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# Perfil PolĂ­tico

A platform for profiling candidates in Brazilian 2018 General Election, based
entirely on open data.

## Install

This project requires [Docker](https://docs.docker.com/install/) and
[Docker Compose](https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/).

### Settings

To run the API, you must copy the `.env.sample` to a `.env` file and
edit it accordingly.

### Running

Starting the application:

$ docker-compose up

The website and [API](#api) will be available at
[`localhost:8000`](http://localhost:8000) and the Jupyter at

### Database

#### Initial setup

You should create your database by applying migrations:

$ docker-compose run django ./manage.py migrate

#### Bringing data in

Your local `data/` directory is mapped, inside the container, to `/mnt/data`.
Each command uses a CSV (compressed as `.xz` or not) from a public and
available source. Use `--help` for more info. Yet some extra data can be
generated with some Django custom commands.

Once you have download the datasets to `data/`, the roadmap is:

$ docker-compose run django python manage.py load_affiliations /mnt/data/filiacao.csv
$ docker-compose run django python manage.py load_candidates /mnt/data/candidatura.csv
$ docker-compose run django python manage.py link_affiliations_and_candidates
$ docker-compose run django python manage.py link_politicians_and_election_results
$ docker-compose run django python manage.py load_assets /mnt/data/bemdeclarado.csv
$ docker-compose run django python manage.py load_bills /mnt/data/senado.csv
$ docker-compose run django python manage.py load_bills /mnt/data/camara.csv

### API

#### `GET /api/candidate/<year>/<state>/<post>/`

List all candidates from a certain state to a given post. For example:


Post options for 2018 are:

* `1o-suplente`
* `2o-suplente`
* `deputado-distrital`
* `deputado-estadual`
* `deputado-federal`
* `governador`
* `presidente`
* `senador`
* `vice-governador`
* `vice-presidente`

State options are the abbreviation of the 27 Brazilian states, plus `br` for
national election posts.

#### `GET /api/candidate/<pk>/`

Returns the details of a given candidate.

#### `GET /api/stats/<year>/<post>/<characteristic>/`

Get national statistics for a given characteristic in a elected post.

Post options are:

* `deputado-distrital`
* `deputado-estadual`
* `deputado-federal`
* `governador`
* `prefeito`
* `senador`
* `vereador`

Characteristic options are:

* `age`
* `education`
* `ethnicity`
* `gender`
* `marital_status`
* `occupation`
* `party`

#### `GET /api/stats/<state>/<year>/<post>/<characteristic>/`

Same as above but aggregated by state.

## Tests

$ docker-compose run django py.test
$ docker-compose run django black . --check