

Test Coverage
layout: idoc
title: Implementations comparison

While most *pac4j* security libraries provide the same features, there are differences due to the environment of the implementation itself, but also due to the various contributions and the pace followed by the maintainers.

Here are the main features categories:

- [version](./version.html)
- [configuration](./config.html)
- [web components: security filter and callback/logout endpoints](./webcomponents.html)
- [web objects](./webobjects.html)
- [default logics](./logics.html)
- [profile management](./profile.html)
- [authorization checks](./authorization.html).

  table {
    margin-top: 40px;
    width: 50%
  table, tr, td, img {
    border: 0

        <td><img src="/img/green_check.png" /></td>
        <td>= supported or available</td>
        <td><img src="/img/red_cross.png" /></td>
        <td>= not supported or not available</td>