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 * @author Ilja Neumann <ineumann@owncloud.com>
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2021, ownCloud GmbH
 * @license AGPL-3.0
 * This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
 * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
namespace OCA\Files_Versions;

use OC\Files\Filesystem;
use OC\Files\ObjectStore\ObjectStoreStorage;
use OC\Files\View;
use OCP\Files\FileInfo;

 * Storage facade for the optional versioning-metadata feature which when enabled
 * stores an additional metadata file next to each version file in data/$uid/files_version.
 * The metadata files are named like the version file but suffixed with .json. They
 * contain the uid of the editor/author of the version.
 * Additionally a metadata file for the current version is maintained (.current.json).
 * The methods are called in tandem by the operations in OCA\Files_Versions\Storage.php
 * but abstract away the required path transformations and filesystem layout. Pass in normal file and
 * version paths as used in Storage.php and get the metadata handled by this.
 * Please note that this file-operations bypass the view api and write directly
 * to disk using php's file operations so currently this only works with local-storage.
 * @example
 * $ tree admin/files_versions/
 * data/admin
 *    ├── files
 *  │    ├── Hello.txt                  # Current file
 *  └── files_versions
 *      ├── Hello.txt.current.json     # Meta for the current file in files
 *      ├── Hello.txt.v1638547177.json # Meta of prev. version
 *      └── Hello.txt.v1638547177      # Content of the prev. version
class MetaStorage {
    /** @var string File-prefix of the metadata of the current file  */
    public const CURRENT_FILE_PREFIX = ".current";

    /** @var string File-extension of the metadata file for a specific version */
    public const VERSION_FILE_EXT = ".json";

    /** @var string  */
    private $dataDir;

    /** @var FileHelper  */
    private $fileHelper;

    private ?bool $objectStoreEnabled = null;

     * @param string $dataDir Absolute path to the data-directory
     * @param FileHelper $fileHelper
    public function __construct(string $dataDir, FileHelper $fileHelper) {
        $this->dataDir = $dataDir;
        $this->fileHelper = $fileHelper;

     * Creates or overwrites a metadata file for a current file. This is called
     * after every modification of a file to store some metadata.
     * @param string $currentFileName Path relative to the current user's home
     * @param string $uid
     * @param bool $minor if true increases minor version, otherwise major
     * @return bool
     * @throws \Exception
    public function createForCurrent(string $currentFileName, string $uid, bool $minor) : bool {
        // if the file gets streamed we need to remove the .part extension
        // to get the right target
        $ext = \pathinfo($currentFileName, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
        if ($ext === 'part') {
            $currentFileName = \substr($currentFileName, 0, \strlen($currentFileName) - 5);

        $absPathOnDisk = $this->pathToAbsDiskPath($uid, "/files_versions/$currentFileName" . MetaStorage::CURRENT_FILE_PREFIX . MetaStorage::VERSION_FILE_EXT);
        $userView = $this->fileHelper->getUserView($uid);
        $this->fileHelper->createMissingDirectories($userView, $currentFileName);

        // get metadata for old current file (if exists)
        $oldMetadata = $this->readMetaFile($absPathOnDisk);

        // generate Version Edited By property
        $newVersionEditedBy = \OC_User::getUser();

        // generate Version Tag property
        $oldVersionTag = $oldMetadata['version_tag'] ?? '';
        $newVersionTag = $this->incrementVersionTag($oldVersionTag, $minor);

        $metadata = [
            'edited_by' => $newVersionEditedBy,
            'version_tag' => $newVersionTag
        return $this->writeMetaFile($metadata, $absPathOnDisk) !== false;

     * Get a metadata file for a non-conncurent version of file.
     * @param FileInfo $versionFile
     * @return array metadata
     * @throws \Exception
    public function getVersionMetadata(FileInfo $versionFile) : array {
        $absPathOnDisk = $this->dataDir . '/' . $versionFile->getPath() . MetaStorage::VERSION_FILE_EXT;
        if (\file_exists($absPathOnDisk)) {
            return $this->readMetaFile($absPathOnDisk);
        return [];

