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 * @author Arthur Schiwon <blizzz@arthur-schiwon.de>
 * @author Bart Visscher <bartv@thisnet.nl>
 * @author Björn Schießle <bjoern@schiessle.org>
 * @author Jörn Friedrich Dreyer <jfd@butonic.de>
 * @author Lukas Reschke <lukas@statuscode.ch>
 * @author Morris Jobke <hey@morrisjobke.de>
 * @author Robin Appelman <icewind@owncloud.com>
 * @author Thomas Müller <thomas.mueller@tmit.eu>
 * @author Tom Needham <tom@owncloud.com>
 * @author Victor Dubiniuk <dubiniuk@owncloud.com>
 * @author Vincent Petry <pvince81@owncloud.com>
 * @author Sujith Haridasan <sharidasan@owncloud.com>
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2018, ownCloud GmbH
 * @license AGPL-3.0
 * This code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
 * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>

namespace OC\User;

use OC\Files\Cache\Storage;
use OC\Files\ObjectStore\ObjectStoreStorage;
use OC\Files\View;
use OC\Group\Manager;
use OC\Hooks\Emitter;
use OC_Helper;
use OCP\Events\EventEmitterTrait;
use OCP\IAvatarManager;
use OCP\IImage;
use OCP\IURLGenerator;
use OCP\IUser;
use OCP\IConfig;
use OCP\IUserBackend;
use OCP\IUserSession;
use OCP\User\NotPermittedActionException;
use OCP\PreConditionNotMetException;
use OCP\User\IChangePasswordBackend;
use OCP\User\UserExtendedAttributesEvent;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcher;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\GenericEvent;

class User implements IUser {
    use EventEmitterTrait;

    /** @var Account */
    private $account;

    /** @var Emitter|Manager $emitter */
    private $emitter;

    /** @var \OCP\IConfig $config */
    private $config;

    /** @var IAvatarManager */
    private $avatarManager;

    /** @var IURLGenerator */
    private $urlGenerator;

    /** @var EventDispatcher */
    private $eventDispatcher;

    /** @var AccountMapper */
    private $mapper;

    /** @var \OC\Group\Manager  */
    private $groupManager;

    /** @var Session  */
    private $userSession;

    /** @var null|array */
    private $userExtendedAttributes = null;

     * This flag is true by default. This flag when set to false
     * would not allow the set operations in this class. Or in other
     * words the update to the accounts table will be restricted through this flag.
     * This flag is only modified inside getExtendedAttributes method.
     * @var bool
    private $allowUserAccountUpdate = true;

     * User constructor.
     * @param Account $account
     * @param AccountMapper $mapper
     * @param null $emitter
     * @param IConfig|null $config
     * @param null $urlGenerator
     * @param EventDispatcher|null $eventDispatcher
     * @param Manager|null $groupManager
     * @param Session|null $userSession
    public function __construct(
        Account $account,
        AccountMapper $mapper,
        $emitter = null,
        IConfig $config = null,
        $urlGenerator = null,
        EventDispatcher $eventDispatcher = null,
        \OC\Group\Manager $groupManager = null,
        Session $userSession = null
    ) {
        $this->account = $account;
        $this->mapper = $mapper;
        $this->emitter = $emitter;
        if ($eventDispatcher === null) {
            $eventDispatcher = \OC::$server->getEventDispatcher();
        $this->eventDispatcher = $eventDispatcher;
        if ($config === null) {
            $config = \OC::$server->getConfig();
        $this->config = $config;
        $this->urlGenerator = $urlGenerator;
        if ($this->urlGenerator === null) {
            $this->urlGenerator = \OC::$server->getURLGenerator();
        $this->groupManager = $groupManager;
        if ($this->groupManager === null) {
            $this->groupManager = \OC::$server->getGroupManager();
        $this->userSession = $userSession;
        if ($this->userSession === null) {
            $this->userSession = \OC::$server->getUserSession();

     * get the user id
     * @return string
    public function getUID() {
        return $this->account->getUserId();

     * get the user name
     * TODO move username to account table
     * @return string
    public function getUserName() {
        $uid = $this->getUID();
        return $this->config->getUserValue($uid, 'core', 'username', $uid);

     * set the user name
     * TODO move username to account table
     * @param string $userName
     * @throws NotPermittedActionException
    public function setUserName($userName) {
        if (!$this->allowUserAccountUpdate) {
            throw new NotPermittedActionException("Operation cannot be allowed as other apps are fetching extended attributes of this user.");

