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# Retryable

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Runs a code block, and retries it when an exception occurs. It's great when
working with flakey webservices (for example).

It's configured using several optional parameters `:tries`, `:on`, `:sleep`, `:matching`, `:ensure`, `:exception_cb`, `:not`, `:sleep_method` and
runs the passed block. Should an exception occur, it'll retry for (n-1) times.

Should the number of retries be reached without success, the last exception
will be raised.


Install the gem:

``` bash
$ gem install retryable

Add it to your Gemfile:

``` ruby
gem 'retryable'


Open an URL, retry up to two times when an `OpenURI::HTTPError` occurs.

``` ruby
require "open-uri"

Retryable.retryable(tries: 3, on: OpenURI::HTTPError) do
  xml = open("").read

Try the block forever.
# For ruby versions prior to 1.9.2 use :infinite symbol instead
Retryable.retryable(tries: Float::INFINITY) do
  # code here


Do something, retry up to four times for either `ArgumentError` or
`Timeout::Error` exceptions.

``` ruby
Retryable.retryable(tries: 5, on: [ArgumentError, Timeout::Error]) do
  # code here

Ensure that the block of code is executed, regardless of whether an exception was raised. It doesn't matter if the block exits normally, if it retries to execute the block of code, or if it is terminated by an uncaught exception -- the `:ensure` block will get run.

``` ruby
f ="testfile")

ensure_cb = proc do |retries|
  puts "total retry attempts: #{retries}"


Retryable.retryable(ensure: ensure_cb) do
  # process file

## Defaults

    contexts:     {},
    ensure:       proc { },
    exception_cb: proc { },
    log_method:   proc { },
    matching:     /.*/,
    not:          [],
    on:           StandardError,
    sleep:        1,
    sleep_method: lambda { |n| Kernel.sleep(n) },
    tries:        2

Retryable also could be configured globally to change those defaults:

Retryable.configure do |config|
  config.contexts     = {}
  config.ensure       = proc {}
  config.exception_cb = proc {}
  config.log_method   = proc {}
  config.matching     = /.*/
  config.not          = []
  config.on           = StandardError
  config.sleep        = 1
  config.sleep_method = lambda { |n| Kernel.sleep(n) }
  config.tries        = 2

By default, Retryable waits for one second between retries. You can change this and even provide your own exponential backoff scheme.

Retryable.retryable(sleep: 0) { }                     # don't pause at all between retries
Retryable.retryable(sleep: 10) { }                    # sleep ten seconds between retries
Retryable.retryable(sleep: lambda { |n| 4**n }) { }   # sleep 1, 4, 16, etc. each try

Matching error messages
You can also retry based on the exception message:

Retryable.retryable(matching: /IO timeout/) do |retries, exception|
  raise "oops IO timeout!" if retries == 0

#matching param supports array format as well:
Retryable.retryable(matching: [/IO timeout/, "IO tymeout"]) do |retries, exception|
  raise "oops IO timeout!" if retries == 0

Block Parameters
Your block is called with two optional parameters: the number of tries until now, and the most recent exception.

Retryable.retryable do |retries, exception|
  puts "try #{retries} failed with exception: #{exception}" if retries > 0
  # code here

Callback to run after an exception is rescued

exception_cb = proc do |exception|
  ExceptionNotifier.notify_exception(exception, data: {message: "it failed"})

Retryable.retryable(exception_cb: exception_cb) do
  # code here



# or extract it to global config instead:
log_method = lambda do |retries, exception|"[Attempt ##{retries}] Retrying because [#{exception.class} - #{exception.message}]: #{exception.backtrace.first(5).join(' | ')}")

Retryable.retryable(log_method: log_method, matching: /IO timeout/) do |retries, exception|
  raise "oops IO timeout!" if retries == 0
#D, [2018-09-01T18:19:06.093811 #22535] DEBUG -- : [Attempt #1] Retrying because [RuntimeError - oops IO timeout!]: (irb#1):6:in `block in irb_binding' | /home/nikita/Projects/retryable/lib/retryable.rb:73:in `retryable' | (irb#1):6:in `irb_binding' | /home/nikita/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.5.0/lib/ruby/2.5.0/irb/workspace.rb:85:in `eval' | /home/nikita/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.5.0/lib/ruby/2.5.0/irb/workspace.rb:85:in `evaluate'

If you prefer to use Rails' native logger:

log_method = lambda do |retries, exception|
  Rails.logger.debug("[Attempt ##{retries}] Retrying because [#{exception.class} - #{exception.message}]: #{exception.backtrace.first(5).join(' | ')}")


Contexts allow you to extract common `Retryable.retryable` calling options for reuse or readability purposes.

Retryable.configure do |config|
  config.contexts[:faulty_service] = {
    on: [FaultyServiceTimeoutError],
    sleep: 10,
    tries: 5

Retryable.with_context(:faulty_service) {
  # code here

You may also override options defined in your contexts:

# :on & sleep defined in the context earlier are still effective
Retryable.with_context(:faulty_service, tries: 999) {
  # code here

You can temporary disable retryable blocks

=> true


=> false

Specify exceptions where a retry should NOT be performed
No more tries will be made if an exception listed in `:not` is raised.
Takes precedence over `:on`.

class MyError < StandardError; end

Retryable.retryable(tries: 5, on: [StandardError], not: [MyError]) do
  raise MyError "No retries!"


Specify the `:sleep_method` to use
This can be very useful when you are working with [Celluloid](
which implements its own version of the method sleep.

Retryable.retryable(sleep_method: Celluloid.method(:sleep)) do
  # code here

Supported Ruby Versions

This library aims to support and is tested against the following Ruby versions:

* Ruby 3.3
* Ruby 3.2
* Ruby 3.1
* Ruby 3.0
* Ruby 2.7
* Ruby 2.6
* Ruby 2.5
* Ruby 2.4
* Ruby 2.3
* Ruby 2.2
* Ruby 2.1
* Ruby 2.0
* Ruby 1.9

*NOTE: if you need `retryable` to be running on Ruby 1.8 use gem versions prior to 3.0.0 release*

If something doesn't work on one of these versions, it's a bug.

This library may inadvertently work (or seem to work) on other Ruby versions,
however support will only be provided for the versions listed above.

If you would like this library to support another Ruby version or
implementation, you may volunteer to be a maintainer.