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Test Coverage
// Copyright © 2022 Ory Corp
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

package consent

import (





type Handler struct {
    r InternalRegistry
    c *config.DefaultProvider

const (
    LoginPath    = "/oauth2/auth/requests/login"
    ConsentPath  = "/oauth2/auth/requests/consent"
    LogoutPath   = "/oauth2/auth/requests/logout"
    SessionsPath = "/oauth2/auth/sessions"

func NewHandler(
    r InternalRegistry,
    c *config.DefaultProvider,
) *Handler {
    return &Handler{
        c: c,
        r: r,

func (h *Handler) SetRoutes(admin *httprouterx.RouterAdmin) {
    admin.GET(LoginPath, h.getOAuth2LoginRequest)
    admin.PUT(LoginPath+"/accept", h.acceptOAuth2LoginRequest)
    admin.PUT(LoginPath+"/reject", h.rejectOAuth2LoginRequest)

    admin.GET(ConsentPath, h.getOAuth2ConsentRequest)
    admin.PUT(ConsentPath+"/accept", h.acceptOAuth2ConsentRequest)
    admin.PUT(ConsentPath+"/reject", h.rejectOAuth2ConsentRequest)

    admin.DELETE(SessionsPath+"/login", h.revokeOAuth2LoginSessions)
    admin.GET(SessionsPath+"/consent", h.listOAuth2ConsentSessions)
    admin.DELETE(SessionsPath+"/consent", h.revokeOAuth2ConsentSessions)

    admin.GET(LogoutPath, h.getOAuth2LogoutRequest)
    admin.PUT(LogoutPath+"/accept", h.acceptOAuth2LogoutRequest)
    admin.PUT(LogoutPath+"/reject", h.rejectOAuth2LogoutRequest)

// Revoke OAuth 2.0 Consent Session Parameters
// swagger:parameters revokeOAuth2ConsentSessions
//lint:ignore U1000 Used to generate Swagger and OpenAPI definitions
type revokeOAuth2ConsentSessions struct {
    // OAuth 2.0 Consent Subject
    // The subject whose consent sessions should be deleted.
    // in: query
    // required: true
    Subject string `json:"subject"`

    // OAuth 2.0 Client ID
    // If set, deletes only those consent sessions that have been granted to the specified OAuth 2.0 Client ID.
    // in: query
    Client string `json:"client"`

    // Revoke All Consent Sessions
    // If set to `true` deletes all consent sessions by the Subject that have been granted.
    // in: query
    All bool `json:"all"`

// swagger:route DELETE /admin/oauth2/auth/sessions/consent oAuth2 revokeOAuth2ConsentSessions
// # Revoke OAuth 2.0 Consent Sessions of a Subject
// This endpoint revokes a subject's granted consent sessions and invalidates all
// associated OAuth 2.0 Access Tokens. You may also only revoke sessions for a specific OAuth 2.0 Client ID.
//    Consumes:
//    - application/json
//    Produces:
//    - application/json
//    Schemes: http, https
//    Responses:
//      204: emptyResponse
//      default: errorOAuth2
func (h *Handler) revokeOAuth2ConsentSessions(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, _ httprouter.Params) {
    subject := r.URL.Query().Get("subject")
    client := r.URL.Query().Get("client")
    allClients := r.URL.Query().Get("all") == "true"
    if subject == "" {
        h.r.Writer().WriteError(w, r, errorsx.WithStack(fosite.ErrInvalidRequest.WithHint(`Query parameter 'subject' is not defined but should have been.`)))

    switch {
    case len(client) > 0:
        if err := h.r.ConsentManager().RevokeSubjectClientConsentSession(r.Context(), subject, client); err != nil && !errors.Is(err, x.ErrNotFound) {
            h.r.Writer().WriteError(w, r, err)
        events.Trace(r.Context(), events.ConsentRevoked, events.WithSubject(subject), events.WithClientID(client))
    case allClients:
        if err := h.r.ConsentManager().RevokeSubjectConsentSession(r.Context(), subject); err != nil && !errors.Is(err, x.ErrNotFound) {
            h.r.Writer().WriteError(w, r, err)
        events.Trace(r.Context(), events.ConsentRevoked, events.WithSubject(subject))
        h.r.Writer().WriteError(w, r, errorsx.WithStack(fosite.ErrInvalidRequest.WithHint(`Query parameter both 'client' and 'all' is not defined but one of them should have been.`)))