        $currentUserName = $this->getUserName();
        if ($userName !== $currentUserName) {
            $uid = $this->getUID();
            try {
                $this->config->setUserValue($uid, 'core', 'username', $userName);
            } catch (PreConditionNotMetException $e) {
                // ignore, because precondition is empty

     * get the display name for the user, if no specific display name is set
     * it will fall back to the user id
     * @return string
    public function getDisplayName() {
        $displayName = $this->account->getDisplayName();
        if (\strlen($displayName) === 0) {
            $displayName = $this->getUID();
        return $displayName;

     * set the displayname for the user
     * @param string $displayName
     * @return bool
     * @throws NotPermittedActionException
    public function setDisplayName($displayName) {
        if (!$this->allowUserAccountUpdate) {
            throw new NotPermittedActionException("Operation cannot be allowed as other apps are fetching extended attributes of this user.");

        if (!$this->canChangeDisplayName()) {
            return false;
        $displayName = \trim($displayName);
        if ($displayName === $this->account->getDisplayName()) {
            return false;

        $backend = $this->account->getBackendInstance();
        if ($backend->implementsActions(Backend::SET_DISPLAYNAME)) {
            /* @phan-suppress-next-line PhanUndeclaredMethod */
            $backend->setDisplayName($this->account->getUserId(), $displayName);

        $this->triggerChange('displayName', $displayName);

        return true;

     * set the email address of the user
     * @param string|null $mailAddress
     * @return void
     * @throws NotPermittedActionException
     * @since 9.0.0
    public function setEMailAddress($mailAddress) {
        if (!$this->allowUserAccountUpdate) {
            throw new NotPermittedActionException("Operation cannot be allowed as other apps are fetching extended attributes of this user.");

        $mailAddress = \trim($mailAddress);
        if ($mailAddress === $this->account->getEmail()) {
        $this->triggerChange('eMailAddress', $mailAddress);

     * returns the timestamp of the user's last login or 0 if the user did never
     * login
     * @return int
    public function getLastLogin() {
        return (int)$this->account->getLastLogin();

     * updates the timestamp of the most recent login of this user
     * @return void
    public function updateLastLoginTimestamp() {

     * returns the timestamp of the user's creation time
     * @return int
    public function getCreationTime() {
        return (int)$this->account->getCreationTime();
     * Delete the user
     * @return bool
    public function delete(): bool {
        if ($this->emitter) {
            $this->emitter->emit('\OC\User', 'preDelete', [$this]);
        // get the home now because it won't return it after user deletion
        $homePath = $this->getHome();

        // We have to delete the user from all groups
        foreach (\OC::$server->getGroupManager()->getUserGroups($this) as $group) {
        // Delete the user's keys in preferences

        // Delete all mount points for user
        //Delete external storage or remove user from applicableUsers list

        $view = new View();
        $fileInfo = $view->getFileInfo("/");
        if ($fileInfo !== false) {
            $homeStorage = $fileInfo->getStorage();
            $isPrimaryObjectStore = $homeStorage->instanceOfStorage(ObjectStoreStorage::class);
            if ($isPrimaryObjectStore) {
                /** @var ObjectStoreStorage $homeStorage */
                /** @phan-suppress-next-line PhanUndeclaredMethod */

        // Delete user files in /data/

        // Delete the users entry in the storage table
        Storage::remove('home::' . $this->getUID());

        \OC::$server->getCommentsManager()->deleteReferencesOfActor('users', $this->getUID());

        # finally delete the user and account records
        # this way the operation can be re-run in case of errors
        $bi = $this->account->getBackendInstance();
        if ($bi !== null) {

        if ($this->emitter) {
            $this->emitter->emit('\OC\User', 'postDelete', [$this]);
        return true;

     * Set the user's password
     * @param string $password
     * @param string $recoveryPassword for the encryption app to reset encryption keys
     * @return bool
     * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
     * @throws NotPermittedActionException
    public function setPassword($password, $recoveryPassword = null) {
        if (!$this->allowUserAccountUpdate) {
            throw new NotPermittedActionException("Operation cannot be allowed as other apps are fetching extended attributes of this user.");

        if (\OCP\Util::isEmptyString($password)) {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Password cannot be empty');

        return $this->emittingCall(function () use (&$password, &$recoveryPassword) {
            if ($this->emitter) {
                $this->emitter->emit('\OC\User', 'preSetPassword', [$this, $password, $recoveryPassword]);
                    new GenericEvent(null, ['uid'=> $this->getUID(), 'password' => $password]),
            if ($this->canChangePassword()) {
                /** @var IChangePasswordBackend $backend */
                $backend = $this->account->getBackendInstance();
                '@phan-var IChangePasswordBackend $backend';
                $result = $backend->setPassword($this->getUID(), $password);
                if ($result) {
                    if ($this->emitter) {
                        $this->emitter->emit('\OC\User', 'postSetPassword', [$this, $password, $recoveryPassword]);
                    $this->config->deleteUserValue($this->getUID(), 'owncloud', 'lostpassword');
                return !($result === false);
            } else {
                return false;
        }, [
            'before' => ['user' => $this, 'password' => $password, 'recoveryPassword' => $recoveryPassword],
            'after' => ['user' => $this, 'password' => $password, 'recoveryPassword' => $recoveryPassword]
        ], 'user', 'setpassword');

