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package slack

import (

const (
    // SLACK is a designated sara.BotType for Slack integration.
    SLACK sarah.BotType = "slack"

// ErrNonSupportedEvent is returned when the given Slack event is not supported by this adapter.
var ErrNonSupportedEvent = errors.New("event not supported")

// AdapterOption defines a function's signature that Adapter's functional options must satisfy.
type AdapterOption func(adapter *Adapter)

// WithSlackClient creates an AdapterOption with the given SlackClient implementation.
// If this option is not given, NewAdapter tries to create golack instance with the given Config.
func WithSlackClient(client SlackClient) AdapterOption {
    return func(adapter *Adapter) {
        adapter.client = client

// WithEventsPayloadHandler creates an AdapterOption with the given function to handle incoming Events API payloads.
// The simplest example to receive a message payload is to use a default payload handler as below:
//   slackAdapter, _ := slack.NewAdapter(slackConfig, slack.WithEventsPayloadHandler(slack.DefaultEventsPayloadHandler))
// See WithRTMPayloadHandler for the detailed usage. WithEventsPayloadHandler is just another form of payload handler to work with Events API.
func WithEventsPayloadHandler(fnc func(context.Context, *Config, *eventsapi.EventWrapper, func(sarah.Input) error)) AdapterOption {
    return func(adapter *Adapter) {
        adapter.apiSpecificAdapterBuilder = func(config *Config, client SlackClient) apiSpecificAdapter {
            return &eventsAPIAdapter{
                config:        adapter.config,
                client:        adapter.client,
                handlePayload: fnc,

// WithRTMPayloadHandler creates an AdapterOption with the given function to handle incoming RTM payloads.
// The simplest example to receive message payloads is to use a default payload handler as below:
//   slackAdapter, _ := slack.NewAdapter(slackConfig, slack.WithRTMPayloadHandler(DefaultRTMPayloadHandler))
// However, Slack's RTM API defines a relatively large amount of payload types.
// To have a better user experience, developers may provide a customized callback function to handle different types of received payloads.
// In that case, one may implement a new payload handler and replace DefaultRTMPayloadHandler.
// Inside the customized payload handler, a developer may wish to have direct access to SlackClient to post some sort of message to Slack via Web API.
// To support such a scenario, wrap this function like below so the SlackClient can be accessed within its scope.
//  // Setup golack instance, which implements SlackClient interface.
//  golackConfig := golack.NewConfig()
//  golackConfig.Token = "XXXXXXX"
//  slackClient := golack.New(golackConfig)
//  rtmPayloadHandler := func(connCtx context.Context, config *Config, payload rtmapi.DecodedPayload, enqueueInput func(sarah.Input) error) {
//         switch p := payload.(type) {
//      case *event.PinAdded:
//            // Do something with pre-defined SlackClient
//            // slackClient.PostMessage(connCtx, ...)
//        default:
//            input, err := EventToInput(p)
//            if err == ErrNonSupportedEvent {
//                 log.Debugf("Event given, but no corresponding action is defined. %#v", payload)
//                 return
//            }
//            if err != nil {
//                 log.Errorf("Failed to convert %T event: %s", p, err.Error())
//                 return
//            }
//            trimmed := strings.TrimSpace(input.Message())
//            if config.HelpCommand != "" && trimmed == config.HelpCommand {
//                 // Help command
//                 help := sarah.NewHelpInput(input)
//                 _ = enqueueInput(help)
//            } else if config.AbortCommand != "" && trimmed == config.AbortCommand {
//                 // Abort command
//                 abort := sarah.NewAbortInput(input)
//                 _ = enqueueInput(abort)
//            } else {
//                 // Regular input
//                 _ = enqueueInput(input)
//            }
//        }
//  }
//  slackConfig := slack.NewConfig()
//  slackAdapter, _ := slack.NewAdapter(slackConfig, slack.WithSlackClient(slackClient), slack.WithRTMPayloadHandler(rtmPayloadHandler))
//  slackBot, _ := sarah.NewBot(slackAdapter)
func WithRTMPayloadHandler(fnc func(context.Context, *Config, rtmapi.DecodedPayload, func(sarah.Input) error)) AdapterOption {
    return func(adapter *Adapter) {
        adapter.apiSpecificAdapterBuilder = func(config *Config, client SlackClient) apiSpecificAdapter {
            return &rtmAPIAdapter{
                config:        adapter.config,
                client:        adapter.client,
                handlePayload: fnc,

