"""Easily ask for user choice from terminal"""
__all__ = ["Expect"]
import os
import sys
import signal
from decorators.isolate_readline_context import isolate_readline_context
from ..color import colorize
from ..output import isatty
class Expect: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods
"""Expect some user input, and provide response related to the
instance configuration variables.
It instantiates an input query, according the configured
variables (detailed below). To send it to input, use __call__()
(python magic method).
NOTE: Since the default prompted question can be defined in
object instanciation, it also can be overwritten by giving a string
as argument on the __call__() method:
>>> choices = ['children', 'teenager']
>>> ask = Expect(expect=choices, case_sensitive=True)
>>> ask.question = 'How young is your son ?'
>>> ask() # asks default question (set just above)
>>> ask('How young are you ?') # overwrite default question
* expect (default: None)
The expected response handler, may be bool, list, str or None.
- If set to None (default), then any response, even if empty
will be accepted, and returned as it is.
- If set to bool, aka True or False, a [Yes|No] response is
expected. A boolean will also be returned, True, is response is
empty or the same as expected, False otherwise.
For example, `Expect(False)('are you ready')` will return True
is response is No (starts with 'n') or empty, and returns False
if the response is Yes (starts with 'y') because False, aka No
was expected.
- If set to a string, the question will be re-asked while the
expected string has not been typed.
- If set to a list, then any one of these elements is expected,
and the matching one is returned. NOTE: In this mode, the first
list's element is automatically considered as the default one.
* question (default: '')
The asked question string, prefixing input expectation. If not
empty, the input question's magic tag (BoldPink '[?]')
automatically prefixes it.
* timeout (default: 0)
Integer allowing to define a time limit to the expected input.
It time is reached, then the default choice will be returned,
bypassing user input expectation. If zero, timeout is disabled.
* default (default: None)
If not None, this attribute overwrites the default expected
input if the user left it empty, or if the current input is not
a tty.
* case_sensitive (default: False)
Since defaulty set to False, the default behavior is to be
case insensitive about user response. For example, for bool
expectations whose response must be 'y' or 'n', uppercase
strings will also be accepted. Set it to True to claim strict
* append_choices (default: True)
Indicates whether an expected choices representation must be
appended to the question string or no. Defaultly, it is set
to True, so expecting a reponse like this:
`Expect(expect=False, append_choices=True)('Exit now ?')`
will prompt the user for: "[?] Exit now ? [y/N] ", with default
choice (here False, aka "N") ansi bolded.
* skip_interrupt (default: True)
If set to True (default), it prevents KeyboardInterrupt and
EOFError interruptions, and re ask the question instead of
raising them.
NOTE: If stdin is detached from user tty (aka, if the command is
being interpreted without interface), then the default response is
automatically triggered, as if it was typed by the user.
def __init__(self, expect=None, question='', timeout=0,
default=None, case_sensitive=False,
append_choices=True, skip_interrupt=True):
self.expect = expect
self.question = str(question)
self.timeout = int(timeout)
self.default = default
self.case_sensitive = bool(case_sensitive)
self.append_choices = bool(append_choices)
self.skip_interrupt = bool(skip_interrupt)
def __call__(self, question=None):
# use custom question, or fallback to the default one.
if question is not None:
question = str(question)
question = self.question
# auto prepend question magic tag: "[?]" (if non empty):
if question:
question = "[?] " + question.lstrip()
expect = self.expect
default = ''
# handle yes/no choice (expect=bool)
if isinstance(expect, bool):
expect = ['y', 'n']
default = expect[not self.expect]
# handle multi choice (expect=list)
elif isinstance(expect, list) and expect:
default = expect[0]
# handle single choice (expect=str):
elif isinstance(expect, str):
expect = [expect]
# self.default overwites default if not None
if self.default is not None:
default = str(self.default)
# clean out
default = str(default).strip()
if expect is not None:
expect = [str(e).strip() for e in expect]
# case sensitivity
if not self.case_sensitive:
default = default.lower()
if expect is not None:
expect = [e.lower() for e in expect]
# handle append_choices query suffix:
append_choices = self.append_choices
if append_choices and expect is not None:
suffix = colorize('%BoldCyan', ' [')
sep = '/' if '/' not in str(expect) else ' || '
sep = colorize('%BoldCyan', sep)
items = [e.strip() for e in expect if e.strip()]
for index, item in enumerate(items):
if default == item:
if not self.case_sensitive:
item = item.upper()
items[index] = colorize('%BoldWhite') + item
if not self.case_sensitive:
item = item.lower()
items[index] = colorize('%BasicWhite') + item
suffix += sep.join(items) + colorize('%BoldCyan', '] ')
if items:
question = question.rstrip() + suffix
# force timeout = 1 if not interactive:
if isatty():
timeout = self.timeout
timeout = 1
# ask loop
while True:
response = None
# start timeout that calls illegal lambda (raising TypeError)
signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, lambda: 0)
response = sys.stdin.readline()
if os.linesep in response:
response = response.replace(os.linesep, "")
raise EOFError
except BaseException as e:
# if skip interrupt, just reloop, otherwise, raise
if type(e) in (EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt):
if self.skip_interrupt and isatty():
raise e
# if timeout reached, use `default` as response
elif type(e) == TypeError:
response = default
# normally raise unplanned exceptions
raise e
# if None is expected, any response is accepted
if expect is None:
if default and not response:
return str(default)
return response
# use default response if not given
if not response:
response = default
if not self.case_sensitive:
response = response.lower()
if response in expect:
# if boolean was expected, return True in the case
# response is the same as expected. False otherwise
if isinstance(self.expect, bool):
resp = response == "y"
return resp == self.expect
# just return response otherwise
return response