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⚠️⚠️⚠️ `eth` is now fully maintained (again) and this should no longer be used. please use: https://github.com/se3000/ruby-eth


# Eth (Patched for Ruby 3)
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A simple library to build and sign Ethereum transactions. Allows separation of key and node management. Sign transactions and handle keys anywhere you can run ruby, broadcast transactions through any node.

## Installation

Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'eth-patched'

And then execute:

    $ bundle install

Or install it yourself as:

    $ gem install eth-patched

## Usage

### Keys

Create a new public/private key and get its address:

key = Eth::Key.new
key.address # EIP55 checksummed address

Import an existing key:

old_key = Eth::Key.new priv: private_key

Or decrypt an [encrypted key](https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/Web3-Secret-Storage-Definition):

decrypted_key = Eth::Key.decrypt File.read('./some/path.json'), 'p455w0rD'

You can also encrypt your keys for use with other ethereum libraries:

encrypted_key_info = Eth::Key.encrypt key, 'p455w0rD'

### Transactions

Build a transaction from scratch:

tx = Eth::Tx.new({
  data: hex_data,
  gas_limit: 21_000,
  gas_price: 3_141_592,
  nonce: 1,
  to: key2.address,
  value: 1_000_000_000_000,

Or decode an encoded raw transaction:

tx = Eth::Tx.decode hex

Then sign the transaction:

tx.sign key

Get the raw transaction with `tx.hex`, and broadcast it through any Ethereum node. Or, just get the TXID with `tx.hash`.

### Utils

Validate an [EIP55](https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/issues/55) checksummed address:

Eth::Utils.valid_address? address

Or add a checksum to an existing address:

Eth::Utils.format_address "0x4bc787699093f11316e819b5692be04a712c4e69" # => "0x4bc787699093f11316e819B5692be04A712C4E69"

### Personal Signatures

You can recover public keys and generate web3/metamask-compatible signatures:

# Generate signature
key.personal_sign('hello world')

# Recover signature
message = 'test'
signature = '0x3eb24bd327df8c2b614c3f652ec86efe13aa721daf203820241c44861a26d37f2bffc6e03e68fc4c3d8d967054c9cb230ed34339b12ef89d512b42ae5bf8c2ae1c'
Eth::Key.personal_recover(message, signature) # => 043e5b33f0080491e21f9f5f7566de59a08faabf53edbc3c32aaacc438552b25fdde531f8d1053ced090e9879cbf2b0d1c054e4b25941dab9254d2070f39418afc

### Configure

In order to prevent replay attacks, you must specify which Ethereum chain your transactions are created for. See [EIP 155](https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/issues/155) for more detail.

Eth.configure do |config|
  config.chain_id = 1 # nil by default, meaning valid on any chain

## Contributing

Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/q9f/ruby-eth. Tests are encouraged.

### Tests

First install the [Ethereum common tests](https://github.com/ethereum/tests):

git submodule update --init

Then run the associated tests:


## License

The gem is available as open-source software under the terms of the [Apache 2.0 License](https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0).

This gem was initially developed and published as `eth` (MIT): https://github.com/se3000/ruby-eth


* Better test suite.
* Expose API for HD keys.
* Support signing with [libsecp256k1](https://github.com/bitcoin-core/secp256k1).