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// Copyright © 2022 Ory Corp
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

package client

import (






var (
    _ fosite.OpenIDConnectClient = (*Client)(nil)
    _ fosite.Client              = (*Client)(nil)

// OAuth 2.0 Client
// OAuth 2.0 Clients are used to perform OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect flows. Usually, OAuth 2.0 clients are
// generated for applications which want to consume your OAuth 2.0 or OpenID Connect capabilities.
// swagger:model oAuth2Client
type Client struct {
    NID uuid.UUID `db:"nid" faker:"-" json:"-"`

    // OAuth 2.0 Client ID
    // The ID is immutable. If no ID is provided, a UUID4 will be generated.
    ID string `json:"client_id" db:"id"`

    // DEPRECATED: This field is deprecated and will be removed. It serves
    // no purpose except the database not complaining.
    PK sql.NullString `json:"-" db:"pk" faker:"-"`

    // DEPRECATED: This field is deprecated and will be removed. It serves
    // no purpose except the database not complaining.
    PKDeprecated int64 `json:"-" db:"pk_deprecated"`

    // OAuth 2.0 Client Name
    // The human-readable name of the client to be presented to the
    // end-user during authorization.
    Name string `json:"client_name" db:"client_name"`

    // OAuth 2.0 Client Secret
    // The secret will be included in the create request as cleartext, and then
    // never again. The secret is kept in hashed format and is not recoverable once lost.
    Secret string `json:"client_secret,omitempty" db:"client_secret"`

    // OAuth 2.0 Client Redirect URIs
    // RedirectURIs is an array of allowed redirect urls for the client.
    // Example: http://mydomain/oauth/callback
    RedirectURIs sqlxx.StringSliceJSONFormat `json:"redirect_uris" db:"redirect_uris"`

    // OAuth 2.0 Client Grant Types
    // An array of OAuth 2.0 grant types the client is allowed to use. Can be one
    // of:
    // - Client Credentials Grant: `client_credentials`
    // - Authorization Code Grant: `authorization_code`
    // - OpenID Connect Implicit Grant (deprecated!): `implicit`
    // - Refresh Token Grant: `refresh_token`
    // - OAuth 2.0 Token Exchange: `urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer`
    GrantTypes sqlxx.StringSliceJSONFormat `json:"grant_types" db:"grant_types"`

    // OAuth 2.0 Client Response Types
    // An array of the OAuth 2.0 response type strings that the client can
    // use at the authorization endpoint. Can be one of:
    // - Needed for OpenID Connect Implicit Grant:
    //   - Returns ID Token to redirect URI: `id_token`
    //   - Returns Access token redirect URI: `token`
    // - Needed for Authorization Code Grant: `code`
    ResponseTypes sqlxx.StringSliceJSONFormat `json:"response_types" db:"response_types"`

    // OAuth 2.0 Client Scope
    // Scope is a string containing a space-separated list of scope values (as
    // described in Section 3.3 of OAuth 2.0 [RFC6749]) that the client
    // can use when requesting access tokens.
    // Example: scope1 scope-2 scope.3 scope:4
    Scope string `json:"scope" db:"scope"`

    // OAuth 2.0 Client Audience
    // An allow-list defining the audiences this client is allowed to request tokens for. An audience limits
    // the applicability of an OAuth 2.0 Access Token to, for example, certain API endpoints. The value is a list
    // of URLs. URLs MUST NOT contain whitespaces.
    // Example: https://mydomain.com/api/users, https://mydomain.com/api/posts
    Audience sqlxx.StringSliceJSONFormat `json:"audience" db:"audience"`

    // OAuth 2.0 Client Owner
    // Owner is a string identifying the owner of the OAuth 2.0 Client.
    Owner string `json:"owner" db:"owner"`

    // OAuth 2.0 Client Policy URI
    // PolicyURI is a URL string that points to a human-readable privacy policy document
    // that describes how the deployment organization collects, uses,
    // retains, and discloses personal data.
    PolicyURI string `json:"policy_uri" db:"policy_uri"`

    // OAuth 2.0 Client Allowed CORS Origins
    // One or more URLs (scheme://host[:port]) which are allowed to make CORS requests
    // to the /oauth/token endpoint. If this array is empty, the sever's CORS origin configuration (`CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS`)
    // will be used instead. If this array is set, the allowed origins are appended to the server's CORS origin configuration.
    // Be aware that environment variable `CORS_ENABLED` MUST be set to `true` for this to work.
    AllowedCORSOrigins sqlxx.StringSliceJSONFormat `json:"allowed_cors_origins" db:"allowed_cors_origins"`