     * Get a metadata file for a current file.
     * @param string $currentFileName Path relative to the current user's home
     * @param string $uid
     * @return array metadata
     * @throws \Exception
    public function getCurrentMetadata(string $currentFileName, string $uid) : array {
        $absPathOnDisk = $this->pathToAbsDiskPath($uid, "/files_versions/$currentFileName" . MetaStorage::CURRENT_FILE_PREFIX . MetaStorage::VERSION_FILE_EXT);

        return $this->readMetaFile($absPathOnDisk);

     * Copies the current metadata of a file with a given version.
     * After a version was created by making a copy before modification the
     * current metadata becomes the metadata of the new version.
     * @param string $currentFileName
     * @param FileInfo $versionFile
     * @param string $uid
    public function copyCurrentToVersion(string $currentFileName, FileInfo $versionFile, string $uid) {
        $currentMetaFile = $this->pathToAbsDiskPath($uid, "/files_versions/$currentFileName" . MetaStorage::CURRENT_FILE_PREFIX . MetaStorage::VERSION_FILE_EXT);
        $targetMetaFile = $this->dataDir . $versionFile->getPath() . self::VERSION_FILE_EXT;

        if (\file_exists($currentMetaFile)) {
            @\copy($currentMetaFile, $targetMetaFile);

     * Deletes metadata for a specific version file.
    public function deleteForVersion(View $versionsView, string $versionPath) {
        $uid = $versionsView->getOwner("/");
        $toDelete = $this->pathToAbsDiskPath($uid, "files_versions$versionPath" . self::VERSION_FILE_EXT);
        if (\file_exists($toDelete)) {

     * Deletes metadata for the current revision of a given file.
     * @param string $filename Path to the file relative to files/ for which the current revision should be deleted
    public function deleteForCurrent(View $versionsView, string $filename) {
        $uid = $versionsView->getOwner("/");
        $toDelete = $this->pathToAbsDiskPath($uid, "files_versions$filename" . MetaStorage::CURRENT_FILE_PREFIX . MetaStorage::VERSION_FILE_EXT);

        if (\file_exists($toDelete)) {

     * After a version is restored, the version's metadata is also restored
     * and becomes the current metadata of the file.
     * @param string $currentFileName
     * @param FileInfo $restoreVersionFile
     * @param string $uid
    public function restore(string $currentFileName, FileInfo $restoreVersionFile, string $uid) {
        // NOTE: restoring a version just copies the contents to new current version, it does not affect past version

        // get current metafile
        $currentMetaFile = $this->pathToAbsDiskPath($uid, "/files_versions/$currentFileName" . MetaStorage::CURRENT_FILE_PREFIX . MetaStorage::VERSION_FILE_EXT);

        // fetch metadata
        $currentMetaData = $this->readMetaFile($currentMetaFile);

        // restored version is technically a new version generated by a user
        $newVersionEditedBy = \OC_User::getUser();

        // increment version tag for current meta
        $oldCurrentVersionTag = $currentMetaData['version_tag'] ?? '';
        $newCurrentVersionTag = $this->incrementVersionTag($oldCurrentVersionTag, true);
        // create new currentMetaFile
        $metadata = [
            'edited_by' => $newVersionEditedBy,
            'version_tag' => $newCurrentVersionTag,
        $this->writeMetaFile($metadata, $currentMetaFile);

     * @param string $op
     * @param string $src
     * @param string $srcOwnerUid
     * @param string $dst
     * @param string $dstOwnerUid
    public function renameOrCopy(string $op, string $src, string $srcOwnerUid, string $dst, string $dstOwnerUid) {
        if ($op !== 'copy' && $op !== 'rename') {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Only move/rename and copy are supported');

