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The qc.merge module

The qc.merge module contains functions for merging separate qc stats files
into a single table.

import pandas as pd

def merge_stats(input_stats_files, output_merged_file):
    Merge a list of dataframes together based on their index columns.

    :param list input_stats_files: String paths to input dataframes.
    :param str output_merged_file: Path to save output dataframe.

    first_file = input_stats_files[0]

    base = pd.read_csv(first_file, delim_whitespace=True, index_col=0)

    for stats_file_path in input_stats_files[1:]:

        stats_file = pd.read_csv(stats_file_path, delim_whitespace=True, index_col=0)
        base = pd.merge(base, stats_file, left_index=True, right_index=True)

    final_df = check_index_column(input_stats_files, base)
    final_df.to_csv(output_merged_file, sep='\t')

def check_index_column(input_stats_files, merged_df):
    After merging several stats files together, check that the index column
    (i.e. the sample name) has not been converted to an integer or a float.

    :param list input_stats_files: String paths to input dataframes.
    :param merged_df: Pandas dataframe of merged statistics files.

    :returns: Pandas dataframe with corrected index column.

        first_col = pd.read_csv(input_stats_files[0], delim_whitespace=True, dtype=str).iloc[:, 0]
    except pd.errors.EmptyDataError:
        first_col = pd.read_csv(input_stats_files[0], delim_whitespace=True, dtype=str).iloc[:, 0]

    if not all(merged_df.index.get_level_values(0) == first_col):
        merged_df.index = first_col

    return merged_df

def merge_stats_from_doit(dependencies, targets):
    Wrapper function to call merge_stats from argparse.

    assert len(targets) == 1
    merge_stats(list(dependencies), targets[0])