// List OAuth 2.0 Consent Session Parameters
// swagger:parameters listOAuth2ConsentSessions
//lint:ignore U1000 Used to generate Swagger and OpenAPI definitions
type listOAuth2ConsentSessions struct {

    // The subject to list the consent sessions for.
    // in: query
    // required: true
    Subject string `json:"subject"`

    // The login session id to list the consent sessions for.
    // in: query
    // required: false
    LoginSessionId string `json:"login_session_id"`

// swagger:route GET /admin/oauth2/auth/sessions/consent oAuth2 listOAuth2ConsentSessions
// # List OAuth 2.0 Consent Sessions of a Subject
// This endpoint lists all subject's granted consent sessions, including client and granted scope.
// If the subject is unknown or has not granted any consent sessions yet, the endpoint returns an
// empty JSON array with status code 200 OK.
//    Consumes:
//    - application/json
//    Produces:
//    - application/json
//    Schemes: http, https
//    Responses:
//      200: oAuth2ConsentSessions
//      default: errorOAuth2
func (h *Handler) listOAuth2ConsentSessions(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, _ httprouter.Params) {
    subject := r.URL.Query().Get("subject")
    if subject == "" {
        h.r.Writer().WriteError(w, r, errorsx.WithStack(fosite.ErrInvalidRequest.WithHint(`Query parameter 'subject' is not defined but should have been.`)))
    loginSessionId := r.URL.Query().Get("login_session_id")

    page, itemsPerPage := x.ParsePagination(r)

    var s []flow.AcceptOAuth2ConsentRequest
    var err error
    if len(loginSessionId) == 0 {
        s, err = h.r.ConsentManager().FindSubjectsGrantedConsentRequests(r.Context(), subject, itemsPerPage, itemsPerPage*page)
    } else {
        s, err = h.r.ConsentManager().FindSubjectsSessionGrantedConsentRequests(r.Context(), subject, loginSessionId, itemsPerPage, itemsPerPage*page)
    if errors.Is(err, ErrNoPreviousConsentFound) {
        h.r.Writer().Write(w, r, []flow.OAuth2ConsentSession{})
    } else if err != nil {
        h.r.Writer().WriteError(w, r, err)

    var a []flow.OAuth2ConsentSession
    for _, session := range s {
        session.ConsentRequest.Client = sanitizeClient(session.ConsentRequest.Client)
        a = append(a, flow.OAuth2ConsentSession(session))

    if len(a) == 0 {
        a = []flow.OAuth2ConsentSession{}

    n, err := h.r.ConsentManager().CountSubjectsGrantedConsentRequests(r.Context(), subject)
    if err != nil {
        h.r.Writer().WriteError(w, r, err)

    x.PaginationHeader(w, r.URL, int64(n), itemsPerPage, itemsPerPage*page)
    h.r.Writer().Write(w, r, a)

// Revoke OAuth 2.0 Consent Login Sessions Parameters
// swagger:parameters revokeOAuth2LoginSessions
//lint:ignore U1000 Used to generate Swagger and OpenAPI definitions
type revokeOAuth2LoginSessions struct {
    // OAuth 2.0 Subject
    // The subject to revoke authentication sessions for.
    // in: query
    Subject string `json:"subject"`

    // OAuth 2.0 Subject
    // The subject to revoke authentication sessions for.
    // in: query
    SessionID string `json:"sid"`

// swagger:route DELETE /admin/oauth2/auth/sessions/login oAuth2 revokeOAuth2LoginSessions
// # Revokes OAuth 2.0 Login Sessions by either a Subject or a SessionID
// This endpoint invalidates authentication sessions. After revoking the authentication session(s), the subject
// has to re-authenticate at the Ory OAuth2 Provider. This endpoint does not invalidate any tokens.
// If you send the subject in a query param, all authentication sessions that belong to that subject are revoked.
// No OpenID Connect Front- or Back-channel logout is performed in this case.
// Alternatively, you can send a SessionID via `sid` query param, in which case, only the session that is connected
// to that SessionID is revoked. OpenID Connect Back-channel logout is performed in this case.
//    Consumes:
//    - application/json
//    Produces:
//    - application/json
//    Schemes: http, https
//    Responses:
//      204: emptyResponse
//      default: errorOAuth2
func (h *Handler) revokeOAuth2LoginSessions(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, _ httprouter.Params) {
    sid := r.URL.Query().Get("sid")
    subject := r.URL.Query().Get("subject")

