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Test Coverage

## v3.0.0-beta.2 (2023-01-17)

#### :boom: Breaking Change
* [#809]( Convert positional params to named params ([@maxwondercorn](
* [#807]( Create local html-safe helper/remove ember-cli-string-helpers ([@maxwondercorn](

#### :bug: Bug Fix
* [#825]( Fix: Add ...attributes to lt-body ([@IgnaceMaes](
* [#824]( FIx deprecation for using this.attrs for arguments in template ([@vstefanovic97](

#### :house: Internal
* [#815]( Update examples ([@rwwagner90](

#### Committers: 4
- Gregg Martell ([@maxwondercorn](
- Ignace Maes ([@IgnaceMaes](
- Robert Wagner ([@rwwagner90](
- Vuk ([@vstefanovic97](

## v3.0.0-beta.1 (2022-07-21)

#### :boom: Breaking Change
* [#805]( Make light-table tagless ([@rwwagner90](
* [#804]( Remove enableSync option, require updating table rows manually ([@rwwagner90](
* [#757]( Bump deps, update GitHub actions ([@rwwagner90](
* [#784]( Remove fix-proto - Drop support for IE < 10 ([@maxwondercorn](
* [#780]( Drop node 10 ([@maxwondercorn](
* [#775]( Merge post 2.0.0-beta.5 branches ([@maxwondercorn](
* [#755]( Merge 3-x into master ([@rwwagner90](

#### :rocket: Enhancement
* [#601]( Avoid breaking line with sort icon in narrow columns ([@Gorzas](
* [#648]( Expose shouldRecycle property of vertical-collection ([@Gaurav0](
* [#584]( Improve cells performance ([@mostafa-sakhiri](

#### :bug: Bug Fix
* [#803]( Fix scroll to row ([@rwwagner90](
* [#800]( Fix responsive functionality ([@rwwagner90](
* [#798]( Fix onScrolledToBottom / use render modifiers ([@rwwagner90](
* [#790]( Import computed macros directly ([@rwwagner90](
* [#681]( use `assign` instead of `merge` ([@bekzod](
* [#664]( Fixing issue with multiple tables and onScrolledToBottom. ([@gmurphey](
* [#666]( Pinning ip-regex to fix build issue. ([@gmurphey](
* [#596]( [Draggable Column] Error when dragging column; "removeObject is not a function" ([@msenevir](
* [#586]( FIX - Incomplete use of htmlSafe() on ([@ghost](

#### :house: Internal
* [#806]( Convert dummy app to glimmer components ([@rwwagner90](
* [#801]( Make embroider-safe ([@rwwagner90](
* [#799]( Tweak some icons ([@rwwagner90](
* [#797]( Minor icon fixes ([@maxwondercorn](
* [#796]( Fix font-awesome icons, fix some build issues ([@rwwagner90](
* [#793]( Convert dummy app ([@maxwondercorn](
* [#792]( Update ember-scrollable ([@rwwagner90](
* [#791]( Fix implicit `this`, runloop, and assign issues ([@rwwagner90](
* [#779]( Remove Bower configuration ([@maxwondercorn](
* [#653]( Fix scroll to bottom test ([@Gaurav0](
* [#649]( Write integration tests for occlusion rendering ([@Gaurav0](
* [#598]( Stop using nativeDomClick which is deprecated. ([@plcarmel](

#### Committers: 11
- Chris Thoburn ([@runspired](
- Deleted user ([@ghost](
- Garrett Murphey ([@gmurphey](
- Gaurav Munjal ([@Gaurav0](
- José David Cano Pérez ([@Gorzas](
- Mahen Seneviratne ([@msenevir](
- Pierre-Luc Carmel Biron ([@plcarmel](
- Robert Wagner ([@rwwagner90](
- [@bekzod](
- [@mostafa-sakhiri](
- maxwondercorn ([@maxwondercorn](


