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2 days
Test Coverage
namespace Polyfony;
use \PDO;
use Polyfony\Query\Convert as Convert;

class Query extends Query\Conditions {
    // debugging methods (for the Profiler)
    public function getQuery() {
        return $this->Query;
    // debugging methods (for the Profiler)
    public function getValues() {
        return $this->Values;

    public function detectActionAndTable() {
        // detetect the action
        $action = substr($this->Query, 0, 6);
        // if action can alter a table (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE)
        if(in_array($action, array('INSERT', 'UPDATE', 'DELETE', 'SELECT'))) {
            // in case of INSERT
            if($action == 'INSERT') {
                // explode after INTO
                list(,$table) = explode('INTO ', $this->Query);
                // isolate the table name
                list($this->Table) = explode(' ', $table);
            // in case of UPDATE
            elseif($action == 'UPDATE') {
                // explode after UPDATE
                list(,$table) = explode('UPDATE ', $this->Query);
                // isolate the table name
                list($this->Table) = explode(' ', $table);
            // in case of DELETE or SELECT
            elseif($action == 'DELETE' || $action == 'SELECT') {
                // explode after FROM 
                list(,$table) = explode('FROM ', $this->Query);
                // isolate the table name
                list($this->Table) = explode(' ', $table);
            // clean the table name from any quotes
            $this->Table = trim($this->Table, '\'/"`');

    // passrthu a query with values if needed
    public function query(
        string $query, 
    ) {
        // set the main action
        // set the table
        $this->Table = $table;
        // set the query
        $this->Query = $query;
        // set the array of values
        $this->Values = $values;
        // // detetect the action
        // return self to the next method
        return $this;
    // first main method
    public function select(array $array=[]) {
        // set the main action
        // for each column
        foreach($array as $function_or_index_or_column => $column) {
            // secure the column name
            ) = Convert::columnToPlaceholder($this->Quote ,$column, true);
            // if the key is function_or_index_or_column
            if(is_numeric($function_or_index_or_column)) {
                // just select the column
                $this->Selects[] = $column;
            // the key contains a dot, we are trying to create a alias
            elseif(stripos($function_or_index_or_column, '.') !== false) {
                // secure the column
                list($column) = Convert::columnToPlaceholder($this->Quote ,$function_or_index_or_column, true);
                // select the column and create an alias
                $this->Selects[] = "{$column} AS {$placeholder}";
            // the key is a SQL function
            else {
                // secure the function
                list($function) = Convert::columnToPlaceholder($this->Quote ,$function_or_index_or_column);
                // select the column using a function
                $this->Selects[] = "{$function}({$column}) AS {$function}_{$placeholder}";
        // return self to the next method
        return $this;
    // alias of update
    public function set(array $columns_and_values) {
        // for each provided strict condition
        foreach($columns_and_values as $column => $value) {
            // secure the column name
            list($column, $placeholder) = Convert::columnToPlaceholder($this->Quote ,$column, false, 'set');
            // save the condition
            $this->Updates[] = "{$column} = :{$placeholder}";
            // save the value (converted if necessary)
            $this->Values[":{$placeholder}"] = Convert::valueForDatabase($column,$value);
        // return self to the next method
        return $this;
    // second main method
    public function update(string $table) {
        // set the main action
        // set the destination table
        list($this->Table) = Convert::columnToPlaceholder($this->Quote ,$table);
        // return self to the next method
        return $this;
    // insert data
    public function insert(array $columns_and_values) {
        // set the main action
        // for each column and value
        foreach($columns_and_values as $column => $value) {
            // secure the column name
            list($column) = Convert::columnToPlaceholder($this->Quote ,$column);
            // push the column
            $this->Inserts[] = $column;
            // check for automatic conversion and push in place
            $this->Values[] = Convert::valueForDatabase($column, $value);
        // return self to the next method
        return $this;
    // delete data from a table
    public function delete() :self {
        // set the main action
        // return self to the next method
        return $this;
    // select the table
    public function from(string $table) :self {
        // set the table
        list($this->Table) = Convert::columnToPlaceholder($this->Quote ,$table);    
        // return self to the next method
        return $this;
    // set the type of object that we want to be instanciated
    public function object(string $class) :self {
        // set the main action
        $this->Object = $class;
        // return self to the next method
        return $this;

    // select another table to join on (implicit INNER JOIN)
    public function join(
        string $table, 
        string $match, 
        string $against
    ) :self {
        // secure parameters
        list($table)     = Convert::columnToPlaceholder($this->Quote ,$table);
        list($match)     = Convert::columnToPlaceholder($this->Quote ,$match);
        list($against)     = Convert::columnToPlaceholder($this->Quote ,$against);
        // push the join condition
        $this->Joins[] = "JOIN {$table} ON {$match} = {$against}";
        // return self to the next method
        return $this;