    if sid == "" && subject == "" {
        h.r.Writer().WriteError(w, r, errorsx.WithStack(fosite.ErrInvalidRequest.WithHint(`Either 'subject' or 'sid' query parameters need to be defined.`)))

    if sid != "" {
        if err := h.r.ConsentStrategy().HandleHeadlessLogout(r.Context(), w, r, sid); err != nil {
            h.r.Writer().WriteError(w, r, err)


    if err := h.r.ConsentManager().RevokeSubjectLoginSession(r.Context(), subject); err != nil {
        h.r.Writer().WriteError(w, r, err)


// Get OAuth 2.0 Login Request
// swagger:parameters getOAuth2LoginRequest
//lint:ignore U1000 Used to generate Swagger and OpenAPI definitions
type getOAuth2LoginRequest struct {
    // OAuth 2.0 Login Request Challenge
    // in: query
    // required: true
    Challenge string `json:"login_challenge"`

// swagger:route GET /admin/oauth2/auth/requests/login oAuth2 getOAuth2LoginRequest
// # Get OAuth 2.0 Login Request
// When an authorization code, hybrid, or implicit OAuth 2.0 Flow is initiated, Ory asks the login provider
// to authenticate the subject and then tell the Ory OAuth2 Service about it.
// Per default, the login provider is Ory itself. You may use a different login provider which needs to be a web-app
// you write and host, and it must be able to authenticate ("show the subject a login screen")
// a subject (in OAuth2 the proper name for subject is "resource owner").
// The authentication challenge is appended to the login provider URL to which the subject's user-agent (browser) is redirected to. The login
// provider uses that challenge to fetch information on the OAuth2 request and then accept or reject the requested authentication process.
//    Consumes:
//    - application/json
//    Produces:
//    - application/json
//    Schemes: http, https
//    Responses:
//      200: oAuth2LoginRequest
//      410: oAuth2RedirectTo
//      default: errorOAuth2
func (h *Handler) getOAuth2LoginRequest(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, _ httprouter.Params) {
    challenge := stringsx.Coalesce(

    if challenge == "" {
        h.r.Writer().WriteError(w, r, errorsx.WithStack(fosite.ErrInvalidRequest.WithHint(`Query parameter 'challenge' is not defined but should have been.`)))

    request, err := h.r.ConsentManager().GetLoginRequest(r.Context(), challenge)
    if err != nil {
        h.r.Writer().WriteError(w, r, err)
    if request.WasHandled {
        h.r.Writer().WriteCode(w, r, http.StatusGone, &flow.OAuth2RedirectTo{
            RedirectTo: request.RequestURL,

    if request.RequestedScope == nil {
        request.RequestedScope = []string{}

    if request.RequestedAudience == nil {
        request.RequestedAudience = []string{}

    request.Client = sanitizeClient(request.Client)
    h.r.Writer().Write(w, r, request)

// Accept OAuth 2.0 Login Request
// swagger:parameters acceptOAuth2LoginRequest
//lint:ignore U1000 Used to generate Swagger and OpenAPI definitions
type acceptOAuth2LoginRequest struct {
    // OAuth 2.0 Login Request Challenge
    // in: query
    // required: true
    Challenge string `json:"login_challenge"`

