-up to [Tuker](