    // OAuth 2.0 Client Terms of Service URI
    // A URL string pointing to a human-readable terms of service
    // document for the client that describes a contractual relationship
    // between the end-user and the client that the end-user accepts when
    // authorizing the client.
    TermsOfServiceURI string `json:"tos_uri" db:"tos_uri"`

    // OAuth 2.0 Client URI
    // ClientURI is a URL string of a web page providing information about the client.
    // If present, the server SHOULD display this URL to the end-user in
    // a clickable fashion.
    ClientURI string `json:"client_uri" db:"client_uri"`

    // OAuth 2.0 Client Logo URI
    // A URL string referencing the client's logo.
    LogoURI string `json:"logo_uri" db:"logo_uri"`

    // OAuth 2.0 Client Contact
    // An array of strings representing ways to contact people responsible
    // for this client, typically email addresses.
    // Example: help@example.org
    Contacts sqlxx.StringSliceJSONFormat `json:"contacts" db:"contacts"`

    // OAuth 2.0 Client Secret Expires At
    // The field is currently not supported and its value is always 0.
    SecretExpiresAt int `json:"client_secret_expires_at" db:"client_secret_expires_at"`

    // OpenID Connect Subject Type
    // The `subject_types_supported` Discovery parameter contains a
    // list of the supported subject_type values for this server. Valid types include `pairwise` and `public`.
    SubjectType string `json:"subject_type" db:"subject_type" faker:"len=15"`

    // OpenID Connect Sector Identifier URI
    // URL using the https scheme to be used in calculating Pseudonymous Identifiers by the OP. The URL references a
    // file with a single JSON array of redirect_uri values.
    SectorIdentifierURI string `json:"sector_identifier_uri,omitempty" db:"sector_identifier_uri"`

    // OAuth 2.0 Client JSON Web Key Set URL
    // URL for the Client's JSON Web Key Set [JWK] document. If the Client signs requests to the Server, it contains
    // the signing key(s) the Server uses to validate signatures from the Client. The JWK Set MAY also contain the
    // Client's encryption keys(s), which are used by the Server to encrypt responses to the Client. When both signing
    // and encryption keys are made available, a use (Key Use) parameter value is REQUIRED for all keys in the referenced
    // JWK Set to indicate each key's intended usage. Although some algorithms allow the same key to be used for both
    // signatures and encryption, doing so is NOT RECOMMENDED, as it is less secure. The JWK x5c parameter MAY be used
    // to provide X.509 representations of keys provided. When used, the bare key values MUST still be present and MUST
    // match those in the certificate.
    JSONWebKeysURI string `json:"jwks_uri,omitempty" db:"jwks_uri"`

    // OAuth 2.0 Client JSON Web Key Set
    // Client's JSON Web Key Set [JWK] document, passed by value. The semantics of the jwks parameter are the same as
    // the jwks_uri parameter, other than that the JWK Set is passed by value, rather than by reference. This parameter
    // is intended only to be used by Clients that, for some reason, are unable to use the jwks_uri parameter, for
    // instance, by native applications that might not have a location to host the contents of the JWK Set. If a Client
    // can use jwks_uri, it MUST NOT use jwks. One significant downside of jwks is that it does not enable key rotation
    // (which jwks_uri does, as described in Section 10 of OpenID Connect Core 1.0 [OpenID.Core]). The jwks_uri and jwks
    // parameters MUST NOT be used together.
    JSONWebKeys *x.JoseJSONWebKeySet `json:"jwks,omitempty" db:"jwks" faker:"-"`

    // OAuth 2.0 Token Endpoint Authentication Method
    // Requested Client Authentication method for the Token Endpoint. The options are:
    // - `client_secret_basic`: (default) Send `client_id` and `client_secret` as `application/x-www-form-urlencoded` encoded in the HTTP Authorization header.
    // - `client_secret_post`: Send `client_id` and `client_secret` as `application/x-www-form-urlencoded` in the HTTP body.
    // - `private_key_jwt`: Use JSON Web Tokens to authenticate the client.
    // - `none`: Used for public clients (native apps, mobile apps) which can not have secrets.
    // default: client_secret_basic
    TokenEndpointAuthMethod string `json:"token_endpoint_auth_method,omitempty" db:"token_endpoint_auth_method" faker:"len=25"`