        $src = self::pathToAbsDiskPath($srcOwnerUid, $src);
        $dst = self::pathToAbsDiskPath($dstOwnerUid, $dst);

        if (\file_exists($src)) {
            $op($src, $dst);

     * Copy all meta data files from a given folder to a destination folder
     * recursively. This method presumes that the folder structure in the
     * destination folder has already been created.
     * @param string $src
     * @param string $srcOwnerUid
     * @param string $dst
     * @param string $dstOwnerUid
    public function copyRecursiveMetaDataFiles(string $src, string $srcOwnerUid, string $dst, string $dstOwnerUid) {
        $absSrc = self::pathToAbsDiskPath($srcOwnerUid, $src);
        $absDst = self::pathToAbsDiskPath($dstOwnerUid, $dst);

        if (!\is_dir($absSrc)) {

        foreach (\scandir($absSrc) as $filePath) {
            if ($filePath === '.' || $filePath === '..') {

            if (\pathinfo($filePath, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) === 'json') {
                \copy("$absSrc/$filePath", "$absDst/$filePath");

            if (\is_dir($filePath)) {
                $this->copyRecursiveMetaDataFiles("$srcOwnerUid/$filePath", $srcOwnerUid, "$dstOwnerUid/$filePath", $dstOwnerUid);

     * @return bool
    public function isObjectStoreEnabled(): bool {
        if ($this->objectStoreEnabled === null) {
            $this->objectStoreEnabled = (new View(""))
        return $this->objectStoreEnabled;

     * Get the incremented version tag for a new version, which is
     * latest version +0.1 or new major version.
     * @param string $oldVersionTag
     * @param bool $minor if true increases minor version, otherwise major
     * @return string
    private function incrementVersionTag(string $oldVersionTag, bool $minor) : string {
        if ($oldVersionTag === '') {
            // initialize
            return '0.1';
        $versionParts = explode(".", $oldVersionTag);
        $majorVersionPart = $versionParts[0];
        $minorVersionPart = $versionParts[1];
        if ($minor) {
            // by default increase minor version
            $newVersionTag = $majorVersionPart . '.' . \strval(((int)$minorVersionPart) + 1);
        } elseif ($minorVersionPart !== '0') {
            // increase major only when not already increased
            $newVersionTag = \strval(((int)$majorVersionPart) + 1) . '.0';
        } else {
            // just keep old tag
            $newVersionTag = $oldVersionTag;
        return $newVersionTag;

     * Helper to convert relative vfs paths to absolute on disk paths
     * @param string $uid The user
     * @param string $path Path relative to user directory
     * @return string absolute path of the given file on disc
    private function pathToAbsDiskPath(string $uid, string $path) : string {
        return "$this->dataDir/$uid/$path";

     * @param array $metadata
     * @param string $diskPath
     * @return int|false
    private function writeMetaFile(array $metadata, string $diskPath) {
        $metaJson = \json_encode($metadata);
        return \file_put_contents($diskPath, $metaJson);

     * @param string $diskPath
     * @return array metadata
    private function readMetaFile(string $diskPath) {
        if (!\file_exists($diskPath)) {
            return [];

        $json = \file_get_contents($diskPath);
        if ($decoded = \json_decode($json, true)) {
            $metadata = [];

            // handling for edited_by
            if (isset($decoded['edited_by'])) {
                $metadata['edited_by'] = $decoded['edited_by'];

            // LEGACY: property wrongly taken from DAV interface
            // backwards compatibilitiy handling for edited_by which in the past had DAV property name
            if (isset($decoded['{http://owncloud.org/ns}meta-version-edited-by'])) {
                $metadata['edited_by'] = $decoded['{http://owncloud.org/ns}meta-version-edited-by'];

            // handling for version tags
            if (isset($decoded['version_tag'])) {
                $metadata['version_tag'] = $decoded['version_tag'];
            return $metadata;

        return [];