    // in: body
    Body flow.HandledLoginRequest

// swagger:route PUT /admin/oauth2/auth/requests/login/accept oAuth2 acceptOAuth2LoginRequest
// # Accept OAuth 2.0 Login Request
// When an authorization code, hybrid, or implicit OAuth 2.0 Flow is initiated, Ory asks the login provider
// to authenticate the subject and then tell the Ory OAuth2 Service about it.
// The authentication challenge is appended to the login provider URL to which the subject's user-agent (browser) is redirected to. The login
// provider uses that challenge to fetch information on the OAuth2 request and then accept or reject the requested authentication process.
// This endpoint tells Ory that the subject has successfully authenticated and includes additional information such as
// the subject's ID and if Ory should remember the subject's subject agent for future authentication attempts by setting
// a cookie.
// The response contains a redirect URL which the login provider should redirect the user-agent to.
//    Consumes:
//    - application/json
//    Produces:
//    - application/json
//    Schemes: http, https
//    Responses:
//      200: oAuth2RedirectTo
//      default: errorOAuth2
func (h *Handler) acceptOAuth2LoginRequest(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, _ httprouter.Params) {
    ctx := r.Context()

    challenge := stringsx.Coalesce(
    if challenge == "" {
        h.r.Writer().WriteError(w, r, errorsx.WithStack(fosite.ErrInvalidRequest.WithHint(`Query parameter 'challenge' is not defined but should have been.`)))

    var handledLoginRequest flow.HandledLoginRequest
    d := json.NewDecoder(r.Body)
    if err := d.Decode(&handledLoginRequest); err != nil {
        h.r.Writer().WriteError(w, r, errorsx.WithStack(fosite.ErrInvalidRequest.WithWrap(err).WithHintf("Unable to decode body because: %s", err)))

    if handledLoginRequest.Subject == "" {
        h.r.Writer().WriteError(w, r, errorsx.WithStack(fosite.ErrInvalidRequest.WithHint("Field 'subject' must not be empty.")))

    handledLoginRequest.ID = challenge
    loginRequest, err := h.r.ConsentManager().GetLoginRequest(ctx, challenge)
    if err != nil {
        h.r.Writer().WriteError(w, r, err)
    } else if loginRequest.Subject != "" && handledLoginRequest.Subject != loginRequest.Subject {
        // The subject that was confirmed by the login screen does not match what we
        // remembered in the session cookie. We handle this gracefully by redirecting the
        // original authorization request URL, but attaching "prompt=login" to the query.
        // This forces the user to log in again.
        requestURL, err := url.Parse(loginRequest.RequestURL)
        if err != nil {
            h.r.Writer().WriteError(w, r, err)
        h.r.Writer().Write(w, r, &flow.OAuth2RedirectTo{
            RedirectTo: urlx.SetQuery(requestURL, url.Values{"prompt": {"login"}}).String(),

    if loginRequest.Skip {
        handledLoginRequest.Remember = true // If skip is true remember is also true to allow consecutive calls as the same user!
        handledLoginRequest.AuthenticatedAt = loginRequest.AuthenticatedAt
    } else {
        handledLoginRequest.AuthenticatedAt = sqlxx.NullTime(time.Now().UTC().
            // Rounding is important to avoid SQL time synchronization issues in e.g. MySQL!
        loginRequest.AuthenticatedAt = handledLoginRequest.AuthenticatedAt
    handledLoginRequest.RequestedAt = loginRequest.RequestedAt

    f, err := flowctx.Decode[flow.Flow](ctx, h.r.FlowCipher(), challenge, flowctx.AsLoginChallenge)
    if err != nil {
        h.r.Writer().WriteError(w, r, err)
    request, err := h.r.ConsentManager().HandleLoginRequest(ctx, f, challenge, &handledLoginRequest)
    if err != nil {
        h.r.Writer().WriteError(w, r, errorsx.WithStack(err))

    ru, err := url.Parse(request.RequestURL)
    if err != nil {
        h.r.Writer().WriteError(w, r, err)

    verifier, err := f.ToLoginVerifier(ctx, h.r)
    if err != nil {
        h.r.Writer().WriteError(w, r, err)

    events.Trace(ctx, events.LoginAccepted, events.WithClientID(request.Client.GetID()), events.WithSubject(request.Subject))
    h.r.Writer().Write(w, r, &flow.OAuth2RedirectTo{
        RedirectTo: urlx.SetQuery(ru, url.Values{"login_verifier": {verifier}}).String(),

// Reject OAuth 2.0 Login Request
// swagger:parameters rejectOAuth2LoginRequest
//lint:ignore U1000 Used to generate Swagger and OpenAPI definitions
type rejectOAuth2LoginRequest struct {
    // OAuth 2.0 Login Request Challenge
    // in: query
    // required: true
    Challenge string `json:"login_challenge"`