// Adapter is a sarah.Adapter implementation that internally calls Slack Rest API and Real Time Messaging API to offer Bot developers an easy way to communicate with Slack.
//    slackConfig := slack.NewConfig()
//    slackConfig.Token = "XXXXXXXXXXXX" // Set token manually or feed slackConfig to json.Unmarshal or yaml.Unmarshal
//    slackAdapter, _ := slack.NewAdapter(slackConfig)
//    slackBot, _ := sarah.NewBot(slackAdapter)
//    sarah.RegisterBot(slackBot)
//    sarah.Run(context.TODO(), sarah.NewConfig())
type Adapter struct {
    config                    *Config
    client                    SlackClient
    apiSpecificAdapterBuilder func(config *Config, client SlackClient) apiSpecificAdapter

// NewAdapter creates a new Adapter with the given *Config and zero or more AdapterOption values.
func NewAdapter(config *Config, options ...AdapterOption) (*Adapter, error) {
    adapter := &Adapter{
        config: config,

    for _, opt := range options {

    // See if a client is set by WithSlackClient option.
    // If not, use golack with the given configuration.
    if adapter.client == nil {
        if config.Token == "" {
            return nil, errors.New("Slack client must be provided with WithSlackClient option or must be configurable with given *Config")

        golackConfig := golack.NewConfig()
        golackConfig.Token = config.Token
        golackConfig.AppSecret = config.AppSecret
        golackConfig.ListenPort = config.ListenPort
        if config.RequestTimeout != 0 {
            golackConfig.RequestTimeout = config.RequestTimeout

        adapter.client = golack.New(golackConfig)

    if adapter.apiSpecificAdapterBuilder == nil {
        return nil, errors.New("RTM or Events API configuration must be applied with WithRTMPayloadHandler or WithEventsPayloadHandler")

    return adapter, nil

// BotType returns a designated BotType for Slack integration.
func (adapter *Adapter) BotType() sarah.BotType {
    return SLACK

// Run establishes a connection with Slack, supervises it, and tries to reconnect when the current connection is gone.
// When a message is sent from the Slack server, the payload is passed to Sarah via the function given as the 2nd argument -- enqueueInput.
// This function simply wraps a channel to prevent blocking situation. When workers are too busy and channel blocks, this function returns BlockedInputError.
// Upon a critical situation such as consecutive reconnection trial failures, such a state is notified to Sarah via the 3rd argument function -- notifyErr.
// Sarah cancels this Bot/Adapter and cleans up related resources when BotNonContinuableError is given to this function.
func (adapter *Adapter) Run(ctx context.Context, enqueueInput func(sarah.Input) error, notifyErr func(error)) {
    adapter.apiSpecificAdapterBuilder(adapter.config, adapter.client).run(ctx, enqueueInput, notifyErr)

// nonBlockSignal tries to send a signal to the given channel in a non-blocking manner.
// If no goroutine is listening to the channel or one is working on a task triggered by the previous signal,
// this method skips signaling rather than blocking till one is ready to read the channel.
// For a signaling purposes, an empty struct{} should be used.
// http://peter.bourgon.org/go-in-production/
//  "Use struct{} as a sentinel value, rather than bool or interface{}. For example, (snip) a signal channel is chan struct{}.
//  It unambiguously signals an explicit lack of information."
func nonBlockSignal(id string, target chan<- struct{}) {
    select {
    case target <- struct{}{}:
        // O.K

        // couldn't send because no goroutine is listening to the  channel or one is currently busy.
        logger.Debugf("Not sending signal to channel: %s", id)


