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 * MIT License. This file is part of the Propel package.
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.

namespace Propel\Generator\Command;

use Propel\Generator\Manager\ReverseManager;
use Propel\Generator\Schema\Dumper\XmlDumper;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputArgument;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputOption;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;

 * @author William Durand <>
class DatabaseReverseCommand extends AbstractCommand
     * @var string
    public const DEFAULT_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY = 'generated-reversed-database';

     * @var string
    public const DEFAULT_DATABASE_NAME = 'default';

     * @var string
    public const DEFAULT_SCHEMA_NAME = 'schema';

     * @inheritDoc
    protected function configure()

            ->addOption('output-dir', null, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'The output directory', self::DEFAULT_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY)
            ->addOption('database-name', null, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'The database name used in the created schema.xml. If not defined we use `connection`.')
            ->addOption('schema-name', null, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'The schema name to generate', self::DEFAULT_SCHEMA_NAME)
            ->addOption('namespace', null, InputOption::VALUE_OPTIONAL, 'The PHP namespace to use for generated models')
                'Connection name or dsn to use. Example: \'mysql:host=;dbname=test;user=root;password=foobar\' (don\'t forget the quote for dsn)',
            ->setDescription('Reverse-engineer a XML schema file based on given database. Uses given `connection` as name, as dsn or your `reverse.connection` configuration in propel config as connection.');

     * @inheritDoc
    protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
        $configOptions = [];

        $connection = (string)$input->getArgument('connection');
        if (strpos($connection, ':') === false) {
            //treat it as connection name
            $configOptions['propel']['reverse']['connection'] = $connection;
            if (!$input->getOption('database-name')) {
                $input->setOption('database-name', $connection);
        } else {
            //probably a dsn
            $configOptions += $this->connectionToProperties('reverseconnection=' . $connection, 'reverse');
            $configOptions['propel']['reverse']['parserClass'] = sprintf(

            if (!$input->getOption('database-name')) {
                $input->setOption('database-name', self::DEFAULT_DATABASE_NAME);
        $generatorConfig = $this->getGeneratorConfig($configOptions, $input);


        $manager = new ReverseManager(new XmlDumper());
        $manager->setLoggerClosure(function ($message) use ($input, $output): void {
            if ($input->getOption('verbose')) {

        $namespace = $input->getOption('namespace');

        if ($namespace) {

        if ($manager->reverse() === true) {
            $output->writeln('<info>Schema reverse engineering finished.</info>');

        return static::CODE_SUCCESS;