

3 wks
Test Coverage


namespace Phan\Analysis;

use AssertionError;
use ast;
use ast\flags;
use ast\Node;
use Closure;
use Exception;
use Phan\AST\AnalysisVisitor;
use Phan\AST\ASTReverter;
use Phan\AST\ContextNode;
use Phan\AST\PhanAnnotationAdder;
use Phan\AST\ScopeImpactCheckingVisitor;
use Phan\AST\UnionTypeVisitor;
use Phan\BlockAnalysisVisitor;
use Phan\CodeBase;
use Phan\Config;
use Phan\Exception\CodeBaseException;
use Phan\Exception\EmptyFQSENException;
use Phan\Exception\FQSENException;
use Phan\Exception\IssueException;
use Phan\Exception\NodeException;
use Phan\Exception\RecursionDepthException;
use Phan\Issue;
use Phan\IssueFixSuggester;
use Phan\Language\Context;
use Phan\Language\Element\Clazz;
use Phan\Language\Element\Func;
use Phan\Language\Element\FunctionInterface;
use Phan\Language\Element\Method;
use Phan\Language\Element\Parameter;
use Phan\Language\Element\PassByReferenceVariable;
use Phan\Language\Element\Property;
use Phan\Language\Element\Variable;
use Phan\Language\FQSEN\FullyQualifiedClassName;
use Phan\Language\FQSEN\FullyQualifiedGlobalConstantName;
use Phan\Language\Type;
use Phan\Language\Type\ArrayType;
use Phan\Language\Type\FalseType;
use Phan\Language\Type\GenericArrayType;
use Phan\Language\Type\IntType;
use Phan\Language\Type\LiteralFloatType;
use Phan\Language\Type\LiteralStringType;
use Phan\Language\Type\MixedType;
use Phan\Language\Type\NonEmptyMixedType;
use Phan\Language\Type\NonNullMixedType;
use Phan\Language\Type\NullType;
use Phan\Language\Type\ObjectType;
use Phan\Language\Type\StringType;
use Phan\Language\Type\VoidType;
use Phan\Language\UnionType;

use function end;
use function implode;
use function sprintf;

 * PostOrderAnalysisVisitor is where we do the post-order part of the analysis
 * during Phan's analysis phase.
 * This is called in post-order by BlockAnalysisVisitor
 * (i.e. this is called after visiting all children of the current node)
 * @phan-file-suppress PhanPartialTypeMismatchArgument
class PostOrderAnalysisVisitor extends AnalysisVisitor
     * @var list<Node> a list of parent nodes of the currently analyzed node,
     * within the current global or function-like scope
    private $parent_node_list;

     * @param CodeBase $code_base
     * A code base needs to be passed in because we require
     * it to be initialized before any classes or files are
     * loaded.
     * @param Context $context
     * The context of the parser at the node for which we'd
     * like to determine a type
     * @param list<Node> $parent_node_list
     * The parent node list of the node being analyzed
    public function __construct(
        CodeBase $code_base,
        Context $context,
        array $parent_node_list
    ) {
        parent::__construct($code_base, $context);
        $this->parent_node_list = $parent_node_list;

     * Default visitor for node kinds that do not have
     * an overriding method
     * @param Node $node (@phan-unused-param)
     * A node to parse
     * @return Context
     * A new or an unchanged context resulting from
     * parsing the node
    public function visit(Node $node): Context
        // Many nodes don't change the context and we
        // don't need to read them.
        return $this->context;

     * @param Node $node
     * A node to parse
     * @return Context
     * A new or an unchanged context resulting from
     * parsing the node
    public function visitAssign(Node $node): Context
        // Get the type of the right side of the
        // assignment
        $right_type = UnionTypeVisitor::unionTypeFromNode(

        $var_node = $node->children['var'];
        if (!($var_node instanceof Node)) {
            // Give up, this should be impossible except with the fallback
                "Expected left side of assignment to be a variable"
            return $this->context;

        if ($right_type->isVoidType()) {

        // Handle the assignment based on the type of the
        // right side of the equation and the kind of item
        // on the left.
        // (AssignmentVisitor converts possibly undefined types to nullable)
        $context = (new AssignmentVisitor(

        $expr_node = $node->children['expr'];
        if ($expr_node instanceof Node
            && $expr_node->kind === ast\AST_CLOSURE
        ) {
            $method = (new ContextNode(


        return $context;

     * @param Node $node (@phan-unused-param)
     * A node to parse
     * @return Context
     * A new or an unchanged context resulting from
     * parsing the node
    public function visitAssignRef(Node $node): Context
        return $this->visitAssign($node);

     * @param Node $node
     * A node to parse
     * @return Context
     * A new or an unchanged context resulting from
     * parsing the node
     * @override
    public function visitAssignOp(Node $node): Context
        return (new AssignOperatorAnalysisVisitor($this->code_base, $this->context))->__invoke($node);

     * @param Node $node
     * A node to parse
     * @return Context
     * A new or an unchanged context resulting from
     * parsing the node
    public function visitUnset(Node $node): Context
        $context = $this->context;
        // Get the type of the thing being unset
        $var_node = $node->children['var'];
        if (!($var_node instanceof Node)) {
            return $context;

        $kind = $var_node->kind;
        if ($kind === ast\AST_VAR) {
            $var_name = $var_node->children['name'];
            if (\is_string($var_name)) {
                // TODO: Make this work in branches
            // I think DollarDollarPlugin already warns, so don't warn here.
        } elseif ($kind === ast\AST_DIM) {
        } elseif ($kind === ast\AST_PROP) {
            return $this->analyzeUnsetProp($var_node);
        return $context;

     * @param Node $node a node of type AST_DIM in unset()
     * @see UnionTypeVisitor::resolveArrayShapeElementTypes()
     * @see UnionTypeVisitor::visitDim()
    private function analyzeUnsetDim(Node $node): void
        $expr_node = $node->children['expr'];
        if (!($expr_node instanceof Node)) {
            // php -l would warn

        // For now, just handle a single level of dimensions for unset($x['field']);
        if ($expr_node->kind === ast\AST_VAR) {
            $var_name = $expr_node->children['name'];
            if (!\is_string($var_name)) {

            $context = $this->context;
            $scope = $context->getScope();
            if (!$scope->hasVariableWithName($var_name)) {
                // TODO: Warn about potentially pointless unset in function scopes?
            // TODO: Could warn about invalid offsets for isset
            $variable = $scope->getVariableByName($var_name);
            $union_type = $variable->getUnionType();
            if ($union_type->isEmpty()) {
            $resolved_union_type = $union_type->withStaticResolvedInContext($this->context);
            if (!$resolved_union_type->asExpandedTypes($this->code_base)->hasArrayLike() && !$resolved_union_type->hasMixedType()) {
            $dim_node = $node->children['dim'];
            $dim_value = $dim_node instanceof Node ? (new ContextNode($this->code_base, $this->context, $dim_node))->getEquivalentPHPScalarValue() : $dim_node;
            // unset($x[$i]) should convert a list<T> or non-empty-list<T> to an array<Y>
            $union_type = $union_type->withAssociativeArrays(true)->asMappedUnionType(static function (Type $type): Type {
                if ($type instanceof NonEmptyMixedType) {
                    // convert non-empty-mixed to non-null-mixed because `unset($x[$i])` could have removed the last element of an array,
                    // but that would still not be null.
                    return $type->isNullableLabeled() ? MixedType::instance(true) : NonNullMixedType::instance(false);
                return $type;
            $variable = clone($variable);
            if (!is_scalar($dim_value) || (!is_numeric($dim_value) || $dim_value >= 0)) {
                foreach ($union_type->getTypeSet() as $type) {
                    if ($type instanceof ListType) {
                        $union_type = $union_type->withoutType($type)->withType(
                            GenericArrayType::fromElementType($type->genericArrayElementType(), false, $type->getKeyType())
                        $variable = clone($variable);

            if (!$union_type->hasTopLevelArrayShapeTypeInstances()) {
            // TODO: detect and warn about null
            if (!\is_scalar($dim_value)) {

     * @param Node $node a node of type AST_PROP in unset()
     * @see UnionTypeVisitor::resolveArrayShapeElementTypes()
     * @see UnionTypeVisitor::visitDim()
    private function analyzeUnsetProp(Node $node): Context
        $expr_node = $node->children['expr'];
        $context = $this->context;
        if (!($expr_node instanceof Node)) {
            // php -l would warn
            return $context;
        $prop_name = $node->children['prop'];
        if (!\is_string($prop_name)) {
            $prop_name = (new ContextNode($this->code_base, $this->context, $prop_name))->getEquivalentPHPScalarValue();
            if (!\is_string($prop_name)) {
                return $context;
        if ($expr_node->kind === \ast\AST_VAR && $expr_node->children['name'] === 'this' && $context === $this->context) {
            $context = $context->withThisPropertySetToTypeByName($prop_name, NullType::instance(false)->asPHPDocUnionType()->withIsDefinitelyUndefined());

        $union_type = UnionTypeVisitor::unionTypeFromNode($this->code_base, $this->context, $expr_node)->withStaticResolvedInContext($this->context);
        $type_fqsens = $union_type->objectTypesWithKnownFQSENs();
        foreach ($type_fqsens->getTypeSet() as $type) {
            $fqsen = FullyQualifiedClassName::fromType($type);
            if (!$this->code_base->hasClassWithFQSEN($fqsen)) {
            $class = $this->code_base->getClassByFQSEN($fqsen);
            if ($class->hasPropertyWithName($this->code_base, $prop_name)) {
                // NOTE: We deliberately emit this issue whether or not the access is to a public or private variable,
                // because unsetting a private variable at runtime is also a (failed) attempt to unset a declared property.
                $prop = $class->getPropertyByName($this->code_base, $prop_name);
                if ($prop->isFromPHPDoc()) {
                    // TODO: Warn if __get is defined but __unset isn't defined?
                if ($prop->isDynamicProperty()) {
        return $context;

     * @param Node $node (@phan-unused-param)
     * A node to parse
     * @return Context
     * A new or an unchanged context resulting from
     * parsing the node
    public function visitIfElem(Node $node): Context
        return $this->context;

     * @param Node $node @phan-unused-param
     * A node to parse
     * @return Context
     * A new or an unchanged context resulting from
     * parsing the node
    public function visitWhile(Node $node): Context
        return $this->context;

     * @param Node $node @phan-unused-param
     * A node of kind ast\AST_SWITCH to parse
     * @return Context
     * A new or an unchanged context resulting from
     * parsing the node
     * @suppress PhanUndeclaredProperty
    public function visitSwitch(Node $node): Context
        if (isset($node->phan_loop_contexts)) {
            // Combine contexts from continue/break statements within this do-while loop
            $context = (new ContextMergeVisitor($this->context, \array_merge([$this->context], $node->phan_loop_contexts)))->combineChildContextList();
            return $context;
        return $this->context;

     * @param Node $node @phan-unused-param
     * A node to parse
     * @return Context
     * A new or an unchanged context resulting from
     * parsing the node
    public function visitSwitchCase(Node $node): Context
        return $this->context;

     * @param Node $node @phan-unused-param
     * @return Context
     * A new or an unchanged context resulting from
     * parsing the node
    public function visitExprList(Node $node): Context
        return $this->context;

     * @param Node $node
     * A node to parse
     * @return Context
     * A new or an unchanged context resulting from
     * parsing the node
    public function visitEncapsList(Node $node): Context
        $this->analyzeNoOp($node, Issue::NoopEncapsulatedStringLiteral);

        foreach ($node->children as $child_node) {
            // Confirm that variables exists
            if (!($child_node instanceof Node)) {

        return $this->context;

    private function checkExpressionInDynamicString(Node $expr_node): void
        $code_base = $this->code_base;
        $context = $this->context;
        $type = UnionTypeVisitor::unionTypeFromNode(

        if (!$type->hasPrintableScalar()) {
            if ($type->isType(ArrayType::instance(false))
                || $type->isType(ArrayType::instance(true))
                || $type->isGenericArray()
            ) {
            // Check for __toString(), stringable variables/expressions in encapsulated strings work whether or not strict_types is set
            try {
                foreach ($type->withStaticResolvedInContext($context)->asExpandedTypes($code_base)->asClassList($code_base, $context) as $clazz) {
                    if ($clazz->hasMethodWithName($code_base, "__toString", true)) {
            } catch (CodeBaseException | RecursionDepthException $_) {
                // Swallow "Cannot find class" or recursion exceptions, go on to emit issue

     * Check if a given variable is undeclared.
     * @param Node $node Node with kind AST_VAR
    private function checkForUndeclaredVariable(Node $node): void
        $variable_name = $node->children['name'];

        // Ignore $$var type things
        if (!\is_string($variable_name)) {

        // Don't worry about non-existent undeclared variables
        // in the global scope if configured to do so
        if (Config::getValue('ignore_undeclared_variables_in_global_scope')
            && $this->context->isInGlobalScope()
        ) {

        if (!$this->context->getScope()->hasVariableWithName($variable_name)
            && !Variable::isHardcodedVariableInScopeWithName($variable_name, $this->context->isInGlobalScope())
        ) {
                Variable::chooseIssueForUndeclaredVariable($this->context, $variable_name),
                IssueFixSuggester::suggestVariableTypoFix($this->code_base, $this->context, $variable_name)

     * @param Node $node (@phan-unused-param)
     * A node to parse
     * @return Context
     * A new or an unchanged context resulting from
     * parsing the node
    public function visitDoWhile(Node $node): Context
        return $this->context;

     * Visit a node with kind `ast\AST_GLOBAL`
     * @param Node $node
     * A node to parse
     * @return Context
     * A new or an unchanged context resulting from
     * parsing the node
    public function visitGlobal(Node $node): Context
        $variable_name = $node->children['var']->children['name'] ?? null;
        if (!\is_string($variable_name)) {
            // Shouldn't happen?
            return $this->context;
        $variable = new Variable(
        $optional_global_variable_type = Variable::getUnionTypeOfHardcodedGlobalVariableWithName($variable_name);
        if ($optional_global_variable_type) {
        } else {
            $scope = $this->context->getScope();
            if ($scope->hasGlobalVariableWithName($variable_name)) {
                // TODO: Support @global, add a clone to the method context?
                $actual_global_variable = clone($scope->getGlobalVariableByName($variable_name));
                return $this->context;

        // Note that we're not creating a new scope, just
        // adding variables to the existing scope

        return $this->context;

     * @param Node $node
     * A node to parse
     * @return Context
     * A new or an unchanged context resulting from
     * parsing the node
    public function visitStatic(Node $node): Context
        $variable = Variable::fromNodeInContext(

        // If the element has a default, set its type
        // on the variable
        if (isset($node->children['default'])) {
            $default_type = UnionTypeVisitor::unionTypeFromNode(
        } else {
            $default_type = NullType::instance(false)->asRealUnionType();

