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        <h1>Some FAQs</h1>

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                    <h3>How do you pronounce PuPHPet?</h3>

                    <p>The <em>p</em> is silent.</p>

                    <h3>What do I need to get started with PuPHPet?</h3>

                    <p>There are a few pre-requisites before you can begin your virtualized journey.</p>

                    <p>First, you must install the necessary tools. They're easy to get and will only take a minute:</p>

                        <li><a href="https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads" target="_blank">VirtualBox</a></li>
                        <li><a href="http://www.vagrantup.com/downloads.html" target="_blank">Vagrant</a></li>

                    <p>Second … well, that's all you need, really.</p>

                    <h3>I downloaded the zip file, now what?</h3>

                        Using the terminal, or cmd line, <code>cd</code> into your extracted directory and run
                        <code>$ vagrant up</code>. This will kick-off the initial process.

                        Vagrant will download the box file, which can take a few minutes. It will only have to do this
                        once, even if you create separate environments later on.

                        Then, it will hand control over to Puppet which will begin setting up your environment by installing
                        required packages and configuring tools as desired.

                        You will then be able to ssh into your new box with <code>$ vagrant ssh</code>. You can also
                        access any virtual hosts you created by editing your hosts file and creating entries for the Box
                        IP Address and Server Name you provided during configuration
                        (ex: <code> puphpet.test www.puphpet.test</code>). To shut down the VM, simply run
                        <code>$ vagrant halt</code>. To start it back up run <code>$ vagrant up</code> again. Destroy it
                        with <code>$ vagrant destroy</code>.

                    <h3>Further customizations with config.yaml</h3>

                        I have completely rewritten PuPHPet to take advantage of a built-in configuration tool for Puppet
                        called Hiera. Simply look inside your downloaded folder and open
                        <code>puppet/config.yaml</code>. This is the magical file that controls

                        For example, if you want to have more OS-level packages installed
                        (like <code>vim</code>, <code>curl</code>, <code>git</code>, etc) simply
                        add more packages to <code>server.packages</code>. The exact same process exists for

                        To create a new Apache or Nginx vhost, simply copy/paste the one you may have created and customize
                        to your needs.

                        <strong>Attention</strong>: if you see some sections with non-sensical array keys
                        (ex: <em>rIreAN33ne2a</em>) that means they have to be unique! If you copy/paste to add new settings,
                        <strong>you must ensure you change this unique key to some other random string</strong>! Bad
                        Things Will Happen if you don't.

                    <h3>Learn you some Vagrant</h3>

                        You may want to learn the basics of Vagrant CLI by
                        <a href="http://docs.vagrantup.com/v2/cli/index.html" target="_blank">going here</a>.
                        You really only need to learn the very basics - that is what I created this app for!

                    <h3 id="update-my-hosts-file">How do I update my hosts file?</h3>

                        You will need to open and edit your hosts file with a text editor like notepad, sublime_text, nano, etc.
                        The location of the hosts file varies by operation system.

                        Windows users could look here: <code>c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts</code>

                        Linux and Mac OSX users could look here: <code>/etc/hosts</code>.

                        Example Entry: <code> puphpet.test www.puphpet.test</code>