

Test Coverage
Data View

By adding view into a model, you can extend and add some virtual attributes.

A view is consist of:

- group: list of field to group by
- join: models to join
- field: how to map result values into the model
- where: list of where clouse
- field: List of model field to fetch from db

Join to a model

- joinProperty: to use in joing from source model
- inverseJoinModel: name of class that you want to join to current model
- inverseJoinProperty:  to use in joing from target
- type: the join type (left, inner)
- alias: a name to referin 

Suppose there is no relation, to create a join in view:

.. code::php
    $join =[
        'joinProperty' => 'id',
        'inverseJoinModel' => MyModel::class,
        'inverseJoinProperty' => 'id',
        'type' => 'left',
        'alias' => 'myModel'

If the property is a relation itserlf, this is so simle:

.. code::php
    $join =[
        'joinProperty' => 'relation',
        'type' => 'left',
        'alias' => 'myModel'


An array of property to group

The general pattern of a property in the list is:

.. code::php
    $view = [
        'group' => ['{alias}.{property}]

Where alias is optionall. 

Here is an example

.. code::php
    $view = [
        'group' => ['name', 'a.title']


Binds query value into the view.

The general form to add a field:

.. code::php
    $view = [
        'field' => [
            'property' => 'field'

using expression:

.. code::php
    $view = [
        'field' => [
            'property' => new Expression('now()')

using model properties:

.. code::php
    $view = [
        'field' => [
            'userName' => 'account.login'

where userName is a property in the current model and account.login is a {alias}.{property} 
from join and where.


Where is list of common Data query filters to select a group of items
from a repository. 

Where clouse will be merged with filters used to query an object repository.

A common where clouse to add to the query

.. code::php
    $view = [
        'where' => [
            [{property}, {operation}, {value}],
            [{property}, {value}]

NOTE: The merge of where and filter will be logically AND.


It is easy to bind custom data to the data model by field attribute.

Field is list of key-value where key is the data model property name and the
value is data layer expression.

General form of field is:

.. code::php
    $view = [
        'field' =>[
            '{property}' => '{alias}.{property}',

TO bind database layer values directly into the model properties you must use
DB expression.

For example:

.. code::php
    $view = [
        'field' =>[
            'date' => new Expression('now()'),

Sets current data base date to the date attribute of the model.

NOTE: you must define all required attribures if you add field attribute.


Following data model is used in this part:

.. code::php
    class A{
        public int $id;
        public string $title

.. code::php
    class B{
        public int $id;
        public string $title;
        public in $aId;
.. code::php
    class C{
        public int $count = 0;

Select Related models

Here is our data models:

A view to select B related to A;

.. code::php
    $view = [
        'join' => [
            'model' => 'A',
            'alias' => 'a',
            'property' => 'id',
            'masterProperty' => 'aId',
            'type' => 'left'
    $this->setView('relatedToA', $view);

The final query is :

.. code::sql
    select * from B left join A as a on = aId

To use view with repository

.. code::php
    $repo = Repository::getInstance('B');
    $list = $repo->getList([
            ['', 12]
        'view' => 'relatedToA',

Selects all B which are related to A with id=12.

Virtual Model

It is possible to mount several models on a table.

One of them must be a real model and the others must be mapped.

In this example C is a mapped model in which the attributes computed with

.. code::php
    $repo = Repository::getInstance('C');
    $model = $repo->getOne([
        'view' => 'counter',


How mapped Data Join to DB coin

Data query is defines based on data model (defined in bussines layer) and finally mapped
into the DB query.

Join is part of Data View and must converted to a DB join. Here is mapp of Data to DB join:

.. code::php
    $query->join('{model}.{property} {alias}', '{masterProperty}', '{kind}')

For example, suppose the following view:

.. code::php
    $view = [
        'join' =>[
            'model' => '\Pluf\NotBook\Book',
            'property' => 'id',
            'alias' => 'book',
            'masterProperty' => 'book_id',
            'kind' => 'left'
With a simple schema, the following join will be added to a DB query:

.. code::php
    $query->join(' book', 'id', 'left');