    // in: body
    Body flow.RequestDeniedError

// swagger:route PUT /admin/oauth2/auth/requests/login/reject oAuth2 rejectOAuth2LoginRequest
// # Reject OAuth 2.0 Login Request
// When an authorization code, hybrid, or implicit OAuth 2.0 Flow is initiated, Ory asks the login provider
// to authenticate the subject and then tell the Ory OAuth2 Service about it.
// The authentication challenge is appended to the login provider URL to which the subject's user-agent (browser) is redirected to. The login
// provider uses that challenge to fetch information on the OAuth2 request and then accept or reject the requested authentication process.
// This endpoint tells Ory that the subject has not authenticated and includes a reason why the authentication
// was denied.
// The response contains a redirect URL which the login provider should redirect the user-agent to.
//    Consumes:
//    - application/json
//    Produces:
//    - application/json
//    Schemes: http, https
//    Responses:
//      200: oAuth2RedirectTo
//      default: errorOAuth2
func (h *Handler) rejectOAuth2LoginRequest(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, _ httprouter.Params) {
    ctx := r.Context()

    challenge := stringsx.Coalesce(
    if challenge == "" {
        h.r.Writer().WriteError(w, r, errorsx.WithStack(fosite.ErrInvalidRequest.WithHint(`Query parameter 'challenge' is not defined but should have been.`)))

    var p flow.RequestDeniedError
    d := json.NewDecoder(r.Body)
    if err := d.Decode(&p); err != nil {
        h.r.Writer().WriteError(w, r, errorsx.WithStack(fosite.ErrInvalidRequest.WithWrap(err).WithHintf("Unable to decode body because: %s", err)))

    p.Valid = true
    ar, err := h.r.ConsentManager().GetLoginRequest(ctx, challenge)
    if err != nil {
        h.r.Writer().WriteError(w, r, err)

    f, err := flowctx.Decode[flow.Flow](ctx, h.r.FlowCipher(), challenge, flowctx.AsLoginChallenge)
    if err != nil {
        h.r.Writer().WriteError(w, r, err)
    request, err := h.r.ConsentManager().HandleLoginRequest(ctx, f, challenge, &flow.HandledLoginRequest{
        Error:       &p,
        ID:          challenge,
        RequestedAt: ar.RequestedAt,
    if err != nil {
        h.r.Writer().WriteError(w, r, errorsx.WithStack(err))

    verifier, err := f.ToLoginVerifier(ctx, h.r)
    if err != nil {
        h.r.Writer().WriteError(w, r, err)

    ru, err := url.Parse(request.RequestURL)
    if err != nil {
        h.r.Writer().WriteError(w, r, err)

    events.Trace(ctx, events.LoginRejected, events.WithClientID(request.Client.GetID()), events.WithSubject(request.Subject))

    h.r.Writer().Write(w, r, &flow.OAuth2RedirectTo{
        RedirectTo: urlx.SetQuery(ru, url.Values{"login_verifier": {verifier}}).String(),

// Get OAuth 2.0 Consent Request
// swagger:parameters getOAuth2ConsentRequest
//lint:ignore U1000 Used to generate Swagger and OpenAPI definitions
type getOAuth2ConsentRequest struct {
    // OAuth 2.0 Consent Request Challenge
    // in: query
    // required: true
    Challenge string `json:"consent_challenge"`

// swagger:route GET /admin/oauth2/auth/requests/consent oAuth2 getOAuth2ConsentRequest
// # Get OAuth 2.0 Consent Request
// When an authorization code, hybrid, or implicit OAuth 2.0 Flow is initiated, Ory asks the login provider
// to authenticate the subject and then tell Ory now about it. If the subject authenticated, he/she must now be asked if
// the OAuth 2.0 Client which initiated the flow should be allowed to access the resources on the subject's behalf.
// The consent challenge is appended to the consent provider's URL to which the subject's user-agent (browser) is redirected to. The consent
// provider uses that challenge to fetch information on the OAuth2 request and then tells Ory if the subject accepted
// or rejected the request.
// The default consent provider is available via the Ory Managed Account Experience. To customize the consent provider, please
// head over to the OAuth 2.0 documentation.
//    Consumes:
//    - application/json
//    Produces:
//    - application/json
//    Schemes: http, https
//    Responses:
//      200: oAuth2ConsentRequest
//      410: oAuth2RedirectTo
//      default: errorOAuth2
func (h *Handler) getOAuth2ConsentRequest(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, _ httprouter.Params) {
    challenge := stringsx.Coalesce(
    if challenge == "" {
        h.r.Writer().WriteError(w, r, errorsx.WithStack(fosite.ErrInvalidRequest.WithHint(`Query parameter 'challenge' is not defined but should have been.`)))

