require 'rubygems/package_task'
# Redefine rake:ci:metrics to disable rubocop, will tackle that laundry list
# some other time
# namespace :ci do
# desc 'Run metrics (except mutant, rubocop) and spec'
# task travis: %w[
# metrics:coverage
# spec:integration
# metrics:yardstick:verify
# metrics:flog
# metrics:flay
# ]
# # metrics:reek
# # metrics:rubocop
# end
spec = Gem::Specification.load(File.expand_path('../hexp.gemspec', __FILE__))
gem = Gem::PackageTask.new(spec)
desc "Push gem to rubygems.org"
task :push => :gem do
sh "git tag v#{Hexp::VERSION}"
sh "git push --tags"
sh "gem push pkg/hexp-#{Hexp::VERSION}.gem"
desc "update gh-pages"
task :doc2gh do
sh "git diff-files --quiet || exit 1"
sh "git diff-index --quiet --cached HEAD || exit 1"
sh "yardoc"
sh "[ -d /tmp/doc ] && rm -rf /tmp/doc"
sh "mv doc /tmp"
sh "git co gh-pages"
sh "rm -rf *"
sh "cp -r /tmp/doc/* ."
sh "git add ."
sh "git commit -m 'Update gh-pages with YARD docs'"
sh "git push origin gh-pages"
sh "git co master"
require 'mutant'
task :default => :mutant
desc "run mutant"
task :mutant do
pattern = ENV.fetch('PATTERN', 'Hexp*')
opts = ENV.fetch('MUTANT_OPTS', '').split(' ')
result = Mutant::CLI.run(%w[-Ilib -rhexp --use rspec --score 100] + opts + [pattern])
fail unless result == Mutant::CLI::EXIT_SUCCESS
require 'rspec/core/rake_task'
desc "run rspec"
RSpec::Core::RakeTask.new(:rspec) do |t, task_args|
t.rspec_opts = "-Ispec"
t.pattern = "spec"