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Test Coverage
package sarah

import (

var (
    // ErrTaskInsufficientArgument is returned when required parameters are not set.
    ErrTaskInsufficientArgument = errors.New("one or more of required fields -- BotType, Identifier and Func -- are empty")

    // ErrTaskScheduleNotGiven is returned when a schedule is provided by neither ScheduledTaskPropsBuilder's parameter nor config.
    ErrTaskScheduleNotGiven = errors.New("task schedule is not set or given from config struct")

// ScheduledTaskResult is a struct that ScheduledTask returns on its execution.
type ScheduledTaskResult struct {
    // Content represents a group of data to be sent as a result of task execution.
    // Since this is passed to Bot.SendMessage as part of OutputMessage,
    // its type may vary depending on the Bot's integrating chat service.
    Content interface{}

    // Destination is passed to Bot.SendMessage as part of OutputMessage value to specify the sending destination.
    // This typically contains a chat room, member id, or e-mail address.
    // e.g. JID of XMPP server/client.
    // When this is nil, Sarah tries to fall back to a default destination given by ScheduledTask.
    // If no default destination is set, then the task execution is considered a failure.
    Destination OutputDestination

// taskFunc is a function type that represents a scheduled task.
type taskFunc func(context.Context, ...TaskConfig) ([]*ScheduledTaskResult, error)

// TaskConfig provides an interface that every task configuration must satisfy, which actually is empty.
// Think of this as a kind of marker interface with a more meaningful name.
type TaskConfig interface{}

// ScheduledConfig defines an interface that a configuration with a default schedule MUST satisfy.
// When no execution schedule is set with ScheduledTaskPropsBuilder.Schedule, this value is taken as a default value on ScheduledTaskPropsBuilder.Build.
type ScheduledConfig interface {
    Schedule() string

// DestinatedConfig defines an interface that a configuration with a default destination MUST satisfy.
// When no output destination is set with ScheduledTaskPropsBuilder.DefaultDestination, this value is taken as a default value on ScheduledTaskPropsBuilder.Build.
type DestinatedConfig interface {
    DefaultDestination() OutputDestination

// ScheduledTask defines an interface that all scheduled task MUST satisfy.
// As long as a struct satisfies this interface, the struct can be registered as ScheduledTask via RegisterScheduledTask.
// ScheduledTaskPropsBuilder and RegisterScheduledTaskProps to set up a ScheduledTask on the fly.
// That will give more flexibility such as the task rebuild feature on live configuration updates.
type ScheduledTask interface {
    // Identifier returns a unique id of this ScheduledTask.
    Identifier() string

    // Execute runs the scheduled task and returns the result in a form of slice.
    // When the task needs to send multiple payloads to multiple destinations, then return as many ScheduledTaskResult as the destinations.
    // Note that scheduled task may result in sending messages to multiple destinations.
    // e.g. Sending taking-out-trash alarm to #dady-chores room while sending go-to-school alarm to #daughter room.
    Execute(context.Context) ([]*ScheduledTaskResult, error)

    // DefaultDestination returns the default destination to send the result to.
    // When ScheduledTaskResult does not specify an output destination, Sarah falls back to use this value as a default.
    // If a default destination is nil, then the task execution is considered a failure.
    DefaultDestination() OutputDestination

    // Schedule returns the stringified representation of the execution schedule.
    // The schedule can be expressed in a crontab way with seconds precision such as "0 30 * * * *" but some variations are also available.
    // See https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/robfig/cron/v3 for details.
    Schedule() string

type taskConfigWrapper struct {
    value TaskConfig
    mutex *sync.RWMutex

type scheduledTask struct {
    identifier         string
    taskFunc           taskFunc
    schedule           string
    defaultDestination OutputDestination
    configWrapper      *taskConfigWrapper

// Identifier returns unique id of this task.
func (task *scheduledTask) Identifier() string {
    return task.identifier

