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40 mins
Test Coverage
package slack

import (

const pingSignalChannelID = "ping"

type rtmAPIAdapter struct {
    config        *Config
    client        SlackClient
    handlePayload func(context.Context, *Config, rtmapi.DecodedPayload, func(sarah.Input) error)

var _ apiSpecificAdapter = (*rtmAPIAdapter)(nil)

func (r *rtmAPIAdapter) run(ctx context.Context, enqueueInput func(sarah.Input) error, notifyErr func(error)) {
    for {
        conn, err := r.connect(ctx)
        if err != nil {
            // Failed to establish a WebSocket connection with max retrials.
            // Notify the unrecoverable state and give up.

        // Create a connection specific context so each connection-scoped goroutine can receive the connection closing signal and eventually return.
        connCtx, connCancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)

        // This channel is not subject to close. This channel can be accessed in a parallel manner with nonBlockSignal function,
        // and the receiver is NOT waiting for a close signal. Let GC run when this channel is no longer referred.
        // http://stackoverflow.com/a/8593986
        // "Note that it is only necessary to close a channel if the receiver is looking for a close.
        // Closing the channel is a control signal on the channel indicating that no more data follows."
        tryPing := make(chan struct{}, 1)

        go r.receivePayload(connCtx, conn, tryPing, enqueueInput)

        // Payload reception and other connection-related tasks must run in separate goroutines since receivePayload function
        // internally blocks till the per-connection context is cancelled.
        connErr := r.superviseConnection(connCtx, conn, tryPing)

        // superviseConnection returns when parent context is canceled or the connection is hopelessly unstable.
        // Close the current connection and do some cleanup.
        _ = conn.Close()
        if connErr == nil {
            // Connection is intentionally closed by the caller.
            // No more interaction follows.

        logger.Errorf("Will try re-connection due to previous connection's fatal state: %+v", connErr)

func (r *rtmAPIAdapter) connect(ctx context.Context) (rtmapi.Connection, error) {
    var conn rtmapi.Connection
    err := retry.WithPolicy(r.config.RetryPolicy, func() (e error) {
        conn, e = r.client.ConnectRTM(ctx)
        return e
    return conn, err

func (r *rtmAPIAdapter) receivePayload(connCtx context.Context, payloadReceiver rtmapi.PayloadReceiver, tryPing chan<- struct{}, enqueueInput func(sarah.Input) error) {
    for {
        select {
        case <-connCtx.Done():
            logger.Info("Stop receiving payload due to context cancel")

            payload, err := payloadReceiver.Receive()
            // TODO should io.EOF and io.ErrUnexpectedEOF treated differently than other errors?
            if err == event.ErrEmptyPayload {

            switch err.(type) {
            case nil:
                // O.K. Do nothing and proceed to the payload handling

            case *event.MalformedPayloadError:
                logger.Warnf("Ignore malformed payload: %+v", err)

            case *rtmapi.UnexpectedMessageTypeError:
                logger.Warnf("Ignore a payload with unexpected message type: %+v", err)

                // Connection might not be stable or is closed already.
                logger.Infof("Try ping caused by error: %+v", err)
                nonBlockSignal(pingSignalChannelID, tryPing)

            if payload == nil {

            r.handlePayload(connCtx, r.config, payload, enqueueInput)

func (r *rtmAPIAdapter) superviseConnection(connCtx context.Context, payloadSender rtmapi.PayloadSender, tryPing chan struct{}) error {
    ticker := time.NewTicker(r.config.PingInterval)
    defer ticker.Stop()

    for {
        select {
        case <-connCtx.Done():
            return nil

        case <-ticker.C:
            nonBlockSignal(pingSignalChannelID, tryPing)

        case <-tryPing:
            logger.Debug("Send ping")
            err := payloadSender.Ping()
            if err != nil {
                return fmt.Errorf("error on ping: %w", err)

// DefaultRTMPayloadHandler receives incoming events, converts them to sarah.Input, and then passes them to enqueueInput.
// To replace this default behavior, define a function with the same signature and replace this.
//   myHandler := func(_ context.Context, config *Config, _ rtmapi.DecodedPayload, _ func(sarah.Input) error) {}
//   slackAdapter, _ := slack.NewAdapter(slackConfig, slack.WithRTMPayloadHandler(myHandler))
func DefaultRTMPayloadHandler(_ context.Context, config *Config, payload rtmapi.DecodedPayload, enqueueInput func(sarah.Input) error) {
    switch p := payload.(type) {
    case *rtmapi.OKReply:
        logger.Debugf("Successfully sent. ID: %d. Text: %s.", p.ReplyTo, p.Text)

    case *rtmapi.NGReply:
            "Something was wrong with previous message sending. id: %d. error code: %d. error message: %s.",
            p.ReplyTo, p.Error.Code, p.Error.Message)

    case *rtmapi.Pong:
        logger.Debug("Pong message received.")

    case *event.Hello:
        logger.Debugf("Successfully connected.")

        input, err := EventToInput(p)
        if err == ErrNonSupportedEvent {
            logger.Debugf("Event given, but no corresponding action is defined. %#v", payload)

        if err != nil {
            logger.Errorf("Failed to convert %T event: %s", p, err.Error())

        trimmed := strings.TrimSpace(input.Message())
        if config.HelpCommand != "" && trimmed == config.HelpCommand {
            // Help command
            help := sarah.NewHelpInput(input)
            _ = enqueueInput(help)
        } else if config.AbortCommand != "" && trimmed == config.AbortCommand {
            // Abort command
            abort := sarah.NewAbortInput(input)
            _ = enqueueInput(abort)
        } else {
            // Regular input
            _ = enqueueInput(input)