    // OAuth 2.0 Token Endpoint Signing Algorithm
    // Requested Client Authentication signing algorithm for the Token Endpoint.
    TokenEndpointAuthSigningAlgorithm string `json:"token_endpoint_auth_signing_alg,omitempty" db:"token_endpoint_auth_signing_alg" faker:"len=10"`

    // OpenID Connect Request URIs
    // Array of request_uri values that are pre-registered by the RP for use at the OP. Servers MAY cache the
    // contents of the files referenced by these URIs and not retrieve them at the time they are used in a request.
    // OPs can require that request_uri values used be pre-registered with the require_request_uri_registration
    // discovery parameter.
    RequestURIs sqlxx.StringSliceJSONFormat `json:"request_uris,omitempty" db:"request_uris"`

    // OpenID Connect Request Object Signing Algorithm
    // JWS [JWS] alg algorithm [JWA] that MUST be used for signing Request Objects sent to the OP. All Request Objects
    // from this Client MUST be rejected, if not signed with this algorithm.
    RequestObjectSigningAlgorithm string `json:"request_object_signing_alg,omitempty" db:"request_object_signing_alg" faker:"len=10"`

    // OpenID Connect Request Userinfo Signed Response Algorithm
    // JWS alg algorithm [JWA] REQUIRED for signing UserInfo Responses. If this is specified, the response will be JWT
    // [JWT] serialized, and signed using JWS. The default, if omitted, is for the UserInfo Response to return the Claims
    // as a UTF-8 encoded JSON object using the application/json content-type.
    UserinfoSignedResponseAlg string `json:"userinfo_signed_response_alg,omitempty" db:"userinfo_signed_response_alg" faker:"len=10"`

    // OAuth 2.0 Client Creation Date
    // CreatedAt returns the timestamp of the client's creation.
    CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at,omitempty" db:"created_at"`

    // OAuth 2.0 Client Last Update Date
    // UpdatedAt returns the timestamp of the last update.
    UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updated_at,omitempty" db:"updated_at"`

    // OpenID Connect Front-Channel Logout URI
    // RP URL that will cause the RP to log itself out when rendered in an iframe by the OP. An iss (issuer) query
    // parameter and a sid (session ID) query parameter MAY be included by the OP to enable the RP to validate the
    // request and to determine which of the potentially multiple sessions is to be logged out; if either is
    // included, both MUST be.
    FrontChannelLogoutURI string `json:"frontchannel_logout_uri,omitempty" db:"frontchannel_logout_uri"`

    // OpenID Connect Front-Channel Logout Session Required
    // Boolean value specifying whether the RP requires that iss (issuer) and sid (session ID) query parameters be
    // included to identify the RP session with the OP when the frontchannel_logout_uri is used.
    // If omitted, the default value is false.
    FrontChannelLogoutSessionRequired bool `json:"frontchannel_logout_session_required,omitempty" db:"frontchannel_logout_session_required"`

    // Allowed Post-Redirect Logout URIs
    // Array of URLs supplied by the RP to which it MAY request that the End-User's User Agent be redirected using the
    // post_logout_redirect_uri parameter after a logout has been performed.
    PostLogoutRedirectURIs sqlxx.StringSliceJSONFormat `json:"post_logout_redirect_uris,omitempty" db:"post_logout_redirect_uris"`

    // OpenID Connect Back-Channel Logout URI
    // RP URL that will cause the RP to log itself out when sent a Logout Token by the OP.
    BackChannelLogoutURI string `json:"backchannel_logout_uri,omitempty" db:"backchannel_logout_uri"`

    // OpenID Connect Back-Channel Logout Session Required
    // Boolean value specifying whether the RP requires that a sid (session ID) Claim be included in the Logout
    // Token to identify the RP session with the OP when the backchannel_logout_uri is used.
    // If omitted, the default value is false.
    BackChannelLogoutSessionRequired bool `json:"backchannel_logout_session_required,omitempty" db:"backchannel_logout_session_required"`

    // OAuth 2.0 Client Metadata
    // Use this field to story arbitrary data about the OAuth 2.0 Client. Can not be modified using OpenID Connect Dynamic Client Registration protocol.
    Metadata sqlxx.JSONRawMessage `json:"metadata,omitempty" db:"metadata" faker:"-"`

