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using System.Linq;
using OneBeyond.Studio.FileStorage.Azure.Exceptions;

namespace OneBeyond.Studio.FileStorage.Azure.Helpers;

internal static class BlobHelper
    //This is designed to improve information about what is and is not valid for a given azure blob name.
    internal static void ValidateBlobName(string blobName)
        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(blobName))
            throw new AzureStorageException("Blob name cannot be empty.");

        if (blobName.Length < 1 || blobName.Length > 1024)
            throw new AzureStorageException("Blob name must be between 1 and 1024 characters in length.");

        if (blobName.EndsWith(".") || blobName.EndsWith("/"))
            throw new AzureStorageException("Blob name must not end with '.' or '/'");

        var paths = blobName.Split('/');

        if (paths.Length > 254)
            throw new AzureStorageException("The number of '/' delimited segments cannot exceed 254.");

        if (paths.Any(x => x.EndsWith(".")))
            throw new AzureStorageException("No path segment ('/' delimited segment) can end in a '.'");