    request, err := h.r.ConsentManager().GetConsentRequest(r.Context(), challenge)
    if err != nil {
        h.r.Writer().WriteError(w, r, err)
    if request.WasHandled {
        h.r.Writer().WriteCode(w, r, http.StatusGone, &flow.OAuth2RedirectTo{
            RedirectTo: request.RequestURL,

    if request.RequestedScope == nil {
        request.RequestedScope = []string{}

    if request.RequestedAudience == nil {
        request.RequestedAudience = []string{}

    request.Client = sanitizeClient(request.Client)
    h.r.Writer().Write(w, r, request)

// Accept OAuth 2.0 Consent Request
// swagger:parameters acceptOAuth2ConsentRequest
//lint:ignore U1000 Used to generate Swagger and OpenAPI definitions
type acceptOAuth2ConsentRequest struct {
    // OAuth 2.0 Consent Request Challenge
    // in: query
    // required: true
    Challenge string `json:"consent_challenge"`

    // in: body
    Body flow.AcceptOAuth2ConsentRequest

// swagger:route PUT /admin/oauth2/auth/requests/consent/accept oAuth2 acceptOAuth2ConsentRequest
// # Accept OAuth 2.0 Consent Request
// When an authorization code, hybrid, or implicit OAuth 2.0 Flow is initiated, Ory asks the login provider
// to authenticate the subject and then tell Ory now about it. If the subject authenticated, he/she must now be asked if
// the OAuth 2.0 Client which initiated the flow should be allowed to access the resources on the subject's behalf.
// The consent challenge is appended to the consent provider's URL to which the subject's user-agent (browser) is redirected to. The consent
// provider uses that challenge to fetch information on the OAuth2 request and then tells Ory if the subject accepted
// or rejected the request.
// This endpoint tells Ory that the subject has authorized the OAuth 2.0 client to access resources on his/her behalf.
// The consent provider includes additional information, such as session data for access and ID tokens, and if the
// consent request should be used as basis for future requests.
// The response contains a redirect URL which the consent provider should redirect the user-agent to.
// The default consent provider is available via the Ory Managed Account Experience. To customize the consent provider, please
// head over to the OAuth 2.0 documentation.
//    Consumes:
//    - application/json
//    Produces:
//    - application/json
//    Schemes: http, https
//    Responses:
//      200: oAuth2RedirectTo
//      default: errorOAuth2
func (h *Handler) acceptOAuth2ConsentRequest(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, _ httprouter.Params) {
    ctx := r.Context()

    challenge := stringsx.Coalesce(
    if challenge == "" {
        h.r.Writer().WriteError(w, r, errorsx.WithStack(fosite.ErrInvalidRequest.WithHint(`Query parameter 'challenge' is not defined but should have been.`)))

    var p flow.AcceptOAuth2ConsentRequest
    d := json.NewDecoder(r.Body)
    if err := d.Decode(&p); err != nil {
        h.r.Writer().WriteErrorCode(w, r, http.StatusBadRequest, errorsx.WithStack(err))

    cr, err := h.r.ConsentManager().GetConsentRequest(ctx, challenge)
    if err != nil {
        h.r.Writer().WriteError(w, r, errorsx.WithStack(err))

    p.ID = challenge
    p.RequestedAt = cr.RequestedAt
    p.HandledAt = sqlxx.NullTime(time.Now().UTC())

    f, err := flowctx.Decode[flow.Flow](ctx, h.r.FlowCipher(), challenge, flowctx.AsConsentChallenge)
    if err != nil {
        h.r.Writer().WriteError(w, r, err)
    hr, err := h.r.ConsentManager().HandleConsentRequest(ctx, f, &p)
    if err != nil {
        h.r.Writer().WriteError(w, r, errorsx.WithStack(err))
    } else if hr.Skip {
        p.Remember = false