    // OpenID Connect Dynamic Client Registration Access Token
    // RegistrationAccessTokenSignature is contains the signature of the registration token for managing the OAuth2 Client.
    RegistrationAccessTokenSignature string `json:"-" db:"registration_access_token_signature"`

    // OpenID Connect Dynamic Client Registration Access Token
    // RegistrationAccessToken can be used to update, get, or delete the OAuth2 Client. It is sent when creating a client
    // using Dynamic Client Registration.
    RegistrationAccessToken string `json:"registration_access_token,omitempty" db:"-"`

    // OpenID Connect Dynamic Client Registration URL
    // RegistrationClientURI is the URL used to update, get, or delete the OAuth2 Client.
    RegistrationClientURI string `json:"registration_client_uri,omitempty" db:"-"`

    // OAuth 2.0 Access Token Strategy
    // AccessTokenStrategy is the strategy used to generate access tokens.
    // Valid options are `jwt` and `opaque`. `jwt` is a bad idea, see https://www.ory.sh/docs/hydra/advanced#json-web-tokens
    // Setting the stragegy here overrides the global setting in `strategies.access_token`.
    AccessTokenStrategy string `json:"access_token_strategy,omitempty" db:"access_token_strategy" faker:"-"`

    // SkipConsent skips the consent screen for this client. This field can only
    // be set from the admin API.
    SkipConsent bool `json:"skip_consent" db:"skip_consent" faker:"-"`

    // SkipLogoutConsent skips the logout consent screen for this client. This field can only
    // be set from the admin API.
    SkipLogoutConsent sqlxx.NullBool `json:"skip_logout_consent" db:"skip_logout_consent" faker:"-"`


// OAuth 2.0 Client Token Lifespans
// Lifespans of different token types issued for this OAuth 2.0 Client.
// swagger:model oAuth2ClientTokenLifespans
type Lifespans struct {
    // OAuth2 Authorization Code Grant Access Token Lifespan
    // The lifespan of an access token issued by the OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Grant for this OAuth 2.0 Client.
    AuthorizationCodeGrantAccessTokenLifespan x.NullDuration `json:"authorization_code_grant_access_token_lifespan,omitempty" db:"authorization_code_grant_access_token_lifespan"`

    // OAuth2 Authorization Code Grant Access ID Lifespan
    // The lifespan of an ID token issued by the OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Grant for this OAuth 2.0 Client.
    AuthorizationCodeGrantIDTokenLifespan x.NullDuration `json:"authorization_code_grant_id_token_lifespan,omitempty" db:"authorization_code_grant_id_token_lifespan"`

    // OAuth2 Authorization Code Grant Access Refresh Lifespan
    // The lifespan of a refresh token issued by the OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Grant for this OAuth 2.0 Client.
    AuthorizationCodeGrantRefreshTokenLifespan x.NullDuration `json:"authorization_code_grant_refresh_token_lifespan,omitempty" db:"authorization_code_grant_refresh_token_lifespan"`

    // OAuth2 Client Credentials Grant Access Token Lifespan
    // The lifespan of an access token issued by the OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials Grant for this OAuth 2.0 Client.
    ClientCredentialsGrantAccessTokenLifespan x.NullDuration `json:"client_credentials_grant_access_token_lifespan,omitempty" db:"client_credentials_grant_access_token_lifespan"`

    // OpenID Connect Implicit Grant Access Token Lifespan
    // The lifespan of an access token issued by the OpenID Connect Implicit Grant for this OAuth 2.0 Client.
    ImplicitGrantAccessTokenLifespan x.NullDuration `json:"implicit_grant_access_token_lifespan,omitempty" db:"implicit_grant_access_token_lifespan"`

    // OpenID Connect Implicit Grant ID Token Lifespan
    // The lifespan of an ID token issued by the OpenID Connect Implicit Grant for this OAuth 2.0 Client.
    ImplicitGrantIDTokenLifespan x.NullDuration `json:"implicit_grant_id_token_lifespan,omitempty" db:"implicit_grant_id_token_lifespan"`

    // OpenID Connect Implicit Grant Access Token Lifespan
    // The lifespan of an access token issued by the OpenID Connect Implicit Grant for this OAuth 2.0 Client.
    JwtBearerGrantAccessTokenLifespan x.NullDuration `json:"jwt_bearer_grant_access_token_lifespan,omitempty" db:"jwt_bearer_grant_access_token_lifespan"`