    // select another table to join on (LEFT JOIN)
    public function leftJoin(
        string $table, 
        string $match, 
        string $against
    ) :self {
        // secure parameters
        list($table)     = Convert::columnToPlaceholder($this->Quote ,$table);
        list($match)     = Convert::columnToPlaceholder($this->Quote ,$match);
        list($against)     = Convert::columnToPlaceholder($this->Quote ,$against);
        // push the join condition
        $this->Joins[] = "LEFT JOIN {$table} ON {$match} = {$against}";
        // return self to the next method
        return $this;

    // select another table to join on (RIGHT JOIN)
    public function rightJoin(
        string $table, 
        string $match, 
        string $against
    ) :self {
        // secure parameters
        list($table)     = Convert::columnToPlaceholder($this->Quote ,$table);
        list($match)     = Convert::columnToPlaceholder($this->Quote ,$match);
        list($against)     = Convert::columnToPlaceholder($this->Quote ,$against);
        // push the join condition
        $this->Joins[] = "RIGHT JOIN {$table} ON {$match} = {$against}";
        // return self to the next method
        return $this;
    // add into for inserts
    public function into(string $table) :self {
        // set the table
        list($this->Table) = Convert::columnToPlaceholder($this->Quote ,$table);
        // return self to the next method
        return $this;
    public function addAnd() :self {
        // set the AND
        $this->Operator = 'AND';
        // return self to the next method
        return $this;
    public function addOr() :self {
        // set the OR
        $this->Operator = 'OR';        
        // return self to the next method
        return $this;
    // add an order clause
    public function orderBy(
        array $columns_and_direction
    ) :self {
        // for each given parameter
        foreach($columns_and_direction as $column => $direction) {
            // if the direction is not valid force ASC
            $direction == 'ASC' || $direction == 'DESC' ?: $direction = 'ASC';
            // secure the column name
            list($column) = Convert::columnToPlaceholder($this->Quote ,$column);
            // push it
            $this->Order[] = "{$column} $direction";
        // return self to the next method
        return $this;
    // add a group clause
    public function groupBy(array $columns) :self {
        // for each given parameter
        foreach($columns as $column) {
            // secure the column name
            list($column) = Convert::columnToPlaceholder($this->Quote ,$column);
            // push it
            $this->Groups[] = $column;
        // return self to the next method
        return $this;
    // add a limit clause
    public function limitTo(int $from, int $until) :self {
        // build the limit to 
        $this->Limit = array($from, $until);
        // return self to the next method
        return $this;

    // return only the first result, and does it right now
    public function get() :?Entity {
        // all in one 
        return $this


    // return only the first result
    public function first() :self {
        // return only the first Entity
        $this->First = true;
        // artificially restrict the number of results to one
        // return self query
        return $this;

    // execute the query
    public function execute() {
        // build the query

        // prepare the statement
        $this->Prepared = \Polyfony\Database::handle()->prepare($this->Query);
        // marker start (after preparation, otherwise we would not be able to read the query, it wouldn't exist yet!)
        $id_marker = Profiler::setMarker(null, 'database', ['Query'=>$this]);

        // if prepare failed
        if(!$this->Prepared) {
            // throw an exception
        // execute the statement
        $this->Success = $this->Prepared->execute($this->Values);
        // if execution failed
        if($this->Success === false) {
            // throw an exception

        // if a forced type of object has been defined
        $this->Object = $this->Object && $this->Object != 'Entity' ? 
            '\Models\\'.$this->Object : 

        // temporary fix, if we don't have an object class at all
        if($this->Object == '\Models\\') {
            $this->Object = '\Polyfony\\Entity';

        // tweak for Microsoft SQL Server and MySQL
        $this->Object = str_replace('"','', $this->Object);
        // fetch all results as objects
        $this->Result = $this->Prepared->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_CLASS, $this->Object);

