* ParamContainer.cpp - parameter container class with JSON encoding/decoding
* This class implements a simple parameter container with JSON encoding/decoding, allowing
* applications to maintain e.g. configuration and status parameters with easy integration
* with external client control via JSON message payloads (e.g IpcMessage).
* Created on: Oct 7, 2021
* Author: Tim Nicholls, STFC Detector Systems Software Group
#include <sstream>
#include "ParamContainer.h"
namespace OdinData
//! Copy constructor
//! This copy constructor implements a shallow copy of an existing parameter container. Note that
//! it is NOT possible for the copy constructor to copy the setter and getter maps for parameters
//! bound by derived classes, since base class constructors are called first. In order to implement
//! a deep copy, the derived classes should implement bind_params (which is pure virtual) and call
//! it from their own copy constructor before calling update() with the copied container.
//! \param container - const reference to container to be copied
ParamContainer::ParamContainer(const ParamContainer& container)
// Explicilty copy the container JSON document
doc_.CopyFrom(container.doc_, doc_.GetAllocator());
//! Encode the parameter container to a JSON-formatted string
//! This method encodes the parameter container to a JSON-formatted string. The values of
//! all bound parameters in the container are encoded into return JSON string.
//! \return JSON-encoded string of all bound parameters in the container
std::string ParamContainer::encode(void)
rapidjson::StringBuffer sb;
rapidjson::Writer<rapidjson::StringBuffer, rapidjson::UTF8<> > writer(sb);
std::string encoded(sb.GetString());
return encoded;
//! Encode the parameter container into an existing document
//! This method encodes the parameter container into a JSON document, using the specified path
//! as a prefix for all parameter paths. The values of all bound parameters are encoded into
//! the document.
//! \param doc_obj - reference to the JSON document to encode parameters into
//! \param prefix_path - string to prefix to the path of all bound parameters
void ParamContainer::encode(ParamContainer::Document& doc_obj, std::string prefix_path) const
// Construct the JSON pointer prefix based on the prefix path
std::string pointer_prefix = pointer_path("");
if (!prefix_path.empty())
pointer_prefix += prefix_path;
// Ensure that the pointer prefix is correctly terminated with a trailing slash.
if (*pointer_prefix.rbegin() != '/')
pointer_prefix += "/";
// Iterate through all the bound parameters in the getter map, retreiving their current
// values and setting in the JSON document. The first element of each map entry returned
// by the iterator is the path of the parameter and the second is the bound getter method.
for (GetterFuncMap::const_iterator it = getter_map_.begin(); it != getter_map_.end(); ++it)
rapidjson::Value value_obj;
std::string path = pointer_prefix + (*it).first;
rapidjson::Pointer(path.c_str()).Set(doc_obj, value_obj);
//! Update the values of parameters from the specified JSON-formatted string
//! This method updates the values of the parameters from the specfied JSON-formatted string.
//! Parameters in the string that do not correspond to bound parameters in the container are
//! ignored.
//! \param json - JSON-formatted string to update parameters from
void ParamContainer::update(std::string json)
//! Update the values of parameters from the specified JSON-formatted character array
//! This method updates the values of the parameters from the specfied JSON-formatted character.
//! array. Parameters in the array that do not correspond to bound parameters in the container are
//! ignored.
//! \param json - pointer to a JSON-formatted character array to update parameters from
void ParamContainer::update(const char* json)
// Parse the JSON argument into the document
// Throw an informative exception of parse errors were encountered
if (doc_.HasParseError())
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "JSON parse error updating configuration from string at offset "
<< doc_.GetErrorOffset() ;
ss << " : " << rapidjson::GetParseError_En(doc_.GetParseError());
throw ParamContainerException(ss.str());
// Update parameters in the container from the parsed JSON document
//! Update the values of the parameters from the specified parameter container
//! This method updates the values of parameters from the specifed parameter container. Parameters
//! in the container that do not correspond to bound parameters in this container are ignore
//! \param container - reference to a ParamContainer object to update parameters from
void ParamContainer::update(const ParamContainer& container)
// Create a new param container document and encode the new container into it
ParamContainer::Document doc;
// Update parametes in the container from the encoded document
//! Update the values of the parameters from the specified value object
//! This method updates the values of parameters from the specifed value object. Parameters in the
//! container that do not correspond to bound parameters in this container are ignored.