// Execute runs the scheduled task and returns the result in a form of slice.
func (task *scheduledTask) Execute(ctx context.Context) ([]*ScheduledTaskResult, error) {
    wrapper := task.configWrapper
    if wrapper == nil {
        return task.taskFunc(ctx)

    // If the ScheduledTask has a configuration struct, lock before execution.
    // The config struct may be updated by ConfigWatcher at the same time.
    defer wrapper.mutex.RUnlock()
    return task.taskFunc(ctx, wrapper.value)

// Schedule returns the stringified representation of the execution schedule.
func (task *scheduledTask) Schedule() string {
    return task.schedule

// DefaultDestination returns the default destination to send the result to.
func (task *scheduledTask) DefaultDestination() OutputDestination {
    return task.defaultDestination

func buildScheduledTask(ctx context.Context, props *ScheduledTaskProps, watcher ConfigWatcher) (ScheduledTask, error) {
    if props.config == nil {
        // If a config struct is not set, props MUST provide a default schedule to execute the task.
        if props.schedule == "" {
            return nil, ErrTaskScheduleNotGiven

        dest := props.defaultDestination // Can be nil because the task response may return a specific destination to send the result to.
        return &scheduledTask{
            identifier:         props.identifier,
            taskFunc:           props.taskFunc,
            schedule:           props.schedule,
            defaultDestination: dest,
            configWrapper:      nil,
        }, nil

    // https://github.com/oklahomer/go-sarah/issues/44
    locker := configLocker.get(props.botType, props.identifier)

    cfg := props.config
    err := func() error {
        defer locker.Unlock()

        rv := reflect.ValueOf(cfg)
        if rv.Kind() == reflect.Ptr || rv.Kind() == reflect.Map {
            return watcher.Read(ctx, props.botType, props.identifier, cfg)

        // https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/Golang-Nuts/KB3_Yj3Ny4c
        // Obtain a pointer to the *underlying type* instead of CommandConfig.
        n := reflect.New(reflect.TypeOf(cfg))

        // Copy the current value to the newly created instance.
        // This includes private field values.

        // Pass the pointer to the newly created instance.
        e := watcher.Read(ctx, props.botType, props.identifier, n.Interface())
        if e == nil {
            cfg = n.Elem().Interface()
        return e

    var notFoundErr *ConfigNotFoundError
    if err != nil && !errors.As(err, &notFoundErr) {
        // Unacceptable error
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to read config for %s:%s: %w", props.botType, props.identifier, err)

    // Set up the execution schedule
    schedule := props.schedule
    if scheduledConfig, ok := (cfg).(ScheduledConfig); ok {
        if s := scheduledConfig.Schedule(); s != "" {
            schedule = s
    if schedule == "" {
        return nil, ErrTaskScheduleNotGiven

    // Set up default destination
    // This can be nil since each task execution may return a specific destination.
    dest := props.defaultDestination
    if destConfig, ok := (cfg).(DestinatedConfig); ok {
        if d := destConfig.DefaultDestination(); d != nil {
            dest = d

    return &scheduledTask{
        identifier:         props.identifier,
        taskFunc:           props.taskFunc,
        schedule:           schedule,
        defaultDestination: dest,
        configWrapper: &taskConfigWrapper{
            value: cfg,
            mutex: locker,
    }, nil

// ScheduledTaskProps is a designated non-serializable configuration struct to be used for ScheduledTask construction.
// This holds a relatively complex set of ScheduledTask construction arguments and properties.
type ScheduledTaskProps struct {
    botType            BotType
    identifier         string
    taskFunc           taskFunc
    schedule           string
    defaultDestination OutputDestination
    config             TaskConfig

// ScheduledTaskPropsBuilder helps to construct a ScheduledTaskProps.
// A developer may set up a ScheduledTask property -- ScheduledTaskProps -- by calling ScheduledTaskPropsBuilder.Build or ScheduledTaskPropsBuilder.MustBuild at the end.
// A validation logic runs on build, so the returning ScheduledTaskProps instant is safe to be passed to RegisterScheduledTaskProps.
type ScheduledTaskPropsBuilder struct {
    props *ScheduledTaskProps