     * get the users home folder to mount
     * @return string
    public function getHome() {
        return $this->account->getHome();

    public function setHome(string $newLocation) {

     * Get the name of the backend class the user is connected with
     * @return string
    public function getBackendClassName() {
        $b = $this->account->getBackendInstance();
        if ($b instanceof IUserBackend) {
            return $b->getBackendName();
        return $this->account->getBackend();

     * check if the backend allows the user to change his avatar on Personal page
     * @return bool
    public function canChangeAvatar() {
        $backend = $this->account->getBackendInstance();
        if ($backend === null) {
            return false;
        if ($backend->implementsActions(Backend::PROVIDE_AVATAR)) {
            /* @phan-suppress-next-line PhanUndeclaredMethod */
            return $backend->canChangeAvatar($this->getUID());
        return true;

     * check if the backend supports changing passwords
     * @return bool
    public function canChangePassword() {
        $backend = $this->account->getBackendInstance();
        if ($backend === null) {
            return false;
        return $backend instanceof IChangePasswordBackend || $backend->implementsActions(Backend::SET_PASSWORD);

     * check if the backend supports changing display names
     * @return bool
    public function canChangeDisplayName() {
        if ($this->userSession instanceof IUserSession) {
            $user = $this->userSession->getUser();
            if (
                ($this->config->getSystemValue('allow_user_to_change_display_name') === false) &&
                (($user !== null) && (!$this->groupManager->isAdmin($user->getUID()))) &&
                (($user !== null) && (!$this->groupManager->getSubAdmin()->isSubAdmin($user)))
            ) {
                return false;

        $backend = $this->account->getBackendInstance();
        if ($backend === null) {
            return false;
        return $backend->implementsActions(Backend::SET_DISPLAYNAME);

     * check if the backend supports changing email addresses
     * @return bool
    public function canChangeMailAddress() {
        if ($this->userSession instanceof IUserSession) {
            $user = $this->userSession->getUser();
            if (
                ($this->config->getSystemValue('allow_user_to_change_mail_address') === false) &&
                (($user !== null) && (!$this->groupManager->isAdmin($user->getUID()))) &&
                (($user !== null) && (!$this->groupManager->getSubAdmin()->isSubAdmin($user)))
            ) {
                return false;

        return true;

     * check if the user is enabled
     * @return bool
    public function isEnabled() {
        return $this->account->getState() === Account::STATE_ENABLED;

     * Set the enabled status for the user
     * @param bool $enabled
     * @throws NotPermittedActionException
    public function setEnabled($enabled) {
        if (!$this->allowUserAccountUpdate) {
            throw new NotPermittedActionException("Operation cannot be allowed as other apps are fetching extended attributes of this user.");

        if ($enabled === true) {
        } else {

        if ($this->eventDispatcher) {
            $this->eventDispatcher->dispatch(new GenericEvent($this), self::class . '::postSetEnabled');

     * get the users email address
     * @return string|null
     * @since 9.0.0
    public function getEMailAddress() {
        return $this->account->getEmail();

     * get the users' quota
     * @return string
     * @since 9.0.0
    public function getQuota() {
        $quota = $this->account->getQuota();
        if ($quota === null) {
            return 'default';
        return $quota;

     * Set the users' quota
     * @param string $quota
     * @return void
     * @throws NotPermittedActionException
     * @throws PreConditionNotMetException
     * @since 9.0.0
    public function setQuota($quota) {
        if (!$this->allowUserAccountUpdate) {
            throw new NotPermittedActionException("Operation cannot be allowed as other apps are fetching extended attributes of this user.");

        if ($quota !== 'none' and $quota !== 'default') {
            $quota = OC_Helper::computerFileSize($quota);
            $quota = OC_Helper::humanFileSize($quota);
        // Set the quota on the preferences table as an override
        $this->config->setUserValue($this->getUID(), 'files', 'quota', $quota);
        $this->triggerChange('quota', $quota);

