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Test Coverage
     * Used by the QCubed Code Generator to describe a database Type Table
     * "Type" tables must be defined with at least two columns, the first one being an integer-based primary key,
     * and the second one being the name of the type.
     * @package Codegen
     * @property string $Name
     * @property string $ClassName
     * @property string[] $NameArray
     * @property string[] $TokenArray
     * @property array $ExtraPropertyArray
     * @property string[] $ExtraFieldNamesArray
     * @property-read QSqlColumn[] $PrimaryKeyColumnArray
     * @property-write QSqlColumn $KeyColumn
     * @property QManyToManyReference[] $ManyToManyReferenceArray
    class QTypeTable extends QBaseClass {

        // Protected Member Variables

         * Name of the table (as defined in the database)
         * @var string Name
        protected $strName;

         * Name as a PHP Class
         * @var string ClassName
        protected $strClassName;

         * Array of Type Names (as entered into the rows of this database table)
         * This is indexed by integer which represents the ID in the database, starting with 1
         * @var string[] NameArray
        protected $strNameArray;

         * Column names for extra properties (beyond the 2 basic columns), if any.
        protected $strExtraFieldNamesArray;

         * Array of extra properties. This is a double-array - array of arrays. Example:
         *      1 => ['col1' => 'valueA', 'col2 => 'valueB'],
         *      2 => ['col1' => 'valueC', 'col2 => 'valueD'],
         *      3 => ['col1' => 'valueC', 'col2 => 'valueD']
        protected $arrExtraPropertyArray;

         * Array of Type Names converted into Tokens (can be used as PHP Constants)
         * This is indexed by integer which represents the ID in the database, starting with 1
         * @var string[] TokenArray
        protected $strTokenArray;

        protected $objKeyColumn;
        protected $objManyToManyReferenceArray;
        // Public Constructor

         * Default Constructor.  Simply sets up the TableName.
         * @param string $strName Name of the Table
         * @return QTypeTable
        public function __construct($strName) {
            $this->strName = $strName;

         * Returns the string that will be used to represent the literal value given when codegenning a type table
         * @param $mixColValue
         * @return string
        public static function Literal($mixColValue) {
            if (is_null($mixColValue)) return 'null';
             elseif (is_integer($mixColValue)) return $mixColValue;
            elseif (is_bool($mixColValue)) return ($mixColValue ? 'true' : 'false');
            elseif (is_float($mixColValue)) return "(float)$mixColValue";
            elseif (is_object($mixColValue)) return "QApplication::Translate('" . $mixColValue->_toString() . "')";    // whatever is suitable for the constructor of the object
            else return "QApplication::Translate('" . str_replace("'", "\\'", $mixColValue) . "')";

        // Public Overriders

         * Override method to perform a property "Get"
         * This will get the value of $strName
         * @param string $strName Name of the property to get
         * @throws Exception
         * @throws QCallerException
         * @return mixed
        public function __get($strName) {
            switch ($strName) {
                case 'Name':
                    return $this->strName;
                case 'ClassName':
                    return $this->strClassName;
                case 'NameArray':
                    return $this->strNameArray;
                case 'TokenArray':
                    return $this->strTokenArray;
                case 'ExtraPropertyArray':
                    return $this->arrExtraPropertyArray;
                case 'ExtraFieldNamesArray':
                    return $this->strExtraFieldNamesArray;
                case 'PrimaryKeyColumnArray':
                    $a[] = $this->objKeyColumn;
                    return $a;
                case 'ManyToManyReferenceArray':
                    return (array) $this->objManyToManyReferenceArray;
                    try {
                        return parent::__get($strName);
                    } catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
                        throw $objExc;

         * Override method to perform a property "Set"
         * This will set the property $strName to be $mixValue
         * @param string $strName Name of the property to set
         * @param string $mixValue New value of the property
         * @throws Exception
         * @throws QCallerException
         * @return mixed
        public function __set($strName, $mixValue) {
            try {
                switch ($strName) {
                    case 'Name':
                        return $this->strName = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::String);
                    case 'ClassName':
                        return $this->strClassName= QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::String);
                    case 'NameArray':
                        return $this->strNameArray = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::ArrayType);
                    case 'TokenArray':
                        return $this->strTokenArray = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::ArrayType);
                    case 'ExtraPropertyArray':
                        return $this->arrExtraPropertyArray = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::ArrayType);
                    case 'ExtraFieldNamesArray':
                        return $this->strExtraFieldNamesArray = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::ArrayType);
                    case 'KeyColumn':
                        return $this->objKeyColumn = $mixValue;
                    case 'ManyToManyReferenceArray':
                        return $this->objManyToManyReferenceArray = QType::Cast($mixValue, QType::ArrayType);
                        return parent::__set($strName, $mixValue);
            } catch (QCallerException $objExc) {
                throw $objExc;