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// Copyright © 2022 Ory Corp
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

package client

import (



var (
    supportedAuthTokenSigningAlgs = []string{

type validatorRegistry interface {

type Validator struct {
    r validatorRegistry

func NewValidator(registry validatorRegistry) *Validator {
    return &Validator{
        r: registry,

func (v *Validator) Validate(ctx context.Context, c *Client) error {
    if c.TokenEndpointAuthMethod == "" {
        c.TokenEndpointAuthMethod = "client_secret_basic"
    } else if c.TokenEndpointAuthMethod == "private_key_jwt" {
        if len(c.JSONWebKeysURI) == 0 && c.JSONWebKeys == nil {
            return errorsx.WithStack(ErrInvalidClientMetadata.WithHint("When token_endpoint_auth_method is 'private_key_jwt', either jwks or jwks_uri must be set."))
        if c.TokenEndpointAuthSigningAlgorithm != "" && !isSupportedAuthTokenSigningAlg(c.TokenEndpointAuthSigningAlgorithm) {
            return errorsx.WithStack(ErrInvalidClientMetadata.WithHint("Only RS256, RS384, RS512, PS256, PS384, PS512, ES256, ES384 and ES512 are supported as algorithms for private key authentication."))

    if len(c.JSONWebKeysURI) > 0 && c.JSONWebKeys != nil {
        return errorsx.WithStack(ErrInvalidClientMetadata.WithHint("Fields jwks and jwks_uri can not both be set, you must choose one."))

    if c.JSONWebKeys != nil && c.JSONWebKeys.JSONWebKeySet != nil {
        for _, k := range c.JSONWebKeys.Keys {
            if !k.Valid() {
                return errorsx.WithStack(ErrInvalidClientMetadata.WithHint("Invalid JSON web key in set."))

    if v.r.Config().ClientHTTPNoPrivateIPRanges() {
        values := map[string]string{
            "jwks_uri":               c.JSONWebKeysURI,
            "backchannel_logout_uri": c.BackChannelLogoutURI,

        for k, v := range c.RequestURIs {
            values[fmt.Sprintf("request_uris.%d", k)] = v

        if err := ipx.AreAllAssociatedIPsAllowed(values); err != nil {
            return errorsx.WithStack(ErrInvalidClientMetadata.WithHintf("Client IP address is not allowed: %s", err))

    if len(c.Secret) > 0 && len(c.Secret) < 6 {
        return errorsx.WithStack(ErrInvalidClientMetadata.WithHint("Field client_secret must contain a secret that is at least 6 characters long."))

    if len(c.Scope) == 0 {
        c.Scope = strings.Join(v.r.Config().DefaultClientScope(ctx), " ")

    for k, origin := range c.AllowedCORSOrigins {
        u, err := url.Parse(origin)
        if err != nil {
            return errorsx.WithStack(ErrInvalidClientMetadata.WithHintf("Origin URL %s from allowed_cors_origins could not be parsed: %s", origin, err))

        if u.Scheme != "https" && u.Scheme != "http" {
            return errorsx.WithStack(ErrInvalidClientMetadata.WithHintf("Origin URL %s must use https:// or http:// as HTTP scheme.", origin))

        if u.User != nil && len(u.User.String()) > 0 {
            return errorsx.WithStack(ErrInvalidClientMetadata.WithHintf("Origin URL %s has HTTP user and/or password set which is not allowed.", origin))

        u.Path = strings.TrimRight(u.Path, "/")
        if len(u.Path)+len(u.RawQuery)+len(u.Fragment) > 0 {
            return errorsx.WithStack(ErrInvalidClientMetadata.WithHintf("Origin URL %s must have an empty path, query, and fragment but one of the parts is not empty.", origin))

        c.AllowedCORSOrigins[k] = u.String()

    // has to be 0 because it is not supposed to be set
    c.SecretExpiresAt = 0

    if len(c.SectorIdentifierURI) > 0 {
        if err := v.ValidateSectorIdentifierURL(ctx, c.SectorIdentifierURI, c.GetRedirectURIs()); err != nil {
            return err

    if c.UserinfoSignedResponseAlg == "" {
        c.UserinfoSignedResponseAlg = "none"

    if c.UserinfoSignedResponseAlg != "none" && c.UserinfoSignedResponseAlg != "RS256" {
        return errorsx.WithStack(ErrInvalidClientMetadata.WithHint("Field userinfo_signed_response_alg can either be 'none' or 'RS256'."))

    var redirs []url.URL
    for _, r := range c.RedirectURIs {
        u, err := url.ParseRequestURI(r)
        if err != nil {
            return errorsx.WithStack(ErrInvalidRedirectURI.WithHintf("Unable to parse redirect URL: %s", r))
        redirs = append(redirs, *u)

        if strings.Contains(r, "#") {
            return errorsx.WithStack(ErrInvalidRedirectURI.WithHint("Redirect URIs must not contain fragments (#)."))