// SendMessage lets sarah.Bot send a message to Slack.
func (adapter *Adapter) SendMessage(ctx context.Context, output sarah.Output) {
    var message *webapi.PostMessage
    switch content := output.Content().(type) {
    case *webapi.PostMessage:
        message = content

    case string:
        channel, ok := output.Destination().(event.ChannelID)
        if !ok {
            logger.Errorf("Destination is not instance of Channel. %#v.", output.Destination())
        message = webapi.NewPostMessage(channel, content)

    case *sarah.CommandHelps:
        channelID, ok := output.Destination().(event.ChannelID)
        if !ok {
            logger.Errorf("Destination is not instance of Channel. %#v.", output.Destination())

        var fields []*webapi.AttachmentField
        for _, commandHelp := range *output.Content().(*sarah.CommandHelps) {
            fields = append(fields, &webapi.AttachmentField{
                Title: commandHelp.Identifier,
                Value: commandHelp.Instruction,
                Short: false,
        attachments := []*webapi.MessageAttachment{
                Fallback: "Here are some input instructions.",
                Pretext:  "Help:",
                Title:    "",
                Fields:   fields,
        message = webapi.NewPostMessage(channelID, "").WithAttachments(attachments)

        logger.Warnf("Unexpected output %#v", output)

    resp, err := adapter.client.PostMessage(ctx, message)
    if err != nil {
        logger.Errorf("Something went wrong with Web API posting: %+v. %+v", err, message)

    if !resp.OK {
        logger.Errorf("Failed to post message %#v: %s", message, resp.Error)

// Input is a sarah.Input implementation that represents a received message.
// Pass an incoming payload to EventToInput for a conversion.
type Input struct {
    Event           interface{}
    senderKey       string
    text            string
    timestamp       *event.TimeStamp
    threadTimeStamp *event.TimeStamp
    channelID       event.ChannelID

// SenderKey returns the message sender's id.
func (i *Input) SenderKey() string {
    return i.senderKey

// Message returns the received text.
func (i *Input) Message() string {
    return i.text

// SentAt returns when the message is sent.
func (i *Input) SentAt() time.Time {
    return i.timestamp.Time

// ReplyTo returns the Slack channel where the message was sent.
func (i *Input) ReplyTo() sarah.OutputDestination {
    return i.channelID

// EventToInput converts the given event payload to *Input.
func EventToInput(e interface{}) (sarah.Input, error) {
    switch typed := e.(type) {
    case *event.Message:
        return &Input{
            Event:           e,
            senderKey:       fmt.Sprintf("%s|%s", typed.ChannelID.String(), typed.UserID.String()),
            text:            typed.Text,
            timestamp:       typed.TimeStamp,
            threadTimeStamp: typed.ThreadTimeStamp,
            channelID:       typed.ChannelID,
        }, nil

    case *event.ChannelMessage:
        return &Input{
            Event:           e,
            senderKey:       fmt.Sprintf("%s|%s", typed.ChannelID.String(), typed.UserID.String()),
            text:            typed.Text,
            timestamp:       typed.TimeStamp,
            threadTimeStamp: typed.ThreadTimeStamp,
            channelID:       typed.ChannelID,
        }, nil

        return nil, ErrNonSupportedEvent

// IsThreadMessage tells if the given message is sent in a thread.
// If the message is sent in a thread, this is encouraged to reply in a thread.
// NewResponse, therefore, defaults to send a response as a thread reply when the input is sent in a thread.
// Use RespAsThreadReply to modify the behavior.
func IsThreadMessage(input *Input) bool {
    if input.threadTimeStamp == nil {
        return false

    if input.threadTimeStamp.OriginalValue == input.timestamp.OriginalValue {
        return false

    return true

// NewResponse creates *sarah.CommandResponse with the given arguments.
// Simply pass a received sarah.Input instance and a text string to send a text message as a reply.
// To send a more customized reply message, pass as many options created by ResponseWith* functions as required.
// When an input is sent in a thread, this function defaults to send a response as a thread reply.
// To explicitly change such behavior, use RespAsThreadReply or RespReplyBroadcast.
func NewResponse(input sarah.Input, msg string, options ...RespOption) (*sarah.CommandResponse, error) {
    typed, ok := input.(*Input)
    if !ok {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("%T is not currently supported to automatically generate response", input)

    stash := &respOptions{
        attachments: []*webapi.MessageAttachment{},
        userContext: nil,
        linkNames:   1, // Linkify channel names and usernames. ref. https://api.slack.com/docs/message-formatting#parsing_modes
        parseMode:   webapi.ParseModeFull,
        unfurlLinks: true,
        unfurlMedia: true,
    for _, opt := range options {

    postMessage := webapi.NewPostMessage(typed.channelID, msg).
    if replyInThread(typed, stash) {
    return &sarah.CommandResponse{
        Content:     postMessage,
        UserContext: stash.userContext,
    }, nil

func replyInThread(input *Input, options *respOptions) bool {
    // If explicitly set by a user, follow such instruction.
    if options.asThreadReply != nil {
        return *options.asThreadReply

