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Test Coverage
// Copyright © 2022 Ory Corp
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

package cmd

import (




const (
    flagClientAccessTokenStrategy               = "access-token-strategy"
    flagClientAllowedCORSOrigin                 = "allowed-cors-origin"
    flagClientAudience                          = "audience"
    flagClientBackchannelLogoutCallback         = "backchannel-logout-callback"
    flagClientId                                = "id"
    flagClientName                              = "name"
    flagClientClientURI                         = "client-uri"
    flagClientContact                           = "contact"
    flagClientFrontChannelLogoutSessionRequired = "frontchannel-logout-session-required"
    flagClientFrontChannelLogoutCallback        = "frontchannel-logout-callback"
    flagClientGrantType                         = "grant-type"
    flagClientJWKSURI                           = "jwks-uri"
    flagClientLogoURI                           = "logo-uri"
    flagClientMetadata                          = "metadata"
    flagClientOwner                             = "owner"
    flagClientPolicyURI                         = "policy-uri"
    flagClientPostLogoutCallback                = "post-logout-callback"
    flagClientRedirectURI                       = "redirect-uri"
    flagClientRequestObjectSigningAlg           = "request-object-signing-alg"
    flagClientRequestURI                        = "request-uri"
    flagClientResponseType                      = "response-type"
    flagClientScope                             = "scope"
    flagClientSectorIdentifierURI               = "sector-identifier-uri"
    flagClientSkipConsent                       = "skip-consent"
    flagClientLogoutSkipConsent                 = "skip-logout-consent"
    flagClientSubjectType                       = "subject-type"
    flagClientTokenEndpointAuthMethod           = "token-endpoint-auth-method"
    flagClientSecret                            = "secret"
    flagClientTOSURI                            = "tos-uri"
    flagClientBackChannelLogoutSessionRequired  = "backchannel-logout-session-required"

func NewCreateClientsCommand() *cobra.Command {
    cmd := &cobra.Command{
        Use:     "oauth2-client",
        Short:   "Create an OAuth 2.0 Client",
        Aliases: []string{"client"},
        Args:    cobra.NoArgs,
        Example: `{{ .CommandPath }} -n "my app" -c http://localhost/cb -g authorization_code -r code -a core,foobar

Use the tool jq (or any other JSON tool) to get the OAuth2 Client ID and Secret:

client=$({{ .CommandPath }} \
    --format json \
echo $client

# Parse the JSON response using jq to get the client ID and client secret:
client_id=$(echo $client | jq -r '.client_id')
client_secret=$(echo $client | jq -r '.client_secret')`,
        Long: `This command creates an OAuth 2.0 Client which can be used to perform various OAuth 2.0 Flows like
the Authorize Code, Implicit, Refresh flow. This command allows settings all fields defined in the OpenID Connect Dynamic Client Registration standard.

To encrypt an auto-generated OAuth2 Client Secret, use flags ` + "`--pgp-key`" + `, ` + "`--pgp-key-url`" + ` or ` + "`--keybase`" + ` flag, for example:

  {{ .CommandPath }} -n "my app" -g client_credentials -r token -a core,foobar --keybase keybase_username
        RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
            m, _, err := cliclient.NewClient(cmd)
            if err != nil {
                return err

            ek, encryptSecret, err := cli.NewEncryptionKey(cmd, nil)
            if err != nil {
                _, _ = fmt.Fprintf(cmd.ErrOrStderr(), "Failed to load encryption key: %s", err)
                return err

            secret := flagx.MustGetString(cmd, flagClientSecret)
            cl := clientFromFlags(cmd)
            cl.ClientId = pointerx.Ptr(flagx.MustGetString(cmd, flagClientId))

            client, _, err := m.OAuth2API.CreateOAuth2Client(cmd.Context()).OAuth2Client(cl).Execute()
            if err != nil {
                return cmdx.PrintOpenAPIError(cmd, err)

            if client.ClientSecret == nil && len(secret) > 0 {
                client.ClientSecret = pointerx.Ptr(secret)

            if encryptSecret && client.ClientSecret != nil {
                enc, err := ek.Encrypt([]byte(*client.ClientSecret))
                if err != nil {
                    _, _ = fmt.Fprintf(cmd.ErrOrStderr(), "Failed to encrypt client secret: %s", err)
                    return cmdx.FailSilently(cmd)

                client.ClientSecret = pointerx.Ptr(enc.Base64Encode())

            cmdx.PrintRow(cmd, (*outputOAuth2Client)(client))
            return nil
    cmd.Flags().String(flagClientId, "", "Provide the client's id.")
    return cmd