

1 day
Test Coverage
 * Quack Compiler and toolkit
 * Copyright (C) 2015-2017 Quack and CONTRIBUTORS
 * This file is part of Quack.
 * Quack is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * Quack is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with Quack.  If not, see <>.
namespace QuackCompiler\Cli;

use \Exception;
use \QuackCompiler\Lexer\Tokenizer;
use \QuackCompiler\Parser\EOFError;
use \QuackCompiler\Parser\TokenReader;
use \QuackCompiler\Pretty\CliColorizer;
use \QuackCompiler\Scope\Symbol;
use \QuackCompiler\Scope\Meta;
use \QuackCompiler\Scope\Scope;
use \QuackCompiler\Intl\Localization;

class Repl extends Component
    private $console;
    private $croak;
    private $modules = [];

    public function __construct(Console $console, Croak $croak = null)
        $this->console = $console;
            'line'          => [],
            'column'        => 0,
            'history'       => [],
            'history_index' => 0,
            'scope'         => new Scope(),
            'ast'           => null,
            'complete'      => true,
            'command'       => '',
            'insert'        => false
        $this->console = $console;
        $this->croak = $croak;

    private function resetState()
            'line'          => [],
            'column'        => 0,
            'history_index' => 0

    private function tick($char)
        $event = $this->console->getEvent($char);
        if (null === $event) {

        if (is_string($event)) {
            return call_user_func([$this, $event]);

    private function handleHome()
        $this->setState(['column' => 0]);

    private function handleEnd()
        $this->setState(['column' => count($this->state('line'))]);

    private function handleDelete()
        list ($line, $column) = $this->state('line', 'column');
        if ($column === count($line)) {

        array_splice($line, $column, 1);
        $this->setState(['line' => $line, 'column' => $column]);

    private function handleLeftArrow()
        $column = $this->state('column');
        $this->setState(['column' => max(0, $column - 1)]);

    private function handleRightArrow()
        list ($line, $column) = $this->state('line', 'column');
        $this->setState(['column' => min(count($line), $column + 1)]);

    private function getBoundaries()
        $line = implode('', $this->state('line'));
        $boundaries = null;
        preg_match_all('/\b./', $line, $boundaries, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
        return $boundaries[0];

    private function handleCtrlA()
        $this->setState(['column' => 0]);

    private function handleCtrlLeftArrow()
        $boundaries = $this->getBoundaries();
        $column = $this->state('column');
        $previous_boundary = end(array_filter($boundaries, function ($boundary) use ($column) {
            return $boundary[1] < $column;

        $column = $previous_boundary ? $previous_boundary[1] : 0;
        $this->setState(['column' => $column]);

    private function handleCtrlRightArrow()
        $boundaries = $this->getBoundaries();
        list ($line, $column) = $this->state('line', 'column');
        $next_boundary = reset(array_filter($boundaries, function ($boundary) use ($column) {
            return $boundary[1] > $column;

        $column = $next_boundary ? $next_boundary[1] : count($line);
        $this->setState(['column' => $column]);

    private function handleUpArrow()
        list ($history, $index) = $this->state('history', 'history_index');
        $line = @$history[count($history) - ($index + 1)];
        if (null !== $line) {
                'line'          => str_split($line),
                'history_index' => $index + 1,
                'column'        => strlen($line)

    private function handleDownArrow()
        list ($history, $index) = $this->state('history', 'history_index');
        $line = @$history[count($history) - ($index - 1)];
        if (null !== $line) {
                'line'          => str_split($line),
                'history_index' => $index - 1,
                'column'        => strlen($line)
        } elseif ($index === 1) {

    private function handleBackspace()
        list ($line, $column) = $this->state('line', 'column');

        if (0 === $column) {

        array_splice($line, $column - 1, 1);
            'line'   => $line,
            'column' => $column - 1

    private function handleClearScreen()

    private function handleEnter()
        $line = trim(implode('', $this->state('line')));
        // Push line to the history
        if ($line !== '') {
                'history' => array_merge($this->state('history'), [$line])

        // Go to the start of line and set the command as done

    private function handleKeyPress($input)
        if (ctype_cntrl($input)) {

        list ($line, $column, $insert) = $this->state('line', 'column', 'insert');

        // In insert mode, just replace the char in string index and move pointer
        if ($insert && $column < count($line)) {
            $line[$column] = $input;
            $this->setState(['line' => $line, 'column' => $column + 1]);

        $next_buffer = [$input];
        // Insert the new char in the column in the line buffer
        array_splice($line, $column, 0, $next_buffer);

        $column = $this->state('column') + strlen($input);
        $line_string = implode('', $line);
        if ('end' === trim($line_string)) {
            $line = str_split('end');
            $column = 3;

