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Test Coverage
// Copyright © 2022 Ory Corp
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

package oauth2_test

import (



    hc "github.com/ory/hydra/v2/client"

// TestCreateRefreshTokenSessionStress is a sanity test to verify the fix for https://github.com/ory/hydra/issues/1719 &
// https://github.com/ory/hydra/issues/1735.
// It currently only deals with Postgres as that was what the issue was based on due to the default isolation level used
// by the storage engine.
func TestCreateRefreshTokenSessionStress(t *testing.T) {
    if testing.Short() {

    // number of iterations this test will make to ensure everything is working as expected. This test is aiming to
    // prove correct behaviour when the handler is getting hit with the same refresh token in concurrent requests. Given
    // that problems that may occur in this scenario are "racey" in nature, it is important to run this test several times
    // so to minimize the probability were we pass due to sheer luck.
    testRuns := 5
    // number of workers that will concurrently hit the 'CreateRefreshTokenSession' method using the same refresh token.
    // don't set this value to be too high as it will result in connection failures to the DB instance. The test is designed such that
    // it will retry in the event we get unlucky and a transaction completes successfully prior to other requests getting past the
    // first read.
    workers := 10

    token := "234c678fed33c1d2025537ae464a1ebf7d23fc4a"          //nolint:gosec
    tokenSignature := "4c7c7e8b3a77ad0c3ec846a21653c48b45dbfa31" //nolint:gosec
    testClient := hc.Client{
        ID:            uuid.Must(uuid.NewV4()).String(),
        Secret:        "secret",
        ResponseTypes: []string{"id_token", "code", "token"},
        GrantTypes:    []string{"implicit", "refresh_token", "authorization_code", "password", "client_credentials"},
        Scope:         "hydra offline openid",
        Audience:      []string{"https://api.ory.sh/"},

    request := &fosite.AccessRequest{
        GrantTypes: []string{
        Request: fosite.Request{
            RequestedAt: time.Now(),
            ID:          uuid.Must(uuid.NewV4()).String(),
            Client: &hc.Client{
                ID: testClient.GetID(),
            RequestedScope: []string{"offline"},
            GrantedScope:   []string{"offline"},
            Session:        oauth2.NewSession(""),
            Form: url.Values{
                "refresh_token": []string{fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", token, tokenSignature)},


    for dbName, dbRegistry := range registries {
        if dbName == "memory" {
            // todo check why sqlite fails with "no such table: hydra_oauth2_refresh \n sqlite create"
            // should be fine though as nobody should use sqlite in production
        net := &networkx.Network{}
        require.NoError(t, dbRegistry.Persister().Connection(context.Background()).First(net))
        dbRegistry.WithContextualizer(&contextx.Static{NID: net.ID, C: internal.NewConfigurationWithDefaults().Source(context.Background())})

        ctx, cancel := context.WithDeadline(context.Background(), time.Now().Add(30*time.Second))
        require.NoError(t, dbRegistry.OAuth2Storage().(clientCreator).CreateClient(ctx, &testClient))
        require.NoError(t, dbRegistry.OAuth2Storage().CreateRefreshTokenSession(ctx, tokenSignature, request))
        _, err := dbRegistry.OAuth2Storage().GetRefreshTokenSession(ctx, tokenSignature, nil)
        require.NoError(t, err)
        provider := dbRegistry.OAuth2Provider()
        storageVersion := dbVersion(t, ctx, dbRegistry)

        var wg sync.WaitGroup
        for run := 0; run < testRuns; run++ {
            barrier := make(chan struct{})
            errorsCh := make(chan error, workers)

            go func() {
                for w := 0; w < workers; w++ {
                    go func(run, worker int) {
                        defer wg.Done()
                        ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second)
                        defer cancel()
                        time.Sleep(time.Duration(rand.Intn(100)) * time.Millisecond) //nolint:gosec
                        // all workers will block here until the for loop above has launched all the worker go-routines
                        // this is to ensure we fire all the workers off at the same
                        _, err := provider.NewAccessResponse(ctx, request)
                        errorsCh <- err
                    }(run, w)

                // wait until all workers have completed their work

            // let the race begin!
            // all worker go-routines will now attempt to hit the "NewAccessResponse" method

            // process worker results

            // successCount is the number of workers that were able to call "NewAccessResponse" without receiving an error.
            // if the successCount at the end of a test run is bigger than one, it means that multiple access/refresh tokens
            // were issued using the same refresh token! - https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/scared-hamster
            var successCount int
            for err := range errorsCh {
                if err != nil {
                    if e := (&fosite.RFC6749Error{}); errors.As(err, &e) {
                        switch e.ErrorField {

                        // change logic below when the refresh handler starts returning 'fosite.ErrInvalidRequest' for other reasons.
                        // as of now, this error is only returned due to concurrent transactions competing to refresh using the same token.

