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About osBrain

.. image:: _static/osbrain-logo-name.svg
   :align: center
   :alt: osBrain logo

.. index:: features

Feature overview

osBrain is a **general-purpose multi-agent system module** written in Python.

- Agents run **independently** as system processes and communicate with each
  other using **message passing**.
- Message passing is implemented using `ØMQ <>`_, and in
  particular, the `PyZMQ <>`_ Python bindings.
- `ØMQ <>`_ allows for **efficient**, **asynchronous**
  communication using different commonly used communication **patterns** such
  as request-reply, push-pull and publish-subscribe.
- osBrain integrates `Pyro4 <>`_ to ease the
  configuration and deployment of complex systems.
- Thanks to `Pyro4 <>`_, **remote agents can be
  treated as local** objects and reconfigured even when they are running. Not
  just variables, but also new methods can be created in the remote agents.
- osBrain provides the base for implementing robust, highly-available,
  flexible multi-agent systems.
- Being implemented in Python, osBrain can take advantage of a huge set of
  packages for data analysis, statistics, numerical computing, etc. available
  in the Python ecosystem.

In order to fully understand osBrain capabilities, it is **highly recommended**
to read the `Pyro4 documentation <>`_ and the
`ØMQ guide <>`_.

.. index:: history

OsBrain's history

osBrain was initially developed in
`OpenSistemas <>`_ based on the need to create a
**real-time automated-trading platform**. This platform needed to be able to
process real-time market data updates fast and in a parallel way. Robustness
was very important as well in order to prevent running trading strategies
from being affected by a failure in another strategy.

Python was chosen for being a great language for fast prototyping and for
having a huge data analysis ecosystem available. It was kept for its final
performance and the beautiful source code created with it.

The appearance of osBrain was a consequence of a series of steps that were
taken during the development process:

#. **Isolation of agents**; creating separate system processes to avoid shared
   memory and any problems derived from multi-threading development.
#. **Implementation of message passing**; making use of the modern, efficient
   and flexible `ØMQ <>`_ library.
#. **Ease of configuration/deployment**; making use of the very convenient,
   well implemented and documented `Pyro4 <>`_
#. **Separation from the trading platform**; what started as a basic
   architecture for implementing a real-time automated-trading platform,
   ended-up being a general-purpose multi-agent system architecture.

.. index:: applications

What can you use osBrain for?

osBrain has been successfully used to develop a real-time automated-trading
platform in `OpenSistemas <>`_, but being a
general-purpose multi-agent system, it is not limited to this application.
Other applications include:

- Transportation.
- Logistics.
- Defense and military applications.
- Networking.
- Load balancing.
- Self-healing networks.

In general, osBrain can be used whenever a multi-agent system architecture
fits the application well:

- Autonomy of the agents.
- Local views.
- Decentralization.

.. index:: performance


The performance of osBrain, just as the performance of any other system
architecture, depends a lot on the actual application. The developer should
always take this into account:

#. Pyro4 is used only for configuration, deployment, updating and debugging,
   which means that the actual performance of the system should not depend
   on this package.
#. `ØMQ <>`_ is used with the
   `PyZMQ <>`_ Python bindings, which means
   that the system performance depends on the
   `PyZMQ <>`_ performance.
#. osBrain uses `pickle <>`_ for
   serialization by default, which means that the system performance may as
   well depend on this package. Serialization is configurable, though.
#. osBrain default transport is IPC for operating systems that provide UNIX
   domain sockets, and TCP for the rest. :ref:`It can be changed
   globally or configured specifically for each bind <transport_protocol>`.
   Note, however, that when using TCP, the network may have a great impact
   on performance.