#### Bug Fixes
* [#734]( bump dependency addons ([@fran-worley](

#### Internal
* [#733]( Bump Ember CLI to v3.16 (LTS) + bump core addons to latest ([@fran-worley](

#### Committers: 1
- Fran Worley ([@fran-worley](

## v2.0.0-beta.5 (2020-01-16)

#### :boom: Breaking Change
* [#718]( Replace volatile computed properties ([@fran-worley](

#### Bug Fixes
* [#722]( Fix resizing columns issues(2.x) ([@TomaszWegrzyn](
* [#718]( Replace volatile computed properties ([@fran-worley](

#### Enhancements
* [8d0b592]( Update ember-scrollable version to jquery-less ([@alexander-alvarez](

#### Committers: 3
- Alexander Alvarez ([@alexander-alvarez](
- Tomasz Wegrzyn [@TomaszWegrzyn](
- Fran Worley ([@fran-worley](

## v2.0.0-beta.4 (2019-08-19)

#### :boom: Breaking Change
* [#701]( Convert ES6 native classes to ember objects ([@fran-worley](
* [#713]( Set minimum supported ember version at 3.4 ([@fran-worley](
* [#698]( Drop support for Node 6 as end of life 30 April 2019 ([@fran-worley](

#### Bug Fixes
* [#701]( Convert ES6 native classes to ember objects ([@fran-worley](
* [#693]( Update ember-in-viewport, ember-wormhole ([@fran-worley](
* [#692]( Replace propertyWillChange/propertyDidChange with notifyPropertyChange ([@mmadsen2](
* [#681]( use `assign` instead of `merge` ([@bekzod](
* [#664]( Fixing issue with multiple tables and onScrolledToBottom. ([@gmurphey](
* [#666]( Pinning ip-regex to fix build issue. ([@gmurphey](
* [#596]( [Draggable Column] Error when dragging column; "removeObject is not a function" ([@msenevir](

#### Internal
* [#716]( Bump to ember cli 3.12 and update dependencies ([@fran-worley](
* [#697]( Migrate from ember-cli-changelog to lerna-changelog ([@fran-worley](
* [#696]( Bump Ember CLI to 3.8 and update other dependencies ([@fran-worley](
* [#693]( Update ember-in-viewport, ember-wormhole ([@fran-worley](

#### Committers: 5
- mmadsen2 [@mmadsen2](
- bek ([@bekzod](
- Garrett Murphey ([@gmurphey](
- Mahen Seneviratne ([@msenevir](
- Fran Worley ([@fran-worley](

## v2.0.0-beta.3 (2019-05-9)

#### Breaking
- [#657]( Officially drop support for node 4 ([@Gaurav0](

#### Enhancements
* [#601]( Avoid breaking line with sort icon in narrow columns ([@Goras](
* [#648]( Expose shouldRecycle property of vertical-collection ([@Gaurav0](

#### Bug Fixes
* [#672]( bump vertical-collection to v1.0.0-beta.13 ([@fran-worley](
* [#686]( refactor: Remove sendAction() calls ([@MichalBryxi](
* [#673]( Replace merge with assign ([@fran-worley](
* [#677]( ensure ember-scrollable updates when rows are updated ([@fran-worley](

#### Internal
* [#598]( Stop using nativeDomClick which is deprecated. ([@plcarmel](
* [#649]( Write integration tests for occlusion rendering ([@Gaurav0](
* [#651]( Update ember-cli-changelog ([@Gaurav0](
* [#653]( Fix scroll to bottom test ([@Gaurav0](
* [#655]( Update ember-scrollable ([@Gaurav0](
* [#656]( Assert and Test compatibility with LTS 3.4 ([@Gaurav0](

#### Committers: 4
- Pierre-Luc Carmel Biron ([@plcarmel](
- Gaurav Munjal ([@Gaurav0](
- Fran Worley ([@fran-worley](
- Michal Bryxi ([@MichalBryxi](

