# This component renders the request action description based on the type of the action
class BsRequestActionDescriptionComponent < ApplicationComponent
attr_reader :action
delegate :project_or_package_link, to: :helpers
delegate :user_with_realname_and_icon, to: :helpers
delegate :requester_str, to: :helpers
delegate :creator_intentions, to: :helpers
def initialize(action:)
@action = action
# rubocop:disable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity
# rubocop:disable Rails/OutputSafety
# rubocop:disable Style/FormatString
def description
creator = action.bs_request.creator
source_project_hash = { project: action.source_project, package: action.source_package, trim_to: nil }
target_project_hash = { project: action.target_project, package: action.target_package, trim_to: nil }
source_container = project_or_package_link(source_project_hash)
target_container = project_or_package_link(target_project_hash)
description = case action.type
when 'submit'
'Submit %{source_container} to %{target_container}' %
{ source_container: source_container, target_container: target_container }
when 'delete'
target_repository = "repository #{link_to(action.target_repository, repositories_path(target_project_hash))} for " if action.target_repository
'Delete %{target_repository}%{target_container}' %
{ target_repository: target_repository, target_container: target_container }
when 'add_role', 'set_bugowner'
'%{creator} wants %{requester} to %{task} for %{target_container}' % {
creator: user_with_realname_and_icon(creator),
requester: requester_str(creator, action.person_name, action.group_name),
task: creator_intentions(action.role),
target_container: target_container
when 'change_devel'
'Set %{source_container} to be devel project/package of %{target_container}' %
{ source_container: source_container, target_container: target_container }
when 'maintenance_incident'
'Submit update from %{source_container} to %{target_container}' %
{ source_container: source_container, target_container: target_container }
when 'maintenance_release'
'Maintenance release %{source_container} to %{target_container}' %
{ source_container: source_container, target_container: target_container }
when 'release'
'Release %{source_container} to %{target_container}' %
{ source_container: source_container, target_container: target_container }
# HACK: this is just a porting of the already existing way of passing the string to the view
# TODO: refactor in order to get rid of the `html_safe` tagging
# rubocop:enable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity
# rubocop:enable Rails/OutputSafety
# rubocop:enable Style/FormatString