# TODO: Please overwrite this comment with something explaining the model target
class LabelTemplateGlobal < ApplicationRecord
#### Includes and extends
#### Constants
#### Self config
#### Attributes
#### Associations macros (Belongs to, Has one, Has many)
#### Callbacks macros: before_save, after_save, etc.
#### Scopes (first the default_scope macro if is used)
#### Validations macros
validates :name, length: { maximum: 255 }, presence: true
validates :color, length: { maximum: 7 }, presence: true, format: { with: /\A#[0-9a-f]{6}\z/i, message: 'enter color in valid hex format (#FFFFFF)' }
#### Class methods using self. (public and then private)
#### To define class methods as private use private_class_method
#### private
#### Instance methods (public and then protected/private)
# Random color from 0x000000 - 0xffffff
def set_random_color
self.color = "##{(rand * 0xffffff).to_i.to_s(16).rjust(6, '0')}"
#### Alias of methods
# == Schema Information
# Table name: label_template_globals
# id :bigint not null, primary key
# color :string(255) not null
# name :string(255) not null
# created_at :datetime not null
# updated_at :datetime not null