## v2.0.0-beta.2 (2018-10-29)

#### Enhancements
*[#593]( Remove jQuery usage ((@donaldwasserman)[])

#### Committers: 1
- Donald Wasserman ((@donaldwasserman)[])

## v2.0.0-beta.1 (2018-10-26)

#### Bug Fixes
*[#590]( replace `sendAction` with modern callable methods ((@donaldwasserman)[])

#### Committers: 1
- Donald Wasserman ((@donaldwasserman)[])

## v2.0.0-beta.0 (2018-10-25)

#### Enhancements
* [#584]( Improve cells performance ([@mostafa-sakhiri](

#### Bug Fixes
* [#586]( Incomplete use of htmlSafe() on ([@richard-viney](

#### Committers: 2
- mostafa-sakhiri ([@mostafa-sakhiri](
- Richard Viney ([@richard-viney](


#### Enhancements
* [#584]( Improve cells performance ([@mostafa-sakhiri](
* [#601]( Avoid breaking line with sort icon in narrow columns ([@Goras](
* [#648]( Expose shouldRecycle property of vertical-collection ([@Gaurav0](

#### Bug Fixes
* [#692]( Replace propertyWillChange/propertyDidChange with notifyPropertyChange ([@mmadsen2](
* [#681]( use `assign` instead of `merge` ([@bekzod](
* [#664]( Fixing issue with multiple tables and onScrolledToBottom. ([@gmurphey](
* [#666]( Pinning ip-regex to fix build issue. ([@gmurphey](
* [#596]( [Draggable Column] Error when dragging column; "removeObject is not a function" ([@msenevir](
* [#586]( Incomplete use of htmlSafe() on ([@richard-viney](

#### Internal
* [#598]( Stop using nativeDomClick which is deprecated. ([@plcarmel](
- [#649]( Write integration tests for occlusion rendering ([@Gaurav0](
- [#653]( Fix scroll to bottom test ([@Gaurav0](
- [#651]( Update ember-cli-changelog ([@Gaurav0](

#### Committers: 8
- Garrett Murphey ([@gmurphey](
- Mahen Seneviratne ([@msenevir](
- mmadsen2 [@mmadsen2](
- bek ([@bekzod](
- José David Cano Pérez ([@Goras](
- Gaurav Munjal ([@Gaurav0](
- mostafa-sakhiri ([@mostafa-sakhiri](
- Richard Viney ([@richard-viney](
- Pierre-Luc Carmel Biron ([@plcarmel](

## v1.13.2 (2018-08-26)

#### Bug Fixes
- [e345fec]( Use isArray to check columns, rows type ([@quaertym](

#### Internal
- [7b50190]( Update other dependencies ([@alexander-alvarez](
- [715d94b]( Update Ember scrollable ([@Gaurav0](

#### Committers: 3
- Emre Unal ([@quaertym](
- Alex Alvarez ([@alexander-alvarez](
- Gaurav Munjal ([@Gaurav0](

## v1.13.1 (2018-06-22)

#### Internal
- [ace7f4c]( Update ember-cli to 3.1.4 ([@jrjohnson](
- [bf6edb8]( Update all dependencies ([@jrjohnson](

#### Committers: 1
- Jonathan Johnson ([@jrjohnson](

## v1.13.0 (2018-06-21)

#### Commits

- [5dccab6a]( **test(light-table/onScrolledToBottom)**: skip *by [Jan Buschtöns](*
- [a3af0b48]( **test(lt-body/scaffolding)**: use querySelectorAll for subquery *by [Jan Buschtöns](*
- [07972532]( **fix(lt-infinity)**: disable intersection observer *by [Jan Buschtöns](*
- [59054009]( **fix(classes/{Column,Row})**: assign properties in the Ember init hook *by [Jan Buschtöns](*
- [2cc88bac]( **fix(lt-infinity)**: set default scroll buffer to 0 *by [Jan Buschtöns](*
- [35c89933]( **refactor(mixins/table-header)**: set sharedOptions.fixed(Header|Footer) once in init *by [Jan Buschtöns](*
- [5a4fd499]( **docs(README)**: fix Ember.js versions badge *by [Jan Buschtöns](*
- [fa9e50b8]( **docs(README)**: add logo *by [Jan Buschtöns](*
- [0d99b0f4]( **fix(Table)**: constructor asserts param types (#522) *by [Redmond Tran](*
- [f5b56c97]( **fix(draggable-column)**: guard against undefined sourceColumn (#521) *by [Craig MacKenzie](*

