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# Open Build Service 2.11

WARNING: This is a development release, not for production usage!

Please read the README.SETUP file for initial installation
instructions or use the OBS Appliance from

There is also an install medium which installs OBS on hard disk now.

dist/README.UPDATERS file has information for updaters.

OBS Appliance users who have setup their LVM can just replace
their appliance image without data loss. The migration will
happen automatically.


 * Search was improved: New and updated projects/packages are indexed directly instead
   of once every hour. As configuration files for Thinking Sphinx were changed, running
   a 'ts:rt:rebuild' task is needed after deployment, as user wwwrun:
   'chroot --userspec=wwwrun:www / /bin/bash -c "cd /srv/www/obs/api/ && /usr/bin/bundle.ruby2.5 exec rails ts:rt:rebuild RAILS_ENV=production"'
 * Add the 'limit_for_search_results' configuration variable, to allow limiting the results
   returned by calls to API endpoints starting by '/search/...' and not ending in '.../id'.

User Interface:
 * Colors were adjusted to improve contrast thus improving readability
 * The diff box from requests are now being rendered with ruby and coderay instead of CodeMirror
 * New Terms link, configure the link target in the OBS configuration

Backend & build support:


Intentional changes:

 * .sha256 files get gpg signed in detached mode now
 * Switched from OR to AND when checking CPU flags in _constraints file
 * internal .packages files are not published anymore

  Features enabled by default:
    * Image Template
    * Kiwi Image Editor
    * Cloud upload for EC2
    * Cloud upload for Azure

 * Removed the following routes:

    - /home/my_work
    - /home/home_project
    - /home/list_my

maintenance_release request actions takes default reviewers only from package
and update project. Not from GA project anymore.

Breaking API changes:

 * Status messages endpoints. Check the API documentation for the new format.
 * Updated /distributions endpoints. Check the API documentation for the new format.
 * The API endpoint '/announcements' is deprecated and will be removed in the
   next version. Announcements can be created through Status Messages by using
   'announcement' severity. Check the API documentation about Status Messages.
 * The API endpoints '/statistics/download_counter', '/search/attribute' and '/statistics/newest_stats'
   have been removed. They have been non-functional or unused for a long time.
 * Messages (for projects/packages) removed. The API routes below '/message'
   were deprecated in the previous release. They are now removed.
 * Remove Ratings. The following API routes were already deprecated in the
   previous release, and are now removed:
   - GET /statistics/highest_rated?limit=<limit>
   - GET /statistics/rating/<project>/<package>
 * The API endpoints '/search/*' with the HTTP method POST are deprecated
   since they are exactly the same as their GET counterparts.