    ru, err := url.Parse(hr.RequestURL)
    if err != nil {
        h.r.Writer().WriteError(w, r, err)

    verifier, err := f.ToConsentVerifier(ctx, h.r)
    if err != nil {
        h.r.Writer().WriteError(w, r, err)

    events.Trace(ctx, events.ConsentAccepted, events.WithClientID(cr.Client.GetID()), events.WithSubject(cr.Subject))

    h.r.Writer().Write(w, r, &flow.OAuth2RedirectTo{
        RedirectTo: urlx.SetQuery(ru, url.Values{"consent_verifier": {verifier}}).String(),

// Reject OAuth 2.0 Consent Request
// swagger:parameters rejectOAuth2ConsentRequest
//lint:ignore U1000 Used to generate Swagger and OpenAPI definitions
type adminRejectOAuth2ConsentRequest struct {
    // OAuth 2.0 Consent Request Challenge
    // in: query
    // required: true
    Challenge string `json:"consent_challenge"`

    // in: body
    Body flow.RequestDeniedError

// swagger:route PUT /admin/oauth2/auth/requests/consent/reject oAuth2 rejectOAuth2ConsentRequest
// # Reject OAuth 2.0 Consent Request
// When an authorization code, hybrid, or implicit OAuth 2.0 Flow is initiated, Ory asks the login provider
// to authenticate the subject and then tell Ory now about it. If the subject authenticated, he/she must now be asked if
// the OAuth 2.0 Client which initiated the flow should be allowed to access the resources on the subject's behalf.
// The consent challenge is appended to the consent provider's URL to which the subject's user-agent (browser) is redirected to. The consent
// provider uses that challenge to fetch information on the OAuth2 request and then tells Ory if the subject accepted
// or rejected the request.
// This endpoint tells Ory that the subject has not authorized the OAuth 2.0 client to access resources on his/her behalf.
// The consent provider must include a reason why the consent was not granted.
// The response contains a redirect URL which the consent provider should redirect the user-agent to.
// The default consent provider is available via the Ory Managed Account Experience. To customize the consent provider, please
// head over to the OAuth 2.0 documentation.
//    Consumes:
//    - application/json
//    Produces:
//    - application/json
//    Schemes: http, https
//    Responses:
//      200: oAuth2RedirectTo
//      default: errorOAuth2
func (h *Handler) rejectOAuth2ConsentRequest(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, _ httprouter.Params) {
    ctx := r.Context()

    challenge := stringsx.Coalesce(
    if challenge == "" {
        h.r.Writer().WriteError(w, r, errorsx.WithStack(fosite.ErrInvalidRequest.WithHint(`Query parameter 'challenge' is not defined but should have been.`)))

    var p flow.RequestDeniedError
    d := json.NewDecoder(r.Body)
    if err := d.Decode(&p); err != nil {
        h.r.Writer().WriteErrorCode(w, r, http.StatusBadRequest, errorsx.WithStack(err))

    p.Valid = true
    hr, err := h.r.ConsentManager().GetConsentRequest(ctx, challenge)
    if err != nil {
        h.r.Writer().WriteError(w, r, errorsx.WithStack(err))

    f, err := flowctx.Decode[flow.Flow](ctx, h.r.FlowCipher(), challenge, flowctx.AsConsentChallenge)
    if err != nil {
        h.r.Writer().WriteError(w, r, err)

    request, err := h.r.ConsentManager().HandleConsentRequest(ctx, f, &flow.AcceptOAuth2ConsentRequest{
        Error:       &p,
        ID:          challenge,
        RequestedAt: hr.RequestedAt,
        HandledAt:   sqlxx.NullTime(time.Now().UTC()),
    if err != nil {
        h.r.Writer().WriteError(w, r, errorsx.WithStack(err))

    ru, err := url.Parse(request.RequestURL)
    if err != nil {
        h.r.Writer().WriteError(w, r, err)

    verifier, err := f.ToConsentVerifier(ctx, h.r)
    if err != nil {
        h.r.Writer().WriteError(w, r, err)

    events.Trace(ctx, events.ConsentRejected, events.WithClientID(request.Client.GetID()), events.WithSubject(request.Subject))

    h.r.Writer().Write(w, r, &flow.OAuth2RedirectTo{
        RedirectTo: urlx.SetQuery(ru, url.Values{"consent_verifier": {verifier}}).String(),

