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 * MIT License. This file is part of the Propel package.
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.

namespace Propel\Generator\Model;

 * A <code>NameGeneratorInterface</code> implementation for PHP-esque names.
 * @author Hans Lellelid <> (Propel)
 * @author Daniel Rall <> (Torque)
 * @author Byron Foster <> (Torque)
 * @author Bernd Goldschmidt <>
 * @author Hugo Hamon <> (Propel)
class PhpNameGenerator implements NameGeneratorInterface
     * <code>inputs</code> should consist of two (three) elements, the
     * original name of the database element and the method for
     * generating the name.
     * The optional third element may contain a prefix that will be
     * script from name prior to generate the resulting name.
     * There are currently three methods:
     * <code>CONV_METHOD_NOCHANGE</code> - xml names are converted
     * directly to php names without modification.
     * <code>CONV_METHOD_UNDERSCORE</code> will capitalize the first
     * letter, remove underscores, and capitalize each letter before
     * an underscore. All other letters are lowercased. "phpname"
     * works the same as the <code>CONV_METHOD_PHPNAME</code> method
     * but will not lowercase any characters.
     * @see NameGenerator
     * @param array<string> $inputs List expected to contain two (optional: three) parameters,
     * element 0 contains name to convert, element 1 contains method for conversion,
     * optional element 2 contains prefix to be striped from name
     * @return string The generated name.
    public function generateName(array $inputs): string
        $schemaName = (string)$inputs[0];
        $method = (string)$inputs[1];

        if (count($inputs) > 2) {
            $prefix = (string)$inputs[2];
            if ($prefix && substr($schemaName, 0, strlen($prefix)) === $prefix) {
                $schemaName = substr($schemaName, strlen($prefix));

        switch ($method) {
            case self::CONV_METHOD_CLEAN:
                $phpName = $this->cleanMethod($schemaName);

            case self::CONV_METHOD_PHPNAME:
                $phpName = $this->phpNameMethod($schemaName);

            case self::CONV_METHOD_NOCHANGE:
                $phpName = $this->noChangeMethod($schemaName);

            case self::CONV_METHOD_UNDERSCORE:
                $phpName = $this->underscoreMethod($schemaName);

        return $phpName;

     * Converts a database schema name to php object name by Camelization.
     * Removes <code>STD_SEPARATOR_CHAR</code>, capitalizes first letter
     * of name and each letter after the <code>STD_SEPARATOR</code>,
     * converts the rest of the letters to lowercase.
     * This method should be named camelizeMethod() for clarity
     * my_CLASS_name -> MyClassName
     * @see NameGenerator
     * @see #underscoreMethod()
     * @param string $schemaName name to be converted.
     * @return string Converted name.
    protected function underscoreMethod(string $schemaName): string
        $name = '';
        $tok = strtok($schemaName, self::STD_SEPARATOR_CHAR);
        while ($tok !== false) {
            $name .= ucfirst(strtolower($tok));
            $tok = strtok(self::STD_SEPARATOR_CHAR);

        return $name;

     * Converts a database schema name to php object name. Removes
     * any character that is not a letter or a number and capitalizes
     * first letter of the name, the first letter of each alphanumeric
     * block and converts the rest of the letters to lowercase.
     * T$NAMA$RFO_max => TNamaRfoMax
     * @see NameGenerator
     * @see #underscoreMethod()
     * @param string $schemaName name to be converted.
     * @return string Converted name.
    protected function cleanMethod(string $schemaName): string
        $name = '';
        $regexp = '/([a-z0-9]+)/i';
        $matches = [];
        if (!preg_match_all($regexp, $schemaName, $matches)) {
            return $schemaName;

        foreach ($matches[1] as $tok) {
            $name .= ucfirst(strtolower($tok));

        return $name;

     * Converts a database schema name to php object name. Operates
     * same as underscoreMethod but does not convert anything to
     * lowercase.
     * my_CLASS_name -> MyCLASSName
     * @see NameGenerator
     * @see #underscoreMethod(String)
     * @param string $schemaName name to be converted.
     * @return string Converted name.
    protected function phpNameMethod(string $schemaName): string
        $name = '';
        $tok = strtok($schemaName, self::STD_SEPARATOR_CHAR);
        while ($tok !== false) {
            $name .= ucfirst($tok);
            $tok = strtok(self::STD_SEPARATOR_CHAR);

        return $name;

     * Converts a database schema name to PHP object name. In this
     * case no conversion is made.
     * @param string $name name to be converted.
     * @return string
    protected function noChangeMethod(string $name): string
        return $name;