        // NOTE: Phan can't be sure that the type the static type starts with is the same as what it has later. Avoid false positive PhanRedundantCondition.
        // TODO: Probably not true in a loop?
        // TODO: Expand this to assigning to variables? (would need to make references invalidate that, and skip this in the global scope)

        // Note that we're not creating a new scope, just
        // adding variables to the existing scope

        return $this->context;

     * @param Node $node
     * A node to parse
     * @return Context
     * A new or an unchanged context resulting from
     * parsing the node
    public function visitEcho(Node $node): Context
        return $this->visitPrint($node);

     * @param Node $node
     * A node to parse
     * @return Context
     * A new or an unchanged context resulting from
     * parsing the node
    public function visitPrint(Node $node): Context
        $code_base = $this->code_base;
        $context = $this->context;
        $expr_node = $node->children['expr'];
        $type = UnionTypeVisitor::unionTypeFromNode(

        if (!$type->hasPrintableScalar()) {
            if ($type->isType(ArrayType::instance(false))
                || $type->isType(ArrayType::instance(true))
                || $type->isGenericArray()
            ) {
                    $expr_node->lineno ?? $node->lineno,
                return $context;
            if (!$context->isStrictTypes()) {
                try {
                    foreach ($type->withStaticResolvedInContext($context)->asExpandedTypes($code_base)->asClassList($code_base, $context) as $clazz) {
                        if ($clazz->hasMethodWithName($code_base, "__toString", true)) {
                            return $context;
                } catch (CodeBaseException $_) {
                    // Swallow "Cannot find class", go on to emit issue
                $expr_node->lineno ?? $node->lineno,

        return $context;

     * These types are either types which create variables,
     * or types which will be checked in other parts of Phan
    private const SKIP_VAR_CHECK_TYPES = [
        ast\AST_ARG_LIST       => true,  // may be a reference
        ast\AST_ARRAY_ELEM     => true,  // [$x, $y] = expr() is an AST_ARRAY_ELEM. visitArray() checks the right-hand side.
        ast\AST_ASSIGN_OP      => true,  // checked in visitAssignOp
        ast\AST_ASSIGN_REF     => true,  // Creates by reference?
        ast\AST_ASSIGN         => true,  // checked in visitAssign
        ast\AST_DIM            => true,  // should be checked elsewhere, as part of check for array access to non-array/string
        ast\AST_EMPTY          => true,  // TODO: Enable this in the future?
        ast\AST_GLOBAL         => true,  // global $var;
        ast\AST_ISSET          => true,  // TODO: Enable this in the future?
        ast\AST_PARAM_LIST     => true,  // this creates the variable
        ast\AST_STATIC         => true,  // static $var;
        ast\AST_STMT_LIST      => true,  // ;$var; (Implicitly creates the variable. Already checked to emit PhanNoopVariable)
        ast\AST_USE_ELEM       => true,  // may be a reference, checked elsewhere

     * @param Node $node
     * A node to parse
     * @return Context
     * A new or an unchanged context resulting from
     * parsing the node
    public function visitVar(Node $node): Context
        $this->analyzeNoOp($node, Issue::NoopVariable);
        $parent_node = \end($this->parent_node_list);
        if ($parent_node instanceof Node && !($node->flags & PhanAnnotationAdder::FLAG_IGNORE_UNDEF)) {
            $parent_kind = $parent_node->kind;
            if (!\array_key_exists($parent_kind, self::SKIP_VAR_CHECK_TYPES)) {
        return $this->context;

     * @param Node $node
     * A node to parse
     * @return Context
     * A new or an unchanged context resulting from
     * parsing the node
    public function visitArray(Node $node): Context
        $this->analyzeNoOp($node, Issue::NoopArray);
        return $this->context;

    /** @internal */
    public const NAME_FOR_BINARY_OP = [
        flags\BINARY_BOOL_AND            => '&&',
        flags\BINARY_BOOL_OR             => '||',
        flags\BINARY_BOOL_XOR            => 'xor',
        flags\BINARY_BITWISE_OR          => '|',
        flags\BINARY_BITWISE_AND         => '&',
        flags\BINARY_BITWISE_XOR         => '^',
        flags\BINARY_CONCAT              => '.',
        flags\BINARY_ADD                 => '+',
        flags\BINARY_SUB                 => '-',
        flags\BINARY_MUL                 => '*',
        flags\BINARY_DIV                 => '/',
        flags\BINARY_MOD                 => '%',
        flags\BINARY_POW                 => '**',
        flags\BINARY_SHIFT_LEFT          => '<<',
        flags\BINARY_SHIFT_RIGHT         => '>>',
        flags\BINARY_IS_IDENTICAL        => '===',
        flags\BINARY_IS_NOT_IDENTICAL    => '!==',
        flags\BINARY_IS_EQUAL            => '==',
        flags\BINARY_IS_NOT_EQUAL        => '!=',
        flags\BINARY_IS_SMALLER          => '<',
        flags\BINARY_IS_SMALLER_OR_EQUAL => '<=',
        flags\BINARY_IS_GREATER          => '>',
        flags\BINARY_IS_GREATER_OR_EQUAL => '>=',
        flags\BINARY_SPACESHIP           => '<=>',
        flags\BINARY_COALESCE            => '??',

     * @param Node $node
     * A node of type AST_BINARY_OP to parse
     * @return Context
     * A new or an unchanged context resulting from
     * parsing the node
    public function visitBinaryOp(Node $node): Context
        $flags = $node->flags;
        if ($this->isInNoOpPosition($node)) {
            if (\in_array($flags, [flags\BINARY_BOOL_AND, flags\BINARY_BOOL_OR, flags\BINARY_COALESCE], true)) {
                // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanAccessMethodInternal
                if (!ScopeImpactCheckingVisitor::hasPossibleImpact($this->code_base, $this->context, $node->children['right'])) {
                        self::NAME_FOR_BINARY_OP[$flags] ?? ''
            } else {
                    self::NAME_FOR_BINARY_OP[$flags] ?? ''
        switch ($flags) {
            case flags\BINARY_CONCAT:
            case flags\BINARY_DIV:
            case flags\BINARY_POW:
            case flags\BINARY_MOD:
            case flags\BINARY_SHIFT_LEFT:
            case flags\BINARY_SHIFT_RIGHT:
            case flags\BINARY_BITWISE_OR:
            case flags\BINARY_BITWISE_AND:
            case flags\BINARY_BITWISE_XOR:
        return $this->context;

    private function analyzeBinaryShift(Node $node): void
        $left = UnionTypeVisitor::unionTypeFromNode(

        $right = UnionTypeVisitor::unionTypeFromNode(
            static function (Type $type): bool {
                if ($type->isNullableLabeled()) {
                    return false;
                if ($type instanceof IntType || $type instanceof MixedType) {
                    return true;
                if ($type instanceof LiteralFloatType) {
                    return $type->isValidBitwiseOperand();
                return false;

    private function analyzeBinaryBitwiseOp(Node $node): void
        $left = UnionTypeVisitor::unionTypeFromNode(

        $right = UnionTypeVisitor::unionTypeFromNode(
            static function (Type $type): bool {
                if ($type->isNullableLabeled()) {
                    return false;
                if ($type instanceof IntType || $type instanceof StringType || $type instanceof MixedType) {
                    return true;
                if ($type instanceof LiteralFloatType) {
                    return $type->isValidBitwiseOperand();
                return false;

    /** @internal used by AssignOperatorAnalysisVisitor */
    public const ISSUE_TYPES_RIGHT_SIDE_ZERO = [
        flags\BINARY_POW => Issue::PowerOfZero,
        flags\BINARY_DIV => Issue::DivisionByZero,
        flags\BINARY_MOD => Issue::ModuloByZero,

    private function analyzeBinaryNumericOp(Node $node): void
        $left = UnionTypeVisitor::unionTypeFromNode(

        $right = UnionTypeVisitor::unionTypeFromNode(
        if (!$right->isEmpty() && !$right->containsTruthy()) {
                $node->children['right']->lineno ?? $node->lineno,
            static function (Type $type): bool {
                return $type->isValidNumericOperand();

     * @param Node $node with type AST_BINARY_OP
     * @param Closure(Type):bool $is_valid_type
    private function warnAboutInvalidUnionType(
        Node $node,
        Closure $is_valid_type,
        UnionType $left,
        UnionType $right,
        string $left_issue_type,
        string $right_issue_type
    ): void {
        if (!$left->isEmpty()) {
            if (!$left->hasTypeMatchingCallback($is_valid_type)) {
                    $node->children['left']->lineno ?? $node->lineno,
        if (!$right->isEmpty()) {
            if (!$right->hasTypeMatchingCallback($is_valid_type)) {
                    $node->children['right']->lineno ?? $node->lineno,

    private function analyzeBinaryConcat(Node $node): void
        $left = $node->children['left'];
        if ($left instanceof Node) {
        $right = $node->children['right'];
        if ($right instanceof Node) {

    public const NAME_FOR_UNARY_OP = [
        flags\UNARY_BOOL_NOT => '!',
        flags\UNARY_BITWISE_NOT => '~',
        flags\UNARY_SILENCE => '@',
        flags\UNARY_PLUS => '+',
        flags\UNARY_MINUS => '-',

     * @param Node $node
     * A node of type AST_EMPTY to parse
     * @return Context
     * A new or an unchanged context resulting from
     * parsing the node
    public function visitEmpty(Node $node): Context
        if ($this->isInNoOpPosition($node)) {
        return $this->context;

     * @internal
     * Maps the flags of nodes with kind AST_CAST to their types
    public const AST_CAST_FLAGS_LOOKUP = [
        flags\TYPE_NULL => 'unset',
        flags\TYPE_BOOL => 'bool',
        flags\TYPE_LONG => 'int',
        flags\TYPE_DOUBLE => 'float',
        flags\TYPE_STRING => 'string',
        flags\TYPE_ARRAY => 'array',
        flags\TYPE_OBJECT => 'object',
        // These aren't casts, but they are used in various places
        flags\TYPE_CALLABLE => 'callable',
        flags\TYPE_VOID => 'void',
        flags\TYPE_ITERABLE => 'iterable',
        flags\TYPE_FALSE => 'false',
        flags\TYPE_STATIC => 'static',

     * @suppress PhanUselessBinaryAddRight this replaces 'unset' with 'null'
    public const AST_TYPE_FLAGS_LOOKUP = [
        ast\flags\TYPE_NULL => 'null',
    ] + self::AST_CAST_FLAGS_LOOKUP;

     * @param Node $node
     * A node of type ast\AST_CAST to parse
     * @return Context
     * A new or an unchanged context resulting from
     * parsing the node
    public function visitCast(Node $node): Context
        if ($this->isInNoOpPosition($node)) {
                self::AST_CAST_FLAGS_LOOKUP[$node->flags] ?? 'unknown',
        if ($node->flags === flags\TYPE_NULL) {
        return $this->context;

     * @param Node $node
     * A node of kind ast\AST_ISSET to parse
     * @return Context
     * A new or an unchanged context resulting from
     * parsing the node
    public function visitIsset(Node $node): Context
        if ($this->isInNoOpPosition($node)) {
        return $this->context;

     * @param Node $node
     * A node to parse
     * @return Context
     * A new or an unchanged context resulting from
     * parsing the node
    public function visitUnaryOp(Node $node): Context
        if ($node->flags === flags\UNARY_SILENCE) {
            $expr = $node->children['expr'];
            if ($expr instanceof Node) {
                if ($expr->kind === ast\AST_UNARY_OP && $expr->flags === flags\UNARY_SILENCE) {
            } else {
                // TODO: Other node kinds
                    self::NAME_FOR_UNARY_OP[$node->flags] ?? ''
        } else {
            if ($this->isInNoOpPosition($node)) {
                    self::NAME_FOR_UNARY_OP[$node->flags] ?? ''
        return $this->context;

     * @override
    public function visitPreInc(Node $node): Context
        return $this->analyzeIncOrDec($node);

     * @override
    public function visitPostInc(Node $node): Context
        return $this->analyzeIncOrDec($node);

     * @override
    public function visitPreDec(Node $node): Context
        return $this->analyzeIncOrDec($node);

     * @override
    public function visitPostDec(Node $node): Context
        return $this->analyzeIncOrDec($node);

    public const NAME_FOR_INC_OR_DEC_KIND = [
        ast\AST_PRE_INC => '++(expr)',
        ast\AST_PRE_DEC => '--(expr)',
        ast\AST_POST_INC => '(expr)++',
        ast\AST_POST_DEC => '(expr)--',

    private function analyzeIncOrDec(Node $node): Context
        $var = $node->children['var'];
        $old_type = UnionTypeVisitor::unionTypeFromNode($this->code_base, $this->context, $var);
        if (!$old_type->canCastToUnionType(UnionType::fromFullyQualifiedPHPDocString('int|string|float'))) {
        // The left can be a non-Node for an invalid AST
        $kind = $var->kind ?? null;
        if ($kind === \ast\AST_VAR) {
            $new_type = $old_type->getTypeAfterIncOrDec();
            if ($old_type === $new_type) {
                return $this->context;
            if (!$this->context->isInLoop()) {
                try {
                    $value = $old_type->asSingleScalarValueOrNull();
                    if (\is_numeric($value)) {
                        if ($node->kind === ast\AST_POST_DEC || $node->kind === ast\AST_PRE_DEC) {
                        } else {
                        // TODO: Compute the real type set.
                        $new_type = Type::fromObject($value)->asPHPDocUnionType();
                } catch (\Throwable $_) {
                    // ignore
            try {
                $variable = (new ContextNode($this->code_base, $this->context, $var))->getVariableStrict();
            } catch (IssueException | NodeException $_) {
                return $this->context;
            $variable = clone($variable);
            return $this->context;
        // Treat expr++ like expr -= -1 and expr-- like expr -= 1.
        // Use `-` to avoid false positives about array operations.
        // (This isn't 100% accurate for invalid types)
        $new_node = new Node(
                'var'  => $var,
                'expr' => ($node->kind === ast\AST_POST_DEC || $node->kind === ast\AST_PRE_DEC) ? 1 : -1,
        return (new AssignOperatorAnalysisVisitor($this->code_base, $this->context))->visitBinarySub($new_node);

     * @param Node $node
     * A node to parse
     * @return Context
     * A new or an unchanged context resulting from
     * parsing the node
    public function visitConst(Node $node): Context
        $context = $this->context;
        try {
            // Based on UnionTypeVisitor::visitConst
            $constant = (new ContextNode(

            // Mark that this constant has been referenced from
            // this context
        } catch (IssueException $exception) {
            // We need to do this in order to check keys and (after the first 5) values in AST arrays.
            // Other parts of the AST may also not be covered.
            // (This issue may be a duplicate)
        } catch (Exception $_) {
            // Swallow any other types of exceptions. We'll log the errors
            // elsewhere.