     * get the avatar image if it exists
     * @param int $size
     * @return IImage|null
     * @since 9.0.0
    public function getAvatarImage($size) {
        // delay the initialization
        if ($this->avatarManager === null) {
            $this->avatarManager = \OC::$server->getAvatarManager();

        $avatar = $this->avatarManager->getAvatar($this->getUID());
        $image = $avatar->get($size);
        if ($image) {
            return $image;

        return null;

     * get the federation cloud id
     * @return string
     * @since 9.0.0
    public function getCloudId() {
        $uid = $this->getUID();
        $server = $this->urlGenerator->getAbsoluteURL('/');
        return $uid . '@' . \rtrim($this->removeProtocolFromUrl($server), '/');

     * @param string $url
     * @return string
    private function removeProtocolFromUrl($url) {
        if (\strpos($url, 'https://') === 0) {
            return \substr($url, \strlen('https://'));
        } elseif (\strpos($url, 'http://') === 0) {
            return \substr($url, \strlen('http://'));

        return $url;

    public function triggerChange($feature, $value = null) {
        if ($this->emitter && \in_array($feature, $this->account->getUpdatedFields())) {
            $this->emitter->emit('\OC\User', 'changeUser', [$this, $feature, $value]);

     * @return string[]
     * @since 10.0.1
    public function getSearchTerms() {
        $terms = [];
        foreach ($this->mapper->findByAccountId($this->account->getId()) as $term) {
            $terms[] = $term->getTerm();
        return $terms;

     * @param string[] $terms
     * @throws NotPermittedActionException
     * @since 10.0.1
    public function setSearchTerms(array $terms) {
        if (!$this->allowUserAccountUpdate) {
            throw new NotPermittedActionException("Operation cannot be allowed as other apps are fetching extended attributes of this user.");

        // Check length of terms, cut if too long
        $terms = \array_map(function ($term) {
            return \substr($term, 0, 191);
        }, $terms);
        $this->mapper->setTermsForAccount($this->account->getId(), $terms);

     * @return integer
     * @since 11.0.0
    public function getAccountId() {
        return $this->account->getId();

     * get the attributes of user for apps
     * This method sends event which is listened by the apps. The apps would add attributes which
     * are specific to this user. Say for example a user might have access to a blog site, in such
     * case the app which is responsible for this control could listen to this event and
     * add an attribute say:
     * "blogSite" => "https://foo/bar"
     * Apps add attributes and their value in the form of key => value. The userExtendedAttributes
     * does not care which app added the attributes. It only considers about the
     * attributes.
     * The argument clearCache is used to clear userExtendedAttributes. If there are
     * external apps involved or under any circumstance we know there will be delay
     * in response from the app, then its safe to use clearCache as false.
     * New event is triggered under the following conditions:
     * - if the userExtendedAttributes is null or empty array ( even if clearCache is set to false, in this condition, event will be triggered )
     * - if clearCache is set to true
     * The flag allowUserAccountUpdate is set to true by default. This flag is set to false before event is emitted.
     * This flag is checked on all the set operations, in this class to make sure no user account
     * table update is allowed when the extended attributes are provided by the apps. Once the
     * event listeners have done their task, the flag is set back to true.
     * The exception is thrown when the listener tries call this method again. This is to
     * prevent infinite loop. Also the exceptions thrown during any operation by the listeners
     * are allowed to go up. The exceptions are not caught in this method.
     * @param bool $clearCache set to true if user attributes should be created every time, else false is set to reuse the userExtendedAttributes cache.
     * @return array
     * @throws NotPermittedActionException
     * @since 10.11.0
    public function getExtendedAttributes($clearCache = false) {
        if (!$this->allowUserAccountUpdate) {
            throw new NotPermittedActionException("Operation cannot be allowed as other apps are fetching extended attributes of this user.");
         * using empty because userExtendedAttributes could either be null or empty array
         * or an array of attributes
        if ($clearCache || !isset($this->userExtendedAttributes) || $this->userExtendedAttributes === []) {
            $userExtendedAttributesEvent = new UserExtendedAttributesEvent($this);

             * Restrict the user accounts table update for the set operations as the apps
             * listening to the event below will be providing extended attributes of this
             * user.
            $this->allowUserAccountUpdate = false;
            try {
                $this->eventDispatcher->dispatch($userExtendedAttributesEvent, UserExtendedAttributesEvent::USER_EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTES);
            } finally {
                //Reset the flag to true so that account table can now be allowed to update.
                $this->allowUserAccountUpdate = true;

            //Just overwrite the userExtendedAttributes if clearCache is true
            $this->userExtendedAttributes = $userExtendedAttributesEvent->getAttributes();

        return $this->userExtendedAttributes;