import json
import logging
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from pathlib import Path
from subprocess import CalledProcessError, check_output
from typing import List, Optional
def report_output(stdout: bytes, label: str) -> List[str]:
ret = stdout.decode().strip().split("\n")
print(f"{label}: {ret}")
return ret
def get_branch_contents(ref: str) -> List[str]:
"""Get the list of directories in a branch."""
stdout = check_output(["git", "ls-tree", "-d", "--name-only", ref])
return report_output(stdout, "Branch contents")
def get_sorted_tags_list() -> List[str]:
"""Get a list of sorted tags in descending order from the repository."""
stdout = check_output(["git", "tag", "-l", "--sort=-v:refname"])
return report_output(stdout, "Tags list")
def get_versions(ref: str, add: Optional[str], remove: Optional[str]) -> List[str]:
"""Generate the file containing the list of all GitHub Pages builds."""
# Get the directories (i.e. builds) from the GitHub Pages branch
builds = set(get_branch_contents(ref))
except CalledProcessError:
builds = set()
logging.warning(f"Cannot get {ref} contents")
# Add and remove from the list of builds
if add:
if remove:
assert remove in builds, f"Build '{remove}' not in {sorted(builds)}"
# Get a sorted list of tags
tags = get_sorted_tags_list()
# Make the sorted versions list from main branches and tags
versions: List[str] = []
for version in ["master", "main"] + tags:
if version in builds:
# Add in anything that is left to the bottom
versions += sorted(builds)
print(f"Sorted versions: {versions}")
return versions
def write_json(path: Path, repository: str, versions: str):
org, repo_name = repository.split("/")
struct = [
dict(version=version, url=f"https://{org}.github.io/{repo_name}/{version}/")
for version in versions
text = json.dumps(struct, indent=2)
print(f"JSON switcher:\n{text}")
def main(args=None):
parser = ArgumentParser(
description="Make a versions.txt file from gh-pages directories"
help="Add this directory to the list of existing directories",
help="Remove this directory from the list of existing directories",
help="The GitHub org and repository name: ORG/REPO",
help="Path of write switcher.json to",
args = parser.parse_args(args)
# Write the versions file
versions = get_versions("origin/gh-pages", args.add, args.remove)
write_json(args.output, args.repository, versions)
if __name__ == "__main__":