        // Check to make sure we're doing something with the
        // constant
        $this->analyzeNoOp($node, Issue::NoopConstant);

        return $context;

     * @param Node $node
     * A node to parse
     * @return Context
     * A new or an unchanged context resulting from
     * parsing the node
    public function visitClassConst(Node $node): Context
        try {
            $constant = (new ContextNode(

            // Mark that this class constant has been referenced
            // from this context
        } catch (IssueException $exception) {
            // We need to do this in order to check keys and (after the first 5) values in AST arrays, possibly other types.
        } catch (Exception $_) {
            // Swallow any other types of exceptions. We'll log the errors
            // elsewhere.

        // Check to make sure we're doing something with the
        // class constant
        $this->analyzeNoOp($node, Issue::NoopConstant);

        return $this->context;

     * @param Node $node
     * A node to parse
     * @return Context
     * A new or an unchanged context resulting from
     * parsing the node
    public function visitClassConstDecl(Node $node): Context
        $class = $this->context->getClassInScope($this->code_base);

        foreach ($node->children as $child_node) {
            if (!$child_node instanceof Node) {
                throw new AssertionError('expected class const element to be a Node');
            $name = $child_node->children['name'];
            if (!\is_string($name)) {
                throw new AssertionError('expected class const name to be a string');
            try {
                $const_decl = $class->getConstantByNameInContext($this->code_base, $name, $this->context);
            } catch (IssueException $exception) {
                // We need to do this in order to check keys and (after the first 5) values in AST arrays, possibly other types.
            } catch (Exception $_) {
                // Swallow any other types of exceptions. We'll log the errors
                // elsewhere.

        return $this->context;

     * @param Node $node
     * A node to parse
     * @return Context
     * A new or an unchanged context resulting from
     * parsing the node
    public function visitConstDecl(Node $node): Context
        foreach ($node->children as $child_node) {
            if (!$child_node instanceof Node) {
                throw new AssertionError('expected const element to be a Node');
            $name = $child_node->children['name'];
            if (!\is_string($name)) {
                throw new AssertionError('expected const name to be a string');

            try {
                $fqsen = FullyQualifiedGlobalConstantName::fromStringInContext(
                $const_decl = $this->code_base->getGlobalConstantByFQSEN($fqsen);
            } catch (IssueException $exception) {
                // We need to do this in order to check keys and (after the first 5) values in AST arrays, possibly other types.
            } catch (Exception $_) {
                // Swallow any other types of exceptions. We'll log the errors
                // elsewhere.

        return $this->context;

     * @param Node $node
     * A node of kind `ast\AST_CLASS_NAME` to parse
     * @return Context
     * A new or an unchanged context resulting from
     * parsing the node
    public function visitClassName(Node $node): Context
        try {
            foreach ((new ContextNode(
            ))->getClassList(false, ContextNode::CLASS_LIST_ACCEPT_OBJECT_OR_CLASS_NAME) as $class) {
        } catch (CodeBaseException $exception) {
            $exception_fqsen = $exception->getFQSEN();
                IssueFixSuggester::suggestSimilarClassForGenericFQSEN($this->code_base, $this->context, $exception_fqsen)
        } catch (IssueException $exception) {
            Issue::maybeEmitInstance($this->code_base, $this->context, $exception->getIssueInstance());

        // Check to make sure we're doing something with the
        // ::class class constant
        $this->analyzeNoOp($node, Issue::NoopConstant);

        return $this->context;

     * @param Node $node
     * A node of kind ast\AST_CLOSURE or ast\AST_ARROW_FUNC to analyze
     * @return Context
     * A new or an unchanged context resulting from
     * parsing the node
    public function visitClosure(Node $node): Context
        $func = $this->context->getFunctionLikeInScope($this->code_base);

        $return_type = $func->getUnionType();

        if (!$return_type->isEmpty()
            && !$func->hasReturn()
            && !self::declOnlyThrows($node)
            && !$return_type->hasType(VoidType::instance(false))
            && !$return_type->hasType(NullType::instance(false))
        ) {
            $this->warnTypeMissingReturn($func, $node);
        $uses = $node->children['uses'] ?? null;
        // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanUndeclaredProperty
        if (isset($uses->polyfill_has_trailing_comma) && Config::get_closest_minimum_target_php_version_id() < 80000) {
                end($uses->children)->lineno ?? $uses->lineno,
        $this->analyzeNoOp($node, Issue::NoopClosure);
        $this->checkForFunctionInterfaceIssues($node, $func);
        return $this->context;

     * @param Node $node
     * A node to parse
     * @return Context
     * A new or an unchanged context resulting from
     * parsing the node
    public function visitArrowFunc(Node $node): Context
        if (Config::get_closest_minimum_target_php_version_id() < 70400) {
        return $this->visitClosure($node);

     * @param Node $node
     * A node to parse
     * @return Context
     * A new or an unchanged context resulting from
     * parsing the node
    public function visitReturn(Node $node): Context
        $context = $this->context;
        // Make sure we're actually returning from a method.
        if (!$context->isInFunctionLikeScope()) {
            return $context;
        $code_base = $this->code_base;

        // Check real return types instead of phpdoc return types in traits for #800
        // TODO: Why did Phan originally not analyze return types of traits at all in 4c6956c05222e093b29393ceaa389ffb91041bdc
        $is_trait = false;
        if ($context->isInClassScope()) {
            $clazz = $context->getClassInScope($code_base);
            $is_trait = $clazz->isTrait();

        // Get the method/function/closure we're in
        $method = $context->getFunctionLikeInScope($code_base);

        // Mark the method as returning something (even if void)
        if (null !== $node->children['expr']) {

        if ($method->returnsRef()) {
            $this->analyzeReturnsReference($method, $node);
        if ($method->hasYield()) {  // Function that is syntactically a Generator.
            $this->analyzeReturnInGenerator($method, $node);
            // TODO: Compare against TReturn of Generator<TKey,TValue,TSend,TReturn>
            return $context;  // Analysis was completed in PreOrderAnalysisVisitor

        // Figure out what we intend to return
        // (For traits, lower the false positive rate by comparing against the real return type instead of the phpdoc type (#800))
        $method_return_type = $is_trait ? $method->getRealReturnType()->withAddedClassForResolvedSelf($method->getContext()) : $method->getUnionType();
        $expr = $node->children['expr'];

        // Check for failing to return a value, or returning a value in a void method.
        if ($expr !== null) {
            if ($method_return_type->hasRealTypeSet() && $method_return_type->asRealUnionType()->isVoidType()) {
                    $expr->lineno ?? $node->lineno,
                    'return ' . ASTReverter::toShortString($expr) . ';'
                return $context;
        } else {
            // `function test() : ?string { return; }` is a fatal error. (We already checked for generators)
            if ($method_return_type->hasRealTypeSet() && !$method_return_type->asRealUnionType()->isVoidType()) {
                    'return null',
                return $context;

        // This leaves functions which aren't syntactically generators.

        // Figure out what is actually being returned
        // TODO: Properly check return values of array shapes
        foreach ($this->getReturnTypes($context, $expr, $node->lineno) as $lineno => [$expression_type, $inner_node]) {
            // If there is no declared type, see if we can deduce
            // what it should be based on the return type
            if ($method_return_type->isEmpty()
                || $method->isReturnTypeUndefined()
            ) {
                if (!$is_trait) {

                    // Set the inferred type of the method based
                    // on what we're returning

                // No point in comparing this type to the
                // type we just set

            // Check if the return type is compatible with the declared return type.
            $is_mismatch = false;
            if (!$method->isReturnTypeUndefined()) {
                $resolved_expression_type = $expression_type->withStaticResolvedInContext($context);
                // We allow base classes to cast to subclasses, and subclasses to cast to base classes,
                // but don't allow subclasses to cast to subclasses on a separate branch of the inheritance tree
                if (!$this->checkCanCastToReturnType($resolved_expression_type, $method_return_type)) {
                    $this->emitTypeMismatchReturnIssue($resolved_expression_type, $method, $method_return_type, $lineno, $inner_node);
                    $is_mismatch = true;
                } elseif (Config::get_strict_return_checking() && $resolved_expression_type->typeCount() > 1) {
                    $is_mismatch = self::analyzeReturnStrict($code_base, $method, $resolved_expression_type, $method_return_type, $lineno, $inner_node);
            // For functions that aren't syntactically Generators,
            // update the set/existence of return values.

            if ($method->isReturnTypeModifiable() && !$is_mismatch) {
                // Add the new type to the set of values returned by the
                // method

        return $context;

     * @param Node $node a node of kind ast\AST_RETURN
    private function analyzeReturnsReference(FunctionInterface $method, Node $node): void
        $expr = $node->children['expr'];
        if ((!$expr instanceof Node) || !\in_array($expr->kind, ArgumentType::REFERENCE_NODE_KINDS, true)) {
            $is_possible_reference = ArgumentType::isExpressionReturningReference($this->code_base, $this->context, $expr);

            if (!$is_possible_reference) {
                    $expr->lineno ?? $node->lineno,

     * Emits Issue::TypeMismatchReturnNullable or TypeMismatchReturn, unless suppressed
     * @param Node|string|int|float|null $inner_node
    private function emitTypeMismatchReturnIssue(UnionType $expression_type, FunctionInterface $method, UnionType $method_return_type, int $lineno, $inner_node): void
        if ($this->shouldSuppressIssue(Issue::TypeMismatchReturnReal, $lineno)) {
            // Suppressing TypeMismatchReturnReal also suppresses less severe return type mismatches
        if (!$expression_type->isNull() && $this->checkCanCastToReturnTypeIfWasNonNullInstead($expression_type, $method_return_type)) {
            if ($this->shouldSuppressIssue(Issue::TypeMismatchReturn, $lineno)) {
                // Suppressing TypeMismatchReturn also suppresses TypeMismatchReturnNullable
            $issue_type = Issue::TypeMismatchReturnNullable;
        } else {
            $issue_type = Issue::TypeMismatchReturn;
            // TODO: Don't warn for callable <-> string
            if ($method_return_type->hasRealTypeSet()) {
                // Always emit a real type warning about returning a value in a void method
                $real_method_return_type = $method_return_type->getRealUnionType();
                $real_expression_type = $expression_type->getRealUnionType();
                if ($real_method_return_type->isVoidType() ||
                    ($expression_type->hasRealTypeSet() && !$real_expression_type->canCastToDeclaredType($this->code_base, $this->context, $real_method_return_type))) {
        if ($this->context->hasSuppressIssue($this->code_base, Issue::TypeMismatchArgumentProbablyReal)) {
            // Suppressing ProbablyReal also suppresses the less severe version.
        if ($issue_type === Issue::TypeMismatchReturn) {
            if ($expression_type->hasRealTypeSet() &&
                !$expression_type->getRealUnionType()->canCastToDeclaredType($this->code_base, $this->context, $method_return_type)) {
                // The argument's real type is completely incompatible with the documented phpdoc type.
                // Either the phpdoc type is wrong or the argument is likely wrong.

     * Converts the type to a description of the real type (if different from phpdoc type) for Phan's issue messages
     * @internal
    public static function toDetailsForRealTypeMismatch(UnionType $type): string
        $real_type = $type->getRealUnionType();
        if ($real_type->isEqualTo($type)) {
            return '';
        if ($real_type->isEmpty()) {
            return ' (no real type)';
        return " (real type $real_type)";

    private function analyzeReturnInGenerator(
        FunctionInterface $method,
        Node $node
    ): void {
        $method_generator_type = $method->getReturnTypeAsGeneratorTemplateType();
        $type_list = $method_generator_type->getTemplateParameterTypeList();
        // Generator<TKey,TValue,TSend,TReturn>
        if (\count($type_list) !== 4) {
        $expected_return_type = $type_list[3];
        if ($expected_return_type->isEmpty()) {

        $context = $this->context;
        $code_base = $this->code_base;

        foreach ($this->getReturnTypes($context, $node->children['expr'], $node->lineno) as $lineno => [$expression_type, $inner_node]) {
            $expression_type = $expression_type->withStaticResolvedInContext($context);
            // We allow base classes to cast to subclasses, and subclasses to cast to base classes,
            // but don't allow subclasses to cast to subclasses on a separate branch of the inheritance tree
            if (!self::checkCanCastToReturnType($expression_type, $expected_return_type)) {
                $this->emitTypeMismatchReturnIssue($expression_type, $method, $expected_return_type, $lineno, $inner_node);
            } elseif (Config::get_strict_return_checking() && $expression_type->typeCount() > 1) {
                self::analyzeReturnStrict($code_base, $method, $expression_type, $expected_return_type, $lineno, $inner_node);

     * @param Node $node
     * A node to parse
     * @return Context
     * A new or an unchanged context resulting from
     * parsing the node
    public function visitYield(Node $node): Context
        $context = $this->context;
        // Make sure we're actually returning from a method.
        if (!$context->isInFunctionLikeScope()) {
            return $context;

        // Get the method/function/closure we're in
        $method = $context->getFunctionLikeInScope($this->code_base);

        // Figure out what we intend to return
        $method_generator_type = $method->getReturnTypeAsGeneratorTemplateType();
        $type_list = $method_generator_type->getTemplateParameterTypeList();
        if (\count($type_list) === 0) {
            return $context;
        return $this->compareYieldAgainstDeclaredType($node, $method, $context, $type_list);

     * @param list<UnionType> $template_type_list
    private function compareYieldAgainstDeclaredType(Node $node, FunctionInterface $method, Context $context, array $template_type_list): Context
        $code_base = $this->code_base;

        $type_list_count = \count($template_type_list);

        $yield_value_node = $node->children['value'];
        if ($yield_value_node === null) {
            $yield_value_type = VoidType::instance(false)->asRealUnionType();
        } else {
            $yield_value_type = UnionTypeVisitor::unionTypeFromNode($code_base, $context, $yield_value_node);
        $expected_value_type = $template_type_list[\min(1, $type_list_count - 1)];
        try {
            if (!$yield_value_type->withStaticResolvedInContext($context)->asExpandedTypes($code_base)->canCastToUnionType($expected_value_type->withStaticResolvedInContext($context))) {
                    '\Generator<' . implode(',', $template_type_list) . '>'
        } catch (RecursionDepthException $_) {

        if ($type_list_count > 1) {
            $yield_key_node = $node->children['key'];
            if ($yield_key_node === null) {
                $yield_key_type = VoidType::instance(false)->asRealUnionType();
            } else {
                $yield_key_type = UnionTypeVisitor::unionTypeFromNode($code_base, $context, $yield_key_node);
            // TODO: finalize syntax to indicate the absence of a key or value (e.g. use void instead?)
            $expected_key_type = $template_type_list[0];
            if (!$yield_key_type->withStaticResolvedInContext($context)->asExpandedTypes($code_base)->canCastToUnionType($expected_key_type->withStaticResolvedInContext($context))) {
                    '\Generator<' . implode(',', $template_type_list) . '>'
        return $context;

     * @param Node $node
     * A node to parse
     * @return Context
     * A new or an unchanged context resulting from
     * parsing the node
    public function visitYieldFrom(Node $node): Context
        $context = $this->context;
        // Make sure we're actually returning from a method.
        if (!$context->isInFunctionLikeScope()) {
            return $context;