        // format the result

        // marker end, release after all manipulation has been done

        // return whatever result we got
        return $this->Result;

    public function getExecutedAction() {
        // return the first 6 letters of the query
        return $this->Action ? $this->Action : substr(trim($this->Query),0,6);

    private function formatUpdateOrDeleteResult() {
        // actions of type UPDATE or DELETE
        if(in_array($this->getExecutedAction(),['UPDATE','DELETE'])) {
            // return the number of affected rows
            $this->Result = $this->Prepared->rowCount();

    private function formatInsertResult() :void {
        // actions of type INSERT
        if($this->Action == 'INSERT') {
            $this->Result = $this->Success ? 
                new $this->Object(\Polyfony\Database::handle()->lastInsertId()) : false;

    private function formatSelectResult() :void {
        // handle passthru select properly
        // actions of type SELECT & first element
                $this->Action == 'SELECT' || 
            ) && 
        ) {
            $this->Result = isset($this->Result[0]) ? 
                $this->Result[0] : null;

    private function buildQuery() :void {

        // if the action is missing
        if(!$this->Action) { Throw new Exception('Query->buildQuery() : Missing action'); }
        // if action anything but query
        if($this->Action != 'QUERY') {
            // set the first keyword
            $this->Query = $this->Action;
        // if action is insert
        if($this->Action == 'INSERT') {
            // if the table is missing
            if(!$this->Table) { Throw new Exception('Query->buildQuery() : Missing INTO'); }
            // if missing values
            if(!$this->Values || !count($this->Values)) { Throw new Exception('Query->execute() : Missing VALUES');}
            // set destination and columns
            $this->Query .= " INTO $this->Table ( " . implode(', ', $this->Inserts) . " )";
            // set the placeholders
            $this->Query .= " VALUES ( :".trim(implode(', :', $this->Inserts),', ')." )";
        // if action is select
        if($this->Action == 'SELECT') {
            // if the table is missing
            if(!$this->Table) { Throw new Exception('Query->buildQuery() : Missing FROM'); }
            // if columns are set for selection
            $this->Query .= count($this->Selects) ? ' ' . implode(', ', $this->Selects) . ' ' : ' * ';
        // if the action is delete
        if($this->Action == 'DELETE') {
            // if the table is missing
            if(!$this->Table) { Throw new Exception('Query->buildQuery() : Missing table to delete from'); }
            // set the query
            $this->Query = 'DELETE ';
        // if the action has a from table
        if($this->Action == 'SELECT' || $this->Action == 'DELETE') {
            // add source table
            $this->Query .= "FROM $this->Table";
        // if action is an update
        if($this->Action == 'UPDATE') {
            // if the table is missing
            if(!$this->Table) { Throw new Exception(
                'Query->buildQuery() : No table to update'
            ); }
            // if there is nothing to update
            if(!count($this->Updates)) { Throw new Exception(
                'Query->buildQuery() : No changes have been made, no columns to update'
            ); }
            // assemble the updates
            $this->Updates = implode(', ', $this->Updates);
            // prepare the update query
            $this->Query = "UPDATE $this->Table SET $this->Updates";
        // if the select has joined tables
        if($this->Action == 'SELECT' && count($this->Joins)) {
            // assemble the joins
            $this->Joins = implode(' ', $this->Joins);
            // assemble the query
            $this->Query .= " $this->Joins";
        // if the action needs conditions
            $this->Action == 'SELECT' || 
            $this->Action == 'UPDATE' || 
            $this->Action == 'DELETE'
        ) {
            // if conditions are provided
            if(count($this->Conditions)) {
                // assemble the conditions
                $this->Conditions = trim(
                    implode(' ', $this->Conditions), 
                    'AND /OR '
                // assemble the query
                $this->Query .= " WHERE $this->Conditions";
        // if groupings options are set
        if($this->Action == 'SELECT' && count($this->Groups)) {
            // assemble groups
            $this->Groups = implode(' , ',$this->Groups);
            // assemble query
            $this->Query .= " GROUP BY $this->Groups";
        // if ordering options are set
        if($this->Action == 'SELECT' && count($this->Order)) {
            // assemble orders
            $this->Order = implode(', ',$this->Order);
            // add ordering to the query
            $this->Query .= " ORDER BY $this->Order";
        // if limit options are set
        if($this->Action == 'SELECT' && count($this->Limit)) {
            // assemble the limit options to the query
            $this->Query .= " LIMIT {$this->Limit[0]},{$this->Limit[1]}";


    // set the action internally
    private function action($action_name) {
        // if no principal action is set yet or is the same
        if(!$this->Action || $action_name == $this->Action) {
            // set the main action
            $this->Action = $action_name;
        // an action has already been set, this is impossible
        else { Throw new Exception(
            "Query->action({$action_name}) : An incompatible action already exists : {$this->Action}"
        ); }

    private function throwExceptionOn(string $occured_on) {
        // prepare informations to be thrown
        $exception_infos = implode(
        // throw an exception
        Throw new Exception(
            "Query->{$occured_on}() failed because : {$exception_infos}",