// NewScheduledTaskPropsBuilder creates and returns a new ScheduledTaskPropsBuilder instance.
func NewScheduledTaskPropsBuilder() *ScheduledTaskPropsBuilder {
    return &ScheduledTaskPropsBuilder{
        props: &ScheduledTaskProps{},

// BotType is a setter to provide the belonging BotType.
func (builder *ScheduledTaskPropsBuilder) BotType(botType BotType) *ScheduledTaskPropsBuilder {
    builder.props.botType = botType
    return builder

// Identifier is a setter for a ScheduledTask identifier.
func (builder *ScheduledTaskPropsBuilder) Identifier(id string) *ScheduledTaskPropsBuilder {
    builder.props.identifier = id
    return builder

// Func sets a function to be called on task execution.
// To set a function that requires some sort of configuration value, use ConfigurableFunc.
func (builder *ScheduledTaskPropsBuilder) Func(fn func(context.Context) ([]*ScheduledTaskResult, error)) *ScheduledTaskPropsBuilder {
    builder.props.config = nil
    builder.props.taskFunc = func(ctx context.Context, cfg ...TaskConfig) ([]*ScheduledTaskResult, error) {
        return fn(ctx)
    return builder

// Schedule sets the execution schedule.
// The schedule can be expressed in a crontab way with seconds precision such as "0 30 * * * *" but some variations are also available.
// See https://pkg.go.dev/github.com/robfig/cron/v3 for details.
func (builder *ScheduledTaskPropsBuilder) Schedule(schedule string) *ScheduledTaskPropsBuilder {
    builder.props.schedule = schedule
    return builder

// DefaultDestination sets a default output destination of this task.
// OutputDestination returned as part of ScheduledTaskResult has higher priority;
// When none is specified by the result, then the default output destination is used.
func (builder *ScheduledTaskPropsBuilder) DefaultDestination(dest OutputDestination) *ScheduledTaskPropsBuilder {
    builder.props.defaultDestination = dest
    return builder

// ConfigurableFunc sets a function for the ScheduledTask with a configuration value.
// The given configuration value -- config -- is passed to the function as a third argument.
// When the resulting ScheduledTaskProps is passed to RegisterScheduledTask and Sarah runs with a ConfigWatcher,
// the configuration value is updated automatically when the corresponding setting is updated.
func (builder *ScheduledTaskPropsBuilder) ConfigurableFunc(config TaskConfig, fn func(context.Context, TaskConfig) ([]*ScheduledTaskResult, error)) *ScheduledTaskPropsBuilder {
    builder.props.config = config
    builder.props.taskFunc = func(ctx context.Context, cfg ...TaskConfig) ([]*ScheduledTaskResult, error) {
        return fn(ctx, cfg[0])
    return builder

// Build builds new ScheduledTaskProps instance with the provided values.
func (builder *ScheduledTaskPropsBuilder) Build() (*ScheduledTaskProps, error) {
    if builder.props.botType == "" ||
        builder.props.identifier == "" ||
        builder.props.taskFunc == nil {

        return nil, ErrTaskInsufficientArgument

    taskConfig := builder.props.config
    if taskConfig == nil && builder.props.schedule == "" {
        // Task Schedule can never be specified.
        return nil, ErrTaskScheduleNotGiven

    if taskConfig != nil {
        if _, ok := (taskConfig).(ScheduledConfig); !ok && builder.props.schedule == "" {
            // Task Schedule can never be specified.
            return nil, ErrTaskScheduleNotGiven

    return builder.props, nil

// MustBuild is like Build, but panics if any error occurs on Build.
// It simplifies the initialization of a global variable holding the built ScheduledTaskProps instance.
func (builder *ScheduledTaskPropsBuilder) MustBuild() *ScheduledTaskProps {
    task, err := builder.Build()
    if err != nil {
        panic(fmt.Errorf("error on building ScheduledTaskProps: %w", err))

    return task