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import { A as emberArray } from '@ember/array';
import Component from '@ember/component';
import { computed, observer } from '@ember/object';
import { readOnly } from '@ember/object/computed';
import { guidFor } from '@ember/object/internals';
import { isEmpty, isNone } from '@ember/utils';
import { assert } from '@ember/debug';
import { inject as service } from '@ember/service';
import Table from 'ember-light-table/classes/Table';
import cssStyleify from 'ember-light-table/utils/css-styleify';

function intersections(array1, array2) {
  return array1.filter((n) => {
    return array2.indexOf(n) > -1;

 * @module Light Table
 * @main light-table

 * ```hbs
 * <LightTable @table={{this.table}} as |t| >
 *   <t.head />
 *   <t.nody />
 *   <t.foot />
 * </LightTable>
 * ```
 * Please see the documentation for the [Head](../classes/t.head.html), [Body](../classes/t.body.html), and [Foot](../classes/t.foot.html) components
 * for more details on all possible options and actions.
 * @class light-table
 * @main Components

export default Component.extend({
  tagName: '',

  media: service(),
  scrollbarThickness: service(),

   * @property table
   * @type {Table}
  table: null,

   * This is used to propagate custom user defined actions to custom cell and header components.
   * As an example, lets say I have a table with a column defined with `cellComponent: 'delete-user'`
   * ```hbs
   *  <LightTable
   *    @table={{this.table}}
   *    @tableActions={{hash deleteUser=this.deleteUser}}
   *    as |t|
   *  >
   *   <t.head />
   *   <t.body />
   *   <t.foot />
   * </LightTable>
   * ```
   * Now in the `delete-user` component, we can access that `deleteUser` action and pass it the
   * row object which will bubble all the way to where you defined that action.
   * ```hbs
   * * <button {{on 'click' (fn @tableActions.deleteUser @row)}}>Delete Me</button>
   * ```
   * @property tableActions
   * @type {Object}
  tableActions: null,

   * Object to store any arbitrary configuration meant to be used by custom
   * components.
   * ```hbs
   * <LightTable @table={{this.table}}
   *   @extra={{hash
   *     highlightColor="yellow"
   *    }}
   *    as |t|
   *  }}
   *   <t.head />
   *   <t.body />
   *   <t.foot />
   * </LightTable>
   * ```
   * Now in all custom components, you can access this value like so:
   * ```hbs
   * <span style="background: {{extra.highlightColor}}">{{value}}<span>
   * ```
   * @property extra
   * @type {Object}
  extra: null,

   * Table height.
   * @property height
   * @type {String}
   * @default null
  height: null,

   * Class names that will be added to all <table> tags
   * @property tableClassNames
   * @type {String}
   * @default ''
  tableClassNames: '',

   * Enable responsive behavior
   * @property responsive
   * @type {Boolean}
   * @default false
  responsive: false,

   * A hash to determine the number of columns to show per given breakpoint.
   * If this is specified, it will override any column specific breakpoints.
   * If we have the following breakpoints defined in `app/breakpoints.js`:
   * - mobile
   * - tablet
   * - desktop
   * The following hash can be passed in:
   * ```js
   * {
   *  mobile: 2,
   *  tablet: 4
   * }
   * ```
   * If there is no rule specified for a given breakpoint (i.e. `desktop`),
   * all columns will be shown.
   * @property breakpoints
   * @type {Object}
   * @default null
  breakpoints: null,

   * Toggles occlusion rendering functionality. Currently experimental.
   * If set to true, you must set {{#crossLink 't.body/estimatedRowHeight:property'}}{{/crossLink}} to
   * something other than the default value.
   * @property occlusion
   * @type Boolean
   * @default False
  occlusion: false,

   * Estimated size of a row. Used in `vertical-collection` to determine roughly the number
   * of rows exist out of the viewport.
   * @property estimatedRowHeight
   * @type Number
   * @default false
  estimatedRowHeight: 0,

   * Whether `vertical-collection` should recycle table rows. This speeds up performance with occlusion
   * rendering but may cause problems if any components expect to reset their state to the initial state
   * with every rerender of the list.
   * @property shouldRecycle
   * @type Boolean
   * @default true
  shouldRecycle: true,