        // Get the method/function/closure we're in
        $method = $context->getFunctionLikeInScope($this->code_base);
        $code_base = $this->code_base;

        $yield_from_type = UnionTypeVisitor::unionTypeFromNode($code_base, $context, $node->children['expr']);
        if ($yield_from_type->isEmpty()) {
            return $context;
        $yield_from_expanded_type = $yield_from_type->withStaticResolvedInContext($this->context)->asExpandedTypes($code_base);
        if (!$yield_from_expanded_type->hasIterable() && !$yield_from_expanded_type->hasTraversable()) {
            return $context;

        if (BlockAnalysisVisitor::isEmptyIterable($yield_from_type)) {
                (clone($this->context))->withLineNumberStart($node->children['expr']->lineno ?? $node->lineno),
                Closure::fromCallable([BlockAnalysisVisitor::class, 'isEmptyIterable'])

        // Figure out what we intend to return
        $method_generator_type = $method->getReturnTypeAsGeneratorTemplateType();
        $type_list = $method_generator_type->getTemplateParameterTypeList();
        if (\count($type_list) === 0) {
            return $context;
        return $this->compareYieldFromAgainstDeclaredType($node, $method, $context, $type_list, $yield_from_type);

     * @param list<UnionType> $template_type_list
    private function compareYieldFromAgainstDeclaredType(Node $node, FunctionInterface $method, Context $context, array $template_type_list, UnionType $yield_from_type): Context
        $code_base = $this->code_base;

        $type_list_count = \count($template_type_list);

        // TODO: Can do a better job of analyzing expressions that are just arrays or subclasses of Traversable.
        // A solution would need to check for (at)return Generator|T[]
        $yield_from_generator_type = $yield_from_type->asGeneratorTemplateType();

        $actual_template_type_list = $yield_from_generator_type->getTemplateParameterTypeList();
        $actual_type_list_count = \count($actual_template_type_list);
        if ($actual_type_list_count === 0) {
            return $context;

        $yield_value_type = $actual_template_type_list[\min(1, $actual_type_list_count - 1)];
        $expected_value_type = $template_type_list[\min(1, $type_list_count - 1)];
        if (!$yield_value_type->withStaticResolvedInContext($context)->asExpandedTypes($code_base)->canCastToUnionType($expected_value_type)) {
                sprintf('(values of %s)', ASTReverter::toShortString($node)),
                '\Generator<' . implode(',', $template_type_list) . '>'

        if ($type_list_count > 1 && $actual_type_list_count > 1) {
            // TODO: finalize syntax to indicate the absence of a key or value (e.g. use void instead?)
            $yield_key_type = $actual_template_type_list[0];
            $expected_key_type = $template_type_list[0];
            if (!$yield_key_type->withStaticResolvedInContext($context)->asExpandedTypes($code_base)->canCastToUnionType($expected_key_type)) {
                    sprintf('(keys of %s)', ASTReverter::toShortString($node)),
                    '\Generator<' . implode(',', $template_type_list) . '>'
        return $context;

    private function checkCanCastToReturnType(UnionType $expression_type, UnionType $method_return_type): bool
        if ($expression_type->hasRealTypeSet() && $method_return_type->hasRealTypeSet()) {
            $real_expression_type = $expression_type->getRealUnionType();
            $real_method_return_type = $method_return_type->getRealUnionType();
            if (!$real_method_return_type->isNull() && !$real_expression_type->canCastToDeclaredType($this->code_base, $this->context, $real_method_return_type)) {
                return false;
        if ($method_return_type->hasTemplateParameterTypes()) {
            // Perform a check that does a better job understanding rules of templates.
            // (E.g. should be able to cast None to Option<MyClass>, but not Some<int> to Option<MyClass>
            return $expression_type->asExpandedTypesPreservingTemplate($this->code_base)->canCastToUnionTypeHandlingTemplates($method_return_type, $this->code_base) ||
                $expression_type->canCastToUnionTypeHandlingTemplates($method_return_type->asExpandedTypesPreservingTemplate($this->code_base), $this->code_base);
        // We allow base classes to cast to subclasses, and subclasses to cast to base classes,
        // but don't allow subclasses to cast to subclasses on a separate branch of the inheritance tree
        try {
            return $expression_type->asExpandedTypes($this->code_base)->canCastToUnionType($method_return_type) ||
        } catch (RecursionDepthException $_) {
            return false;

     * Precondition: checkCanCastToReturnType is false
    private function checkCanCastToReturnTypeIfWasNonNullInstead(UnionType $expression_type, UnionType $method_return_type): bool
        $nonnull_expression_type = $expression_type->nonNullableClone();
        if ($nonnull_expression_type === $expression_type || $nonnull_expression_type->isEmpty()) {
            return false;
        return $this->checkCanCastToReturnType($nonnull_expression_type, $method_return_type);

     * @param Node|string|int|float|null $inner_node
    private function analyzeReturnStrict(
        CodeBase $code_base,
        FunctionInterface $method,
        UnionType $expression_type,
        UnionType $method_return_type,
        int $lineno,
    ): bool {
        $type_set = $expression_type->getTypeSet();
        $context = $this->context;
        if (\count($type_set) < 2) {
            throw new AssertionError("Expected at least two types for strict return type checks");

        $mismatch_type_set = UnionType::empty();
        $mismatch_expanded_types = null;

        // For the strict
        foreach ($type_set as $type) {
            // Expand it to include all parent types up the chain
            try {
                $individual_type_expanded = $type->asExpandedTypes($code_base);
            } catch (RecursionDepthException $_) {

            // See if the argument can be cast to the
            // parameter
            if (!$individual_type_expanded->canCastToUnionType(
            )) {
                if ($method->isPHPInternal()) {
                    // If we are not in strict mode and we accept a string parameter
                    // and the argument we are passing has a __toString method then it is ok
                    if (!$context->isStrictTypes() && $method_return_type->hasNonNullStringType()) {
                        if ($individual_type_expanded->hasClassWithToStringMethod($code_base, $context)) {
                $mismatch_type_set = $mismatch_type_set->withType($type);
                if ($mismatch_expanded_types === null) {
                    // Warn about the first type
                    $mismatch_expanded_types = $individual_type_expanded;

        if ($mismatch_expanded_types === null) {
            // No mismatches
            return false;

        // If we have TypeMismatchReturn already, then also suppress the partial mismatch warnings (e.g. PartialTypeMismatchReturn) as well.
        if ($this->context->hasSuppressIssue($code_base, Issue::TypeMismatchReturn)) {
            return false;
        return true;

     * @param Node|string|int|float|null $node
    private static function returnExpressionToShortString($node): string
        return $node !== null ? ASTReverter::toShortString($node) : 'void';

    private static function getStrictIssueType(UnionType $union_type): string
        if ($union_type->typeCount() === 1) {
            $type = $union_type->getTypeSet()[0];
            if ($type instanceof NullType) {
                return Issue::PossiblyNullTypeReturn;
            if ($type instanceof FalseType) {
                return Issue::PossiblyFalseTypeReturn;
        return Issue::PartialTypeMismatchReturn;

     * @param ?Node|?string|?int|?float $node
     * @return \Generator<int, array{0: UnionType, 1:Node|string|int|float|null}>
    private function getReturnTypes(Context $context, $node, int $return_lineno): \Generator
        if (!($node instanceof Node)) {
            if (null === $node) {
                yield $return_lineno => [VoidType::instance(false)->asRealUnionType(), null];
            yield $return_lineno => [
        $kind = $node->kind;
        if ($kind === ast\AST_CONDITIONAL) {
            yield from self::deduplicateUnionTypes($this->getReturnTypesOfConditional($context, $node));
        } elseif ($kind === ast\AST_ARRAY) {
            $expression_type = UnionTypeVisitor::unionTypeFromNode($this->code_base, $context, $node, true);
            if ($expression_type->hasTopLevelArrayShapeTypeInstances()) {
                yield $return_lineno => [$expression_type, $node];

            // TODO: Infer list<>
            $key_type_enum = GenericArrayType::getKeyTypeOfArrayNode($this->code_base, $context, $node);
            foreach (self::deduplicateUnionTypes($this->getReturnTypesOfArray($context, $node)) as $return_lineno => [$elem_type, $elem_node]) {
                yield $return_lineno => [
                    $elem_type->asGenericArrayTypes($key_type_enum),  // TODO: Infer corresponding key types

        $expression_type = UnionTypeVisitor::unionTypeFromNode(

        yield $return_lineno => [$expression_type, $node];

     * @return \Generator|UnionType[]
     * @phan-return \Generator<int,array{0:UnionType,1:Node|string|int|float|null}>
    private function getReturnTypesOfConditional(Context $context, Node $node): \Generator
        $cond_node = $node->children['cond'];
        $cond_truthiness = UnionTypeVisitor::checkCondUnconditionalTruthiness($cond_node);
        // For the shorthand $a ?: $b, the cond node will be the truthy value.
        // Note: an ast node will never be null(can be unset), it will be a const AST node with the name null.
        $true_node = $node->children['true'] ?? $cond_node;

        // Rarely, a conditional will always be true or always be false.
        if ($cond_truthiness !== null) {
            // TODO: Add no-op checks in another PR, if they don't already exist for conditional.
            if ($cond_truthiness) {
                // The condition is unconditionally true
                yield from $this->getReturnTypes($context, $true_node, $node->lineno);
            } else {
                // The condition is unconditionally false

                // Add the type for the 'false' side
                yield from $this->getReturnTypes($context, $node->children['false'], $node->lineno);

        // TODO: false_context once there is a NegatedConditionVisitor
        // TODO: emit no-op if $cond_node is a literal, such as `if (2)`
        // - Also note that some things such as `true` and `false` are ast\AST_NAME nodes.

        if ($cond_node instanceof Node) {
            // TODO: Use different contexts and merge those, in case there were assignments or assignments by reference in both sides of the conditional?
            // Reuse the BranchScope (sort of unintuitive). The ConditionVisitor returns a clone and doesn't modify the original.
            $base_context = $this->context;
            // We don't bother analyzing visitReturn in PostOrderAnalysisVisitor, right now.
            // This may eventually change, just to ensure the expression is checked for issues
            $true_context = (new ConditionVisitor(
            $false_context = (new NegatedConditionVisitor(
        } else {
            $true_context = $context;
            $false_context = $this->context;

        // Allow nested ternary operators, or arrays within ternary operators
        if (isset($node->children['true'])) {
            yield from $this->getReturnTypes($true_context, $true_node, $true_node->lineno ?? $node->lineno);
        } else {
            // E.g. From the left-hand side of yield (int|false) ?: default,
            // yielding false is impossible.
            foreach ($this->getReturnTypes($true_context, $true_node, $true_node->lineno ?? $node->lineno) as $lineno => $details) {
                $raw_union_type = $details[0];
                if ($raw_union_type->isEmpty() || !$raw_union_type->containsFalsey()) {
                    yield $lineno => $details;
                } else {
                    $raw_union_type = $raw_union_type->nonFalseyClone();
                    if (!$raw_union_type->isEmpty()) {
                        yield $lineno => [$raw_union_type, $details[1]];

        $false_node = $node->children['false'];
        yield from $this->getReturnTypes($false_context, $false_node, $false_node->lineno ?? $node->lineno);

     * @param iterable<int, array{0: UnionType, 1: Node|string|int|float|null}> $types
     * @return \Generator<int, array{0: UnionType, 1: Node|string|int|float|null}>
     * @suppress PhanPluginCanUseParamType should probably suppress, iterable is php 7.2
    private static function deduplicateUnionTypes($types): \Generator
        $unique_types = [];
        foreach ($types as $lineno => $details) {
            $type = $details[0];
            foreach ($unique_types as $old_type) {
                if ($type->isEqualTo($old_type)) {
                    continue 2;
            yield $lineno => $details;
            $unique_types[] = $type;

     * @return \Generator|iterable<int,array{0:UnionType,1:Node|int|string|float|null}>
     * @phan-return \Generator<int,array{0:UnionType,1:Node|int|string|float|null}>
    private function getReturnTypesOfArray(Context $context, Node $node): \Generator
        if (\count($node->children) === 0) {
            // Possibly unreachable (array shape would be returned instead)
            yield $node->lineno => [MixedType::instance(false)->asPHPDocUnionType(), $node];
        foreach ($node->children as $elem) {
            if (!($elem instanceof Node)) {
                // We already emit PhanSyntaxError
            // Don't bother recursing more than one level to iterate over possible types.
            if ($elem->kind === \ast\AST_UNPACK) {
                // Could optionally recurse to better analyze `yield [...SOME_EXPRESSION_WITH_MIX_OF_VALUES]`
                yield $elem->lineno => [
            $value_node = $elem->children['value'];
            if ($value_node instanceof Node) {
                yield $elem->lineno => [
            } else {
                yield $elem->lineno => [

     * @param Node $node (@phan-unused-param)
     * A node to parse
     * @return Context
     * A new or an unchanged context resulting from
     * parsing the node
    public function visitPropDecl(Node $node): Context
        return $this->context;

     * @param Node $node (@phan-unused-param)
     * A node to parse
     * @return Context
     * A new or an unchanged context resulting from
     * parsing the node
    public function visitPropGroup(Node $node): Context
        return $this->context;

     * @param Node $node
     * A node to parse
     * @return Context
     * A new or an unchanged context resulting from
     * parsing the node
    public function visitCall(Node $node): Context
        $expression = $node->children['expr'];
        try {
            // Get the function.
            // If the function is undefined, always try to create a placeholder from Phan's type signatures for internal functions so they can still be type checked.
            $function_list_generator = (new ContextNode(

            foreach ($function_list_generator as $function) {
                // Check the call for parameter and argument types
                if ($function instanceof Func && \strcasecmp($function->getName(), 'assert') === 0 && $function->getFQSEN()->getNamespace() === '\\') {
                    $this->context = $this->analyzeAssert($this->context, $node);
        } catch (CodeBaseException $_) {
            // ignore it.

        return $this->context;

    private function analyzeAssert(Context $context, Node $node): Context
        $args_first_child = $node->children['args']->children[0] ?? null;
        if (!($args_first_child instanceof Node)) {
            return $this->context;

        // Look to see if the asserted expression says anything about
        // the types of any variables.
        return (new ConditionVisitor(

     * @param Node $node
     * A node to parse
     * @return Context
     * A new or an unchanged context resulting from
     * parsing the node
    public function visitNew(Node $node): Context
        $class_list = [];
        try {
            $context_node = new ContextNode(

            $method = $context_node->getMethod(

            $class_list = $context_node->getClassList(false, ContextNode::CLASS_LIST_ACCEPT_OBJECT_OR_CLASS_NAME);
            // Add a reference to each class this method
            // could be called on
            foreach ($class_list as $class) {
                if ($class->isDeprecated()) {



            foreach ($class_list as $class) {
                if ($class->isAbstract() || $class->isInterface() || $class->isTrait()) {
                    // Check the full list of classes if any of the classes
                    // are abstract or interfaces.
                    $this->checkForInvalidNewType($node, $class_list);
        } catch (IssueException $exception) {
        } catch (Exception $_) {
            // If we can't figure out what kind of a call
            // this is, don't worry about it
        if ($this->isInNoOpPosition($node)) {
            $this->warnNoopNew($node, $class_list);

        return $this->context;

