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Test Coverage
.. index:: timers


Repeated actions

Timers can be used to repeat an action after a period of time. To illustrate
this, let us modify the :ref:`push_pull` example a bit and make use of the
:func:`.each() <osbrain.agent.Agent.each>` method:

.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/

Note that if an action takes longer to run than the time available before the
next execution, the timer will simply fall behind.

.. note:: To be able to start timers on agent initialization, the agent must be
   already running, which means you cannot do it from `.on_init()
   <Agent.on_init>`.  Instead, you can use `.before_loop()
   <Agent.before_loop>`, which will be called inside the `.run() <>`
   method and before starting the main loop.

Delayed actions

Timers can be used to execute an action after a defined time delay using the
:func:`.after() <osbrain.agent.Agent.after>` method:

.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/

Note that if an action takes longer to run than the time available before the
next execution, the timer will simply fall behind.

Stopping timers

When executing the
:func:`.each() <osbrain.agent.Agent.each>`
:func:`.after() <osbrain.agent.Agent.after>`
methods, a timer is created and an identifier is returned that can be used
later to refer to that timer (i.e.: for stopping it).

In the following example we can see how the returned identifier and an alias
parameter can be used to identify the timer and stop it calling the
:func:`.stop_timer() <osbrain.agent.Agent.stop_timer>` method:

.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/

You can call the
:func:`.stop_all_timers() <osbrain.agent.Agent.stop_all_timers>`
method if you would rather simply stop all started timers.

If you want to list the timers that are currently running, you can call the
:func:`.list_timers() <osbrain.agent.Agent.list_timers>`