    // If an input is given in a thread, then reply in thread.
    // Otherwise, post as a stand-alone message.
    return IsThreadMessage(input)

func threadTimeStamp(input *Input) *event.TimeStamp {
    if input.threadTimeStamp != nil {
        return input.threadTimeStamp

    return input.timestamp

// RespAsThreadReply specifies if the response should be sent as a thread reply.
func RespAsThreadReply(asReply bool) RespOption {
    return func(options *respOptions) {
        options.asThreadReply = &asReply

// RespReplyBroadcast decides if the thread reply should be broadcast.
// To activate this option, RespAsThreadReply must be set to true.
func RespReplyBroadcast(broadcast bool) RespOption {
    return func(options *respOptions) {
        options.replyBroadcast = broadcast

// RespWithAttachments adds given attachments to the response.
func RespWithAttachments(attachments []*webapi.MessageAttachment) RespOption {
    return func(options *respOptions) {
        options.attachments = attachments

// RespWithNext sets a given fnc as part of the response's *sarah.UserContext.
// The next input from the same user will be passed to this fnc.
// sarah.UserContextStorage must be configured or otherwise, the function will be ignored.
func RespWithNext(fnc sarah.ContextualFunc) RespOption {
    return func(options *respOptions) {
        options.userContext = &sarah.UserContext{
            Next: fnc,

// RespWithNextSerializable sets the given arg as part of the response's *sarah.UserContext.
// The next input from the same user will be passed to the function defined in the arg.
// sarah.UserContextStorage must be configured or otherwise, the function will be ignored.
func RespWithNextSerializable(arg *sarah.SerializableArgument) RespOption {
    return func(options *respOptions) {
        options.userContext = &sarah.UserContext{
            Serializable: arg,

// RespWithLinkNames sets the given linkNames value to the response.
// Set 1 to linkify channel names and usernames in the response.
// The default value is 1.
func RespWithLinkNames(linkNames int) RespOption {
    return func(options *respOptions) {
        options.linkNames = linkNames

// RespWithParse sets the given mode value to the response.
// The default value is webapi.ParseModeFull.
func RespWithParse(mode webapi.ParseMode) RespOption {
    return func(options *respOptions) {
        options.parseMode = mode

// RespWithUnfurlLinks sets the given unfurl value to the response.
// The default value is true.
func RespWithUnfurlLinks(unfurl bool) RespOption {
    return func(options *respOptions) {
        options.unfurlLinks = unfurl

// RespWithUnfurlMedia sets the given unfurl value to the response.
// The default value is true.
func RespWithUnfurlMedia(unfurl bool) RespOption {
    return func(options *respOptions) {
        options.unfurlMedia = unfurl

// RespOption defines a function's signature that NewResponse's functional option must satisfy.
type RespOption func(*respOptions)

type respOptions struct {
    attachments    []*webapi.MessageAttachment
    userContext    *sarah.UserContext
    linkNames      int
    parseMode      webapi.ParseMode
    unfurlLinks    bool
    unfurlMedia    bool
    asThreadReply  *bool
    replyBroadcast bool

type apiSpecificAdapter interface {
    run(ctx context.Context, enqueueInput func(sarah.Input) error, notifyErr func(error))

// SlackClient is an interface that covers golack's public methods.
type SlackClient interface {
    ConnectRTM(ctx context.Context) (rtmapi.Connection, error)
    PostMessage(ctx context.Context, message *webapi.PostMessage) (*webapi.APIResponse, error)
    RunServer(ctx context.Context, receiver eventsapi.EventReceiver) <-chan error