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Test Coverage
// Copyright 2014 Benoit Caron and contributors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

package sensu

import (

// NoLimit is used as a limit parameter
const NoLimit int = -1

// DefaultLimit is used as the default limit parameter for endpoint that supports pagination
const DefaultLimit int = 1000

// Sensu struct contains the name and all the APIs for a particular datacenter
type Sensu struct {
    Name string
    APIs []API

// API struct contains the details of a specific Sensu API
type API struct {
    CloseRequest      bool
    DisableKeepAlives bool
    Insecure          bool
    Pass              string
    Path              string
    Timeout           int
    Tracing           bool
    URL               string
    User              string

    Client http.Client

// Init initializes a new Sensu API HTTP client
func (a *API) Init() {
    tr := &http.Transport{
        DisableKeepAlives: a.DisableKeepAlives,
        TLSClientConfig:   &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: a.Insecure},

    client := http.Client{Timeout: time.Duration(a.Timeout) * time.Second, Transport: tr}

    a.Client = client

// GetName returns the Name attribute
func (s *Sensu) GetName() string {
    return s.Name