                        case fosite.ErrInvalidRequest.ErrorField, fosite.ErrServerError.ErrorField:
                            // the error description copy is defined by RFC 6749 and should not be different regardless of
                            // the underlying transactional aware storage backend used by hydra
                            assert.Contains(t, []string{fosite.ErrInvalidRequest.DescriptionField, fosite.ErrServerError.DescriptionField}, e.DescriptionField)
                            // the database error debug copy will be different depending on the underlying database used
                            switch dbName {
                            case dbal.DriverMySQL:
                            case dbal.DriverPostgreSQL, dbal.DriverCockroachDB:
                                var matched bool
                                for _, errSubstr := range []string{
                                    // both postgreSQL & cockroachDB return error code 40001 for consistency errors as a result of
                                    // using the REPEATABLE_READ isolation level
                                    "SQLSTATE 40001",
                                    // possible if one worker starts the transaction AFTER another worker has successfully
                                    // refreshed the token and committed the transaction
                                    // postgres: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "hydra_oauth2_access_request_id_idx": Unable to insert or update resource because a resource with that value exists already: The request could not be completed due to concurrent access
                                    "duplicate key",
                                    // cockroach: restart transaction: TransactionRetryWithProtoRefreshError: TransactionRetryError: retry txn (RETRY_WRITE_TOO_OLD - WriteTooOld flag converted to WriteTooOldError): "sql txn" meta={id=7f069400 key=/Table/62/2/"02a55d6e-509b-4d7a-8458-5828b2f831a1"/0 pri=0.00598277 epo=0 ts=1600955431.566576173,2 min=1600955431.566576173,0 seq=6} lock=true stat=PENDING rts=1600955431.566576173,2 wto=false max=1600955431.566576173,0: Unable to serialize access due to a concurrent update in another session: The request could not be completed due to concurrent access
                                    // postgres: pq: deadlock detected
                                    "deadlock detected",
                                    // postgres: pq: could not serialize access due to concurrent update: Unable to serialize access due to a concurrent update in another session: The request could not be completed due to concurrent access
                                    "concurrent update",
                                    // cockroach: this happens when there is an error with the storage
                                    // refresh token reuse detection
                                } {
                                    if strings.Contains(e.DebugField, errSubstr) {
                                        matched = true

                                assert.True(t, matched, "received an unexpected kind of `%s`\n"+
                                    "DB version: %s\n"+
                                    "Error description: %s\n"+
                                    "Error debug: %s\n"+
                                    "Error hint: %s\n"+
                                    "Raw error: %T %+v\n"+
                                    "Raw cause: %T %+v",
                                    err, err,
                                    e, e)
                            // unfortunately, MySQL does not offer the same behaviour under the "REPEATABLE_READ" isolation
                            // level so we have to relax this assertion just for MySQL for the time being as server_errors
                            // resembling the following can be returned:
                            //    Error 1213: Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction
                            if dbName != dbal.DriverMySQL {
                                t.Errorf("an unexpected RFC6749 error with the name %q was returned.\n"+
                                    "Hint: has the refresh token error handling changed in fosite? If so, you need to add further "+
                                    "assertions here to cover the additional errors that are being returned by the handler.\n"+
                                    "DB version: %s\n"+
                                    "Error description: %s\n"+
                                    "Error debug: %s\n"+
                                    "Error hint: %s\n"+
                                    "Raw error: %+v",
                    } else {
                        t.Errorf("expected underlying error to be of type '*fosite.RFC6749Error', but it was "+
                            "actually of type %T: %+v - DB version: %s", err, err, storageVersion)
                } else {

            // IMPORTANT - skip consistency check for MySQL :(
            // different DBMS's provide different consistency guarantees when using the "REPEATABLE_READ" isolation level
            // Currently, MySQL's implementation of "REPEATABLE_READ" makes it possible for multiple concurrent requests
            // to successfully utilize the same refresh token. Therefore, we skip the assertion below.
            // TODO: this needs to be addressed by making it possible to use different isolation levels for various authorization
            //       flows depending on the underlying hydra storage backend. For example, if using MySQL, hydra should force
            //       the transaction isolation level to be "Serializable" when a request to the token handler is received.

            switch dbName {
            case dbal.DriverMySQL:
            case dbal.DriverPostgreSQL, dbal.DriverCockroachDB:
                require.Equal(t, 1, successCount, "CRITICAL: in test iteration %d, %d out of %d workers "+
                    "were able to use the refresh token. Exactly ONE was expected to be have been successful.",

            // reset state for the next test iteration
            assert.NoError(t, dbRegistry.OAuth2Storage().DeleteRefreshTokenSession(ctx, tokenSignature))
            assert.NoError(t, dbRegistry.OAuth2Storage().CreateRefreshTokenSession(ctx, tokenSignature, request))

type version struct {
    Version string `db:"version"`

func dbVersion(t *testing.T, ctx context.Context, registry driver.Registry) string {
    var v version

    versionFunc := "version()"
    c := registry.Persister().Connection(ctx)
    if c.Dialect.Name() == "sqlite3" {
        versionFunc = "sqlite_version()"
    /* #nosec G201 - versionFunc is an enum */
    require.NoError(t, registry.Persister().Connection(ctx).RawQuery(fmt.Sprintf("select %s as version", versionFunc)).First(&v))

    return v.Version