

Test Coverage
layout: doc
title: HTTP

*pac4j* allows you to login using HTTP mechanims (like basic auth or form posting).

The HTTP clients require to define an [Authenticator](../authenticators.html) to handle the credentials validation.

Except the `X509Client` with its default `X509Authenticator` whichs extracts an identifier from the subjectDN of the X509 certificate.

## 1) Dependency

You need to use the following module: `pac4j-http`.

**Example (Maven dependency):**


## 2) Clients

You can use the following clients depending on what are the credentials and how they are passed in the HTTP request:

| Credentials | Client |
| username/password sent via a form posting | [`FormClient`](  (indirect client)<br />[`DirectFormClient`]( (direct client) |
| username/password sent via basic auth | [`IndirectBasicAuthClient`]( (indirect client)<br />[`DirectBasicAuthClient`]( (direct client) |
| value sent as a cookie | [`CookieClient`]( (direct client) |
| value sent as a HTTP header | [`HeaderClient`]( (direct client) |
| value sent as a Authorization header starting with "Bearer " | [`DirectBearerAuthClient`]( (direct client) |
| value sent as a HTTP parameter | [`ParameterClient`]( (direct client) |
| IP address | [`IpClient`]( (direct client) |
| X509 certificate | [`X509Client`]( (direct client) |
| username/token sent via digest auth | [`DirectDigestAuthClient`]( (direct client) |


// REST authentication with JWT token passed in the url as the "token" parameter
ParameterClient parameterClient = new ParameterClient("token", new JwtAuthenticator(salt));

// if the 'Authorization' header is passed with the 'Basic token' value
HeaderClient client = new HeaderClient("Authorization", "Basic ", (credentials, ctx) -> {
    String token = ((TokenCredentials) credentials).getToken();
    // check the token and create a profile
    if ("goodToken".equals(token)) {
        CommonProfile profile = new CommonProfile();
        // save in the credentials to be passed to the default AuthenticatorProfileCreator