     * @param Node $node a node of type AST_NEW
     * @param Clazz[] $class_list
    private function checkForInvalidNewType(Node $node, array $class_list): void
        // This is either a string (new 'something'()) or a class name (new something())
        $class_node = $node->children['class'];
        if (!$class_node instanceof Node) {
            foreach ($class_list as $class) {
                $this->warnIfInvalidClassForNew($class, $node);

        if ($class_node->kind === ast\AST_NAME) {
            $class_name = $class_node->children['name'];
            if (\is_string($class_name) && \strcasecmp('static', $class_name) === 0) {
                if ($this->isStaticGuaranteedToBeNonAbstract()) {
            foreach ($class_list as $class) {
                $this->warnIfInvalidClassForNew($class, $class_node);
        foreach (UnionTypeVisitor::unionTypeFromNode($this->code_base, $this->context, $class_node)->getTypeSet() as $type) {
            if ($type instanceof LiteralStringType) {
                try {
                    $class_fqsen = FullyQualifiedClassName::fromFullyQualifiedString($type->getValue());
                } catch (FQSENException $_) {
                    // Probably already emitted elsewhere, but emit anyway
                if (!$this->code_base->hasClassWithFQSEN($class_fqsen)) {
                $class = $this->code_base->getClassByFQSEN($class_fqsen);
                $this->warnIfInvalidClassForNew($class, $class_node);

     * Given a call to `new static`, is the context likely to be guaranteed to be a non-abstract class?
    private function isStaticGuaranteedToBeNonAbstract(): bool
        if (!$this->context->isInMethodScope()) {
            return false;
        // TODO: Could do a better job with closures inside of methods
        $method = $this->context->getFunctionLikeInScope($this->code_base);
        if (!($method instanceof Method)) {
            if ($method instanceof Func && $method->isClosure()) {
                // closures can be rebound
                return true;
            return false;
        return !$method->isStatic();

    private static function isStaticNameNode(Node $node, bool $allow_self): bool
        if ($node->kind !== ast\AST_NAME) {
            return false;
        $name = $node->children['name'];
        if (!\is_string($name)) {
            return false;
        return \strcasecmp($name, 'static') === 0 || ($allow_self && \strcasecmp($name, 'self') === 0);

    private function warnIfInvalidClassForNew(Clazz $class, Node $node): void
        // Make sure we're not instantiating an abstract
        // class
        if ($class->isAbstract()) {
                self::isStaticNameNode($node, false) ? Issue::TypeInstantiateAbstractStatic : Issue::TypeInstantiateAbstract,
        } elseif ($class->isInterface()) {
            // Make sure we're not instantiating an interface
        } elseif ($class->isTrait()) {
            // Make sure we're not instantiating a trait
                self::isStaticNameNode($node, true) ? Issue::TypeInstantiateTraitStaticOrSelf : Issue::TypeInstantiateTrait,

     * @param Node $node
     * A node to parse
     * @return Context
     * A new or an unchanged context resulting from
     * parsing the node
    public function visitInstanceof(Node $node): Context
        try {
            // Fetch the class list, and emit warnings as a side effect.
            // TODO: Unify UnionTypeVisitor, AssignmentVisitor, and PostOrderAnalysisVisitor
            (new ContextNode(
            ))->getClassList(false, ContextNode::CLASS_LIST_ACCEPT_OBJECT_OR_CLASS_NAME, Issue::TypeInvalidInstanceof);
        } catch (IssueException $exception) {
        } catch (CodeBaseException $exception) {
                    // Only suggest classes/interfaces for alternatives to instanceof checks. Don't suggest traits.
                    IssueFixSuggester::createFQSENFilterForClasslikeCategories($this->code_base, true, false, true)

        return $this->context;

     * @param Node $node
     * A node to parse
     * @return Context
     * A new or an unchanged context resulting from
     * parsing the node
    public function visitStaticCall(Node $node): Context
        // Get the name of the method being called
        $method_name = $node->children['method'];

        // Give up on things like Class::$var
        if (!\is_string($method_name)) {
            if ($method_name instanceof Node) {
                $method_name = UnionTypeVisitor::anyStringLiteralForNode($this->code_base, $this->context, $method_name);
            if (!\is_string($method_name)) {
                $method_name_type = UnionTypeVisitor::unionTypeFromNode($this->code_base, $this->context, $node->children['method']);
                if (!$method_name_type->canCastToUnionType(StringType::instance(false)->asPHPDocUnionType())) {
                return $this->context;

        // Get the name of the static class being referenced
        $static_class = '';
        $class_node = $node->children['class'];
        if (!($class_node instanceof Node)) {
            $static_class = (string)$class_node;
        } elseif ($class_node->kind === ast\AST_NAME) {
            $static_class = (string)$class_node->children['name'];

        $method = $this->getStaticMethodOrEmitIssue($node, $method_name);

        if ($method === null) {
            // Short circuit on a constructor being called statically
            // on something other than 'parent'
            if ($method_name === '__construct' && $static_class !== 'parent') {
                $this->emitConstructorWarning($node, $static_class, $method_name);
            return $this->context;

        try {
            if ($method_name === '__construct') {
                $this->checkNonAncestorConstructCall($node, $static_class, $method_name);
                // Even if it exists, continue on and type check the arguments passed.
            // If the method being called isn't actually static and it's
            // not a call to parent::f from f, we may be in trouble.
            if (!$method->isStatic() && !$this->canCallInstanceMethodFromContext($method, $static_class)) {
                $class_list = (new ContextNode(

                if (\count($class_list) > 0) {
                    $class = \array_values($class_list)[0];



            // Make sure the parameters look good
        } catch (IssueException $exception) {
        } catch (Exception $_) {
            // If we can't figure out the class for this method
            // call, cry YOLO and mark every method with that
            // name with a reference.
            if (Config::get_track_references()
                && Config::getValue('dead_code_detection_prefer_false_negative')
            ) {
                foreach ($this->code_base->getMethodSetByName(
                ) as $method) {

            // If we can't figure out what kind of a call
            // this is, don't worry about it
            return $this->context;
        return $this->context;

    private function canCallInstanceMethodFromContext(Method $method, string $static_class): bool
        // Check if this is an instance method or closure of an instance method
        if (!$this->context->getScope()->hasVariableWithName('this')) {
            return false;
        if (\in_array(\strtolower($static_class), ['parent', 'self', 'static'], true)) {
            return true;
        $calling_class_fqsen = $this->context->getClassFQSENOrNull();
        if ($calling_class_fqsen) {
            $calling_class_type = $calling_class_fqsen->asType()->asExpandedTypes($this->code_base);
        } else {
            $calling_class_type = $this->context->getScope()->getVariableByName('this')->getUnionType()->asExpandedTypes($this->code_base);
        // Allow calling its own methods and class's methods.
        return $calling_class_type->hasType($method->getClassFQSEN()->asType());

     * Check calling A::__construct (where A is not parent)
    private function checkNonAncestorConstructCall(
        Node $node,
        string $static_class,
        string $method_name
    ): void {
        // TODO: what about unanalyzable?
        if ($node->children['class']->kind !== ast\AST_NAME) {
        // TODO: check for self/static/<class name of self> and warn about recursion?
        // TODO: Only allow calls to __construct from other constructors?
        $found_ancestor_constructor = false;
        if ($this->context->isInMethodScope()) {
            try {
                $possible_ancestor_type = UnionTypeVisitor::unionTypeFromClassNode(
            } catch (FQSENException $e) {
                    $e instanceof EmptyFQSENException ? Issue::EmptyFQSENInCallable : Issue::InvalidFQSENInCallable,
            // If we can determine the ancestor type, and it's an parent/ancestor class, allow the call without warning.
            // (other code should check visibility and existence and args of __construct)

            if (!$possible_ancestor_type->isEmpty()) {
                // but forbid 'self::__construct', 'static::__construct'
                $type = $this->context->getClassFQSEN()->asRealUnionType();
                if ($possible_ancestor_type->hasStaticType()) {
                    $found_ancestor_constructor = true;
                } elseif ($type->asExpandedTypes($this->code_base)->canCastToUnionType($possible_ancestor_type)) {
                    if ($type->canCastToUnionType($possible_ancestor_type)) {
                    $found_ancestor_constructor = true;

        if (!$found_ancestor_constructor) {
            // TODO: new issue type?
            $this->emitConstructorWarning($node, $static_class, $method_name);

     * TODO: change to a different issue type in a future phan release?
    private function emitConstructorWarning(Node $node, string $static_class, string $method_name): void

     * gets the static method, or emits an issue.
     * @param Node $node
     * @param string $method_name - NOTE: The caller should convert constants/class constants/etc in $node->children['method'] to a string.
    private function getStaticMethodOrEmitIssue(Node $node, string $method_name): ?Method
        try {
            // Get a reference to the method being called
            $result = (new ContextNode(
            ))->getMethod($method_name, true, true);

            // This didn't throw NonClassMethodCall
            if (Config::get_strict_method_checking()) {
                $this->checkForPossibleNonObjectAndNonClassInMethod($node, $method_name);

            return $result;
        } catch (IssueException $exception) {
        } catch (Exception $e) {
            if ($e instanceof FQSENException) {
                    $e instanceof EmptyFQSENException ? Issue::EmptyFQSENInClasslike : Issue::InvalidFQSENInClasslike,
            // We already checked for NonClassMethodCall
            if (Config::get_strict_method_checking()) {
                $this->checkForPossibleNonObjectAndNonClassInMethod($node, $method_name);

            // If we can't figure out the class for this method
            // call, cry YOLO and mark every method with that
            // name with a reference.
            if (Config::get_track_references()
                && Config::getValue('dead_code_detection_prefer_false_negative')
            ) {
                foreach ($this->code_base->getMethodSetByName(
                ) as $method) {

            // If we can't figure out what kind of a call
            // this is, don't worry about it
        return null;

     * @param Node $node
     * A node to parse
     * @return Context
     * A new or an unchanged context resulting from
     * parsing the node
    public function visitMethod(Node $node): Context
        if (!$this->context->isInFunctionLikeScope()) {
            throw new AssertionError("Must be in function-like scope to get method");

        $method = $this->context->getFunctionLikeInScope($this->code_base);

        $return_type = $method->getUnionType();

        if (!($method instanceof Method)) {
            throw new AssertionError("Function found where method expected");

        $has_interface_class = false;
        try {
            $class = $method->getClass($this->code_base);
            $has_interface_class = $class->isInterface();

            $this->checkForPHP4StyleConstructor($class, $method);
        } catch (Exception $_) {

        if (!$method->isAbstract()
            && !$method->isFromPHPDoc()
            && !$has_interface_class
            && !$return_type->isEmpty()
            && !$method->hasReturn()
            && !self::declOnlyThrows($node)
            && !$return_type->hasType(VoidType::instance(false))
            && !$return_type->hasType(NullType::instance(false))
        ) {
            $this->warnTypeMissingReturn($method, $node);
        $this->checkForFunctionInterfaceIssues($node, $method);

        if ($method->hasReturn() && $method->isMagicAndVoid()) {

        return $this->context;

    private function warnTypeMissingReturn(FunctionInterface $method, Node $node): void
            $method->getRealReturnType()->isEmpty() ? Issue::TypeMissingReturn : Issue::TypeMissingReturnReal,
     * Visit a node with kind `ast\AST_FUNC_DECL`
     * @param Node $node
     * A node to parse
     * @return Context
     * A new or an unchanged context resulting from
     * parsing the node
    public function visitFuncDecl(Node $node): Context
        $method =

        if (\strcasecmp($method->getName(), '__autoload') === 0) {

        $return_type = $method->getUnionType();

        if (!$return_type->isEmpty()
            && !$method->hasReturn()
            && !self::declOnlyThrows($node)
            && !$return_type->hasType(VoidType::instance(false))
            && !$return_type->hasType(NullType::instance(false))
        ) {
            $this->warnTypeMissingReturn($method, $node);

        $this->checkForFunctionInterfaceIssues($node, $method);

        return $this->context;

     * @suppress PhanPossiblyUndeclaredProperty
    private function checkForFunctionInterfaceIssues(Node $node, FunctionInterface $function): void
        $parameters_seen = [];
        foreach ($function->getParameterList() as $i => $parameter) {
            if (isset($parameters_seen[$parameter->getName()])) {
                    '$' . $parameter->getName()
            } else {
                $parameters_seen[$parameter->getName()] = $i;
        $params_node = $node->children['params'];
        // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanUndeclaredProperty
        if (isset($params_node->polyfill_has_trailing_comma)) {
                end($params_node->children)->lineno ?? $params_node->lineno,
        foreach ($params_node->children as $param) {

    private function checkUnionTypeCompatibility(?Node $type): void
        if (!$type) {
        if (Config::get_closest_minimum_target_php_version_id() >= 80000) {
            // Don't warn about using union types if the project dropped support for php versions older than 8.0
        if ($type->kind === ast\AST_TYPE_UNION) {
            // TODO: Warn about false|false, false|null, etc in php 8.0.
        if ($type->kind === ast\AST_NULLABLE_TYPE) {
            $inner_type = $type->children['type'];
            if (!\is_object($inner_type)) {
                // The polyfill will create param type nodes for function(? $x)
                // Phan warns elsewhere.
        } else {
            $inner_type = $type;
        // echo \Phan\Debug::nodeToString($type) . "\n";
        if ($inner_type->kind === ast\AST_NAME) {
        if ($inner_type->kind !== ast\AST_TYPE) {
            // e.g. ast\TYPE_UNION
                "Unsupported union type syntax " . ASTReverter::toShortString($inner_type)
        if ($inner_type->flags === ast\flags\TYPE_STATIC) {
        } elseif (\in_array($inner_type->flags, [ast\flags\TYPE_FALSE, ast\flags\TYPE_NULL], true)) {
                "Invalid union type " . ASTReverter::toShortTypeString($type) . " in element signature"

    public function visitNullsafeMethodCall(Node $node): Context
        return $this->visitMethodCall($node);

    private function checkNullsafeOperatorCompatibility(Node $node): void
        if (Config::get_closest_minimum_target_php_version_id() < 80000) {

