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Test Coverage
//- variables:
//- siteURL
//- imgURL
//- verifyURL
//- username
//- diplayName
//- email
extends ../layouts/email.pug

block content
  h2 This email address requires verification.

  p #{displayName},

  p Thanks for updating your OpenMRS ID!

  p Since you have provided a new email address, <strong>#{email}</strong>, we need to verify it before it can be used to receive communication from community tools, and appear on your profile.

  p To verify your address, go to the following page:

  p <a href="#{verifyURL}">#{verifyURL}</a>

  p In case of problems managing your account or logging in, please open a help desk ticket at <a href=""></a> &mdash; remember to include your contact information so we can assist you.

  p If you received this message in error, don't worry, #{displayName} will not be able to utilize this address without going through the verification process above.

  p Thanks!
  p OpenMRS Community Infrastructure Team