

Test Coverage
layout: doc
title: Matchers:

## 1) Definition

The ["security filter"](security-filter.html) is in charge of protecting URL, requesting authentication and optionally authorization.

In some cases, you may want to bypass this "security filter" and this can be done using the **matchers** parameter which is generally a list of matcher names. A matcher is generally defined in the [security configuration](config.html).

The matchers can also be used to always apply some logic on the URLs, like adding some security headers.

## 2) Available matchers

A matcher can be defined by implementing the [`Matcher`]( interface. It has only one method: `boolean matches(WebContext context)` to say if the "security filter" must be applied.

A few matchers are available (but you can of course develop your own matchers):

- the [`PathMatcher`]( allows you to include/exclude some paths in/from the security checks

- the [`HeaderMatcher`]( allows you to check if a given header is `null` or matches a regular expression

- the [`HttpMethodMatcher`]( allows you to check if the method of the HTTP request is one of the expected defined methods.

## 3) Default matchers

Most *pac4j* implementations use the *pac4j* logics and matchers and thus the [`DefaultMatchingChecker`]( component. In that case, the following matchers are automatically available via the following short keywords:

- the `get`, `post`, `put` and `delete` keywords for the related configurations of the `HttpMethodMatcher` (if they do not already exist)
- the `hsts` keyword for the `StrictTransportSecurityMatcher`
- the `nosniff` keyword for the `XContentTypeOptionsMatcher`
- the `noframe` keyword for the `XFrameOptionsMatcher`
- the `xssprotection` keyword for the `XSSProtectionMatcher`
- the `nocache` keyword for the `CacheControlMatcher`
- the `securityheaders` keyword as a shortcut for `hsts,nosniff,noframe,xssprotection,nocache`
- the `csrfToken` keyword for the `CsrfTokenGeneratorMatcher` with the `DefaultCsrfTokenGenerator` (it generates a CSRF token and saves it as the `pac4jCsrfToken` request attribute and in the `pac4jCsrfToken` cookie)
- the `allowAjaxRequests` keyword for a default configuration of the `CorsMatcher` with the `Access-Control-Allow-Origin` header set to `*`.
- the `none` keyword for no matchers at all.

These short names are defined as constants in [`DefaultMatchers`]( You can override them with your own matchers using the same names.