     * @param Node $node
     * A node to parse
     * @return Context
     * A new or an unchanged context resulting from
     * parsing the node
    public function visitMethodCall(Node $node): Context
        $method_name = $node->children['method'];

        if (!\is_string($method_name)) {
            if ($method_name instanceof Node) {
                $method_name = UnionTypeVisitor::anyStringLiteralForNode($this->code_base, $this->context, $method_name);
            if (!\is_string($method_name)) {
                $method_name_type = UnionTypeVisitor::unionTypeFromNode($this->code_base, $this->context, $node->children['method']);
                if (!$method_name_type->canCastToUnionType(StringType::instance(false)->asPHPDocUnionType())) {
                return $this->context;

        try {
            $method = (new ContextNode(
            ))->getMethod($method_name, false, true);
        } catch (IssueException $exception) {
            return $this->context;
        } catch (NodeException $_) {
            // If we can't figure out the class for this method
            // call, cry YOLO and mark every method with that
            // name with a reference.
            if (Config::get_track_references()
                && Config::getValue('dead_code_detection_prefer_false_negative')
            ) {
                foreach ($this->code_base->getMethodSetByName(
                ) as $method) {

            // Swallow it
            return $this->context;

        // We already checked for NonClassMethodCall
        if (Config::get_strict_method_checking()) {
            $this->checkForPossibleNonObjectInMethod($node, $method_name);


        // Check the call for parameter and argument types

        return $this->context;

     * @param Node $node
     * A node to parse
     * @return Context
     * A new or an unchanged context resulting from
     * parsing the node
    public function visitArgList(Node $node): Context
        $argument_name_set = [];
        $has_unpack = false;

        foreach ($node->children as $i => $argument) {
            if (!\is_int($i)) {
                throw new AssertionError("Expected argument index to be an integer");
            if ($argument instanceof Node && $argument->kind === ast\AST_NAMED_ARG) {
                if (Config::get_closest_minimum_target_php_version_id() < 80000) {
                ['name' => $argument_name, 'expr' => $argument_expression] = $argument->children;
                if ($argument_expression === null) {
                    throw new AssertionError("Expected argument to have an expression");
                if (isset($argument_name_set[$argument_name])) {
                } else {
                    $argument_name_set[$argument_name] = $argument;
            } else {
                $argument_expression = $argument;
            if ($argument_name_set) {
                if ($argument === $argument_expression) {
                        $argument->lineno ?? $node->lineno,

            if (($argument->kind ?? 0) === ast\AST_UNPACK) {
                $has_unpack = true;
        // TODO: Make this a check that runs even without the $method object
        if ($has_unpack && $argument_name_set) {
        // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanUndeclaredProperty
        if (isset($node->polyfill_has_trailing_comma) && Config::get_closest_minimum_target_php_version_id() < 70300) {
                end($node->children)->lineno ?? $node->lineno,
        return $this->context;

    private function checkForPossibleNonObjectInMethod(Node $node, string $method_name): void
        $type = UnionTypeVisitor::unionTypeFromNode($this->code_base, $this->context, $node->children['expr'] ?? $node->children['class']);
        if ($node->kind === ast\AST_NULLSAFE_METHOD_CALL && !$type->isNull() && !$type->isDefinitelyUndefined()) {
            $type = $type->nonNullableClone();
        if ($type->containsDefiniteNonObjectType()) {

    private function checkForPossibleNonObjectAndNonClassInMethod(Node $node, string $method_name): void
        $type = UnionTypeVisitor::unionTypeFromNode($this->code_base, $this->context, $node->children['expr'] ?? $node->children['class']);
        if ($type->containsDefiniteNonObjectAndNonClassType()) {

     * Visit a node with kind `ast\AST_DIM`
     * @param Node $node
     * A node to parse
     * @return Context
     * A new or an unchanged context resulting from
     * parsing the node
    public function visitDim(Node $node): Context
        $code_base = $this->code_base;
        $context = $this->context;
        // Check the dimension type to trigger PhanUndeclaredVariable, etc.
        /* $dim_type = */
        $this->analyzeNoOp($node, Issue::NoopArrayAccess);

        $flags = $node->flags;
        if ($flags & ast\flags\DIM_ALTERNATIVE_SYNTAX) {
                $node->children['dim']->lineno ?? $node->lineno,
        if ($flags & PhanAnnotationAdder::FLAG_IGNORE_NULLABLE_AND_UNDEF) {
            return $context;
        // Check the array type to trigger TypeArraySuspicious
        try {
            /* $array_type = */
            // TODO: check if array_type has array but not ArrayAccess.
            // If that is true, then assert that $dim_type can cast to `int|string`
        } catch (IssueException $_) {
            // Detect this elsewhere, e.g. want to detect PhanUndeclaredVariableDim but not PhanUndeclaredVariable
        return $context;

     * Visit a node with kind `ast\AST_CONDITIONAL`
     * @param Node $node
     * A node to parse
     * @return Context
     * A new or an unchanged context resulting from
     * parsing the node
     * @suppress PhanAccessMethodInternal
    public function visitConditional(Node $node): Context
        if ($this->isInNoOpPosition($node)) {
            if (!ScopeImpactCheckingVisitor::hasPossibleImpact($this->code_base, $this->context, $node->children['true']) &&
                !ScopeImpactCheckingVisitor::hasPossibleImpact($this->code_base, $this->context, $node->children['false'])) {
        $cond = $node->children['cond'];
        if ($cond instanceof Node && $cond->kind === ast\AST_CONDITIONAL) {
            $this->checkDeprecatedUnparenthesizedConditional($node, $cond);
        return $this->context;

     * Visit a node with kind `ast\AST_MATCH`
     * @param Node $node
     * A node to parse
     * @return Context
     * A new or an unchanged context resulting from
     * analyzing the node
     * @suppress PhanAccessMethodInternal
    public function visitMatch(Node $node): Context
        if (Config::get_closest_minimum_target_php_version_id() < 80000) {
        if ($this->isInNoOpPosition($node)) {
            if (!ScopeImpactCheckingVisitor::hasPossibleImpact($this->code_base, $this->context, $node->children['stmts'])) {
        return $this->context;

     * @param Node $node a node of kind AST_CONDITIONAL with a condition that is also of kind AST_CONDITIONAL
    private function checkDeprecatedUnparenthesizedConditional(Node $node, Node $cond): void
        if ($cond->flags & flags\PARENTHESIZED_CONDITIONAL) {
            // The condition is unambiguously parenthesized.
        // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanUndeclaredProperty
        if (\PHP_VERSION_ID < 70400 && !isset($cond->is_not_parenthesized)) {
            // This is from the native parser in php 7.3 or earlier.
            // We don't know whether or not the AST is parenthesized.
        if (isset($cond->children['true'])) {
            if (isset($node->children['true'])) {
                $description = 'a ? b : c ? d : e';
                $first_suggestion = '(a ? b : c) ? d : e';
                $second_suggestion = 'a ? b : (c ? d : e)';
            } else {
                $description = 'a ? b : c ?: d';
                $first_suggestion = '(a ? b : c) ?: d';
                $second_suggestion = 'a ? b : (c ?: d)';
        } else {
            if (isset($node->children['true'])) {
                $description = 'a ?: b ? c : d';
                $first_suggestion = '(a ?: b) ? c : d';
                $second_suggestion = 'a ?: (b ? c : d)';
            } else {
                // This is harmless - (a ?: b) ?: c always produces the same result and side
                // effects as a ?: (b ?: c).
                // Don't warn.

     * @param list<Node> $parent_node_list
     * @return bool true if the union type should skip analysis due to being the left-hand side expression of an assignment
     * We skip checks for $x['key'] being valid in expressions such as `$x['key']['key2']['key3'] = 'value';`
     * because those expressions will create $x['key'] as a side effect.
     * Precondition: $parent_node->kind === ast\AST_DIM && $parent_node->children['expr'] is $node
    private static function shouldSkipNestedAssignDim(array $parent_node_list): bool
        $cur_parent_node = \end($parent_node_list);
        for (;; $cur_parent_node = $prev_parent_node) {
            $prev_parent_node = \prev($parent_node_list);
            if (!$prev_parent_node instanceof Node) {
                throw new AssertionError('Unexpected end of parent nodes seen in ' . __METHOD__);
            switch ($prev_parent_node->kind) {
                case ast\AST_DIM:
                    if ($prev_parent_node->children['expr'] !== $cur_parent_node) {
                        return false;
                case ast\AST_ASSIGN:
                case ast\AST_ASSIGN_REF:
                    return $prev_parent_node->children['var'] === $cur_parent_node;
                case ast\AST_ARRAY_ELEM:
                    $prev_parent_node = \prev($parent_node_list);  // this becomes AST_ARRAY
                case ast\AST_ARRAY:
                    return false;

    public function visitStaticProp(Node $node): Context
        return $this->analyzeProp($node, true);

    public function visitProp(Node $node): Context
        return $this->analyzeProp($node, false);

    public function visitNullsafeProp(Node $node): Context
        return $this->analyzeProp($node, false);

     * Default visitor for node kinds that do not have
     * an overriding method
     * @param Node $node (@phan-unused-param)
     * A node to parse
     * @return Context
     * A new or an unchanged context resulting from
     * parsing the node
    public function visitClone(Node $node): Context
        $type = UnionTypeVisitor::unionTypeFromNode(
        if ($type->isEmpty()) {
            return $this->context;
        if (!$type->hasPossiblyObjectTypes()) {
                $node->children['expr']->lineno ?? $node->lineno,
        } elseif (Config::get_strict_param_checking()) {
            if ($type->containsNullable() || !$type->canStrictCastToUnionType($this->code_base, ObjectType::instance(false)->asPHPDocUnionType())) {
                    $node->children['expr']->lineno ?? $node->lineno,

        return $this->context;

     * Analyze a node with kind `ast\AST_PROP` or `ast\AST_STATIC_PROP`
     * @param Node $node
     * A node of the type indicated by the method name that we'd
     * like to figure out the type that it produces.
     * @param bool $is_static
     * True if fetching a static property.
     * @return Context
     * A new or an unchanged context resulting from
     * parsing the node
    public function analyzeProp(Node $node, bool $is_static): Context
        $exception_or_null = null;

        try {
            $property = (new ContextNode(

            // Mark that this property has been referenced from
            // this context
            if (Config::get_track_references()) {
                $this->trackPropertyReference($property, $node);
        } catch (IssueException $exception) {
            // We'll check out some reasons it might not exist
            // before logging the issue
            $exception_or_null = $exception;
        } catch (Exception $_) {
            // Swallow any exceptions. We'll catch it later.

        if (isset($property)) {
            // TODO could be more specific about checking if this is a magic property
            // Right now it warns if it is magic but (at)property is used, etc.
            $this->analyzeNoOp($node, Issue::NoopProperty);
        } else {
            $expr_or_class_node = $node->children['expr'] ?? $node->children['class'];
            if ($expr_or_class_node === null) {
                throw new AssertionError(
                    "Property nodes must either have an expression or class"

            $class_list = [];
            try {
                // Get the set of classes that are being referenced
                $class_list = (new ContextNode(
                    $is_static ? ContextNode::CLASS_LIST_ACCEPT_OBJECT_OR_CLASS_NAME : ContextNode::CLASS_LIST_ACCEPT_OBJECT,
            } catch (IssueException $exception) {

            if (!$is_static) {
                // Find out of any of them have a __get magic method
                // (Only check if looking for instance properties)
                $has_getter = $this->hasGetter($class_list);

                // If they don't, then analyze for No-ops.
                if (!$has_getter) {
                    $this->analyzeNoOp($node, Issue::NoopProperty);

                    if ($exception_or_null instanceof IssueException) {
            } else {
                if ($exception_or_null instanceof IssueException) {

        return $this->context;

    /** @param Clazz[] $class_list */
    private function hasGetter(array $class_list): bool
        foreach ($class_list as $class) {
            if ($class->hasGetMethod($this->code_base)) {
                return true;
        return false;

    private function trackPropertyReference(Property $property, Node $node): void
        if (!$property->hasReadReference() && !$this->isAssignmentOrNestedAssignment($node)) {
        if (!$property->hasWriteReference() && $this->isAssignmentOrNestedAssignmentOrModification($node) !== false) {

     * @return ?bool
     * - false if this is a read reference
     * - false for modifications such as $x++
     * - true if this is a write reference
     * - null if this is both, e.g. $a =& $b for $a and $b
    private function isAssignmentOrNestedAssignment(Node $node): ?bool
        $parent_node_list = $this->parent_node_list;
        $parent_node = \end($parent_node_list);
        if (!$parent_node instanceof Node) {
            // impossible
            return false;
        $parent_kind = $parent_node->kind;
        // E.g. analyzing [$x] in [$x] = expr()
        while ($parent_kind === ast\AST_ARRAY_ELEM) {
            if ($parent_node->children['value'] !== $node) {
                // e.g. analyzing `$v = [$x => $y];` for $x
                return false;
            \array_pop($parent_node_list);  // pop AST_ARRAY_ELEM
            $node = \array_pop($parent_node_list);  // AST_ARRAY
            $parent_node = \array_pop($parent_node_list);
            if (!$parent_node instanceof Node) {
                // impossible
                return false;
            $parent_kind = $parent_node->kind;
        if ($parent_kind === ast\AST_DIM) {
            return $parent_node->children['expr'] === $node && $this->shouldSkipNestedAssignDim($parent_node_list);
        } elseif ($parent_kind === ast\AST_ASSIGN || $parent_kind === ast\AST_ASSIGN_OP) {
            return $parent_node->children['var'] === $node;
        } elseif ($parent_kind === ast\AST_ASSIGN_REF) {
            return null;
        return false;

    // An incomplete list of known parent node kinds that simultaneously read and write the given expression
    private const READ_AND_WRITE_KINDS = [

     * @return ?bool
     * - false if this is a read reference
     * - true if this is a write reference
     * - true if this is a modification such as $x++
     * - null if this is both, e.g. $a =& $b for $a and $b
    private function isAssignmentOrNestedAssignmentOrModification(Node $node): ?bool
        $parent_node_list = $this->parent_node_list;
        $parent_node = \end($parent_node_list);
        if (!$parent_node instanceof Node) {
            // impossible
            return false;
        $parent_kind = $parent_node->kind;
        // E.g. analyzing [$x] in [$x] = expr()
        while ($parent_kind === ast\AST_ARRAY_ELEM) {
            if ($parent_node->children['value'] !== $node) {
                // e.g. analyzing `$v = [$x => $y];` for $x
                return false;
            \array_pop($parent_node_list);  // pop AST_ARRAY_ELEM
            $node = \array_pop($parent_node_list);  // AST_ARRAY
            $parent_node = \array_pop($parent_node_list);
            if (!$parent_node instanceof Node) {
                // impossible
                return false;
            $parent_kind = $parent_node->kind;
        if ($parent_kind === ast\AST_DIM) {
            return $parent_node->children['expr'] === $node && self::shouldSkipNestedAssignDim($parent_node_list);
        } elseif ($parent_kind === ast\AST_ASSIGN || $parent_kind === ast\AST_ASSIGN_OP) {
            return $parent_node->children['var'] === $node;
        } elseif ($parent_kind === ast\AST_ASSIGN_REF) {
            return null;
        } else {
            return \in_array($parent_kind, self::READ_AND_WRITE_KINDS, true);