## v1.12.2

#### Commits

- [6d71609d]( **fix(occlusion)**: wire up lastVisibleChanged *by [Jan Buschtöns](*

## v1.12.1

This patch release primarily re-enabled dynamic column sizing for occlusion tables and wires up the `onScrolledToBottom` and `onScroll` actions.
However, we have to (temporarily) remove expanded rows. See [this comment in #514]( for more details.

#### Commits

- [55f5962e]( **fix(occlusion)**: remove colspan from loader and no-data spanned rows *by [Jan Buschtöns](*
- [5f6637e3]( **fix(occlusion)**: temporarily remove yield inside vertical-collection *by [Jan Buschtöns](*
- [ee30bb83]( **fix(occlusion)**: wire up onScroll and onScrolledToBottom *by [Jan Buschtöns](*
- [b93f0671]( **fix(occlusion)**: pass bufferSize based on scrollBuffer *by [Jan Buschtöns](*
- [c240a23c]( **fix(occlusion)**: tbody sizing via flexbox, dynamic column widths *by [Jan Buschtöns](*
- [140ea0d6]( **docs(README)**: update "help wanted" label link *by [Jan Buschtöns](*

## v1.12.0

#### Commits

- [7feb748c]( **feat(lt-body)**: Preliminary Vertical collection integration (#483) *by [Alex Alvarez](*

## v1.11.0

#### Commits

- [e16af170]( **feat(table-header)**: custom icon components (#489) *by [RedTn](*
- [daa657ee]( **fix(draggable-column)**: ensure the drop target remains properly identified (#496) *by [akshay-kr](*
- [2e2faf93]( **fix(draggable-column)**: ensure the drop target remains properly identified (#418) *by [RustyToms](*

## v1.10.0

### Pull Requests

- [#445]( **readme**: add link to #e-light-table Slack channel  *by [Jan Buschtöns](*
- [#449]( **head & foot**: make `table.height` optional, warn in `table-header` mixin  *by [Jan Buschtöns](*
- [#451]( **table**: add `setRowsSynced` method  *by [Jan Buschtöns](*
- [#457]( **light-table**: add `extra` property  *by [Jan Buschtöns](*
- [#464]( **light-table**: add `iconSortable` property  *by [Vince Eberle](*
- [#473]( **refactor**: migrate to RFC 176 style ES6 module imports  *by [Robert Wagner](*
- [#462]( **ci/travis**: use headless Chrome  *by [Jan Buschtöns](*
- [#466]( **ci**: align Chrome headless usage with ember-cli 2.15  *by [Jan Buschtöns](*

#### Commits

- [a60647ab]( **test(light-table)**: add case for `extra` and `tableActions` *by [Jan Buschtöns](*

## v1.9.0

### Pull Requests

- [#390](  Move ember-truth-helpers to dependencies  *by [fsmanuel/chore](*
- [#422](  Fix missing 'as body' on example code  *by [Ahmad Suhendri](*
- [#438](  Modernize ELT, kill bower and enable yarn  *by [Jan Buschtöns](*
- [#440]( **tests/table**: isEmpty & isEmpty (enableSync = true)  *by [Jan Buschtöns](*
- [#441]( **readme**: add more information on collaborating  *by [Jan Buschtöns](*
- [#439](  Polyfill support for __proto__ in IE <= 10  *by [Jan Buschtöns](*
- [#421]( **lt-body**: add enableScaffolding option  *by [Jan Buschtöns](*
- [#445]( **readme**: add link to #e-light-table Slack channel  *by [Jan Buschtöns](*
- [#449]( **head & foot**: make `table.height` optional, warn in `table-header` mixin  *by [Jan Buschtöns](*
- [#451]( **table**: add `setRowsSynced` method  *by [Jan Buschtöns](*