// Accept OAuth 2.0 Logout Request
// swagger:parameters acceptOAuth2LogoutRequest
//lint:ignore U1000 Used to generate Swagger and OpenAPI definitions
type acceptOAuth2LogoutRequest struct {
    // OAuth 2.0 Logout Request Challenge
    // in: query
    // required: true
    Challenge string `json:"logout_challenge"`

// swagger:route PUT /admin/oauth2/auth/requests/logout/accept oAuth2 acceptOAuth2LogoutRequest
// # Accept OAuth 2.0 Session Logout Request
// When a user or an application requests Ory OAuth 2.0 to remove the session state of a subject, this endpoint is used to confirm that logout request.
// The response contains a redirect URL which the consent provider should redirect the user-agent to.
//    Produces:
//    - application/json
//    Schemes: http, https
//    Responses:
//      200: oAuth2RedirectTo
//      default: errorOAuth2
func (h *Handler) acceptOAuth2LogoutRequest(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, _ httprouter.Params) {
    challenge := stringsx.Coalesce(

    c, err := h.r.ConsentManager().AcceptLogoutRequest(r.Context(), challenge)
    if err != nil {
        h.r.Writer().WriteError(w, r, err)

    h.r.Writer().Write(w, r, &flow.OAuth2RedirectTo{
        RedirectTo: urlx.SetQuery(urlx.AppendPaths(h.c.PublicURL(r.Context()), "/oauth2/sessions/logout"), url.Values{"logout_verifier": {c.Verifier}}).String(),

// Reject OAuth 2.0 Logout Request
// swagger:parameters rejectOAuth2LogoutRequest
//lint:ignore U1000 Used to generate Swagger and OpenAPI definitions
type rejectOAuth2LogoutRequest struct {
    // in: query
    // required: true
    Challenge string `json:"logout_challenge"`

// swagger:route PUT /admin/oauth2/auth/requests/logout/reject oAuth2 rejectOAuth2LogoutRequest
// # Reject OAuth 2.0 Session Logout Request
// When a user or an application requests Ory OAuth 2.0 to remove the session state of a subject, this endpoint is used to deny that logout request.
// No HTTP request body is required.
// The response is empty as the logout provider has to chose what action to perform next.
//    Produces:
//    - application/json
//    Schemes: http, https
//    Responses:
//      204: emptyResponse
//      default: errorOAuth2
func (h *Handler) rejectOAuth2LogoutRequest(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, _ httprouter.Params) {
    challenge := stringsx.Coalesce(

    if err := h.r.ConsentManager().RejectLogoutRequest(r.Context(), challenge); err != nil {
        h.r.Writer().WriteError(w, r, err)


// Get OAuth 2.0 Logout Request
// swagger:parameters getOAuth2LogoutRequest
//lint:ignore U1000 Used to generate Swagger and OpenAPI definitions
type getOAuth2LogoutRequest struct {
    // in: query
    // required: true
    Challenge string `json:"logout_challenge"`

// swagger:route GET /admin/oauth2/auth/requests/logout oAuth2 getOAuth2LogoutRequest
// # Get OAuth 2.0 Session Logout Request
// Use this endpoint to fetch an Ory OAuth 2.0 logout request.
//    Produces:
//    - application/json
//    Schemes: http, https
//    Responses:
//      200: oAuth2LogoutRequest
//      410: oAuth2RedirectTo
//      default: errorOAuth2
func (h *Handler) getOAuth2LogoutRequest(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, _ httprouter.Params) {
    challenge := stringsx.Coalesce(

    request, err := h.r.ConsentManager().GetLogoutRequest(r.Context(), challenge)
    if err != nil {
        h.r.Writer().WriteError(w, r, err)

    // We do not want to share the secret so remove it.
    if request.Client != nil {
        request.Client.Secret = ""

    if request.WasHandled {
        h.r.Writer().WriteCode(w, r, http.StatusGone, &flow.OAuth2RedirectTo{
            RedirectTo: request.RequestURL,

    h.r.Writer().Write(w, r, request)