    if c.SubjectType != "" {
        if !stringslice.Has(v.r.Config().SubjectTypesSupported(ctx, c), c.SubjectType) {
            return errorsx.WithStack(ErrInvalidClientMetadata.WithHintf("Subject type %s is not supported by server, only %v are allowed.", c.SubjectType, v.r.Config().SubjectTypesSupported(ctx, c)))
    } else {
        if stringslice.Has(v.r.Config().SubjectTypesSupported(ctx, c), "public") {
            c.SubjectType = "public"
        } else {
            c.SubjectType = v.r.Config().SubjectTypesSupported(ctx, c)[0]

    for _, l := range c.PostLogoutRedirectURIs {
        u, err := url.ParseRequestURI(l)
        if err != nil {
            return errorsx.WithStack(ErrInvalidClientMetadata.WithHintf("Unable to parse post_logout_redirect_uri: %s", l))

        var found bool
        for _, r := range redirs {
            if r.Hostname() == u.Hostname() &&
                r.Port() == u.Port() &&
                r.Scheme == u.Scheme {
                found = true

        if !found {
            return errorsx.WithStack(ErrInvalidClientMetadata.
                WithHintf(`post_logout_redirect_uri "%s" must match the domain, port, scheme of at least one of the registered redirect URIs but did not'`, l),

    if c.AccessTokenStrategy != "" {
        s, err := config.ToAccessTokenStrategyType(c.AccessTokenStrategy)
        if err != nil {
            return errorsx.WithStack(ErrInvalidClientMetadata.
                WithHintf("invalid access token strategy: %v", err))
        // Canonicalize, just in case.
        c.AccessTokenStrategy = string(s)

    return nil

func (v *Validator) ValidateDynamicRegistration(ctx context.Context, c *Client) error {
    if c.Metadata != nil {
        return errorsx.WithStack(ErrInvalidClientMetadata.
            WithHint(`"metadata" cannot be set for dynamic client registration`),
    if c.AccessTokenStrategy != "" {
        return errorsx.WithStack(herodot.ErrBadRequest.WithReasonf("It is not allowed to choose your own access token strategy."))
    if c.SkipConsent {
        return errorsx.WithStack(ErrInvalidRequest.WithDescription(`"skip_consent" cannot be set for dynamic client registration`))
    if c.SkipLogoutConsent.Bool {
        return errorsx.WithStack(ErrInvalidRequest.WithDescription(`"skip_logout_consent" cannot be set for dynamic client registration`))

    return v.Validate(ctx, c)

func (v *Validator) ValidateSectorIdentifierURL(ctx context.Context, location string, redirectURIs []string) error {
    l, err := url.Parse(location)
    if err != nil {
        return errorsx.WithStack(ErrInvalidClientMetadata.WithHintf("Value of sector_identifier_uri could not be parsed because %s.", err))

    if l.Scheme != "https" {
        return errorsx.WithStack(ErrInvalidClientMetadata.WithDebug("Value sector_identifier_uri must be an HTTPS URL but it is not."))

    req, err := retryablehttp.NewRequestWithContext(ctx, "GET", location, nil)
    if err != nil {
        return errorsx.WithStack(ErrInvalidClientMetadata.WithDebugf("Value sector_identifier_uri must be an HTTPS URL but it is not: %s", err.Error()))
    response, err := v.r.HTTPClient(ctx).Do(req)
    if err != nil {
        return errorsx.WithStack(ErrInvalidClientMetadata.WithDebug(fmt.Sprintf("Unable to connect to URL set by sector_identifier_uri: %s", err)))
    defer response.Body.Close()

    var urls []string
    if err := json.NewDecoder(response.Body).Decode(&urls); err != nil {
        return errorsx.WithStack(ErrInvalidClientMetadata.WithDebug(fmt.Sprintf("Unable to decode values from sector_identifier_uri: %s", err)))

    if len(urls) == 0 {
        return errorsx.WithStack(ErrInvalidClientMetadata.WithDebug("Array from sector_identifier_uri contains no items"))

    for _, r := range redirectURIs {
        if !stringslice.Has(urls, r) {
            return errorsx.WithStack(ErrInvalidClientMetadata.WithDebug(fmt.Sprintf("Redirect URL \"%s\" does not match values from sector_identifier_uri.", r)))

    return nil

func isSupportedAuthTokenSigningAlg(alg string) bool {
    for _, sAlg := range supportedAuthTokenSigningAlgs {
        if alg == sAlg {
            return true
    return false