#### Commits

- [b0db5b15]( **update ember-scrollable version (#408)**: // *by [Rusty Toms](*

## v1.8.6

### Pull Requests

- [#385](  Fixes 'onScroll' deprecation  *by [Alex Alvarez](*
- [#386](  Move ember-cli-string-helpers to dependencies  *by [Jonathan Steele](*

## v1.8.5

### Pull Requests

- [#383](  Fix for ember-composable-helpers addon incompatibility  *by [Nicholas McClay](*

## v1.8.4

### Pull Requests

- [#348](  Update Column.js to support parent  *by [Alex Alvarez](*

## v1.8.3

### Pull Requests

- [#322](  Fix typo for default colspan  *by [Ilya Radchenko](*
- [#318](  Change <span> to <i> tag for sorting icons  *by [Julie Graceffa](*
- [#332](  Bump ember-scrollable  *by [Offir Golan](*

#### Commits

- [70320d05]( **fix(package)**: update ember-get-config to version 0.2.1 *by [greenkeeper[bot]]([bot])*

## v1.8.2

### Pull Requests

- [#321](  Update ember-scrollable to the latest version 🚀  *by [Offir Golan](*

#### Commits

- [e2438a50]( **fix(package)**: update ember-scrollable to version 0.4.0 *by [greenkeeper[bot]]([bot])*

## v1.8.1

### Pull Requests
- [#303](  Remove deprecated Ember.K  *by [cibernox](*
- [#308](  Update ember-in-viewport to the latest version 🚀  *by [Offir Golan](*

## v1.8.0

### Pull Requests

- [#290](  [FEATURE] Add selectOnClick option  *by [Offir Golan](*

## v1.7.1

### Pull Requests

- [#286](  [BUGFIX] In viewport left/right tolerance adjustment  *by [Offir Golan](*

## v1.7.0

### Pull Requests

- [#222](  [FEATURE] Support horizontal scrolling  *by [Offir Golan](*
- [#281](  [BUGFIX] Resolve IE drag and drop crashes  *by [Offir Golan](*

## v1.6.1

### Pull Requests

- [#266](  [BUGFIX] Require ember-scrollable@^0.3.5  *by [Jan Buschtöns](*

## v1.6.0

### Pull Requests

- [#252](  [BUGFIX] Resizable column improvements  *by [Offir Golan](*
- [#254](  [BUGFIX] repeated scrollToRow  *by [Jan Buschtöns](*
- [#258](  [FEATURE] Draggable Columns  *by [Offir Golan](*

## v1.5.2

### Pull Requests

- [#244](  [FEATURE] minResizeWidth + Event bubbling fix  *by [Offir Golan](*

## v1.5.1

### Pull Requests

- [#241](  [BUGFIX] Add safe checks to scroll logic  *by [Offir Golan](*

## v1.5.0

### Pull Requests

- [#221](  [FEATURE] Add label to base column to be used in column types  *by [Offir Golan](*
- [#228](  [FEATURE] ScrollTo and ScrollToRow  *by [Jan Buschtöns](*
- [#235](  [FEATURE] Responsive Columns  *by [Offir Golan](*

## v1.4.4

### Pull Requests

- [#220](  [BUGFIX] CPs using filterBy should also be dependent on the array size  *by [Offir Golan](*

