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Test Coverage

// Define the Qform with all our Qcontrols
class ExamplesForm extends QForm {

    // Local declarations of our Qcontrols
    protected $lblMessage;
    // A listbox of Persons
    protected $lstPersons;

    protected $chkPersons;

    // Initialize our Controls during the Form Creation process
    protected function Form_Create() {
        // Define our Label
        $this->lblMessage = new QLabel($this);
        $this->lblMessage->Text = '<None>';

        // Define the ListBox, and create the first listitem as 'Select One'
        $this->lstPersons = new QListBox($this);
        $this->lstPersons->AddItem('- Select One -', null);

        // Add the items for the listbox, pulling in from the Person table
        $objPersons = Person::LoadAll(QQ::Clause(QQ::OrderBy(QQN::Person()->LastName, QQN::Person()->FirstName)));
        if ($objPersons){
            foreach ($objPersons as $objPerson) {
                // We want to display the listitem as Last Name, First Name
                // and the VALUE of the listitem should be the person object itself
                $this->lstPersons->AddItem($objPerson->LastName . ', ' . $objPerson->FirstName, $objPerson);
        // Declare a QChangeEvent to call a server action: the lstPersons_Change PHP method
        $this->lstPersons->AddAction(new QChangeEvent(), new QServerAction('lstPersons_Change'));

        // Do the same but with a multiple selection QCheckboxList
        $this->chkPersons = new QCheckBoxList($this);
        if ($objPersons){
            foreach ($objPersons as $objPerson) {
                // We want to display the listitem as Last Name, First Name
                // and the VALUE of the listitem will be the database id
                $this->chkPersons->AddItem($objPerson->FirstName . ' ' . $objPerson->LastName, $objPerson->Id);
        $this->chkPersons->RepeatColumns = 2;
        $this->chkPersons->AddAction(new QChangeEvent(), new QServerAction('chkPersons_Change'));


    // Handle the changing of the listbox
    protected function lstPersons_Change($strFormId, $strControlId, $strParameter) {
        // See if there is something selected
        // Note that in the HTML that gets rendered, the <option> values are arbitrary
        // index numbers.  However, we put in the whole Person object as the QListItem
        // value.  So the SelectedValue property of the QListControl will
        // do a proper lookup of the QListItem that was selected, and will return
        // to us the Person OBJECT (or NULL if they selected "- Select One -").
        $objPerson = $this->lstPersons->SelectedValue;

        if ($objPerson) {
            $this->lblMessage->Text = sprintf('%s %s, Person ID of %s', $objPerson->FirstName, $objPerson->LastName, $objPerson->Id);
        } else {
            // No one was selected
            $this->lblMessage->Text = '<None>';

    // Handle the changing of the checkbox list
    protected function chkPersons_Change($strFormId, $strControlId, $strParameter) {
        // In this example, since our values are database ids, we use the ids to lookup the names and display them.

        $names = $this->chkPersons->SelectedNames;

        if ($names) {
            $this->lblMessage->Text = implode (", ", $names);
        } else {
            // No one was selected
            $this->lblMessage->Text = '<None>';


// Run the Form we have defined
// The QForm engine will look to intro.tpl.php to use as its HTML template include file