    // DEPRECATED: This field has no effect.
    PasswordGrantAccessTokenLifespan x.NullDuration `json:"-" db:"password_grant_access_token_lifespan"`

    // DEPRECATED: This field has no effect.
    PasswordGrantRefreshTokenLifespan x.NullDuration `json:"-" db:"password_grant_refresh_token_lifespan"`

    // OAuth2 2.0 Refresh Token Grant ID Token Lifespan
    // The lifespan of an ID token issued by the OAuth2 2.0 Refresh Token Grant for this OAuth 2.0 Client.
    RefreshTokenGrantIDTokenLifespan x.NullDuration `json:"refresh_token_grant_id_token_lifespan,omitempty" db:"refresh_token_grant_id_token_lifespan"`

    // OAuth2 2.0 Refresh Token Grant Access Token Lifespan
    // The lifespan of an access token issued by the OAuth2 2.0 Refresh Token Grant for this OAuth 2.0 Client.
    RefreshTokenGrantAccessTokenLifespan x.NullDuration `json:"refresh_token_grant_access_token_lifespan,omitempty" db:"refresh_token_grant_access_token_lifespan"`

    // OAuth2 2.0 Refresh Token Grant Refresh Token Lifespan
    // The lifespan of a refresh token issued by the OAuth2 2.0 Refresh Token Grant for this OAuth 2.0 Client.
    RefreshTokenGrantRefreshTokenLifespan x.NullDuration `json:"refresh_token_grant_refresh_token_lifespan,omitempty" db:"refresh_token_grant_refresh_token_lifespan"`

func (Client) TableName() string {
    return "hydra_client"

func (c *Client) BeforeSave(_ *pop.Connection) error {
    if c.JSONWebKeys == nil {
        c.JSONWebKeys = new(x.JoseJSONWebKeySet)

    if c.Metadata == nil {
        c.Metadata = []byte("{}")

    if c.Audience == nil {
        c.Audience = sqlxx.StringSliceJSONFormat{}

    if c.AllowedCORSOrigins == nil {
        c.AllowedCORSOrigins = sqlxx.StringSliceJSONFormat{}

    if c.CreatedAt.IsZero() {
        c.CreatedAt = time.Now()
    c.CreatedAt = c.CreatedAt.UTC()

    if c.UpdatedAt.IsZero() {
        c.UpdatedAt = time.Now()
    c.UpdatedAt = c.UpdatedAt.UTC()

    return nil

func (c *Client) GetID() string {
    return c.ID

func (c *Client) GetRedirectURIs() []string {
    return c.RedirectURIs

func (c *Client) GetHashedSecret() []byte {
    return []byte(c.Secret)

func (c *Client) GetScopes() fosite.Arguments {
    return strings.Fields(c.Scope)

func (c *Client) GetAudience() fosite.Arguments {
    return fosite.Arguments(c.Audience)

func (c *Client) GetGrantTypes() fosite.Arguments {
    // https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-registration-1_0.html#ClientMetadata
    // JSON array containing a list of the OAuth 2.0 Grant Types that the Client is declaring
    // that it will restrict itself to using.
    // If omitted, the default is that the Client will use only the authorization_code Grant Type.
    if len(c.GrantTypes) == 0 {
        return fosite.Arguments{"authorization_code"}
    return fosite.Arguments(c.GrantTypes)

func (c *Client) GetResponseTypes() fosite.Arguments {
    // https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-registration-1_0.html#ClientMetadata
    // <JSON array containing a list of the OAuth 2.0 response_type values that the Client is declaring
    // that it will restrict itself to using. If omitted, the default is that the Client will use
    // only the code Response Type.
    if len(c.ResponseTypes) == 0 {
        return fosite.Arguments{"code"}
    return fosite.Arguments(c.ResponseTypes)

func (c *Client) GetResponseModes() []fosite.ResponseModeType {
    return []fosite.ResponseModeType{

func (c *Client) GetOwner() string {
    return c.Owner

func (c *Client) IsPublic() bool {
    return c.TokenEndpointAuthMethod == "none"

func (c *Client) GetJSONWebKeysURI() string {
    return c.JSONWebKeysURI

func (c *Client) GetJSONWebKeys() *jose.JSONWebKeySet {
    if c.JSONWebKeys == nil {
        return nil
    return c.JSONWebKeys.JSONWebKeySet