        $this->setState(['line' => $line, 'column' => $column]);

    private function handleInsert()
        $insert = $this->state('insert');
        $this->setState(['insert' => !$insert]);

    private function handleQuit()
        $this->console->writeln(' > So long, and thanks for all the fish!');

    private function handleListDefinitionsKey()
        $context = $this->state('scope')->child;

        if (0 !== sizeof($context->table)) {

    private function handleListDefinitions()
        $renderer = new CliColorizer();
        $context = $this->state('scope')->child;

        if (0 === count($context->table)) {

        // Size of biggest variable name
        $max = array_reduce(array_keys($context->table), function ($acc, $elem) {
            return $acc > strlen($elem) ? $acc : strlen($elem);

        foreach ($context->table as $name => $signature) {
            // Skip union declarations because they shouldn't be exposed
            if ($signature & Symbol::S_DATA) {

            $type = $context->meta[$name][Meta::M_TYPE];
            $mutable = $signature & Symbol::S_MUTABLE;
            $color = $signature & Symbol::S_VARIABLE ? Console::FG_BOLD_GREEN : Console::BOLD;
            $this->console->write(' - ');
            $this->console->write(str_pad($name, $max));
            $this->console->write(' :: ');

            if ($mutable) {
                $this->console->write(' (MUTABLE)');


    private function handleShowType($variable)
        $context = $this->state('scope')->child;

        if (isset($context->table[$variable])) {
            $type = $context->meta[$variable][Meta::M_TYPE];
            $this->console->writeln($type->render(new CliColorizer()));
        } else {
            $this->console->writeln("I don't know what `$variable' is. Sorry!");

    private function intercept($command)
        switch ($command) {
            case ':clear':
                return $this->handleClearScreen();
            case ':quit':
            case ':q':
                return $this->handleQuit();
            case ':what':
                return $this->handleListDefinitions();

        $variable = null;
        preg_match('/:t\s+(.+)/', $command, $variable);
        if (isset($variable[1])) {
            return $this->handleShowType($variable[1]);

        $this->console->writeln(Localization::message('QUA010', [$command]));
        $this->console->writeln(Localization::message('QUA020', []));

    public function welcome()
        $prelude = [
            'Quack - Copyright (C) 2015-2017 Quack and CONTRIBUTORS',
            'This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.',
            'This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it',
            'under certain conditions.',
            'Use quack --help for more information',
            'Type ^C or :quit to leave'

        $this->console->setTitle('Quack interactive mode');
        foreach ($prelude as $line) {

    public function handleRead()

        do {
            $char = $this->console->getChar();
        } while (ord($char) !== 10);


    private function renderPrompt($color = Console::FG_YELLOW)
        $prompt = $this->state('complete') ? 'Quack> ' : '.....> ';
        $prompt_color = $this->state('complete') ? $color : Console::FG_BOLD_GREEN;

    private function renderLeftScroll()
        $this->console->write(' < ');
        $this->console->write(' ... ');

    public function render()
        $line = implode('', $this->state('line'));
        $column = $this->state('column');


        $workspace = $this->console->getWidth() - 7;
        $show_left_scroll = $column >= $workspace;
        $text_size = $workspace;

        if ($show_left_scroll) {
            $text_size -= 9;

        $from = $column - $text_size;
        $cursor = 7 + ($workspace - ($text_size - $column));
        $limit = $from <= 0 ? 1 : 0;
        // TODO: We can give color after embedding the tokenizer here
        $colored_line = substr($line, max(0, $from), $text_size - $limit);


        if ($this->state('insert') && $column < strlen($line)) {
            $next_char = $line[$column];

    private function compile($source, $silent = false)
        if ('' === $source) {

        $command = $this->state('complete')
            ? $source
            : $this->state('command') . ' ' . $source;

        $lexer = new Tokenizer($command);
        $parser = new TokenReader($lexer);

        try {
            if (null === $this->state('ast')) {
                $scope = $this->state('scope');
                // Save AST in case of success
                if (!$silent) {
                $this->setState(['ast' => $parser->ast, 'complete' => true]);
            } else {
                if (!$silent) {
                $this->setState(['complete' => true]);

        } catch (EOFError $error) {
            // If EOF, user didn't finish the statement
                'complete' => false,
                'command'  => $command
            $this->setState(['line' => [' ', ' '], 'column' => 2]);
        } catch (Exception $error) {
            $this->setState(['complete' => true, 'command' => '']);

    public function load($module)
        $location = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../lib/' . $module . '.qk');
        $source = file_get_contents($location);
        $this->compile($source, true);
        $this->console->writeln(' successfully compiled!');

    public function start($modules = [])
        $this->modules = $modules;
        foreach ($modules as $module) {

        while (true) {
            $line = trim(implode('', $this->state('line')));

            if (':' === substr($line, 0, 1)) {
            } else {