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The bias module

The bias module contains functions for calculating the bias in raw or
normalised proximity matrices.

Given an external variable that might lead to matrix bias, the module first
normalises the whole proximity matrix by genomic distance, then calculates the
average normalised proximity value for pairs of windows with a certain range of
values of the external variable. For example, if the external variable were
restriction site density, we would expect two windows with high restriction
site density to have higher ligation frequency on average in un-normalised Hi-C
matrices. If a Hi-C matric has been well-normalised, we would expect the
average ligation frequency of two windows to be independent of their
restriction site density.

import itertools

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from . import matrix
from .mirnylib_numutils import removeDiagonals, observedOverExpected

def open_feature_file(feature_file_path):
    """Open a bedgraph file containing the feature to be tested for bias

    :param feature_file_path: Path to bedgraph file
    :returns: :class:`pandas.DataFrame` giving the feature value for each window

    feature_bed = pd.read_csv(
        names=['chrom', 'start', 'stop', 'feature']
    ).set_index(['chrom', 'start', 'stop'])

    return feature_bed

def calculate_bins(feature_bed):
    """Calculate the deciles of a feature value

    :param feature_bed: :class:`pandas.DataFrame` giving the feature value for each window
    :returns: List of boundaries between deciles.

    finite_vals = feature_bed.loc[
        np.isfinite(feature_bed.feature), 'feature'

    return ([-np.inf] +
            [np.percentile(finite_vals, q) for q in range(10, 100, 10)] +

def discretize_feature(feature_bed):
    """Split the feature values into ten equal sized bins (deciles)

    :param feature_bed: :class:`pandas.DataFrame` giving the feature value for each window
    :returns: :class:`pandas.Series` giving the bin label for each window

    col_bins = calculate_bins(feature_bed)

    labels = ['bin_{}_to_{}'.format(low, high)
              for low, high
              in zip(col_bins[:-1], col_bins[1:])]

    return pd.cut(feature_bed.feature, bins=col_bins,

def get_key(*vals):
    """Helper function to get the label for a pair of bins"""
    return tuple(sorted(vals))

def remove_zeros(arr):
    """Remove columns and rows that sum to zero from a symmetric matrix

    :param arr: 2d symmetric :class:`numpy.Array`
    :returns: Matrix with no columns or rows that sum to zero and a binary \
            array giving positions of removed columns/rows.

    zero_positions = np.nansum(arr, axis=0) > 0
    arr_rows = arr[:, zero_positions]
    arr_rows_cols = arr_rows[zero_positions, :]
    return arr_rows_cols, zero_positions

def replace_zeros(arr, old_columns, value=np.NAN):
    """Place new columns and rows into a symmetric matrix

    :param arr: 2d symmetric :class:`numpy.Array`
    :param old_columns: 1d binary :class:`numpy.Array` giving positions of \
            old columns/rows in the new matrix.
    :param value: Fill value for newly inserted columns/rows
    :returns: Matrix with new columns and rows in the specified positions.
    new_size = len(old_columns)
    new_arr = np.ones((new_size, new_size), dtype=arr.dtype) * value
    tmp = np.ones((new_size, len(arr)), dtype=arr.dtype) * value
    tmp[old_columns, :] = arr
    new_arr[:, old_columns] = tmp
    return new_arr

def get_obs_over_exp(arr):
    """Calculate a distance normalised version of input array

    :param arr: 2d symmetric :class:`numpy.Array`
    :returns: Matrix with each diagonal divided by its own mean. (i.e.
            distance normalised).

    removeDiagonals(arr, 1)
    arr, mask = remove_zeros(arr)

    arr_size = len(arr.flat)
    toclip = 100 * min(0.999, (arr_size - 10.) / arr_size)

    arr = observedOverExpected(arr)
    arr = np.clip(arr, -1e10, np.percentile(arr, toclip))

    return replace_zeros(arr, mask)

def calculate_bias_matrix(feature_bed, matrix_paths):
    """Given a list of paths to matrix files and a :class:`pandas.DataFrame`
    giving a feature value for each window in those matrices, calculate the
    average normalised matrix value between sets of windows in the same
    decile for the feature value.

    For example, where the feature in question is restriction site density and
    the matrices are generated by Hi-C, this function would calculate the mean
    ligation frequency between all pairs of windows where one window is in the
    top 10% of windows by restriction site density and the other window is in
    the bottom 10% by restriction site density, after correcting for genomic
    distance. This calculation is repeated for each possible pair of deciles (
    i.e. for 10% vs 20%, 10% vs 30%, 10% vs 40% etc.) and the results are
    returned as a matrix.

    :param feature_bed: :class:`pandas.DataFrame` giving the feature value \
            for each window
    :param matrix_paths: List of paths to matrix files.
    :returns: :class:`pandas.DataFrame` giving the average \
            distance-normalised value between any two bins in any two \
            combinations of deciles.
    #pylint: disable=too-many-locals
    #TODO: Refactor this function

    col_labels = sorted(feature_bed.feature_bins.unique())

    bin_combinations = {
        get_key(l1, l2):[]
        for l1, l2
        in itertools.combinations_with_replacement(col_labels, 2)

    for matrix_path in matrix_paths:
        (windows, _windows), mat = matrix.read_file(matrix_path)

        normed_mat = get_obs_over_exp(mat)

        chrom_bins = feature_bed.loc[windows, 'feature_bins']

        for lab1, lab2 in bin_combinations.keys():

            bins1 = np.array(chrom_bins == lab1)
            bins2 = np.array(chrom_bins == lab2)

            bin_combinations[(lab1, lab2)].append(
                normed_mat[bins1, :][:, bins2])

    bin_comb_means = {labels:np.nanmean(np.concatenate(values, axis=None))
                      for labels, values in bin_combinations.items()}

    n_cols = len(col_labels)
    means_matrix = np.zeros((n_cols, n_cols))
    for ix_1, ix_2 in itertools.product(range(n_cols), range(n_cols)):
        means_matrix[ix_1, ix_2] = bin_comb_means[get_key(col_labels[ix_1], col_labels[ix_2])]

    means_dataframe = pd.DataFrame(means_matrix)

    means_dataframe.index = col_labels
    means_dataframe.columns = col_labels

    return means_dataframe

def calculate_bias_from_args(args):
    """Helper function to call calculate_bias_matrix from doit"""

    feature_bed = open_feature_file(args.feature_path)

    feature_bed['feature_bins'] = discretize_feature(feature_bed)

    bias_matrix = calculate_bias_matrix(feature_bed, args.matrix_paths)

    bias_matrix.to_csv(args.output_path, sep='\t')