//! \param container - reference to a ParamContainer object to update parameters from
void ParamContainer::update(const ParamContainer::Value& value_obj)
// Create a new param container document and and copy the value object into it
ParamContainer::Document doc;
doc.CopyFrom(value_obj, doc.GetAllocator());
// Update parametes in the container from the document
//! Update the values of the parameters from the specified JSON document
//! This method updates the values of the parameters from the specfied JSON document object.
//! Parameters in the document that do not correspond to bound parameters in the container are
//! ignored.
//! \param json - reference to a JSON document obhect to update paramters from
void ParamContainer::update(ParamContainer::Document& doc_obj)
// Iterate through all bound parameters in the setter function map. The first element of each
// map entry returned by the iterator is the path of the parameter and the second is the bound
// getter method.
for (SetterFuncMap::iterator it = setter_map_.begin(); it != setter_map_.end(); ++it)
// If the path of the bound parameter is found in the JSON document, call the setter
// function to update the value of the parameter
if (rapidjson::Value* value_ptr = rapidjson::Pointer(
// Explicit specialisations of the set_value and get_value methods, mapping native attribute types
// to the appropriate RapidJSON storage type.
template<> void ParamContainer::set_value(int& param, rapidjson::Value& value_obj) const
param = value_obj.GetInt();
template<> void ParamContainer::get_value(int& param, rapidjson::Value& value_obj) const
template<> void ParamContainer::set_value(unsigned int& param, rapidjson::Value& value_obj) const
param = value_obj.GetUint();
template<> void ParamContainer::get_value(unsigned int& param, rapidjson::Value& value_obj) const
template<> void ParamContainer::set_value(uint16_t& param, rapidjson::Value& value_obj) const
param = value_obj.GetUint();
template<> void ParamContainer::get_value(uint16_t& param, rapidjson::Value& value_obj) const
#ifdef __APPLE__
// The MacOS clang compiler seems to base uint64 on a different base type than gcc on Linux, causing
// linker errors with templated specialisations of get_value and set_value for unsigned long.
template<> void ParamContainer::set_value(unsigned long& param rapidjson::Value& value_obj) const
param = value_obj.GetUint64();
template<> void ParamContainer::get_value(unsigned long& param, rapidjson::Value& value_obj) const
template<> void ParamContainer::set_value(int64_t& param, rapidjson::Value& value_obj) const
param = value_obj.GetInt64();
template<> void ParamContainer::get_value(int64_t& param, rapidjson::Value& value_obj) const
template<> void ParamContainer::set_value(uint64_t& param, rapidjson::Value& value_obj) const
param = value_obj.GetUint64();
template<> void ParamContainer::get_value(uint64_t& param, rapidjson::Value& value_obj) const
template<> void ParamContainer::set_value(double& param, rapidjson::Value& value_obj) const
param = value_obj.GetDouble();
template<> void ParamContainer::get_value(double& param, rapidjson::Value& value_obj) const
template<> void ParamContainer::set_value(std::string& param, rapidjson::Value& value_obj) const
param = value_obj.GetString();
template<> void ParamContainer::get_value(std::string& param, rapidjson::Value& value_obj) const
template<> void ParamContainer::set_value(bool& param, rapidjson::Value& value_obj) const
param = value_obj.GetBool();
template<> void ParamContainer::get_value(bool& param, rapidjson::Value& value_obj) const
template<> void ParamContainer::set_value(ParamContainer::Document& param, rapidjson::Value& value_obj) const
param.CopyFrom(value_obj, param.GetAllocator());
template<> void ParamContainer::get_value(ParamContainer::Document& param, rapidjson::Value& value_obj) const
value_obj.CopyFrom(param, param.GetAllocator());
} // namespace OdinData