     * Analyze whether a method is callable
     * @param Method $method
     * @param Node $node
    private function analyzeMethodVisibility(
        Method $method,
        Node $node
    ): void {
        if ($method->isPublic()) {
        if ($method->isAccessibleFromClass($this->code_base, $this->context->getClassFQSENOrNull())) {
        if ($method->isPrivate()) {
            $has_call_magic_method = !$method->isStatic()
                && $method->getDefiningClass($this->code_base)->hasMethodWithName($this->code_base, '__call', true);

                $has_call_magic_method ?
                    Issue::AccessMethodPrivateWithCallMagicMethod : Issue::AccessMethodPrivate,
        } else {
            if (Clazz::isAccessToElementOfThis($node)) {
            $has_call_magic_method = !$method->isStatic()
                && $method->getDefiningClass($this->code_base)->hasMethodWithName($this->code_base, '__call', true);

                $has_call_magic_method ?
                    Issue::AccessMethodProtectedWithCallMagicMethod : Issue::AccessMethodProtected,

     * Analyze the parameters and arguments for a call
     * to the given method or function
     * @param FunctionInterface $method
     * @param Node $node
    private function analyzeCallToFunctionLike(
        FunctionInterface $method,
        Node $node
    ): void {
        $code_base = $this->code_base;
        $context = $this->context;


        // Create variables for any pass-by-reference
        // parameters
        $argument_list = $node->children['args']->children;
        foreach ($argument_list as $i => $argument) {
            if (!$argument instanceof Node) {

            $parameter = $method->getParameterForCaller($i);
            if (!$parameter) {

            // If pass-by-reference, make sure the variable exists
            // or create it if it doesn't.
            if ($parameter->isPassByReference()) {
                $this->createPassByReferenceArgumentInCall($method, $argument, $parameter, $method->getRealParameterForCaller($i));

        // Confirm the argument types are clean

        // Take another pass over pass-by-reference parameters
        // and assign types to passed in variables
        foreach ($argument_list as $i => $argument) {
            if (!$argument instanceof Node) {
            $parameter = $method->getParameterForCaller($i);

            if (!$parameter) {

            $kind = $argument->kind;
            if ($kind === ast\AST_CLOSURE) {
                if (Config::get_track_references()) {

            // If the parameter is pass-by-reference and we're
            // passing a variable in, see if we should pass
            // the parameter and variable types to each other
            if ($parameter->isPassByReference()) {

        // If we're in quick mode, don't retest methods based on
        // parameter types passed in
        if (Config::get_quick_mode()) {

        // Don't re-analyze recursive methods. That doesn't go
        // well.
        if ($context->isInFunctionLikeScope()
            && $method->getFQSEN() === $context->getFunctionLikeFQSEN()
        ) {
            $this->checkForInfiniteRecursion($node, $method);

        if (!$method->needsRecursiveAnalysis()) {

        // Re-analyze the method with the types of the arguments
        // being passed in.

     * @param Parameter $parameter the parameter types inferred from combination of real and union type
     * @param ?Parameter $real_parameter the real parameter type from the type signature
    private function createPassByReferenceArgumentInCall(FunctionInterface $method, Node $argument, Parameter $parameter, ?Parameter $real_parameter): void
        if ($argument->kind === ast\AST_VAR) {
            // We don't do anything with the new variable; just create it
            // if it doesn't exist
            try {
                $variable = (new ContextNode(
                ))->getOrCreateVariableForReferenceParameter($parameter, $real_parameter);
                $variable_union_type = $variable->getUnionType();
                if ($variable_union_type->hasRealTypeSet()) {
                    // TODO: Do a better job handling the large number of edge cases
                    // - e.g. infer that stream_select will convert non-empty arrays to possibly empty arrays, while the result continues to have a real type of array.
                    if ($method->getContext()->isPHPInternal() && \in_array($parameter->getReferenceType(), [Parameter::REFERENCE_IGNORED, Parameter::REFERENCE_READ_WRITE], true)) {
                        if (\preg_match('/shuffle|sort|array_(unshift|shift|push|pop|splice)/i', $method->getName())) {
                            // This use case is probably handled by MiscParamPlugin
            } catch (NodeException $_) {
        } elseif ($argument->kind === ast\AST_STATIC_PROP
            || $argument->kind === ast\AST_PROP
        ) {
            $property_name = $argument->children['prop'];
            if ($property_name instanceof Node) {
                $property_name = UnionTypeVisitor::unionTypeFromNode($this->code_base, $this->context, $property_name)->asSingleScalarValueOrNullOrSelf();

            // Only try to handle known literals or strings, ignore properties with names that couldn't be inferred.
            if (\is_string($property_name)) {
                // We don't do anything with it; just create it
                // if it doesn't exist
                try {
                    $property = (new ContextNode(
                    ))->getOrCreateProperty($property_name, $argument->kind === ast\AST_STATIC_PROP);
                } catch (IssueException $exception) {
                } catch (Exception $_) {
                    // If we can't figure out what kind of a call
                    // this is, don't worry about it

     * @param list<Node|string|int|float> $argument_list the arguments of the invocation, containing the pass by reference argument
     * @param Parameter $parameter the parameter types inferred from combination of real and union type
     * @param ?Parameter $real_parameter the real parameter type from the type signature
    private static function analyzePassByReferenceArgument(
        CodeBase $code_base,
        Context $context,
        Node $argument,
        array $argument_list,
        FunctionInterface $method,
        Parameter $parameter,
        ?Parameter $real_parameter,
        int $parameter_offset
    ): void {
        $variable = null;
        $kind = $argument->kind;
        if ($kind === ast\AST_VAR) {
            try {
                $variable = (new ContextNode(
                ))->getOrCreateVariableForReferenceParameter($parameter, $real_parameter);
            } catch (NodeException $_) {
                // E.g. `function_accepting_reference(${$varName})` - Phan can't analyze outer type of ${$varName}
        } elseif ($kind === ast\AST_STATIC_PROP
            || $kind === ast\AST_PROP
        ) {
            $property_name = $argument->children['prop'];
            if ($property_name instanceof Node) {
                $property_name = UnionTypeVisitor::unionTypeFromNode($code_base, $context, $property_name)->asSingleScalarValueOrNullOrSelf();

            // Only try to handle property names that could be inferred.
            if (\is_string($property_name)) {
                // We don't do anything with it; just create it
                // if it doesn't exist
                try {
                    $variable = (new ContextNode(
                    ))->getOrCreateProperty($property_name, $argument->kind === ast\AST_STATIC_PROP);
                } catch (IssueException $exception) {
                } catch (Exception $_) {
                    // If we can't figure out what kind of a call
                    // this is, don't worry about it

        if ($variable) {
            $set_variable_type = static function (UnionType $new_type) use ($code_base, $context, $variable, $argument): void {
                if ($variable instanceof Variable) {
                    $variable = clone($variable);
                    AssignmentVisitor::analyzeSetUnionTypeInContext($code_base, $context, $variable, $new_type, $argument);
                } else {
                    // This is a Property. Add any compatible new types to the type of the property.
                    AssignmentVisitor::addTypesToPropertyStandalone($code_base, $context, $variable, $new_type);
            if ($variable instanceof Property) {
                // TODO: If @param-out is ever supported, then use that type to check
                self::checkPassingPropertyByReference($code_base, $context, $method, $parameter, $argument, $variable, $parameter_offset);
            switch ($parameter->getReferenceType()) {
                case Parameter::REFERENCE_WRITE_ONLY:
                    self::analyzeWriteOnlyReference($code_base, $context, $method, $set_variable_type, $argument_list, $parameter);
                case Parameter::REFERENCE_READ_WRITE:
                    $reference_parameter_type = $parameter->getNonVariadicUnionType();
                    $variable_type = $variable->getUnionType();
                    if ($variable_type->isEmpty()) {
                        // if Phan doesn't know the variable type,
                        // then guess that the variable is the type of the reference
                        // when analyzing the following statements.
                    } elseif (!$variable_type->canCastToUnionType($reference_parameter_type)) {
                        // Phan already warned about incompatible types.
                        // But analyze the following statements as if it could have been the type expected,
                        // to reduce false positives.
                    // don't modify - assume the function takes the same type in that it returns,
                    // and we want to preserve generic array types for sorting functions (May change later on)
                    // TODO: Check type compatibility earlier, and don't modify?
                case Parameter::REFERENCE_IGNORED:
                    // Pretend this reference doesn't modify the passed in argument.
                case Parameter::REFERENCE_DEFAULT:
                    $reference_parameter_type = $parameter->getNonVariadicUnionType();
                    // We have no idea what type of reference this is.
                    // Probably user defined code.

     * @param Closure(UnionType):void $set_variable_type
     * @param list<Node|string|int|float> $argument_list
    private static function analyzeWriteOnlyReference(
        CodeBase $code_base,
        Context $context,
        FunctionInterface $method,
        Closure $set_variable_type,
        array $argument_list,
        Parameter $parameter
    ): void {
        switch ($method->getFQSEN()->__toString()) {
            case '\preg_match':
                    RegexAnalyzer::getPregMatchUnionType($code_base, $context, $argument_list)
            case '\preg_match_all':
                    RegexAnalyzer::getPregMatchAllUnionType($code_base, $context, $argument_list)
                $reference_parameter_type = $parameter->getNonVariadicUnionType();

                // The previous value is being ignored, and being replaced.
                // FIXME: Do something different for properties, e.g. limit it to a scope, combine with old property, etc.

    private function trackReferenceToClosure(Node $argument): void
        try {
            $inner_context = $this->context->withLineNumberStart($argument->lineno);
            $method = (new ContextNode(

        } catch (Exception $_) {
            // Swallow it

     * Replace the method's parameter types with the argument
     * types and re-analyze the method.
     * This is used when analyzing callbacks and closures, e.g. in array_map.
     * @param list<UnionType> $argument_types
     * An AST node listing the arguments
     * @param FunctionInterface $method
     * The method or function being called
     * @see analyzeMethodWithArgumentTypes (Which takes AST nodes)
     * @param list<Node|mixed> $arguments
     * An array of arguments to the callable, to analyze references.
     * @param bool $erase_old_return_type
     * Whether $method's old return type should be erased
     * to use the newly inferred type based on $argument_types.
     * (useful for array_map, etc)
    public function analyzeCallableWithArgumentTypes(
        array $argument_types,
        FunctionInterface $method,
        array $arguments = [],
        bool $erase_old_return_type = false
    ): void {
        $method = $this->findDefiningMethod($method);
        if (!$method->needsRecursiveAnalysis()) {

        // Don't re-analyze recursive methods. That doesn't go well.
        if ($this->context->isInFunctionLikeScope()
            && $method->getFQSEN() === $this->context->getFunctionLikeFQSEN()
        ) {
        foreach ($argument_types as $i => $type) {
            $argument_types[$i] = $type->withStaticResolvedInContext($this->context);

        $original_method_scope = $method->getInternalScope();
        try {
            // Even though we don't modify the parameter list, we still need to know the types
            // -- as an optimization, we don't run quick mode again if the types didn't change?
            $parameter_list = \array_map(static function (Parameter $parameter): Parameter {
                return clone($parameter);
            }, $method->getParameterList());

            foreach ($parameter_list as $i => $parameter_clone) {
                if (!isset($argument_types[$i]) && $parameter_clone->hasDefaultValue()) {
                    $parameter_type = $parameter_clone->getDefaultValueType()->withRealTypeSet($parameter_clone->getNonVariadicUnionType()->getRealTypeSet());
                    if ($parameter_type->isType(NullType::instance(false))) {
                        // Treat a parameter default of null the same way as passing null to that parameter
                        // (Add null to the list of possibilities)
                    } else {
                        // For other types (E.g. string), just replace the union type.

                // Add the parameter to the scope

                // If there's no parameter at that offset, we may be in
                // a ParamTooMany situation. That is caught elsewhere.
                if (!isset($argument_types[$i])
                    || !$parameter_clone->hasEmptyNonVariadicType()
                ) {

                    $arguments[$i] ?? null,
            foreach ($parameter_list as $parameter_clone) {
                if ($parameter_clone->isVariadic()) {
                    // We're using this parameter clone to analyze the **inside** of the method, it's never seen on the outside.
                    // Convert it immediately.
                    // TODO: Add tests of variadic references, fix those if necessary.

            // Now that we know something about the parameters used
            // to call the method, we can reanalyze the method with
            // the types of the parameter
            if ($erase_old_return_type) {
            $method->analyzeWithNewParams($method->getContext(), $this->code_base, $parameter_list);
        } finally {

     * Replace the method's parameter types with the argument
     * types and re-analyze the method.
     * @param Node $argument_list_node
     * An AST node listing the arguments
     * @param FunctionInterface $method
     * The method or function being called
     * Precondition: $method->needsRecursiveAnalysis() === false
     * @return void
     * TODO: deduplicate code.
    private function analyzeMethodWithArgumentTypes(
        Node $argument_list_node,
        FunctionInterface $method
    ): void {
        $method = $this->findDefiningMethod($method);
        $original_method_scope = $method->getInternalScope();
        $method_context = $method->getContext();

        try {
            // Even though we don't modify the parameter list, we still need to know the types
            // -- as an optimization, we don't run quick mode again if the types didn't change?
            $parameter_list = \array_map(static function (Parameter $parameter): Parameter {
                return $parameter->cloneAsNonVariadic();
            }, $method->getParameterList());

            // always resolve all arguments outside of quick mode to detect undefined variables, other problems in call arguments.
            // Fixes
            $argument_types = [];
            foreach ($argument_list_node->children as $i => $argument) {
                // Determine the type of the argument at position $i
                $argument_types[$i] = UnionTypeVisitor::unionTypeFromNode(

            foreach ($parameter_list as $i => $parameter_clone) {
                $argument = $argument_list_node->children[$i] ?? null;

                if ($argument === null
                    && $parameter_clone->hasDefaultValue()
                ) {
                    $parameter_type = $parameter_clone->getDefaultValueType()->withRealTypeSet($parameter_clone->getNonVariadicUnionType()->getRealTypeSet());
                    if ($parameter_type->isType(NullType::instance(false))) {
                        // Treat a parameter default of null the same way as passing null to that parameter
                        // (Add null to the list of possibilities)
                    } else {
                        // For other types (E.g. string), just replace the union type.

                // Add the parameter to the scope
                // TODO: asNonVariadic()?

                // If there's no parameter at that offset, we may be in
                // a ParamTooMany situation. That is caught elsewhere.
                if ($argument === null) {

                // If there's a declared type for the parameter,
                // then don't bother overriding the type to analyze the function/method body (unless the parameter is pass-by-reference)
                // Note that $parameter_clone was converted to a non-variadic clone, so the getNonVariadicUnionType returns an array.
                if (!$parameter_clone->hasEmptyNonVariadicType() && !$parameter_clone->isPassByReference()) {

            foreach ($parameter_list as $parameter_clone) {
                if ($parameter_clone->isVariadic()) {
                    // We're using this parameter clone to analyze the **inside** of the method, it's never seen on the outside.
                    // Convert it immediately.
                    // TODO: Add tests of variadic references, fix those if necessary.

