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package gitter

import (

const (
    // TimeFormat defines the Gitter-styled timestamp format.
    // https://golang.org/pkg/time/#Time.Format
    TimeFormat = "2006-01-02T15:04:05.999Z"

// TimeStamp represents the timestamp when its belonging event occurred.
type TimeStamp struct {
    // Time is the time.Time representation of the timestamp.
    Time time.Time

    // OriginalValue is the original timestamp value given by Gitter.
    OriginalValue string // e.g. "2014-03-24T15:41:18.991Z"

// UnmarshalText unmarshals the given Gitter-styled timestamp to TimeStamp.
func (timeStamp *TimeStamp) UnmarshalText(b []byte) error {
    str := string(b)
    timeStamp.OriginalValue = str

    t, err := time.Parse(TimeFormat, str)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    timeStamp.Time = t

    return nil

// String returns the original Gitter-styled timestamp value.
func (timeStamp *TimeStamp) String() string {
    return timeStamp.OriginalValue

// MarshalText marshals TimeStamp to a Gitter-styled one.
func (timeStamp *TimeStamp) MarshalText() ([]byte, error) {
    return []byte(timeStamp.String()), nil

// Room represents Gitter's room resource.
// https://developer.gitter.im/docs/rooms-resource
type Room struct {
    ID             string    `json:"id"`
    Name           string    `json:"name"`
    Topic          string    `json:"topic"`
    URI            string    `json:"uri"`
    OneToOne       bool      `json:"oneToOne"`
    Users          []*User   `json:"users"`
    UnreadItems    uint      `json:"unreadItems"`
    Mentions       uint      `json:"mentions"`
    LastAccessTime TimeStamp `json:"lastAccessTime"`
    Favourite      uint      `json:"favourite"`
    Lurk           bool      `json:"lurk"`
    URL            string    `json:"url"`        // path
    GitHubType     string    `json:"githubType"` // TODO type
    Tags           []string  `json:"tags"`
    Version        uint      `json:"v"`

// Rooms represents a group of Room instances.
type Rooms []*Room

// User represents Gitter's user resource.
// https://developer.gitter.im/docs/user-resource
type User struct {
    ID              string `json:"id"`
    UserName        string `json:"username"`
    DisplayName     string `json:"displayName"`
    URL             string `json:"url"` // path
    AvatarURLSmall  string `json:"avatarUrlSmall"`
    AvatarURLMedium string `json:"avatarUrlMedium"`

// Message represents Gitter's message resource.
// https://developer.gitter.im/docs/messages-resource
type Message struct {
    ID            string    `json:"id"`
    Text          string    `json:"text"`
    HTML          string    `json:"html"`
    SendTimeStamp TimeStamp `json:"sent"`
    EditTimeStamp TimeStamp `json:"editedAt"`
    FromUser      User      `json:"fromUser"`
    Unread        bool      `json:"unread"`
    ReadBy        uint      `json:"readBy"`
    URLs          []string  `json:"urls"`
    Mentions      []Mention `json:"mentions"`
    Issues        []Issue   `json:"issues"`
    Meta          []Meta    `json:"meta"` // Reserved, but not in use
    Version       uint      `json:"v"`

// Mention represents a mention in the message.
type Mention struct {
    ScreenName string `json:"screenName"`
    UserID     string `json:"userId"`

// Issue represents issue number mentioned in a message.
type Issue struct {
    Number uint `json:"number"`

// Meta is reserved, but is not used so far.
// https://developer.gitter.im/docs/messages-resource
type Meta struct {