   * Table component shared options
   * @property sharedOptions
   * @type {Object}
   * @private
  sharedOptions: computed(
    function () {
      return {
        height: this.height,
        fixedHeader: false,
        fixedFooter: false,
        occlusion: this.occlusion,
        estimatedRowHeight: this.estimatedRowHeight,
        shouldRecycle: this.shouldRecycle,

  visibleColumns: readOnly('table.visibleColumns'),

   * Calculates the total width of the visible columns via their `width`
   * propert.
   * Returns 0 for the following conditions
   *  - All widths are not set
   *  - Widths are not the same unit
   *  - Unit cannot be determined
   * @property totalWidth
   * @type {Number}
   * @private
  totalWidth: computed('visibleColumns.@each.width', function () {
    let visibleColumns = this.visibleColumns;
    let widths = visibleColumns.getEach('width');
    let unit = (widths[0] || '').match(/\D+$/);
    let totalWidth = 0;

    if (isEmpty(unit)) {
      return 0;

    unit = unit[0];

     1. Check if all widths are present
     2. Check if all widths are the same unit
    for (let i = 0; i < widths.length; i++) {
      let width = widths[i];

      if (isNone(width) || width.indexOf(unit) === -1) {
        return 0;

      totalWidth += parseInt(width, 10);

    return `${totalWidth}${unit}`;

  style: computed(
    function () {
      let totalWidth = this.totalWidth;
      let style = { height: this.height };

      if (totalWidth) {
        if (this.occlusion) {
          const scrollbarThickness = this.scrollbarThickness.thickness;
          style.width = `calc(${totalWidth} + ${scrollbarThickness}px)`;
        } else {
          style.width = totalWidth;

        style.overflowX = 'auto';

      return cssStyleify(style);

  init() {

    let table = this.table;

      '[ember-light-table] table must be an instance of Table',
      table instanceof Table

    this.set('tableId', guidFor(this));

    if (isNone( {
      this.set('responsive', false);
    } else {'mediaChanged', () => this.onMediaChange());


  onMediaChange: observer('table.allColumns.[]', function () {
    let responsive = this.responsive;
    let matches =;
    let breakpoints = this.breakpoints;
    let table = this.table;
    let numColumns = 0;

    if (!responsive) {

    this.send('onBeforeResponsiveChange', matches);

    if (!isNone(breakpoints)) {
      Object.keys(breakpoints).forEach((b) => {
        if (matches.indexOf(b) > -1) {
          numColumns = Math.max(numColumns, breakpoints[b]);

    } else {
      table.get('allColumns').forEach((c) => {
        let breakpoints = c.get('breakpoints');
        let isMatch =
          isEmpty(breakpoints) ||
          intersections(matches, breakpoints).length > 0;
        c.set('responsiveHidden', !isMatch);

    this.send('onAfterResponsiveChange', matches);

  _displayColumns(numColumns) {
    let table = this.table;
    let hiddenColumns = table.get('responsiveHiddenColumns');
    let visibleColumns = table.get('visibleColumns');

    if (!numColumns) {
      hiddenColumns.setEach('responsiveHidden', false);
    } else if (visibleColumns.length > numColumns) {
        visibleColumns.slice(numColumns, visibleColumns.length)
      ).setEach('responsiveHidden', true);
    } else if (visibleColumns.length < numColumns) {
        hiddenColumns.slice(0, numColumns - visibleColumns.length)
      ).setEach('responsiveHidden', false);

  // No-ops for closure actions
  onBeforeResponsiveChange() {},
  onAfterResponsiveChange() {},

  actions: {
     * onBeforeResponsiveChange action.
     * Called before any column visibility is altered.
     * @event onBeforeResponsiveChange
     * @param  {Array} matches list of matching breakpoints
    onBeforeResponsiveChange(/* matches */) {

     * onAfterResponsiveChange action.
     * Called after all column visibility has been altered.
     * @event onAfterResponsiveChange
     * @param  {Array} matches list of matching breakpoints
    onAfterResponsiveChange(/* matches */) {