func (c *Client) GetTokenEndpointAuthSigningAlgorithm() string {
    if c.TokenEndpointAuthSigningAlgorithm == "" {
        return "RS256"
    return c.TokenEndpointAuthSigningAlgorithm

func (c *Client) GetRequestObjectSigningAlgorithm() string {
    return c.RequestObjectSigningAlgorithm

func (c *Client) GetTokenEndpointAuthMethod() string {
    if c.TokenEndpointAuthMethod == "" {
        return "client_secret_basic"
    return c.TokenEndpointAuthMethod

func (c *Client) GetRequestURIs() []string {
    return c.RequestURIs

var _ fosite.ClientWithCustomTokenLifespans = &Client{}

func (c *Client) GetEffectiveLifespan(gt fosite.GrantType, tt fosite.TokenType, fallback time.Duration) time.Duration {
    var cl *time.Duration
    if gt == fosite.GrantTypeAuthorizationCode {
        if tt == fosite.AccessToken && c.AuthorizationCodeGrantAccessTokenLifespan.Valid {
            cl = &c.AuthorizationCodeGrantAccessTokenLifespan.Duration
        } else if tt == fosite.IDToken && c.AuthorizationCodeGrantIDTokenLifespan.Valid {
            cl = &c.AuthorizationCodeGrantIDTokenLifespan.Duration
        } else if tt == fosite.RefreshToken && c.AuthorizationCodeGrantRefreshTokenLifespan.Valid {
            cl = &c.AuthorizationCodeGrantRefreshTokenLifespan.Duration
    } else if gt == fosite.GrantTypeClientCredentials {
        if tt == fosite.AccessToken && c.ClientCredentialsGrantAccessTokenLifespan.Valid {
            cl = &c.ClientCredentialsGrantAccessTokenLifespan.Duration
    } else if gt == fosite.GrantTypeImplicit {
        if tt == fosite.AccessToken && c.ImplicitGrantAccessTokenLifespan.Valid {
            cl = &c.ImplicitGrantAccessTokenLifespan.Duration
        } else if tt == fosite.IDToken && c.ImplicitGrantIDTokenLifespan.Valid {
            cl = &c.ImplicitGrantIDTokenLifespan.Duration
    } else if gt == fosite.GrantTypeJWTBearer {
        if tt == fosite.AccessToken && c.JwtBearerGrantAccessTokenLifespan.Valid {
            cl = &c.JwtBearerGrantAccessTokenLifespan.Duration
    } else if gt == fosite.GrantTypePassword {
        if tt == fosite.AccessToken && c.PasswordGrantAccessTokenLifespan.Valid {
            cl = &c.PasswordGrantAccessTokenLifespan.Duration
        } else if tt == fosite.RefreshToken && c.PasswordGrantRefreshTokenLifespan.Valid {
            cl = &c.PasswordGrantRefreshTokenLifespan.Duration
    } else if gt == fosite.GrantTypeRefreshToken {
        if tt == fosite.AccessToken && c.RefreshTokenGrantAccessTokenLifespan.Valid {
            cl = &c.RefreshTokenGrantAccessTokenLifespan.Duration
        } else if tt == fosite.IDToken && c.RefreshTokenGrantIDTokenLifespan.Valid {
            cl = &c.RefreshTokenGrantIDTokenLifespan.Duration
        } else if tt == fosite.RefreshToken && c.RefreshTokenGrantRefreshTokenLifespan.Valid {
            cl = &c.RefreshTokenGrantRefreshTokenLifespan.Duration

    if cl == nil {
        return fallback
    return *cl

func (c *Client) GetAccessTokenStrategy() config.AccessTokenStrategyType {
    // We ignore the error here, because the empty string will default to
    // the global access token strategy.
    s, _ := config.ToAccessTokenStrategyType(c.AccessTokenStrategy)
    return s

func AccessTokenStrategySource(client fosite.Client) config.AccessTokenStrategySource {
    if source, ok := client.(config.AccessTokenStrategySource); ok {
        return source
    return nil

func (c *Client) CookieSuffix() string {
    return CookieSuffix(c)

type IDer interface{ GetID() string }

func CookieSuffix(client IDer) string {
    return strconv.Itoa(int(murmur3.Sum32([]byte(client.GetID()))))