## v1.4.3

### Pull Requests

- [#214](  [BUGFIX] enableSync sorting duplicates records  *by [Offir Golan](*

## v1.4.2

### Pull Requests

- [#211](  Upgrade dependencies to support Ember 2.9.0  *by [Offir Golan](*

## v1.4.1

### Pull Requests

- [#204](  Update ember-scrollable  *by [Taras Mankovski](*

## v1.4.0

### Pull Requests

- [#167](  [FEATURE] Two-way sync between rows and model  *by [Offir Golan](*
- [#177](  [FEATURE] Customizable components  *by [Taras Mankovski](*
- [#183](  [BUGFIX] Add footer scaffolding and move width into style attr  *by [Offir Golan](*

## v1.3.1

### Pull Requests

- [#166](  [FEATURE] Introduce `resizeOnDrag` for column resizing  *by [Offir Golan](*

## v1.3.0

### Pull Requests

- [#164](  [FEATURE] Rename flattenedColumns to allColumns  *by [Offir Golan](*

## v1.2.0

### Pull Requests

- [#160](  [FEATURE] `multiSelectRequiresKeyboard` option for toggling row selection without ctrl/cmd  *by [Jeremy Bargar](*
- [#163](  [BUGFIX] Autoprefix addon.css (until PostCSS is up and running) + install ember-cli-autoprefixer to prefix demo page CSS  *by [Offir Golan](*
- [#163](  [BUGFIX] Pass table instance + rawValue to custom cell component  *by [Offir Golan](*
- [#163](  [BUGFIX] Use style instead of deprecated width attribute  *by [Offir Golan](*
- [#163](  [BUGFIX] Remove readOnly from value in base cell so it can be modified  *by [Offir Golan](*
- [#163](  [BUGFIX] Column resizer now applies width to table rows on `mouseUp` instead of on `mouseMove`  *by [Offir Golan](*

## v1.1.1

### Pull Requests

- [#133](  [BUGFIX] onScrolledToBottom doesnt get re-triggered after removing table rows  *by [Offir Golan](*

## v1.1.0

### Pull Requests

- [#98](  [FEATURE] Resizable Columns  *by [Offir Golan](*
- [#115](  [FEATURE] Style Table Element  *by [Offir Golan](*
- [#117](  [BUGFIX] onScrolledToBottom doesnt get re-triggered when there arent enough rows in the table  *by [Offir Golan](*
- [#122](  [BUGFIX] Remove deprecations  *by [Offir Golan](*

#### Commits

- [8b80d645]( **make text unselectable if column is sortable** *by [Ben Limmer](*

## v1.0.1

- [#101]( Always use Ember object `get` by [@blimmer](
- [#102]( Use ember-font-awesome vs. ember-cli-font-awesome by  [@blimmer](

## v1.0.0

- [#30]( Support custom cell and column types
- [#38]( Add table reference to custom column components
- [#40]( Use native Ember trackpad scroll emulator via ember-scrollable - [@taras](
- [#42]( Add hideable option to columns


1. `headerComponent` in column definition has been renamed to `component`
2. `onScrolledToBottom` action has been moved from `{{light-table}}` to `{{t.body}}` component
3. `height` has been moved from `{{t.body}}` to `{{light-table}}` component

## v0.1.9
- Remove tag-less cell component since it was restricting a bunch of Ember.Component features such as class name bindings, events, etc.

## v0.1.8
- [#14]( Table cell performance to decrease render time by almost half

## v0.1.7
- Setup scroll event binding only if action is present
- Add is-expanded css class to row

## v0.1.6
- Rename `formatter` to `format`

## v0.1.5
- Ability to provide a formatter function to column definition that will be used to computed the cell value

## v0.1.4
- [#4]( Apply width on cell component based on it's columns width [@steffenbrem](
- [#5]( Add insertRowAt & insertColumnAt to public Table API
- Return pushed/inserted rows & columns from public APIs

## v0.1.3
- Fixed an issue where cell value was not bound

## v0.1.2
- Ability to push rows using ArrayProxy instances

## v0.1.1
- [#1]( Add default CSS

## v0.1.0
- Initial Release