            // Now that we know something about the parameters used
            // to call the method, we can reanalyze the method with
            // the types of the parameter
            $method->analyzeWithNewParams($method_context, $this->code_base, $parameter_list);
        } finally {

    private function findDefiningMethod(FunctionInterface $method): FunctionInterface
        if ($method instanceof Method) {
            $defining_fqsen = $method->getDefiningFQSEN();
            if ($method->getFQSEN() !== $defining_fqsen) {
                // This should always happen, unless in the language server mode
                if ($this->code_base->hasMethodWithFQSEN($defining_fqsen)) {
                    return $this->code_base->getMethodByFQSEN($defining_fqsen);
        return $method;

     * Check if $argument_list_node calling itself is likely to be a case of infinite recursion.
     * This is based on heuristics, and will not catch all cases.
    private function checkForInfiniteRecursion(Node $node, FunctionInterface $method): void
        $argument_list_node = $node->children['args'];
        $kind = $node->kind;
        if ($kind === ast\AST_METHOD_CALL || $kind === ast\AST_NULLSAFE_METHOD_CALL) {
            $expr = $node->children['expr'];
            if (!$expr instanceof Node || $expr->kind !== ast\AST_VAR || $expr->children['name'] !== 'this') {
        $nearest_function_like = null;
        foreach ($this->parent_node_list as $c) {
            if (\in_array($c->kind, [ast\AST_FUNC_DECL, ast\AST_METHOD, ast\AST_CLOSURE], true)) {
                $nearest_function_like = $c;
        if (!$nearest_function_like) {
        // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanTypeMismatchArgumentNullable this is never null
        if (ReachabilityChecker::willUnconditionallyBeReached($nearest_function_like->children['stmts'], $argument_list_node)) {
        $this->checkForInfiniteRecursionWithSameArgs($node, $method);

    private function checkForInfiniteRecursionWithSameArgs(Node $node, FunctionInterface $method): void
        $argument_list_node = $node->children['args'];
        $parameter_list = $method->getParameterList();
        if (\count($argument_list_node->children) !== \count($parameter_list)) {
        if (\count($argument_list_node->children) === 0) {
        // TODO also check AST_UNPACK against variadic
        $arg_names = [];
        foreach ($argument_list_node->children as $i => $arg) {
            if (!$arg instanceof Node) {
            $is_unpack = false;
            if ($arg->kind === ast\AST_UNPACK) {
                $arg = $arg->children['expr'];
                if (!$arg instanceof Node) {
                $is_unpack = true;
            if ($arg->kind !== ast\AST_VAR) {
            $arg_name = $arg->children['name'];
            if (!\is_string($arg_name)) {
            $param = $parameter_list[$i];
            if ($param->getName() !== $arg_name || $param->isVariadic() !== $is_unpack) {
            $arg_names[] = $arg_name;
        $outer_scope = $method->getInternalScope();
        $current_scope = $this->context->getScope();
        foreach ($arg_names as $arg_name) {
            if (!$current_scope->hasVariableWithName($arg_name) || !$outer_scope->hasVariableWithName($arg_name)) {
        // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanUndeclaredProperty
        $node->check_infinite_recursion = [$arg_names, $method->getNameForIssue()];

     * @param FunctionInterface $method
     * The method that we're updating parameter types for
     * @param Parameter $parameter
     * The parameter that we're updating
     * @param Node|mixed $argument
     * The argument whose type we'd like to replace the
     * parameter type with.
     * @param list<UnionType> $argument_types
     * The type of arguments
     * @param list<Parameter> &$parameter_list
     * The parameter list - types are modified by reference
     * @param int $parameter_offset
     * The offset of the parameter on the method's
     * signature.
    private function updateParameterTypeByArgument(
        FunctionInterface $method,
        Parameter $parameter,
        array $argument_types,
        array &$parameter_list,
        int $parameter_offset
    ): void {
        $argument_type = $argument_types[$parameter_offset];
        if ($parameter->isVariadic()) {
            for ($i = $parameter_offset + 1; $i < \count($argument_types); $i++) {
                $argument_type = $argument_type->withUnionType($argument_types[$i]);
        // $argument_type = $this->filterValidArgumentTypes($argument_type, $non_variadic_parameter_type);
        if (!$argument_type->isEmpty()) {
            // Then set the new type on that parameter based
            // on the argument's type. We'll use this to
            // retest the method with the passed in types
            // TODO: if $argument_type is non-empty and !isType(NullType), instead use setUnionType?

            if ($parameter->isCloneOfVariadic()) {
                // For : Collapse array shapes into generic arrays before recursively analyzing a method.
                if ($parameter->hasEmptyNonVariadicType()) {
                } else {
            } else {
                    ($method instanceof Func && $method->isClosure() ? $argument_type : $argument_type->withFlattenedArrayShapeOrLiteralTypeInstances())->withRealTypeSet($parameter->getNonVariadicUnionType()->getRealTypeSet())
            if ($method instanceof Method && ($parameter->getFlags() & Parameter::PARAM_MODIFIER_VISIBILITY_FLAGS)) {
                $this->analyzeArgumentWithConstructorPropertyPromotion($method, $parameter);

        // If we're passing by reference, get the variable
        // we're dealing with wrapped up and shoved into
        // the scope of the method
        if (!$parameter->isPassByReference()) {
            // Overwrite the method's variable representation
            // of the parameter with the parameter with the
            // new type


        // At this point we're dealing with a pass-by-reference
        // parameter.

        // For now, give up and work on it later.
        // TODO (Issue #376): It's possible to have a
        // parameter `&...$args`. Analyzing that is going to
        // be a problem. Is it possible to create
        // `PassByReferenceVariableCollection extends Variable`
        // or something similar?
        if ($parameter->isVariadic()) {

        if (!$argument instanceof Node) {

        $variable = null;
        if ($argument->kind === ast\AST_VAR) {
            try {
                $variable = (new ContextNode(
                ))->getOrCreateVariableForReferenceParameter($parameter, $method->getRealParameterForCaller($parameter_offset));
            } catch (NodeException $_) {
                // Could not figure out the node name
        } elseif (\in_array($argument->kind, [ast\AST_STATIC_PROP, ast\AST_PROP], true)) {
            try {
                $variable = (new ContextNode(
                ))->getProperty($argument->kind === ast\AST_STATIC_PROP);
            } catch (IssueException | NodeException $_) {
                // Hopefully caught elsewhere

        // If we couldn't find a variable, give up
        if (!$variable) {
        // For @phan-ignore-reference, don't bother modifying the type
        if ($parameter->getReferenceType() === Parameter::REFERENCE_IGNORED) {

        $pass_by_reference_variable =
            new PassByReferenceVariable(
        // Add it to the (cloned) scope of the function wrapped
        // in a way that makes it addressable as the
        // parameter its mimicking
        $parameter_list[$parameter_offset] = $pass_by_reference_variable;

    private function analyzeArgumentWithConstructorPropertyPromotion(Method $method, Parameter $parameter): void
        if (!$method->isNewConstructor()) {
        $code_base = $this->code_base;
        $class_fqsen = $method->getClassFQSEN();
        $class = $code_base->getClassByFQSEN($class_fqsen);
        $property = $class->getPropertyByName($code_base, $parameter->getName());
        AssignmentVisitor::addTypesToPropertyStandalone($code_base, $this->context, $property, $parameter->getUnionType());

     * Emit warnings if the pass-by-reference call would set the property to an invalid type
     * @param Node $argument a node of kind ast\AST_PROP or ast\AST_STATIC_PROP
    private static function checkPassingPropertyByReference(CodeBase $code_base, Context $context, FunctionInterface $method, Parameter $parameter, Node $argument, Property $property, int $parameter_offset): void
        $parameter_type = $parameter->getNonVariadicUnionType();
        $expr_node = $argument->children['expr'] ?? null;
        if ($expr_node instanceof Node &&
                $expr_node->kind === ast\AST_VAR &&
                $expr_node->children['name'] === 'this') {
            // If the property is of the form $this->prop, check for local assignments and conditions on $this->prop
            $property_type = UnionTypeVisitor::unionTypeFromNode($code_base, $context, $argument);
        } else {
            $property_type = $property->getUnionType();
        if ($property_type->hasRealTypeSet()) {
            // Barely any reference parameters will have real union types (and phan would already warn about passing them in if they did),
            // so warn if the phpdoc type doesn't match the property's real type.
            if (!$parameter_type->canCastToDeclaredType($code_base, $context, $property_type)) {
        if ($parameter_type->canCastToDeclaredType($code_base, $context, $property_type)) {

    private function isInNoOpPosition(Node $node): bool
        $parent_node = \end($this->parent_node_list);
        if (!($parent_node instanceof Node)) {
            return false;
        switch ($parent_node->kind) {
            case ast\AST_STMT_LIST:
                return true;
            case ast\AST_EXPR_LIST:
                $parent_parent_node = \prev($this->parent_node_list);
                // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanPossiblyUndeclaredProperty
                if ($parent_parent_node->kind === ast\AST_MATCH_ARM) {
                    return false;
                if ($node !== \end($parent_node->children)) {
                    return true;
                // This is an expression list, but it's in the condition
                return $parent_node !== ($parent_parent_node->children['cond'] ?? null);
        return false;

     * @param Node $node
     * A node to check to see if it's a no-op
     * @param string $issue_type
     * A message to emit if it's a no-op
    private function analyzeNoOp(Node $node, string $issue_type): void
        if ($this->isInNoOpPosition($node)) {

    private static function hasEmptyImplementation(Method $method): bool
        if ($method->isAbstract() || $method->isPHPInternal()) {
            return false;
        $stmts = $method->getNode()->children['stmts'] ?? null;
        if (!$stmts instanceof Node) {
            // This is abstract or a stub or a magic method
            return false;
        return empty($stmts->children);

     * @param list<Clazz> $class_list
    private function warnNoopNew(
        Node $node,
        array $class_list
    ): void {
        $has_constructor_or_destructor = \count($class_list) === 0;
        foreach ($class_list as $class) {
            if ($class->getPhanFlagsHasState(\Phan\Language\Element\Flags::IS_CONSTRUCTOR_USED_FOR_SIDE_EFFECTS)) {
        foreach ($class_list as $class) {
            if ($class->hasMethodWithName($this->code_base, '__construct', true)) {
                $constructor = $class->getMethodByName($this->code_base, '__construct');
                if (!$constructor->getPhanFlagsHasState(\Phan\Language\Element\Flags::IS_FAKE_CONSTRUCTOR)) {
                    if (!self::hasEmptyImplementation($constructor)) {
                        $has_constructor_or_destructor = true;
            if ($class->hasMethodWithName($this->code_base, '__destruct', true)) {
                $destructor = $class->getMethodByName($this->code_base, '__destruct');
                if (!self::hasEmptyImplementation($destructor)) {
                    $has_constructor_or_destructor = true;
            if (!$class->isClass() || $class->isAbstract()) {
                $has_constructor_or_destructor = true;
            $has_constructor_or_destructor ? Issue::NoopNew : Issue::NoopNewNoSideEffects,

    public const LOOP_SCOPE_KINDS = [
        ast\AST_FOR => true,
        ast\AST_FOREACH => true,
        ast\AST_WHILE => true,
        ast\AST_DO_WHILE => true,
        ast\AST_SWITCH => true,

     * Analyzes a `break;` or `break N;` statement.
     * Checks if there are enough loops to break out of.
    public function visitBreak(Node $node): Context
        $depth = $node->children['depth'] ?? 1;
        if (!\is_int($depth)) {
            return $this->context;
        foreach ($this->parent_node_list as $iter_node) {
            if (\array_key_exists($iter_node->kind, self::LOOP_SCOPE_KINDS)) {
                if ($depth <= 0) {
                    return $this->context;
        return $this->context;

     * Analyzes a `continue;` or `continue N;` statement.
     * Checks for
     * and similar issues.
    public function visitContinue(Node $node): Context
        $nodes = $this->parent_node_list;
        $depth = $node->children['depth'] ?? 1;
        if (!\is_int($depth)) {
            return $this->context;
        for ($iter_node = \end($nodes); $iter_node instanceof Node; $iter_node = \prev($nodes)) {
            switch ($iter_node->kind) {
                case ast\AST_FOR:
                case ast\AST_FOREACH:
                case ast\AST_WHILE:
                case ast\AST_DO_WHILE:
                    if ($depth <= 0) {
                        return $this->context;
                case ast\AST_SWITCH:
                    if ($depth <= 0) {
                        return $this->context;
        return $this->context;

     * Visit a node of kind AST_LABEL to check for unused labels.
     * @override
    public function visitLabel(Node $node): Context
        $label = $node->children['name'];
        $used_labels = GotoAnalyzer::getLabelSet($this->parent_node_list);
        if (!isset($used_labels[$label])) {
        return $this->context;

    private function warnBreakOrContinueWithoutLoop(Node $node): void
        $depth = $node->children['depth'] ?? 1;
        $name = $node->kind === ast\AST_BREAK ? 'break' : 'continue';
        if ($depth !== 1) {

     * @param Node $node
     * A decl to check to see if its only effect
     * is the throw an exception
     * @return bool
     * True when the decl can only throw an exception or return or exit()
    private static function declOnlyThrows(Node $node): bool
        // Work around fallback parser generating methods without statements list.
        // Otherwise, 'stmts' would always be a Node due to preconditions.
        $stmts_node = $node->children['stmts'];
        return $stmts_node instanceof Node && BlockExitStatusChecker::willUnconditionallyThrowOrReturn($stmts_node);

     * Check if the class is using PHP4-style constructor (without having its own __construct method)
     * @param Clazz $class
     * @param Method $method
    private function checkForPHP4StyleConstructor(Clazz $class, Method $method): void
        if ($class->isClass()
            && ($class->getElementNamespace() ?: "\\") === "\\"
            && \strcasecmp($class->getName(), $method->getName()) === 0
            && $class->hasMethodWithName($this->code_base, "__construct", false)  // return true for the fake constructor
        ) {
            try {
                $constructor = $class->getMethodByName($this->code_base, "__construct");

                // Phan always makes up the __construct if it's not explicitly defined, so we need to check
                // if there is no __construct method *actually* defined before we emit the issue
                if ($constructor->getPhanFlagsHasState(\Phan\Language\Element\Flags::IS_FAKE_CONSTRUCTOR)) {
            } catch (CodeBaseException $_) {
                // actually __construct always exists as per Phan's current logic, so this exception won't be thrown.
                // but just in case let's leave this here

     * @param Node $node @unused-param
     * A node to analyze
     * @return Context
     * A new or an unchanged context resulting from
     * parsing the node
    public function visitThrow(Node $node): Context
        $parent_node = \end($this->parent_node_list);
        if (!($parent_node instanceof Node)) {
            return $this->context;
        if ($parent_node->kind !== ast\AST_STMT_LIST) {
            if (Config::get_closest_minimum_target_php_version_id() < 80000) {

        return $this->context;